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    DNA barcoding of hydromedusae in northern Beibu Gulf for species identification

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    水螅水母类是浮游动物群落的重要组成部分,在近岸海洋生态系统物质循环和能量流动中扮演着重要角色。水螅水母类形态结构简单,但其物种的准确鉴定一直是分类工作中的难点。dnA条形码极大地促进了水螅水母物种的快速、准确鉴定。本研究扩增了北部湾北部28种水螅水母的线粒体COI和16S序列,分别为92条和116条;比较了2个基因片段的种内、种间k2P(kIMurA 2-PArAMETEr)遗传距离;构建了基于这2个基因片段的系统发育邻接树(nEIgHbOr-JOInIng PHylOgEnETIC TrEE);并结合矢量分析构建了klEE-dIAgrAM图。结果显示:COI序列的种内遗传距离为0.008±0.005(0–0.033),种间遗传距离为0.298±0.128(0.092–0.597);16S序列的种内遗传距离为0.006±0.010(0–0.047),种间遗传距离为0.394±0.195(0.068–0.898)。2个基因序列在所调查种类中,种内遗传差异均小于种间遗传差异,存在明显的条形码间隔(bArCOdIng gAP)。基于2个基因片段的nJ树均显示,单种所有个体都位于同一独立分枝。研究结果表明,以COI和16S作为dnA条形码均能对北部湾北部常见水螅水母类进行物种鉴定。Being a major component of coastal zooplankton assemblages, hydromedusae play a key role in material recycling and energy flow of marine ecosystems.Species identification is challenging for this group due to their phonetic simplicity.DNA barcoding provides an efficient method for species identification.In the present study, 92 COI and 116 16 S sequences from 28 hydromedusae species were amplified.A neighborjoining phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Kimura 2-parameter genetic distance and further studied using Klee-diagram vector analysis.Intra-specific K2 P genetic distance averaged 0.008±0.005(0–0.033) for COI, and 0.006±0.010(0–0.047) for 16S; inter-specific K2 P genetic distance averaged 0.298±0.128(0.092– 0.597), and 0.394±0.195(0.068–0.898) for COI and 16 S, respectively.An obvious "barcoding gap" was detected for all species in both markers and all individuals of a species clustered together in both the COI and 16 S trees.Further confirmatory evidence was also provided through indicator vector analysis.Hence, both COI and 16 S appear to be accurate and efficient markers for hydromedusae identification in northern Beibu Gulf.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(41006078); 海洋公益性行业专项(201005012-3;201005015-5); 厦门大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2010121037); 厦门大学海洋科学基地科研训练及科研能力提高项目(J1210050


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    [[abstract]]石滬捕魚為一種古老的世界性漁撈活動,根據文獻的記載,石滬的出現最早為新石器時代。美加、澳洲、英格蘭、夏威夷、密克羅尼西亞、芬蘭等都有文獻;韓國、日本、琉球、台灣、菲律賓、泰國、玻里尼西亞、美拉尼西亞等太平洋諸島都有石滬分佈。就現有的文獻觀之,澎湖的石滬群可能為全世界密度最高,數量最多的潮間帶大型結構物,堪稱台灣最有潛力登錄為世界文化遺產的項目之一。澎湖的石滬推估已有250年的歷史,其發展有其歷史與保存的價值,但是相關的文化資產正逐年凋零。因此,以發展文化觀光的方式,保存澎湖石滬文化刻不容緩。 2004年12月24日,澎湖第一個由行政院文化建設委員會補助成立的民間文化館─「吉貝石滬文化館」,在吉貝揭幕。2005年4月30日澎管處為配合吉貝石滬文化館的開館,且為發揚海洋文化並促進澎湖旅遊,由多個單位合作,共同推動「2005年澎湖石滬文化祭」系列活動,透過旅遊套裝行程及觀光地圖的導覽,將石滬介紹給國內外遊客。而此次的活動更獲行政院頒發「2005台灣海洋年─金鯨獎」。同年11月澎湖縣文化局辦理「澎湖研究第五屆學術研討會-石滬漁唱」,使澎湖石滬漸為世人所熟悉。綜合上述,澎湖石滬發展文化觀光似已箭在弦上,而其推廣行銷策略的探討,則為本研究關注的主要標的。 本研究採用參與觀察法配合深度訪談以收集資料料,並參考藍海策略進行澎湖石滬發展文化觀光的分析及探討,利用STP及SWOT分析分析澎湖石滬發展文化觀光的可行性。 澎湖石滬發展文化觀光之行銷策略的STP析結果為: (一)市場區隔(Market Segmentation):石滬文化觀光所面臨的市場可劃分為靜態旅遊活動及動態旅遊活動,而石滬文化觀光是屬於較偏動態的休閒遊憩活動。而從事石滬文化觀光者,不論是小孩、大人、老人、親子家庭、情侶、夫妻…等皆能參與。 (二)目標市場( Market Targeting):將目標顧客群鎖定前來澎湖旅遊的觀光客,不論是小孩、大人、老人、親子家庭、情侶、夫妻…等。澎湖每年夏季為觀光客最多的季節,倘若把握充滿商機的夏季,不斷提升服務品質、服務態度、並能結合創意,滿足顧客需求,讓顧客在體驗文化觀光旅遊服務的同時有賓至如歸的感覺,優質的服務及體驗才能讓顧客回流。 (三)市場定位( Market Positioning):1.產品策略:針對不同族群設計出不同的菜單。顧客為家庭成員,可設計家庭親子同遊活動,例如:石滬抓魚體驗,年輕族群可設計較刺激、新鮮感的活動,例如:浮潛;2.