133 research outputs found

    Influence of Particle Damper Configurations on the Dynamic Characteristic for Gear Transmission System

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    齿轮传动正朝着高速、重载和高精度方向发展,对其动态性能要求越来越高。颗粒阻尼通过颗粒间、颗粒与阻尼器壁间的非弹性碰撞和摩擦作用耗能,具有减振效果; 显著、耐高温、各向同性、对原结构改动小等优点。利用有限元法对齿轮进行了有预应力的模态分析,通过齿轮系统动力学分析,研究单双齿啮合激励对齿轮传动的; 影响;同时建立齿轮传动离心场中颗粒系统耗能模型,将离散元法计算颗粒系统耗能和试验测试对比,分析阻尼器配置对齿轮传动系统动特性的影响。结果显示,阻; 尼器配置方案是影响齿轮传动系统动特性的一个重要因素,在阻尼孔中填充一定数量的颗粒,当阻尼器总体积相同且齿轮结构静刚度相差不大时,阻尼器个数越多颗; 粒系统能耗越大;当阻尼孔直径相同时,阻尼孔个数越多颗粒系统总能耗越小;当阻尼孔个数相同时,阻尼孔直径越大颗粒系统能耗越小。通过试验和仿真对比验证; 了模型的正确性,为颗粒阻尼在离心场中的应用提供重要的理论依据。The gear transmission is advancing towards high speed, heavy load and; high precision. The requirements for the dynamic performance of gear; system are urgently proposed. The particle damping dissipates mechanical; system energy through inelastic collisions and friction between; particles. It is an effective and simple measure for vibration; reduction. It has many advantages, such as isotropy, high temperature; resistance and less modification to the original structure. This paper; has conducted the prestressed modal analysis of gear system by the; finite element method. Based on the dynamics analysis of gear system,; the effect of single tooth and double teeth meshing incentive on gear; transmission has been analyzed. The energy dissipation model of particle; damping for gear transmission in centrifugal field has been established.; By contrasting theoretical analysis and the test, the effect of damper; configuration on dynamic characteristic of gear transmission system is; analyzed. The results show that damper configuration is an important; factor of the dynamic characteristic for gear transmission system.; Filling a certain number of particles, when the gears static stiffness; are similar and the total dampers volume are equal, the more damping; hole, the greater the total energy loss. When the damping holes diameter; are the same, the more number of damping hole, the smaller the total; energy loss. When the damping hole number is the same, the bigger the; diameter, the less the total energy loss. Experimental results are; consistency with the theoretical analysis. These results can provide; guidelines for the application of particle damping in centrifugal field.国家自然科学基金; 福建省重点科技专项; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金; 福建省高端装备制造协同创新中心资助项

    A high-pressure extraction technique and its application in seed oil

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    设计并建立一套适用于植物油萃取的高压工艺的实验装置。在温度为12~24℃、压力约6 MPa时,以高压液体二氧化碳对沾油布条的预萃取实验表明,该装置可以在萃取温度下40 min内将油从布条中几乎萃取完毕。在温度为25~40℃、压力为0.4~1.0 MPa下,采用液化气为萃取剂,考察该工艺对完整颗粒的黄豆和花生中植物油的萃取收率。常压条件下,考察了常规使用的正己烷溶剂于不同萃取温度下对完整颗粒的黄豆和花生中植物油的萃取收率的影响。比较2种萃取方式所得同种原料的对应植物油的萃取收率的结果表明:以正己烷为溶剂,常压萃取对豆油的萃取效果较好,萃取温度在正己烷沸点时效果最佳,豆油的萃取收率达2.88%;以液化气为溶剂,采用高压萃取方式对花生油的萃取效果较好,萃取温度在40℃时,花生油的萃取收率达4.91%。An experimental apparatus for high-pressure extraction of seed oil was designed and established.At 14~24℃ and about 6 MPa the apparatus was applied to a model system:cloth adsorbed with oil;the extraction results showed the oil could be quickly extracted into liquid carbon dioxide within 40 min at different extraction temperature,indicating the availability of the technique.At 25~40℃ and 0.4~1.0 MPa the apparatus was employed to extract seed oil from unbroken soybean and peanut respectively by using liquefied-gas as the extractant.Moreover,the oil extraction from unbroken soybean and peanut were also investigated at atmospheric pressure by using conventional hexane as the extractant.The oil yields obtained from the same material by the two methods were compared and analyzed.Results showed that hexane as solvent for extracting soybean at the boiling point of hexane with the extraction rate of 2.88% was more favorable than liquefied-gas implemented at high pressure;liquefied-gas as the solvent at high pressure for extracting peanut at 40℃with the extraction rate of 4.91% was better than hexane.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(项目编号);; 福建省新世纪优秀人才支持计划和福建省自然科学基金资助项目(E0710026


