2,576 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Consumption and Inventory Subsystem in the POS System

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    在市场高速发展的今天,商业零售已成了与人类生活联系最为紧密的行业之一。当前,无论是大型超市或是小型便利店,都经营着品种繁多的商品。对于商业所有者来说,如何使用信息技术来对零售业进行管理成了首要任务。针对这个问题,本文阐述了在Android平台下POS系统的设计与实现。 基于GoogleAndroid平台的零售终端包含了三个主要功能:零售终端功能、终端数据接入功能以及后台管理功能。零售终端功能包括基本的收银管理、日常管理、库存管理等功能,并在此基础上,提供对客户关系管理、市场调查、网上订货等支持。同时在这样的基础和前景下,可与3G、WI-FI等现代通信方式结合,具有一些独特的功能与优势。 本...Rapid development in the market, very rich material life today, the commercial retail activity is one of the industries which are most closely linked with people's lives. Currently either the large supermarkets or small convenience stores, all operate with a wide variety of merchandise. For business owners, how to use information technology to manage the retail sector became a top priority. To add...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323070

    A Study on the Effect of Top Managements’ School Characteristics on R&D Investment

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    作为企业中推进研发和创新活动的关键决策者和组织者,高层管理人员这一“企业大脑”在其中起着决定性的关键作用,而高管人员自身的价值观和认知模式又在其研发投入决策和管理中具有重大的影响力。目前已有不少国内外学者以高层梯队理论为基础,选取高管的人口特征为研究对象,探究高管人员对企业创新研发活动的影响机制。但是目前国内外关于高管特征对企业研发投入影响的相关研究中,对于高管特征的选取依然还停留在表层的人口特征,缺乏对人口特征背后的本质因素做深入挖掘和细分研究。比如高管人口特征中的教育背景,现有研究中仅以学历层次的高低划分衡量标准,并没有对教育背景中诸如毕业高校等重要因素做深入挖掘和细分研究。 本文首先对...As the key decision makers and organizers to promote R&D and innovation activities in enterprise, executives play a decisive role in such area. And the values and cognitive mode of executives have great influence on their R&D decision. Up to now, many scholars have explored the mechanism of how executives affect the enterprise’s R&D activities, taken upper echelon theory as basis and population ch...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752013115114

    Ecological monitoring and assessing based on benthic macrofauna in sandy intertidal zone where Chinese horseshoe crab habitating

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    近年来,中国鲎(Tachypleustridentatus)资源由于人类捕捞、海岸工程等影响急剧减少。底栖动物活动性小、地区性强,可以较好地反映底质的受扰动状况,在海洋环境的生物学指标中有重要意义。 平潭岛鲎保护区、诏安湾城洲岛、北海西背岭和竹林盐场砂质潮间带大型底栖动物未见系统监测,本研究按国标规范地对这些潮间带的大型底栖动物进行了定量和定性监测,并运用大型底栖动物物种数、栖息密度、生物量、功能群、生物指数和丰度生物量比较法,评价了中国鲎栖息的砂质潮间带的生态环境状况,目的在于探索中国鲎资源减少的原因,同时为中国鲎保护提供科学依据。主要研究成果如下: (1)2015年8月和2016年5月...In recent years, due to excessive human fishing, coastal engineering and other human activities, Tachypleus tridentatus resources reduced dramatically. Benthic macrofauna has the advantages of wide distribution, relatively stable living habits, and it can reflect the disturbance of the sediment, so it has great significance in the method of biological index to evaluate the marine environment. In ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:3312014115169

    Study on Physical-Layer Authentication with Multiple Landmarks in Wireless Networks

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    随着移动互联网和物联网等的发展,无线网络由于开放性和移动性,受到严峻的安全挑战。电子欺骗攻击者伪造其他用户的身份信息,发送具有虚假媒体接入控制地址的数据包,旨在获取非法用户权限,甚至通过攻击控制信道达到拒绝服务攻击。物理层认证技术利用物理层特征,例如信道响应随发射机位置而改变的特性检测电子欺骗者,认证开销小,但是认证精度有待提高。 论文采用多天线技术和多监督节点,构建分布式认证网络,增加认证的信道信息来源,显著提高认证的准确率。该系统采用逻辑回归模型,不依赖于特定的无线信道模型,具有更强的普适性。在此基础上,论文提出基于Frank-Wolfe算法的集中式认证方案。 针对该分布式网络,论文设...With the development of mobile Internet and Internet of Things (IoT), wireless network is threatened by attackers because of its open and mobile characteristics. The spoofing attacker with faked Media Access Control (MAC) address sends spoofing packets to obtain illegal advantages and further perform denial-of-service attacks. Physical (PHY)-layer authentication techniques exploit physical layer p...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2332014115325

    Justice Motive and Accountability Bias: Attribution Process in Explaining Negative Events

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    归因是媒体生产框架的重要组成部分,是影响受众认知与传播行为的重要因素,在传播学研究中的具有重要意义。近年来,社交媒体的发展以及学科交叉范式的兴起,为研究归因问题提供了丰富的现实数据和理论视角,以受众的角度研究传播中的归因问题成为新的方向。 人们往往相信自己生活在一个正义的世界里,好有好报、恶有恶报,但日常接触的各种负面的行为、事件或媒介信息却威胁着个体的正义世界信念。因此,正义动机会促使个体通过对当事人的性格、道德、责任等进行内部归因来维护自己身处正义世界的表象,即表现出基本归因偏差。然而,文化心理学以往的研究发现,中、西方文化在归因上具有固有的认知模式,即中国人由于重视集体、环境因素,并不...Attribution, often embedded in media framing, plays a critical role in social cognition and communication behaviors, and thus draws much research attention in communication studies. The dramatic increase in social media provides a great deal of real-life data and the broadly news coverage exposes audience to vivid social event, even upon young kids. This suggest some exciting new directions of att...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3362013115301

    Project Proposal - SoapHand (Packing Case & Soap)

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    The first page of the proposal shows the design graphic (with English and Chinese literary notes) of the packing case of the SoapHands ; the remainder of the file illustrates the design of the soap (in shape of a human hand) itself with multiple perspectives in graphics, of which are denoted in Chinese next to the graphics. (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1140/thumbnail.jp

    Project Proposal - Traffic Light

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    This project proposal includes a brief resume of LI Qiang (the artist), a description of the project itself (in Chinese and English), and a graphic illustrating the project. (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1138/thumbnail.jp

    Invitation of SOAP HAND Art Program Partners

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    This invitation of collaboration is scripted in both Chinese and English. (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1142/thumbnail.jp

    Design Patent Request & Acceptance of Application Notice for SoapHand

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    These legal documents for SoapHands are scripted in Chinese. (Jerry Wu\u2723).https://digital.kenyon.edu/zhoudocs/1144/thumbnail.jp