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    目的以正丁酸钠为平行对照,比较观察鲎素和癌细胞诱导分化物对人胃癌细胞形态与超微结构变化的影响。方法采用光镜、扫描电镜与透射电镜,观察经2.0 mg/L鲎素、2.0 mmol/L正丁酸钠和1.0 mg/L鲎素+1.0 mmol/L正丁酸钠组合处理的人胃腺癌BGC-823细胞。结果光镜观察显示,鲎素和正丁酸钠以及鲎素+正丁酸钠处理的BGC-823细胞形态均较为一致,细胞体积增大、趋于扁平铺展状态,细胞核质比例减小,细胞核形状较圆整,核仁数量减少。扫描与透射电镜观察可见经鲎素、正丁酸钠及其组合处理的BGC-823细胞均出现细胞表面微绒毛稀少,细胞边缘丝状伪足减少,片状伪足增多;细胞核形态较规则,核内异染色质减少,常染色质增多:细胞质内线粒体增多,结构较为一致,高尔基复合体呈较为典型发达状态,并出现粗面内质网增多和多聚核糖体减少等变化。结论鲎素具有与正丁酸钠等诱导分化物相似的改变人胃癌细胞形态与超微结构恶性表型特征的作用,和与诱导分化物协同加成的诱导分化效果。Objective To compare the morphology and ultrastructure changes of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line treated by tachyplesin and n-sodium butyrate. Methods Light microscope,scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope were used to observe human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line BGC-823 treated by 2.0?mg/L tachyplesin,2.0?mmol/L n-sodium butyrate and 1.0?mg/L tachyplesin in combination with 1.0?mmol/L n-sodium butyrate respectively. Results Light microscope observation showed that BGC-823 cells treated by tachyplesin,n-sodium butyrate and tachyplesin+n-sodium butyrate possessed the similar cell modality as follow: the volume of cell increased,the shape of cell became flat and outspread,nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio decreased,the shape of nucleus was rounde,the number of nucleolus decreased.Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope observation showed that,in the BGC-823 cells which were treated with tachyplesin,n-sodium butyrate and tachyplesin in combination with n-sodium butyrate respectively,microvilli and filopodia reduced,sheed pseudopodia increased,the shape of nucleus became regular,heterochromatin decreased while euchromatin increased,the number of mitochondria increased and its structure appeared consistent,Golgi complex turned to be typical,the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum increased and that of polyribosome decreased.Conclusion All of these results showed that tachyplesin possessed the similar effects to n-sodium butyrate on changing morphology and ultrastructure of human gastric adenocarcinoma cells and possessed an additive role of inducing tumor cells to differentiate cooperatively with n-sodium butyrate to induce carcinoma cell differentiation.国家自然科学基金资助[30170724

    Legislative Analysis on the Ownership of Uninhabited Islands

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    刘兰,中国海洋大学海洋发展研宄院助理研宄员、博士,主要研究方向为海洋管理。 李永祺,中国海洋大学海洋发展研宄院教授,主要研究方向为海洋生态、海洋管理。 任洁,中国海洋大学法学院研宄生,主要研究方向为经济法。【中文摘要】无居民海岛蕴藏着极为丰富的资源,是我国国民经济和社会可持续 发展的重要基础,其特殊的地理位置对于维护国家领土完整、维护海洋权益具有 独特和不可取代的作用。但无居民海岛权属缺乏明确的法律规定,权属不清,造成了开发利用中的秩序混乱、开发利用水平低下、环境与资源破坏严重,使得国家和社会利益受到影响,损害国家权益、威胁国防安全等问题日益突现。因此,加强 海岛立法,明确无居民海岛法律地位及其权属,对于维护国家的主权和领土完整, 维护国家的国防安全,强化无居民海岛的管理都是十分必要的,具有重要的理论 和现实意义。 【Abstract】With abundant natural resources, uninhabited islands are the important basis for our national economy and social sustainable development. The unique geographic location of the uninhabited islands makes them irreplaceable in maintaining the territorial integrity of the State and safeguarding the maritime rights and interests. However, a lack of definite legal regulations on their ownership resulted in the disordered development and exploitation such as low level development and damage to the environment and resources which negatively influenced the interests of the State and society and threatened the national defense security. To this end, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen legislation on islands, define the legal status and ownership of the uninhabited island so that we can safeguard the sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of the State