定價策略:依照全票(大人)、半票(小孩)團體來訂價,採固定費用制,淡季另行調整;3.通路策略:可在澎湖本島及各島(望安、七美及吉貝)設立體驗區,讓想體驗石滬樂趣的民眾,澎湖菊島的石滬是獨一無二的;4.促銷策略:由於冬、夏季觀光旅遊的淡、旺季明顯對比,故冬季可採促銷優惠方案來吸引顧客上門。 澎湖石滬推展文化觀光之可行性策略的SWOT分析結果為: (一)內在優勢(Strength):1.可從事海域遊憩活動,退潮時可進入石滬撿拾魚、蝦、貝類…等,讓觀光客認識石滬裡的生物,並體驗石滬的相關漁法;2.可供開放體驗的石滬,其聯近海域都算安全無虞。 (二)內在缺點(Weakness):1.為維護石滬原貌,必要的維修及保存是一定要的,故經費來源是個問題;2.冬季的東北季風強勁;3.由於94年10月各家航空公司調漲機票價格,目前機票並不便宜;4.在石滬地區從事海域遊憩活動,須局限於海水的漲、退潮,時間點、潮差的限制。 (三)外在機會(Opportunity):1.國人日漸重視休閒遊憩活動及健康,目前休閒觀光旅遊市場正成長快速;2.文化觀光及生態旅遊日漸被世界各國所重視,發展石滬文化觀光成為世界旅遊景點指標機會佳;3.石滬推展文化觀光經評估具有特色。 (四)外在威脅(Threat):1.石滬若不發展為地方特色,很容易被其它濱海地區傳統漁業競爭者給取代;2.台灣到澎湖的交通不像本島利用開車、坐火車、捷運等大眾運輸,且交通費用也比本島來的貴。 運用澎湖傳統石滬捕魚資源的文化內在優勢,及經濟水準提升後國人日漸重視休閒及文化觀光的外在機會;配合冬季機票、旅館折價整合行銷方案及文化特性品質轉換澎湖東北季風及交通費用的內在缺點,及強調體驗傳統石滬捕魚文化及文化觀光市場獨一無二的特色,則可避開甚至轉換外在威脅,不斷的特色要素的創意及精緻提升以吸引公共媒體報導,必可充份展現藍色海洋市場之價值創新與永續經營。 Stone tidal weir is an ancient fishing activity around the world. According to literature, stone tidal weirs were found in the Neolithic Age, and distributed in North America, Australia, Hawaiian, Finland, Korea, Kyushu, Ryukyu, Taiwan, Philippine, Thailand, Polynesia, and Melanesia. Reviewing literature, Penghu may have the highest density of stone tidal weir in the world, and could have the most quantity of large structures in intertidal zone. Stone tidal weirs of Penghu are one of the most potential items in Taiwan to entry in universal cultural heritage. The estimation of stone tidal weir history in Penghu is 250 years. Respecting for the history of Penghu development, it shows tremendous value to protect. However, the stone tidal weirs of Penghu are withered year after year, consequently, the application of developing cultural tourism in preserving Penghu stone tidal weirs are urgent. On December 24, 2004, the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan afforded funds to establish the first civil cultural museum, the Jibei Stone Tidal Weir Cultural Museum. On April 30, 2005, Penghu National Scenic Area Administration coordinated the grand opening ceremony, traveling packages, and a serial of activities to promote stone tidal weirs cultural tourism in Penghu. In the meantime, the Executive Yuan awarded Golden Wheal Prize, Year of the Ocean 2005 to Penghu National Scenic Area Administration for its contributions. Also, in November, Cultural Bureau of Penghu County held a seminar to discuss the issue of stone tidal weirs. As mentioned above, the development of stone tidal weir cultural tourism in Penghu is on its great timing, and the discussion of stone tidal weir cultural tourism marketing strategy is the aim of this research. The study applied participant observation and in-depth interview method to collect data. In addition, the study referred the Blue Ocean Strategy, STP, and SWOT to analyze the feasibility of developing stone tidal weirs cultural tourism in Penghu. The finding of STP analysis identified that: (1) Marketing Segmentation: Stone tidal weirs cultural tourism market is more dynamic tourism activities than static tourism activities, and fits for all ages. (2) Market Targeting: The targeting customers focus on tourists in summer. To make tourists repeated, it shall provide tourists with prominent service, creativity, and satisfaction. In