252 research outputs found


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    津冀地区经济共同发展符合区域内各方利益,是区域整体竞争力发展的迫切需要。河北省作为首都经济圈的重要部分,产业结构落后的状况影响了区域协调发展的步伐。通过建立演化博弈模型,对区域经济下的河北省产业转型升级的影响因素做了分析,认为河北省的产业转型升级和国内产业及产业内部转型升级互为博弈,通过各自拥有的要素优势和共同利益博弈演化从而实现转型升级。2014年度河北省社科基金项目“京津冀协同发展下河北省产业结构转型升级的研究”(HB14YJ030)结题项目;; 2015年度河北省社会科学发展研究重大课


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    Levels and Determinants of Internationalization of Chinese Population Science

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    国际化是学科成熟与发展的一个重要指标。但是作为世界人口第一大国,中国人口学科的国际化并没有发展到一个相对应的水平。在界定了学科国际化概念的基础上,借助问卷调查数据来分析中国人口学科国际化的现状,探讨中国人口科学继续与国际学界融合所面临的困难及其主要原因。结果表明,中国人口学的国际化明显处于不断萎缩的态势,其直接动因和深层次缘由分别是整个人口学界的国际化意识与能力的减弱,以及人口学科文化与制度本身存在的缺陷。加强国际化的学科文化建设与建立相配套的学科制度是提高中国人口学科国际化水平的重要途径。Level of internationalization is an important index of disciplinary development.However,as the world's most populous country,China′s internationalization in demography has not been developed to a corresponding level.By defining disciplinary internationalization and drawing upon a questionnaire survey data,this paper examines the present situation of the internationalization of Chinese population science,and discusses the difficulties and determinants of integrating Chinese population science into the international academic community.The paper argues that internationalization of Chinese population science is declining,the direct and deep-seated determinants of which are shrinking consciousness and capacity in internationalization of the entire demographic circle in China,and deficiencydeficiencydeficiencies in the culture and system of the population science.Therefore,the important approach to improve internationalization level of China′s population science is to strengthen the international science culture construction and to establish the supporting disciplinary system


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    文章基于厦门市社区中354名65岁及以上空巢老人的问卷调查,以性别视角探析空巢老人的健康与生活照料现状及其影响因素。研究发现厦门市社区空巢老人除生活自理能力外,在社会经济特征、健康状况及生活照料方面存在着统计学上的显著性性别差异,即女性空巢老人的健康状况明显差于男性空巢老人,而男性空巢老人在生活照料上更显弱势。本研究结果提示在养老政策的制定上要关注性别差异,对于男性空巢老人也许更多地要给予生活方面照料,而对于女性空巢老人要更多地给予经济上帮助。教育部规划基金项目《社区中独居或空巢老年人健康照料的发展对策研究》(项目编号:09YJAZH049); 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(项目编号:2011NCETFJ)的研究成

    Research on International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing Using the Method of Unit Labor Cost

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    计算、比较中国与主要出口竞争国的单位劳动力成本(ulC),发现中国制造业仍然具有较大的国际竞争优势,原因是多年来制造业劳动生产率增速明显快于工资增速,使单位劳动成本保持下降趋势。相对单位劳动力成本(rulC)的比较结果显示,即使不考虑提高工资将促使劳动生产率进一步提升以及基础设施、国内市场、政治环境等方面的优势,在现有劳动生产率水平上,中国制造业仍能够承受约50%的劳动报酬上升。用购买力平价调整后的ulC数据说明,尽管汇率低估在一定程度上强化了中国制造业国际竞争优势,但2005年汇率改革以来,这种附加优势已基本消失。Through calculating and comparing the Unit Labor Cost(ULC) and Relative Unit Labor Cost(RULC) between China and major export competition countries,this article found that Chinese manufacturing still had a large international competitive advantage,and the reason lied in that the growth rate of labor productivity of manufacturing workers was significantly faster than wage growth,which made the downward trend in unit labor cost.Furthermore,the comparison of RULC shows that even without considering that the higher wages will lead further improvement of labor productivity and the advantages in infrastructure,domestic market,and political environment,China is still able to withstand about 50% of the rise in labor compensation under the existing level of labor productivity.In addition,by calculating the adjusted ULC data with purchasing power parity,this paper revealed that although the exchange rate which had been undervalued strengthened the international competition advantage of Chinese manufacturing to some extent,this additional advantage has disappeared since the reform of the RMB exchange in 2005


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    目的探讨农村留守经历大学生(URLB)心理行为特征以及与非URLB心理行为上的差异,为采取干预措施提供依据。方法采用流调中心用抑郁量表、状态特质焦虑问卷、简易应对方式问卷、自尊量表和大学生人际关系综合诊断量表对河北省2所高校的4080名大学生进行问卷调查。结果 URLB大学生负性情绪、积极应对方式、自尊和人际关系与非URLB大学生差异有统计学意义。相关分析表明,URLB大学生负性情绪、消极应对方式与人际关系呈显著正相关,积极应对方式、自尊与人际关系呈显著负相关。回归分析表明,URLB大学生负性情绪、应对方式和自尊对人际关系有显著的预测作用。结论 URLB与非URLB大学生在心理行为上差异有统计学意义,需要对URLB进行适当的心理干预

    Wide-Range Tunable Dynamic Property of Carbon Nanotube-Based Fibers

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) fiber is formed by assembling millions of individual tubes. The assembly feature provides the fiber with rich interface structures and thus various ways of energy dissipation, as reflected by the non-zero loss tangent (>0.028--0.045) at low vibration frequencies. A fiber containing entangled CNTs possesses higher loss tangents than a fiber spun from aligned CNTs. Liquid densification and polymer infiltration, the two common ways to increase the interfacial friction and thus the fiber's tensile strength and modulus, are found to efficiently reduce the damping coefficient. This is because the sliding tendency between CNT bundles can also be well suppressed by the high packing density and the formation of covalent polymer cross-links within the fiber. The CNT/bismaleimide composite fiber exhibited the smallest loss tangent, nearly as the same as that of carbon fibers. At a higher level of the assembly structure, namely a multi-ply CNT yarn, the inter-fiber friction and sliding tendency obviously influence the yarn's damping performance, and the loss tangent can be tuned within a wide range, as similar to carbon fibers, nylon yarns, or cotton yarns. The wide-range tunable dynamic properties allow new applications ranging from high quality factor materials to dissipative systems

    Vibration Damping of Carbon Nanotube Assembly Materials

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    Vibration reduction is of great importance in various engineering applications, and a material that exhibits good vibration damping along with high strength and modulus has become more and more vital. Owing to the superior mechanical property of carbon nanotube (CNT), new types of vibration damping material can be developed. This paper presents recent advancements, including our progresses, in the development of high-damping macroscopic CNT assembly materials, such as forests, gels, films, and fibers. In these assemblies, structural deformation of CNTs, zipping and unzipping at CNT connection nodes, strengthening and welding of the nodes, and sliding between CNTs or CNT bundles are playing important roles in determining the viscoelasticity, and elasticity as well. Towards the damping enhancement, strategies for micro-structure and interface design are also discussed


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