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    斑节对虾精子发生划分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子五个阶段。精子发生中,从精原细胞到精子,染色质经历了从以异染色质为主变为高度凝聚态,再经解聚为弥散絮状的变化过程。同时,核从具有完整核膜变为核膜不完整。成熟的精子含有核仁。顶体由高尔基囊泡逐渐演化而成,并向外伸长成为棘突。这是斑节对虾精子发生的主要特征。By the use of light and electron microscopy,spermatogenesis in the shrimp Penaeus monodon was investigated.The results showed that spermatogenesis in P.monodon could be divided into Five stages:spermatogonium,primary spermatocyte,secondary spermatocyte,spermatid and spermatozoon.During spermatogenesis,chromatins undergo much change.First,a lot of heterochromatins are spread in the nucleus at the stages of spermatogonium and spermatocytes;then,chromatins become highly coacervative at the stage of spermatid;third,the chromatins lose condensation and look like Flocculus at the stage of spermatozoon.During the stages of spermatogonium and spermatocytes,the nuclear membrane is integrated,and it becomes unintegrated at the stage of spermatozoon.These is a nucleolus in the nucleus of mature sperm.The acrosome is derived From Golgi vesicles and protrudes outward to Form the spike.These are the main characteristics of spermatogenesis in P.monodon.国家自然科学基


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    石斑鱼的分类一直是鱼类系统分类学中的一个难题.为探讨中国近海石斑鱼类系统进化关系,通过PCR扩增获得了石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinae)6属28个种类的线粒体细胞色素b基因片段序列.采用多个生物软件对序列变异和碱基组成进行分析,计算了Kimura2-parameter遗传距离、转换/颠换比等遗传信息指数,并结合GenBank上石斑鱼属的同源序列,以东洋鲈(Niphonspinosus)、真鲷(Pagrusmajor)等为外群构建NJ,MP,ML和ME系统树.从分子系统学的角度并结合形态学特征得出了如下结果:(i)鳃棘鲈属(Plectropomus)最先分化,是石斑鱼亚科中原始的类群;(ii)侧牙鲈属(Variola)与九棘鲈属(Cephalopholis)具有较近的亲缘关系;(iii)九棘鲈属是一个单系群,并且较石斑鱼属(Epinephelus)原始;(iv)宽额鲈(Promicropslanceolatus)和驼背鲈(Cromileptesaltivelis)可以归入石斑鱼属;(v)石斑鱼属内部存在两个平行进化的姐妹分支.国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:40306023);; 福建省重大科技项目(批准号:2002N009);; 中国高新技术研究计划(批准号:2001AA621010)资


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    为了延长重组睫状神经营养因子在体内的保留半衰期,基于CNTF中天然的游离半胱氨酸残基,前期工作中我们采用聚乙二醇修饰和转铁蛋白偶联的两种方式对CNTF进行改造。本研究中我们采用常规分析手段对PEG20k-CNTF和Tf-PEG5k-CNTF进行对比表征。高效凝胶过滤和动态光散射分析结果显示两者拥有相近的表观分子体积。细胞试验结果显示两种耦合物的活性分别下降至未修饰CNTF的50.6%和65.8%。抗体CNTF抗体亲和力结果显示PEG20k修饰后亲合力下降至原蛋白的3.8%,转铁蛋白偶联后保留89.9%原蛋白亲合力。药代动力学结果显示PEG20k-CNTF和Tf-PEG5k-CNTF在SD大鼠血液中的保留半衰期分别为5.34 ± 0.26和8.65 ± 0.60小时,与未修饰rhCNTF相比延长了约21.4倍和34.6倍。药效学结果显示在每周两次每次1.0 mg/kg (rhCNTF等量)的给药频率和剂量,PEG20k-CNTF比Tf-PEG5k-CNTF更显著地降低实验小鼠体重

    Molecular phylogenetic relationships of 30 grouper species in China Seas based on 16S rDNA fragment sequences