addition, thinking about how to let the tourists feel “home away from home” is essential. (3) Marketing Positioning: (i) Products strategy: package providing is based on family members. (ii) Pricing strategy: providing adult and child ticket, and fixed price in peak season and adjusted in low season. (iii) Distribution strategy: building stone tidal weirs around Penghu, easily accessibility for tourists to experience. (iv) Promotion strategy: providing discount in low season to attract more tourists. The finding of SWOT analysis revealed that: (1) Strength: It suggests that provide tourists to experience stone tidal weir fishing activities and realize creatures in intertidal zone. (2) Weakness: The weakness includes funds needed to protect and maintain stone tidal weirs. Besides, the strong monsoon, airplane tickets, and tidal range are negative impacts too. (3) Opportunity: The rapidly demands on leisure activities, and countries attach importance to cultural tourism and ecotourism are the opportunities. Consequently, the development of stone tidal weir could be an opportunity to exhibit Penghu to the world. In addition, evaluation shows that promotion of stone tidal weir is special and worth. (4) Threat: Without development tidal weir into local character, traditional fishing will replace it. Transportation expenditure and accessibility are threat too. Based on the finding, the marketing strategies suggest that the development of stone tidal weir cultural tourism shall integrate inner strength-fishing culture and external opportunity-attention of leisure activities and cultural tourism. Furthermore, to diminish the inner weakness, the negative impact of monsoon and traffic expenditure, the strategies suggest that provide more options and lower price to tourists in off-season. Moreover, to avoid external threat, the strategies conclude that stone tidal weir cultural tourism shall emphasize its unique experience and creativity to attract public media. If doing so, it will show the value innovation and life long business running in Blue Ocean marke

    [[alternative]]The study on key success factors of gearing industry

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    碩士[[abstract]]  齒輪加工業是整體機械加工業中很小的一部份,就像一般車床加工、銑床加工一樣都是機械加工中的一環,但是由於齒輪理論不同於一般車床加工或是銑床加工為許多人所熟知,所以在台灣實際從事齒輪加工的齒商數目遠遠不及車床加工或銑床加工,也由於齒輪理論屬於較深而冷門的知識,所以在台灣齒輪加工業中實際能掌握時代潮流與技術竅門的廠商更是寥寥可數。   齒輪多被用於傳遞力量與改變力量方向的場合,在電子科技興起後,部分傳動改由伺服馬達取代,齒輪精度要求也因而提高許多,這一現象造成許多齒輪加工廠不願意繼續押注齒輪加工業的前景而紛紛退出,但是近年來全球暖化問題受到重視,「綠能」、「節能」變成當道的重點,至此齒輪再度受到重視,理由就在於透過齒輪的使用,可以減小馬達的規格,使用較少的電力來達到同樣的力量。   一個公司的興衰,自然要看公司管理階層如何帶領公司往能生存方向前進,齒輪加工業在台灣已經超過60年的歷史,其中許多廠商也順應世界的趨勢累積了寶貴的技術能力與經營經驗,我們要探討台灣幾家規模較大的齒輪加工廠如何能在過去幾年中成長與茁壯,我們將透過訪談來找出齒輪加工業中的關鍵成功因素。[[abstract]] The gearing is in the whole industrial manufacturing a very small part. It is like lathing, milling industries in Taiwan. We can find many jobbers. Because of its higher tech level than lathing and milling, the number of the gear jobbers is much less than lathing and milling. Because of the same reason, the gear jobbers who truly understand the gearing theories and can follow the technical trend and skill know-how are less.  