588 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Field Staff Attendance Management System Based on GPS and Voiceprint Identification

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    本文采取了比较方便快捷的开源的Java开发平台Eclipse来进行开发。对于四个方面的可行性进行了分析,它们分别是经济、技术、操作和政策法规。通过分析,我们可以得到以下系统应该实现的功能需求,分别是系统美观性、良好的安全性、良好的扩展性、良好的性能以及使用的及时性等特征。通过Java语言与C++语言和数据库结合设计并涵盖了包括登陆、注册、时间表管理以及签到认证模块。 由于Android手机其应用更加丰富,用户数量较多,成为目前主流的移动操作系统之一。同时,也因为Android平台提供了一个自由的开发环境,开发者能够使用开源的API不受约束的进行开发,因此我们考虑开发一款基于Android系统...This thesis uses open source and convenient Java development platform. For economic viability, technical, operational and analyze policies and regulations, according to which it should achieve the functional requirements, the system has a concise user interface, security, scalability, performance and real-time. By combined-programing Java and C ++ and database, the system covers features including...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323026

    Design and Implementation of Integrative Information Management System for a College of Yunnan Province

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    本文在综合调研了云南某高校的信息化建设实际情况的基础上,结合现代化先进网络技术,为其设计并实现了学校综合信息管理系统,本系统具有强大的电子学籍、电子教务、电子成绩等管理功能,围绕教务、学籍、成绩、人事、图书管理等多个方面对学校实施全面管理。 综上,本文主要完成了以下工作: 1. 查阅和研究国内最新高校信息化工作的建设方针战略,计算机信息管理系统应用技术等方面的知识,明确研究的背景与意义,确定研究路线。 2. 确定系统技术路线,本文通过云南某高校对于目前学校综合信息管理系统的需求和建设建议,主要采用微软.NET技术体系中的WCF框架,实现Client端和Server端通信,系统整体使用C#...Based on the comprehensive survey of the university informatization construction’s actual situation, combined with modern advanced network technology, design and implement the School Integrative Information Management System for Yunnan Some College, and this system has strong electronic school roll, the electronic teaching, electronic performance management functions that is around the educational...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323126

    The Comparison Between Chinese and English Drinking Related Words from TCFL Perspective

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    中华民族在长期的历史发展中,受独特的地理环境、物产、思维方式、民俗习惯、价值观念等因素的综合影响,逐渐形成了包罗万象且极具特色的饮食文化,并在多样的世界饮食文化中别具一格。“凿井为饮,耕田为食”,“喝”和“吃”不仅是“饮食”的基本内容,也是维持和保证生命生存和发展的两大重要因素。但人们对“饮食”的理解有时过于片面,将过多的关注力集中于“吃”,对“喝”的重要性则有些忽视。语言作为文化的表达符号和重要内容,以其自身的形式象征、反映或表达一定的文化及文化活动,一方面,汉语中丰富的饮食类词语正是中国饮食文化发达的体现;另一方面,“喝”在吃喝类动词中的重要地位较“吃”缺乏重视,也反映了人们对“喝”之重要...With its unique natural geographical environment,mode of thinking,customs,values and other reasons,China nation have formed their unique cuisine culture in the long process of historical development,and has its unique style in the world.Drinking and eating are two most important contents of cuisine,but drinking is easier to be neglected compared with eating . Language is one of the symbols of cult...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652012115124

    American Racial Relations in the Late 19 Century and Ida Bell Wells's Anti-Lynching Activities

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    美国南北战争之后,美国黑人获得了自由的同时,却受到了来自南方白人的敌视。他们不能容忍黑人平等的地位,想方设法剥夺黑人应该享有的公民权利。即便宪法增加了第十三,十四,十五条修正案,但黑人的处境仍未得到多少改善。不仅如此,从南方地区开始,美国白人针对黑人使用私刑的恶行蔓延猖獗。他们将监狱里的黑人拖到大街 上进行虐杀,甚至编造罪名、不问是非地对黑人施以绞刑、火刑等私刑,给黑人造成了极大的伤害。私刑的蔓延更加激起了黑人自救的决心,许多杰出的黑人站出来,为争取黑人权益而奋斗。艾达•贝尔•威尔斯-巴尼特(IdaBellWells-Barnett,1862-1931)正是这一时期杰...After the Civil War in the United States, Africa Americans have become free people, but they also subjected to hostility from Southern whites. They don’t want to recognize the equal status of black people, and try to deprive blacks of their civil rights. Although the thirteen, fourteen and fifteen constitution amendments had been legislated, but still can not help the improvement of the black situ...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_世界史学号:1032014115228