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    目的利用斑马鱼为模型进行黄酮类药物筛选,以期发现促进胰岛β细胞增生的药物。方法对生长5 d的斑马鱼胚胎进行黄酮类药物处理,并进行β细胞计数,筛选出能够促进β细胞数量增加的药物,并进一步分析其促进β细胞增加是源自于已有β细胞的复制或前体细胞的分化。结果淫羊藿素(Icaritin)能够增加胰岛β细胞的数量,并明显促进β细胞的复制。同时,我们发现有几个黄酮类化合物具有降血糖的作用。结论淫羊藿素能够明显促进β细胞的自我复制从而促进β细胞的增生。国家自然科学基金(No.81670709);;福建省自然科学基金(No.2017J01145);;中央高校基本科研业务费(No.20720170104、20720180044

    Kilogram Scale-up Preparation of Catalysts and its Reaction Process in Syngas Methanation

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    甲烷化催化剂是煤制合成天然气核心技术之一,因此研发合成气完全甲烷化催化剂具有重要意义。研究工作采用实验室小试共沉淀制备甲烷化催化剂的最佳工艺条件; 方法,进行单批次1、5和10; kg级(代号cat-1、cat-5、cat-10)催化剂的制备研究。研究了催化剂制备的控制因素和放大制备催化剂的反应性能及催化反应工艺条件。研究; 显示:催化剂制备的控制因素主要包括Na~+含量及晶型结构;放大制备催化剂具有良好的活性、操作稳定性和耐热性能,与小试制备催化剂具有较好的一致性;; 放大制备催化剂(cat-10)在所考察的还原温度、反应H_2/CO比和10000~40000; mL·h~(-1)*g_(cat)~(-1)反应空速范围内具有良好的甲烷化活性。研究结果表明,该研究单批次公斤级催化剂放大制备是成功的,为实现催; 化剂进一步放大制备提供了良好基础。Methanation catalysts play a vital role in the production of synthetic; natural gas (SNG) from coal. Based on bench-scale optimum; co-precipitation conditions of catalyst preparation, scale up; preparation of catalysts for syngas methanation with single batch of 1,; 5 and 10 kg is studied. Factors affecting catalyst; preparation/performance and scale-up were investigated. The results show; that Na~+ content and crystal structure of the catalysts are the; critical factors, and the catalysts prepared under scale-up conditions; possess excellent operation stability and heat resistance, with; consistent performance as those from bench-scale samples. The 10 kg; batch has good reaction activity under studied conditions. Therefore,; the scale-up preparation is successful for the methanation catalyst in; this study, which is useful for future scale-up preparation of related; catalysts

    Influence of Helicobacter pylori infection on autologous DC-CIK maintenance therapy in the advanced gastric cancer patients

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    目的:对比幽门螺杆菌(HElICObACTEr PylOrI,HP)感染阴性和阳性的晚期胃癌患者接受自体树突状细胞联合细胞因子诱导的杀伤(dEndrITIC CEllS-CyTOkInE InduCEd kIllEr,dC-CIk)细胞维持治疗的疗效差异。方法:收集2010年6月至2012年6月中国人民解放军第174医院肿瘤中心收治的72例晚期胃癌患者,年龄29~90岁,中位年龄56岁,通过胃镜检查进行胃癌确诊并检测HP,分为HP阳性组(45例)及HP阴性组(27例),在接受手术或/和放化疗后,接受2疗程自体dC-CIk维持治疗,比较两组外周血培养的dC分化成熟情况及临床疗效差异。结果:两组dC成熟过程形态变化无差异;HP阳性组dC表面分子Cd83、Cd86表达显著高于HP阴性组(P0.05)。HP阳性组治疗后生活质量评分(kPS)、外周血T细胞亚群(Cd3+、Cd4+、Cd8+)比例较治疗前显著提高(P0.05)。HP阳性组治疗后kPS评分、CEA和CA199表达以及Cd3+和Cd4+T细胞数量等的改善均优于HP阴性组(P0.05)。共随访2年,阳性组患者中位生存期为12.64个月,长于阴性组的11.42个月(P 0.05).Levels of CD83 and CD86 on the surface of DCs were significantly higher in the Hp-positive group than those in the Hp-negative group( P 0.05).In the Hp-positive group,the quality of life KPS score and levels of T lymphocyte markers( CD3+,CD4+and CD8+) were significantly increased( P 0.05).Hp-positive patients had better KPS score,higher levels of CEA and CA199,and more abundant CD3+CD4+T cells than Hp-negative patients( P 0.05).At the end of 2-years follow-up,the median survival time was 12.64 months in the HP-positive group and 11.42 months in the HP-negative group( P < 0.05).Conclusion: Hp infection may help stabilize the tumor size,improve the quality of life,and prolong the survival time in patients with advanced gastric cancer undergoing maintenance therapy with DC-CIK cells.南京军区医学科技创新课题资助(No.10MA068); 厦门市科技计划创新项目资助(No.3502z20134026;No.3502z20144034)~