Gear is usually used to transmit the strength and transfer the direction of the strength. Since electronic device invented, some gear applications are substituted by servo motor. In the meantime, the requirement of the gear quality is higher and higher. Because of this trend, some gear jobbers gave up to invest more in the gearing business. Recently, people paid more and more attention on the “Global Warming” issue. It makes “Cleasn Energy” and “Energy Conservation” as a headline topic. This situation helps gear industry, because we could use smaller motor equipped with the gear box to get enough torque. This means power conserved.  How the managers lead decides a company’s fate. It is over sixty years since the first gear jobber built in Taiwan. Today, some of the gear jobbers are big and strong. They followed the world trend and accumulated valuable know-how and manage experience. Why are they big and strong? We picked up three gear jobbers. We interviewed with their top managers to find out the key success factors (KSF) of gearing industry. We hope it is useful for the gear jobbers in Taiwan.[[tableofcontents]]目錄 中文摘要...................................................I THISIS ABSTRACT...........................................II 目錄.....................................................III 圖目錄.....................................................V 表目錄....................................................VI 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的、範圍與對象................................5 第三節 研究流程...........................................7 第四節 研究方法...........................................8 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 關鍵成功因素......................................12 第二節 台灣齒輪加工業的歷史簡介..........................22 第三節 台灣齒輪加工業產業概況............................26 第四節 各國齒輪類品項進出口概況..........................49 第參章 個案介紹 第一節 台灣工機..........................................66 第二節 睦茗精密齒輪......................................71 第三節 僑星齒輪..........................................77 第肆章 個案分析與命題建立 第一節 個案訪談分析結果彙總..............................84 第二節 命題建立..........................................89 第伍章 研究結果發現與建議 第一節 研究結果..........................................98 第二節 研究限制.........................................103 第三節 後續研究建議.....................................104 參考文獻 中文參考文獻...........................................106 英文參考文獻...........................................107 網頁參考...............................................109 圖目錄 圖1-1-1 考古學家依據史載仿製的黃帝時期指南車模型....................2 圖1-1-2 黃帝時期指南車模型的內部結構................................2 圖1-3-1 研究流程圖..................................................7 圖1-4-1 研究架構....................................................9 圖2-3-1 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 出口額統計折線圖..........................36 圖2-3-2 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進口額統計折線圖.........................37 圖2-3-3 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 出口重量統計折線圖.......................38 圖2-3-4 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進口重量統計折線圖.......................38 圖2-4-1 2003 ~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC 748.4)進出口金額折線圖..........51 圖2-4-2 2003 ~2007 歐盟齒輪類(SITC 748.4)進出口金額折線圖..........62 