
Legislative Analysis on the Ownership of Uninhabited Islands


刘兰,中国海洋大学海洋发展研宄院助理研宄员、博士,主要研究方向为海洋管理。 李永祺,中国海洋大学海洋发展研宄院教授,主要研究方向为海洋生态、海洋管理。 任洁,中国海洋大学法学院研宄生,主要研究方向为经济法。【中文摘要】无居民海岛蕴藏着极为丰富的资源,是我国国民经济和社会可持续 发展的重要基础,其特殊的地理位置对于维护国家领土完整、维护海洋权益具有 独特和不可取代的作用。但无居民海岛权属缺乏明确的法律规定,权属不清,造成了开发利用中的秩序混乱、开发利用水平低下、环境与资源破坏严重,使得国家和社会利益受到影响,损害国家权益、威胁国防安全等问题日益突现。因此,加强 海岛立法,明确无居民海岛法律地位及其权属,对于维护国家的主权和领土完整, 维护国家的国防安全,强化无居民海岛的管理都是十分必要的,具有重要的理论 和现实意义。 【Abstract】With abundant natural resources, uninhabited islands are the important basis for our national economy and social sustainable development. The unique geographic location of the uninhabited islands makes them irreplaceable in maintaining the territorial integrity of the State and safeguarding the maritime rights and interests. However, a lack of definite legal regulations on their ownership resulted in the disordered development and exploitation such as low level development and damage to the environment and resources which negatively influenced the interests of the State and society and threatened the national defense security. To this end, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen legislation on islands, define the legal status and ownership of the uninhabited island so that we can safeguard the sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of the State

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