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    石斑鱼因其种类繁多、分布广泛及缺乏显著的形体特征,使其系统分类的研究颇为困难。为探讨中国近海石斑鱼类的系统进化关系,通过PCR扩增获得了石斑鱼亚科(Epinephelinae)6属30个种类的线粒体16SrDNA基因片段序列。采用多个生物软件对序列变异和碱基组成进行分析,计算了Kimura2parameter遗传距离、转换/颠换比等遗传信息指数,并结合GenBank石斑鱼属的同源序列,以多纹长尾(Pronotogrammusmultifasciatus)和皮氏叫姑鱼(Johniusbelengerii)为外群构建NJ、MP和ML系统树。根据所得分子依据并结合形态学特征,推论如下:1)在本研究的30种石斑鱼中,鳃棘鲈属(Plectropomus)最先分化,并呈明显单系性;九棘鲈属(Cephalopholis)是一个单系群,并且较石斑鱼属(Epinephelus)原始;侧牙鲈属(Variola)的进化地位介于鳃棘鲈属与九棘鲈属之间;2)宽额鲈(Promicropslanceolatus)可以归入石斑鱼属,而驼背鲈(Cromileptesaltivelis)也与石斑鱼属有很近的亲缘关系,甚至可能是石斑鱼属内的特化类群;3)石斑鱼属内部存在两个平行进化的姐妹分支,分支内部的种类组成与地理分布无关,暗示了石斑鱼属早期的分化模式。The Subfamily Epinephelinae (Teleoste: Serranidae), commonly known as groupers, comprises about 159 species of marine fishes in 15 genera. They are bottom-associated fishes found in tropical and subtropical waters. Most species occur on coral reefs, but some live in estuaries or on rocky reefs. Groupers are of considerable economic value, however, the classification and evolutionary relationships of them have always been hindered by the overwhelming number of species, global distribution, and the lack of morphological specializations traditionally used in ichthyological classification. The confusion and debates have brought much trouble not only to the study of the phylogenetic relationships among groupers, but also to the identification of fry and parent in grouper aquaculture. In this study, to evaluate the phylogenetic relationship of the groupers from the China Seas, the 16S ribosomal DNA of thirty grouper species within six genera of subfamily Epinephelinae were amplified using PCR techniques, 572 bp DNA fragments were obtained and the sequences were analyzed. The genetic information indexes, including Kimura-2 parameter genetic distance and Ts/Tv ratios, were generated using a suite of biology software. Of the 572 aligned base pairs, among which insertion or deletion of base pairs was evident, 373 were constant, 151 were parsimony informative, comprising 26.4% of the total base pairs. The maximum pairwise nucleotide divergence value among all taxa was 0.186 between Epinephelus malabaricus and Plectropomus laevis and the minimum value was 0.007 between E.moara and E.bruneus. The average pairwise nucleotide divergence value among all taxa was 0.079. Transitions were found to be more common than transversions. The average transition/transversion ratio among all pairwise comparisons was 1.7, suggesting that the sequences had not reached saturation. The sequence analysis also showed an obvious adenine bias on the 16S ribosomal DNA fragment and no anti-guanine bias was detected. With Pronotogrammus multifasciatus (No.AF297330) and Johnius belengerii (No.AY336727) as the designated outgroups and additional homologous sequences information of other Cephalopolis and Epinephelus fishes invoked from GenBank, phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the neighbor-joining (NJ),maximum-parsimony (MP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) methods. Conclusions were drawn as follow: 1) all the phylogenic trees suggested that genus Plectropomus, which obviously showed monophyly, is the most primitive group among the subfamily Epinephelinae in this study; genus Cephalopolis is also recovered as a monophyletic group and is more primitive than genus Epinephelus; the evolutionary status of genus Variola is between genus Cephalopolis and genus Plectropomus; 2) Promicrops lanceolatus should be included in genus Epinephelus because it emerged as a cluster within the clade of Epinephelus and had a close relationship with E.coioides and E.malabaricus; Cromileptes altivelis also showed close relationship with genus Epinephelus; perhaps a specialization group within genus Epinephelus; 3) genus Epinephelus was located at the top of the phylogenetic tree indicating that it is the most recently diverged species, which is in accordance with the fact that it is also the most flourishing genus in Epinephelinae. There are two parallel evolutionary sister clades existing (with high bootstrap value support) in genus Epinephelus. However the species-level differences within these clads are not clear due to the lack of high bootstrap values support. The species within this two clades seem to be irrelevant to their biogeographic distributions, which suggested that there were two parallel evolutionary ancestors existing in the early evolution stage of genus Epinephelus and their on-going divergence should be earlier than the existence of geographic floras of genus Epinephelus.国家自然科学基金项目(No.40306023);; 国家自然科学基金项目(No.40576064);; 中国高新技术研究计划(No.2001AA621010)资助~


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    为了延长重组睫状神经营养因子在体内的保留半衰期,基于CNTF中天然的游离半胱氨酸残基,在前期工作中采用聚乙二醇修饰和转铁蛋白偶联的两种方式对CNTF进行了改造。此后又采用常规分析手段对PEG20k-CNTF和Tf-PEG5k-CNTF进行对比表征。高效凝胶过滤和动态光散射分析结果显示两者拥有相近的表观分子体积。细胞试验结果显示两种耦合物的活性分别下降至未修饰CNTF的50.6%和65.8%。抗体CNTF抗体亲和力结果显示PEG20k修饰后亲合力下降至原蛋白的3.8%,转铁蛋白偶联后保留89.9%原蛋白亲合力。药代动力学结果显示PEG20k-CNTF和Tf-PEG5k-CNTF在SD大鼠血液中的保留半衰期分别为5.34&plusmn;0.26和8.65&plusmn;0.60小时,与未修饰rh CNTF相比延长了约21.4倍和34.6倍。药效学结果显示在每周两次每次1.0 mg/kg(rh CNTF等量)的给药频率和剂量下,PEG20k-CNTF比Tf-PEG5k-CNTF更显著地降低实验小鼠体重。</p