表目錄 表2-1-1判斷關鍵成功因素的分析法...................................18 表2-3-1 2003年至2007年 齒輪業產銷存紀錄...........................28 表2-3-2 與齒輪相關之稅則號碼.......................................29 表2-3-3 齒輪相關產品的大、中分類產業與細產業.......................30 表2-3-4 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 出口額統計...............................31 表2-3-5 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進口額統計...............................32 表2-3-6 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 出口重量統計.............................33 表2-3-7 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進口重量統計.............................34 表2-3-8 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 出口數量統計.............................35 表2-3-9 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進口數量統計.............................35 表2-3-10 2003 ~2007 齒輪類 進出口額前五大.........................39 表2-3-11 「258311 齒輪製造」產業財務指標.............................41 表2-3-12 「2583 軸承、齒輪及動力傳動裝置製造修配業」產業財務指標........45 表2-4-1 2003~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進出口金額統計.........51 表2-4-2 2003~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進口金額統計前五大國家.52 表2-4-3 2003~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進口個數統計前五大國家.52 表2-4-4 2003~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)出口金額統計前五大國家.53 表2-4-5 2003~2007 美國齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)出口個數統計前五大國家.53 表2-4-6 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340200)出口統計..............54 表2-4-7 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340010)進口統計..............55 表2-4-8 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340090)進口統計..............55 表2-4-9 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340200)出口國別統計(個數).....56 表2-4-10 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340200)出口國別統計(公斤)....56 表2-4-11 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340200)出口國別統計(金額)....57 表2-4-12 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340010)進口國別統計(個數)....58 表2-4-13 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340010)進口國別統計(公斤)....58 表2-4-14 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340010)進口國別統計(金額)....59 表2-4-15 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340090)進口國別統計(個數)....60 表2-4-16 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340090)進口國別統計(公斤)....60 表2-4-17 2003~2007日本齒輪類(HS Code 848340090)進口國別統計(金額)....61 表2-4-18 2003~2007歐盟齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進出口統計.............62 表2-4-19 2003~2007 歐盟齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進口國別統計(金額).....63 表2-4-20 2003~2007 歐盟齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)出口國別統計(金額).....63 表2-4-21 2003~2007 歐盟齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)進口國別統計(公斤)....64 表2-4-22 2003~2007 歐盟齒輪類(SITC Code 748.4)出口國別統計(公斤)....64[[note]]學號: 794400035, 學年度: 9


