217 research outputs found


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    我国银行业监管水平与巴塞尔新资本协议的要求存在明显差距 ,银监会的成立 ,为我国进一步加强银行业的监管提供了一个良好的机会

    A Study on Risk Management of China's Foreign Exchange Reserve

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    本文旨在通过对理论与现实情况的分析,探讨中国外汇储备风险管理的动因、目标和原则,并从储备资产管理者的角度出发,在既定的外汇储备资产规模下,设计中国外汇储备全面风险管理的组织结构和程序,同时利用现代金融风险管理的理论工具对具体风险的识别、度量与控制作出分析与探讨。基于上述目的,本文设定如下研究框架:第一部分,概念界定和理论综述。首先是对本文的相关概念——外汇储备、外汇储备风险的特性、外汇储备风险管理等概念进行了界定。其次是对金融风险管理理论和方法进行概括和评述,并就一些先进的风险管理理论和方法对外汇储备风险管理的借鉴意义进行了探讨。第二部分,即本文研究的主体部分,该部分又分别从总体架构和具体风险...The purpose of this section is, based on the analysis of theory and the fact, to design a total risk management of foreign reserves and to find effective methods to manage market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk of China foreign reserves. This article contains three parts: PartⅠ, the theoretical review of risk management and the definition of some important relative conceptions. ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20024201


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    Radioimmunoimaging of 131 I Labeled Monoclonal Antibody JHⅢFab′ in Nude Mice Bearing Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    用蛋白酶切技术制备MCAbJHⅢfAb′片段,回收率约10%。片段活性相当于完整MCAb的1102稀释浓度。用氯胺T法标记MCAbJHⅢfAb′,对荷人肝细胞癌bEl-7402裸鼠体内的放射免疫显像进行了研究。腹腔注射131I-MCAbJHⅢfAb′后24~96H,肿瘤部位有放射性浓聚,以48~72H影像最为清晰;而注射131I-MCAbJHⅢ肿瘤部位也有积聚现象,但本底消除更慢。131I-MCAbJHⅢfAb′注射后72H,13种器官的肿瘤组织与非瘤组织的放射性比值均大于3,肿瘤的定位指数为2.56。这表明MCAbJHⅢfAb′在肝细胞癌的诊断和指导治疗方面有更好的应用前景McAb JHⅢFab′ Fragment was prepared with pepsin digestion It′s receiving percentage was about 10% Its titer was 1∶10 2 of McAb JHⅢ McAb JHⅢFab′ Fragment was radiolabeled with 131 I by Ch T method Its distribution and radioimmunoimaging in the nude mice bearing human hepatoma BEL 7402 were studied Between 24-96 h aFter intraperitoneal administration, the image of the concentrating radioacitivity in tumor was obtained by the γ camera and it was the clearest during 48-72 h; whereas the injection of 131 I McAb JHⅢ into the nude mice resulted in an equal radioactivity in tumor, but it′s background was more slowly cleared. At 72 h aFter the injection of 131 I McAb JHⅢFab′, the radioactivity ratioes of tumor/normal tissue(T/NT) For 13 kinds of organ/tissue were all over 3, and the localization index of tumor was 2 56 These results showed that McAb JHⅢFab′ may be useFul in the localization and targeting treatment of human hepatocellular carcinom


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    近年来 ,保理业务在国际贸易中得到了广泛使用 ,开展国内保理业务对我国商业银行具有重要的意义


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    我国外汇储备近年持续增加 ,而外汇储备管理水平有限 ,外汇储备管理体系尚未完善。而IMF外汇储备管理指南及其配套文件的发布为提升我国外汇储备管理水平提供了一定的启示


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    本文基于18V Bi-COMS工艺,设计一款应用于白光照明LED驱动电路系统的带隙基准电路。文中详细阐述了该电路的工作原理和设计思想,并给出了基于CADENCE软件对该带隙基准电路的仿真结果。该电路利用PN反向饱和电流是温度指数函数的特性,即随着温度的升高,PN结的反向饱和电流将呈指数性增加,所设计的带隙基准源具有电路结构简单、电源抑制能力强和温度特性良好的特点。根据CADENCE仿真结果,表明该带隙基准源电路符合要求

    Saliency Based Tracking Method for Abrupt Motions via Two-stage Sampling

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    针对运动突变目标视觉跟踪问题,提出一种基于视觉显著性的两阶段采样跟踪算法.首先,将视觉显著性信息引入到WAng-lAndAu蒙特卡罗(WAng-lAndAu MOnTE CArlO,WlMC)跟踪算法中,设计了结合显著性先验的接受函数,利用子区域的显著性值来引导马尔可夫链的构造,通过增大目标出现区粒子的接受概率,提高采样效率;其次,针对运动序列中平滑与突变运动共存的特点,建立两阶段采样模型.其中第一阶段对目标当前运动类型进行判定,第二阶段则根据判定结果采用相应算法.突变运动采用基于视觉显著性的WlMC算法,平滑运动采用双链马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MArkO CHAIn MOnTE CArlO,MCMC)算法,以此完成目标跟踪,提高算法的鲁棒性.该算法既避免了目标在平滑运动时全局采样导致精度下降的缺点,又能在目标发生运动突变时有效捕获目标.实验结果表明,该算法不仅能有效处理运动突变目标的跟踪问题,在典型图像序列上也具有良好的鲁棒性.In this paper, a saliency based tracking method via two-stage sampling is proposed for abrupt motions.Firstly, the visual salience is introduced as a prior knowledge into the Wang-Landau Monte Carlo(WLMC)-based tracking algorithm.By dividing the spatial space into disjoint sub-regions and assigning each sub-region a saliency value, a prior knowledge of the promising regions is obtained; then the saliency values of sub-regions are integrated into the Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) acceptance mechanism to guide effective states sampling.Secondly, considering the abrupt motion sequence contains both abrupt and smooth motions, a two-stage sampling model is brought up into the algorithm.In the first stage, the model detects the motion type of the target.According to the result of the first stage, the model chooses either the saliency-based WLMC method to track abrupt motions or the double-chain MCMC method to track smooth motions of the target in the second stage.The algorithm efficiently addresses tracking of abrupt motions while smooth motions are also accurately tracked.Experimental results demonstrate that this approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms on abrupt motion sequence and public benchmark sequence in terms of accuracy and robustness.国家自然科学基金(61373077); 国防基础科研计划(B0110155); 国防科技重点实验室基金(9140C30211ZS8); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20110121110020)资助~