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    pJAK2 polypeptide,an antagonist of suppressors of cytokine signaling-1,can enhance the antitumor effect of dendritic cells

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    目的:探讨细胞因子信号转导抑制因子-1(SuPPrESSOrS Of CyTOkInE SIgnAlIng1,SOCS1)拮抗物PJAk2多肽(氨基酸序列号为1001-1013)参与树突状细胞(dEndrITIC CEllS,dCS)的体外诱导培养后对dCS抗肿瘤作用的影响。方法:采集健康人外周血,离心获得单个核细胞,用重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rECOMbInAnT HuMAn grAnulOCyTE-MACrOPHAgE COlOny STIMulATIng fACTOr,rHgM-CSf)及重组人白细胞介素-4(rECOMbInAnT HuMAn InTErlEukIn-4,rHIl-4)诱导dCS,第5天分为4组:单纯dCS培养(对照)组、抗原负载(lySATE-dCS)组、多肽修饰(PJAk2-dCS)组和抗原与多肽共培养(lySATE+PJAk2-dCS)组,第6天各组加入肿瘤坏死因子-α(TuMOr nECrOSIS fACTOr-AlPHA,Tnf-α)促成熟。倒置显微镜下观察dCS形态;fCM法检测dCS表型;乳酸脱氢酶(lACTATE dEHydrOgEnASE,ldH)细胞毒实验检测各组细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CyTOTOXIC T lyMPHOCyTE,CTl)对胃癌细胞bgC-823的靶向杀伤作用;ElISA法检测白细胞介素-12(InTErlEukIn-12,Il-12)和γ干扰素(InTErfErOn-γ,Ifn-γ)的水平。结果:与未加入诱导剂组相比,各组均成功诱导出成熟dCS,均高表达Cd80、Cd83、Cd86和人类白细胞dr抗原(HuMAn lEukOCyTE AnTIgEn dr,HlA-dr),但以lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组的表达水平最高。在10:1~30:1的效靶比范围内,CTl杀伤作用与效靶比呈正相关。当效靶比为30:1时,对照组的CTl杀伤率达(19.77±2.34)%,低于其他3组(P<0.01),而lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组较lySATE-dCS组及PJAk2-dCS组都高(P<0.05)。lySATE+PJAk2-dCS组培养上清液中Il-12及Ifn-γ的分泌水平明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:SOCS1拮抗物PJAk2多肽(1001-1013)可增强dCS对胃癌细胞的抗原递呈及特异性抗肿瘤作用。Objective:To investigate the effect of pJAK2 polypeptide,an antagonist of SOCS1(suppressors of cytokine signaling 1),on antitumor effect of in vitro cultivation-induced DCs(dendritic cells).Methods:Peripheral blood was collected from the healthy volunteers,and the PBMCs(peripheral blood mononuclear cells)were isolated.DCs were induced by rhGM-CSF(recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor)and rhIL-4(recombinant human interleukin-4).On the fifth day,DCs were divided into four groups:control group,Lysate-DCs group,pJAK2-DCs group,and Lysate + pJAK2 DCs group.On the sixth day,TNF-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha)was added into each group.The morphological features of DCs were observed under an inverted microscope;the phenotypes were detected by FCM(flow cytometry);the killing effect of CTLs(cytotoxic T lymphocytes)on gastric cancer BGC-823 cells was evaluated by LDH(lactate dehydrogenase)cytotoxicity test;the concentrations of IL-12(interleukin-12)and IFN-γ(interferon-γ)were detected by ELISA(enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay).Results:Mature DCs presented typically morphological and phenotypic features;the DCs in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group had the highest expression levels of CD80,CD83,CD86 and HLA-DR(human leukocyte antigen DR).When the ratio of effectors to target cells ranged from 10:1 to 30:1,the killing activity of CTLs had a positive correlation with the ratio.When the ratio of effectors to target cells was 30:1,the killing activity of CTLs in the control group was(19.77±2.34)%,which was lowest as compared with the other groups(P < 0.01),meanwhile the killing activity of CTLs in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group was higher than those in Lysate-DCs and pJAK2-DCs groups(P < 0.05).The levels of IL-12 and IFN-γ secretion in Lysate + pJAK2-DCs group were apparently higher than those in the control group(P < 0.01).Conclusion:An antagonist of SOCS1,pJAK2 polypeptide,can enhance the ability of antigen presentation and specific antitumor effect of DCs on gastric cancer cells.南京军区医学科技创新课题资助项目(编号:10MA068); 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:2010D013); 厦门市科技计划创新项目(编号:3502z20104014