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    [[abstract]]SoLoMo marketing is emerging as a new marketing campaign to approach to the target consumers and would be widely used to increase consumers’ campaign response. Due to the operational differences in consumer behavior between traditional marketing and mobile marketing, the influences of SoLoMo marketing for retailers and what factors influencing the response of SoLoMo are worthy of study. This study investigates the effects of “Restaurant Locator” APP, which offer local-based push message and word-of-mouth mobile service. Snowball Sampling was used in this survey to locate smartphone user who is also a “Restaurant Locator” APP user. An online survey was adopted and 156 valid questionnaires were collected. Analytical results indicate that consumers would increase their restaurant purchase intension by SoLoMo campaigns and restaurant’s e-WOM. The trust of mobile APP social platform can influence the willing of using LBS discount message and the usage of APP’s Restaurant e-WOM. Furthermore, the characteristics of App social platform perceived by consumers can substantially influence consumer’s response to SoLoMo campaign.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20150212~20150214[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]雪梨, 澳


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    Thermodynamic and Kinetic Investigations of Some Organic Systems with Liquid Spinodal Decomposition

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    随着有机材料在许多高新技术领域应用中的推广,如结构、功能、生物以及医学材料等,利用新技术、新方法制备具有特定性能的有机材料已经成为了当前研究的热点。材料的微观相形态显著地影响着材料的宏观性能,有机材料的物理、机械性能与其相组织形态有着十分密切的关系,因此有机体系中的相形态组成研究也引起了广泛的重视。Spinodal分解现象是普遍存在于有机混合物体系中的相分离现象,利用液相spinodal分解过程制备具有特定相形态组织结构的材料是有机材料发展的一个新方向。目前该技术已经得到了广泛的应用,但对有机体系液相spinodal分解的理解还有待深入。因此,从理论上研究有机体系的液相spinodal分解过程...Organic materials are now widely used in high-tech fields, such as structural, functional, biological, and medical materials. Therefore, lots of investigations have been focused on the development of new technologies and new methods to produce organic materials with special performance. On the other hand, microstructure greatly affects the macroscopic properties of materials, e.g., the physical an...学位:工学博士院系专业:材料学院材料科学与工程系_材料学学号:2072007015345

    The Study on the Degree of RMB Internationalization as well as its Affecting Factors

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    随着各国经济发展水平的不断提高,全球经济金融一体化步伐日益加快,我国要在世界范围内稳定地占据一席之地,除了保证实体经济力量的不断壮大,还必须加强我国主权货币——人民币在国际上的影响力,以此作为推动经济更快更好发展和巩固我国国际地位的重要力量。在2007年次贷危机之后,新的国际货币体系正在酝酿着新的格局,正是推动人民币国际化发展的最佳契机。而要安全有效地推动人民币的国际化发展,必须对我国当前所处的环境及所具备的条件有清醒的认识,对人民币的国际力量有正确的判断,进而选择正确的策略来实现人民币国际化。 针对这一问题,本文结合前人研究成果以及货币国际化的相关理论,首先定性地分析了人民币国际化所具备的...The economic progress of countries all over the world and the accelerating pace of economic and financial integration require China to maintain her economic promotion, at the same time to strengthen the influence of her currency—RMB in the world, which is powerful to further the economic development and consolidate China’s world status, for the purpose of China keeping a steady place in the world....学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_国际金融学学号:1562007115143

    The Rediscovery of the Female Voice:A Comparative Reading of“Diving into the Wreck”and Foe

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    作为多产女性主义作家艾德里安娜.里奇的里程碑式的作品,“潜入沉船“一诗揭示了诗中的女性叙述者如何通过“潜入沉船“这一象征性的动作和否定男权社会下的传统神话而让自己的声音和历史一步步得到再现。通过与库切的《福》相比较,可以发现两者在“重现女性历史“这一主题上的相似性。但是,两部作品中女主人公的不同命运更凸显了里奇对女性出路的独特视角:与男性一起建构一个多元、雌雄同体、统一的身份;同时这也引发了人们对“女性的根在何处“及“其将来之路“的思考。As the landmark works of the prolific feminist writer Adrienne Rich,"Diving into the Wreck"reveals how the female narrator in the poem rediscovers her own female voice and history step by step through the symbolic act of diving into the wreck and the denial of traditional myths constructed by the patriarchal society.Through a comparative reading of the poem and John Maxwell Coetzee's Foe,the similarity in the theme of the quest for the female history between them is easy to be found.However,the different fates of the female nar rators in the two works highlight Rich's unique perspective of the way out for the female:to construct a multiple,androgynous,unifying identity with the male;meanwhile,the different fates also set people thinking about"where the root of the female history is"and"how they should go in the future"