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    We present the experimental observation of radio-frequency(RF) resoponse in magnetic fields(B) of several um-sized 2D-island arrays, which are fabricated from a two-dimensional electron gas in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructrue by e-beam lithography and wet etching processes.These arrays are embedded in the gap of a 50 meandering coplanar waveguide defined by photolithography on the surface of the GaAs substrate. Each array has a different island size (8.5×2 um2, 8.5×4 um2) and a different adjacent distance (d). The coupling of the edges of neighboring islands can be controlled by d. The edge magneto-plasma (EMP) excitation can be clearly observed in the quantum-Hall-plateau regime in our experiments.We clearly observe the frequency and B dependence of the polarization due to EMP. The effect of the edgecoupling on the EMP spectrum of the 2D-islands will be reported.本實驗主要是利用電子束微影以及濕式蝕刻在砷化鎵/鋁砷化鎵的異質結構中作出島狀結構陣列並觀察這些數微米大小的二維島狀結構陣列在射頻中的共振行為。每個元件中島狀結構的尺寸和相鄰距離會有所不同,而相鄰島狀結構之間的距離可以控制邊緣的耦合效應。在實驗中,量子霍爾平台的區域附近可以發現到邊緣磁電漿子的激發態,我們清楚的觀察到極化效應中頻率和磁場的關聯是由邊緣磁電漿子所造成的。另外二維島狀結構在邊緣磁電漿子頻譜中的邊緣耦合效應也會被討論。第一章: 緒論 1.1 簡介 ..........................1 1.2 共平面波導(CPW) ....................2 1.3 Shubnikov-de Hass 震盪 .................2 1.4 相關文獻 ........................2 1.5 Edge magnetoplasmons(EMPs) ...............3 1.6 實驗目的 ........................4 第二章: 元件製作 2.1 樣品介紹 .......................8 2.2 元件製作 .......................8 2.3 樣品封裝及測試 ....................13 第三章:實驗方法與裝置 3.1 He3系統 .......................19 3.2 量測系統 .......................19 3.2.1 系統原理 .....................19 3.2.2 延遲時間 .....................20 3.2.3 量測系統 .....................20 第四章:實驗數據分析與討論 4.1 數據處理 .......................28 4.2 待測元件 .......................28 4.3 實驗結果 .......................29 4.4 結果分析 .......................30 4.5 結論 .........................35 參考文獻 .............................5


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    本文主要在應用地理資訊系統(GIS)以建構最適運豬路線指派系統,使毛豬在運 輸過程中不因塞車、道路施工或路段養護等狀況而耽誤其運輸行程。本文並以臺中至新竹 的路段為例,以說明本指派系統的操作方式及其輸出結果,期藉由本文的發表便更多人重 親養豬業的運輸問題,共同來提昇其運銷效率,進而強化農業競爭力。The purpose of this research is to establish the optimal hog transportation routing assignment system (HTRAS) by using GIS. The main function of the transportation routing assignment system developed in this research is to determine the shortest

    A Study for Developing Pig Trucks Routing System

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    Biographical Writings of Zhang Da-fu

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    傳記書寫與作者之間存在著密不可分的關係,自傳是作者的自覺,或自我形象的理想化,而作者在為他人書寫傳記的同時,也往往將自我意識帶入傳記書寫之中。因此本文旨在透過「傳記書寫」的議題,討論張大復的傳記書寫內涵,並由此進一步探討張大復在其中所展現的情性及思想內涵。章緒論,闡述研究動機、研究方法、說明中國傳記文學的發展,及張大復的生平與著作。次章以張大復所書寫的類傳—《崑山人物傳》為主要內涵,由明代方志及地方人物傳記編纂的情況切入,觀察張大復在時代風潮的影響之下,他面對地方人物傳記時的書寫角度、關注焦點與其對地域文化的自覺。第三章所討論的是張大復文集中的散傳他傳的部分,包括一般的「傳」、「狀志」、「壽序」、「像贊」、與人物傳記相關的「雜記」,及筆談中的人物散記。針對這些篇章,分析張大復在面對不同的文體,帶有不同書寫目的時,所產生的不同書寫內涵與情感表現。第四章主要論述張大復的自傳書寫,內容包括〈病居士自傳〉及帶有日記性質的筆談,從中觀察張大復對自我形象意識的建構,與其外顯的生活圖像及內隱的情感世界。第五章為綜合論述,在此打破文本之間的界線,彼此相互參照印證,藉以突顯張大復傳記書寫中的自我呈現,闡明他的情感歸屬,人生理想、價值評斷,與其對於生活情志的追求。張大復的傳記書寫中,可以發現身處於晚明時期的張大復,不時受到時代風氣的影響,如他嚮往精神自適的生活,追求生活情趣,他寫作地方人物傳記,以彰顯地方文化氣息。此外,張大復更是傳統的儒生,他以儒家的價值標準為人生的理想準則,他藉由傳記書寫,標舉人生價值,同時他也藉由傳記書寫,傳達著自我不朽的想望。