由于对畜禽粪便的处置和管理不当,氮、磷养分随粪便大量流失,不仅带来日益突出的环境问题,还造成了资源的浪费。目前国际上多采用养分平衡方法研究和评价畜牧养殖场养分流失状况及其潜在的环境风险程度。选取福建省九龙江流域92家养猪场,采用养分平衡分析方法研究了该流域养猪场养分流失状况及主要影响因素。结果表明:大部分养猪场的氮磷养分输入量远远大于养分有效输出量,表明养分大量流失,养殖系统的环境风险程度极高;随着养猪场规模的增大,氮、磷的不平衡程度呈下降趋势;生态型养殖模式有利于促进资源综合利用,减少养分流失;加强对粪肥和饲料管理有利于促进畜禽养殖场的氮、磷养分平衡。Huge losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from the livestock production systems are known as the waste of resources and the sources of the environmental quality problems. Nutrient balance at farm level is an important tool to study the environmental problems associated with livestock production. A nutrient balance was constructed for 92 swine production systems of Jiulong River watershed, Fujian Province. The majority of the farms exhibited substantially greater nutrient inputs than nutrient managed outputs and it was in the status of an overaccumulation of nutrients; the nutrient imbalance decreased with farm scales; ecological production was a preferred mode to make better use of resources and decrease the losses of nutrients; management of feed and manure was helpful to balance the nutrients of livestock farms.福建省重大科技项目(2002H009)资