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    【目的】研究五倍子废渣对小麦生长及产量的影响,并分析施肥对此影响的缓解效应,为寻求生物质加工剩余物(生物质工业废渣)的环境友好型循环利用方式提供参考。【方法】采用盆栽试验,设置0(CK),10,20,30,40,50,60g/盆7个废渣添加水平,研究在土壤中添加五倍子废渣对小麦形态指标(株高、地径)、抗氧化酶系统(过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT))、渗透调节物质、产量及其构成因素的影响,分析施肥的缓解效应。【结果】不同添加量五倍子废渣对小麦的生长表现出不同程度的抑制作用。随着废渣分解时间的延长,各处理小麦形态指标的差异性逐渐明显。随着废渣添加量的增加,小麦生长受到的抑制效应逐渐增强。随着废渣分解时间的延长,各处理CAT和SOD活性均呈先升高后降低的趋势,而POD活性则呈逐渐降低的趋势;且高剂量处理的抑制程度强于低剂量处理。随着废渣分解时间的延长,可溶性蛋白含量随着废渣添加量的增加呈下降趋势,而可溶性糖含量则呈上升趋势;到播种后88d时,各处理含量逐渐恢复至正常水平。低剂量废渣处理对小麦产量表现为促进作用,但随着废渣添加量的增加,其抑制作用逐渐增强,小麦的产量构成指标逐渐降低。施肥处理可一定程度缓解五倍子废渣对小麦生长和产量的影响。【结论】采用施肥的形式,在种植小麦的农田中添加不超过5 240kg/hm~2的五倍子废渣,对小麦生长不会产生明显的抑制作用,且废渣分解后还可发挥有机肥功能,一定程度上可实现\"生态友好型\"还田的目的。四川省“十三五”农作物育种攻关项目(2016NZ0098-10);;四川省教育厅重点项目(13ZA0246

    Effect of Helicobacter pylori on the function of peripheral blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells in gastric cancer patients

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    分析HP阳性和HP阴性的胃癌患者外周血单核细胞来源树突状细胞(MOdCS)功能的差异性及其临床意义。方法:用尿素14C呼气试验对解放军第一七四医院2011年1月至2012年10月收治的84例胃癌患者进行HP感染状态鉴定,分别采集HP阳性和阴性胃癌患者外周血,分离外周血单个核细胞,采用经典方法(rHgM-CSf、rHIl-4联合rHTnf-α)诱导产生dCS,采用流式细胞仪检测dCS表型,采用ldH释放法检测dCS致敏T细胞对胃癌细胞的毒性杀伤作用,采用ElISA方法检测细胞因子Il-12、Ifn-γ的分泌水平。结果:两组MOdCS成熟过程形态变化无差异,HP阳性组MOdCS表面标记分子Cd1A、Cd80、Cd83、Cd86和HlA-dr平均表达百分率均高于HP阴性组,其中Cd80、Cd83、Cd86的表达水平差异有统计学意义,Cd1A、HlA-dr差异无统计学意义。HP阳性组dCS致敏T淋巴细胞对胃癌细胞杀伤率和Il-12、Ifn-γ的分泌水平均高于HP阴性组(P<0.05)。结论:HP感染状态不影响胃癌患者外周血MOdCS成熟过程形态变化,HP感染的胃癌患者MOdCS成熟和活化水平更高。Objective:This study aimed to compare and analyze the functional differences between peripheral blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells(DCs) of Helicobacter pylori-positive and H.pylori-negative patients with gastric cancer.Methods:H.pylori infection was detected in 84 patients with gastric cancer in our hospital from January 2011 to October 2012 by the14C-urea breath test.DCs were generated from monocytes isolated by an adherent method from the two groups of patients and cultured in the presence of rhIL-4,rhGM-CSF,and rhTNF-α.Furthermore,the expression of surface marker molecules was determined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis.The cytotoxicity of DCs pulsed T cells against gastric carcinoma cell was assessed by the lactate dehydrogenase-releasing assay.The secretion of IL-12 and IFN-γ in the supernatant was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results:No difference was observed in the morphological change of the maturation process.The mean expression of CD1a,CD80,CD83,CD86,and HLA-DR molecules in DCs of H.pylori-infected patients was higher than that in DCs of H.pylori-negative group,and the differences were statistically significant except for CD1a and HLA-DR.The cytotoxicity activities,IL-12 release,and IFN-γ release in the H.pylori-positive group were significantly higher than those in the H.pylori-negative group(P<0.05).Conclusion:H.pylori infection has no effect on the morphological change of the maturation process of monocyte-derived DCs.These data clearly demonstrate that monocyte-derived DCs of H.pylori-infected patients with gastric cancer can induce stronger maturation and activation than those of H.pylori-negative patients.南京军区医学科技创新课题(编号:10MA068); 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(编号:2010D013); 厦门市科技计划创新项目(编号:3502z20104014)资助~