Biographical writing is inseparable from the author. On the one hand, an autobiography is an articulation of the author’s self or self-idealization. On the other hand, a biographer is frequently under the influence of his or her own consciousness while writing the biography of someone else. In this light, this dissertation intends, by a reconsideration of the issue of biographical writing, to examine Zhang Da-fu’s biographic works and further investigate his temperament and ideas as expressed in these texts.n the first introductory chapter, I explain research motivation and methodology, account for the development of biographic literature in China, and describe the life and oeuvre of Zhang Da-fu. The second chapter primarily deals with the biographic work—Biography of Dignitaries on Kun Shan—written by Zhang Da-fu. The practice of Ming’s regional historical and biographical compilation is taken into consideration to show Zhang’s point of view, subject matter, and self-consciousness of regional cultures while he was under the influence of his time. The third chapter focus on miscellaneous biographies of Others. Based on these writings, I will analyze how Zhang changes his writing style and sentiments as he deals with different genres for different purposes. The fourth chapter has its main focus on Zhang’s autobiographic writing, including An Autobiography of A Sick Hermit and some other informal writings that resemble diary entries. From these writings I will observe the way in which Zhang constructs his self-image, his ostensible life patterns, and his inner emotional life. In the fifth chapter, various theories and arguments will be juxtaposed and questioned, and the distinctions between texts will be blurred so as to provide a deeper understanding of one another, as well as to highlight the self-image Zhang reveals in his biographic writings, and to illustrate his emotional life, ideals, value judgments, and the pursuit for personal career and life’s pleasure.rom Zhang Da-fu’s biographic writings, it is obvious that Zhang, living in late Ming Dynasty, was constantly affected by the zeitgeist of his time. Examples can be found in his pursuit of a spiritually self-sufficient life, and the joy and pleasure in it. He also wrote biographies of local dignitaries, in order to draw people’s attention to the cultural part of different localities. But more importantly, Zhang is a traditional Confucian scholar who lives up to the standards of Confucian values and who, through his biographic writings, exhibits his philosophy of life and expresses his longing for artistic immortality.第一章 緒論 1一節 研究動機 2二節 中國傳記文學的流變 6、中國傳記文學的定義與內涵 6、中國傳記文學的發展進程 12三節 張大復的生平與著作 16、張大復的生平 16、張大復的著作 19四節 研究方法與目的 23、 研究方法 23、 研究目的 24二章 地域文化人物的群像描繪—以《崑山人物傳》為探討中心 27一節 明代方志與人物傳的關係 27、 方志的起源與發展 28、 方志與地方人物傳的關連 31、 明代地方人物傳的撰寫情形 32二節 《崑山人物傳》與崑山縣志 39、崑山縣的沿革 39、崑山縣志的編修 40、《崑山人物傳》與《崑山縣志》的關係 42三節 抉幽發微的《崑山人物傳》 46、〈崑山人物傳〉的寫作態度與資料來源 47、〈崑山人物傳〉的傳主身份 50、〈崑山人物傳〉的書寫體例 55、〈崑山人物傳〉的傳文內容 58、〈崑山名宦傳〉 63、 《崑山人物傳》的貢獻 66三章 日用倫常往來的情感應接—以文集中的他傳為探討中心 71一節 狀志 71、 深於家族情感的行狀 71、 抒情任意的墓誌銘 77、 狀志特點 88二節 傳 96、 對象 96、 特點 102三節 壽序、像贊 107、 強調人情交往的壽序 105、 重寫意,不重記實的像贊 113四節 記、筆談 115、 記事為主,記人為輔的雜記 115、 取材隨意,生活氣息濃厚的筆談 117四章 自我主體意識的形象建構-- 124一節 「病居士」的自我形象意識—以〈病居士自傳〉與筆談為探討中心 125、〈病居士自傳〉內容結構 126、病居士之「病」體呈現 129二節 生活實感的細節描繪 138、 筆談涵蓋的層面 139、 張大復的生活情貌 144五章 傳記書寫與張大復的自我交融 157一節 多情悲鬱的情感投影 157、 對有情之人的同情共感 159、 對人倫之情的細膩描繪 160二節 道德功業的理想投影 164、 德行 165、 功業 166、 偏才 169、 女性 169三節 自適精神的生活投影 172六章 結論 180考書目 18