42 research outputs found

    Virtual oscillosope based on LabVIEW

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    文中详细介绍基于LabVIEW的虚拟示波器的组建方法,重点阐述虚拟示波器的软面板和应用程序设计。Building method of a virtual oscilloscope based on LabVIEW was described in detail in this paper. Soft panel and design of application program of virtual oscilloscope was highlighted.厦门大学创新团体发展计划资助

    Virtual function generator based on LabVIEW

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    传统信号发生器只能产生正弦波、方波、三角波和锯齿波4种基本波形,虚拟波形发生器不仅能产生这些基本波形,还可以输出任意波形且价格低廉,可以满足高校实验室教学的需要。文中详细介绍了基于LabVIEW的虚拟波形发生器的组建方法,重点阐述了虚拟波形发生器的软面板和应用程序的设计。The traditional signal generator device can only output the sine wave, the squarewave, the triangle wave and the saw-tooth wave. The virtual function generator can not only have these basic profiles, but also may output random waves with inexpensive prices, can satisfy the need of university laboratory teaching. This paper thoroughly introduces the method of building virtual function generator based on LabVIEW, and mainly sets forth on the design of soft panel and application.厦门大学创新团体发展计划(IRTXMU200606)资助项

    The feeding selectivity of an herbivorous amphipod Ampithoe valida on three dominant macroalgal species of Yundang Lagoon

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    在室内开展了强壮藻钩虾对筼筜湖3种优势大型海藻,即石莼(ulVA lACTuCA)、根枝藻(rHIzOClOnIuM SP.)和细基江蓠繁枝变种(grACIlArIA TEnuISTIPITATA VAr.lIuI)的摄食实验研究,并以海藻的干湿比、总有机碳、总有机氮、碳氮比和蛋白质含量为指标,分析了大型海藻的营养价值对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择性产生的影响。无选择性摄食实验的结果显示,强壮藻钩虾摄食率与3种海藻的干湿比和鲜海藻总有机碳含量呈显著负相关关系,表明该端足类存在着明显的“补偿性摄食“行为。选择性摄食实验的结果显示,强壮藻钩虾对石莼和根枝藻有明显的摄食偏好,其摄食率与鲜海藻的总有机碳和蛋白质含量呈显著的负相关关系,与海藻的总氮含量则无明显的相关关系,表明海藻的营养价值对强壮藻钩虾的摄食选择性并未产生可以预见的影响。Marine algae vary considerably in their nutritional,chemical,and structural composition,thus providing a heterogeneous and variable food resource for marine herbivores.However,Due to seasonal fluctuation in species composition and abundance of marine algae,herbivores usually encounter the environments with little tasty,highly nutritional food.Because herbivores eat foods that are much lower in nutrients than their own tissues,they display a diversity of behavioral and physiological adaptations to cope with the low nutritional value of their foods.Selective feeding on more nutritious plants,increasing consumption of lower quality foods( compensatory feeding) have all been proposed as important behaviors allowing herbivores to obtain adequate nourishment.Amphipods were common benthic species in macroalgal-based communities.They may regulate the macroalgal community structure by their selective feeding behavior.This study investigated the feeding of amphipod Ampithoe valida on three dominant macroalgae( Ulva lactuca,Gracilaria tenuistipitata var.liui and Rhizoclonium sp.) of Yundang Lagoon, and analyzed how the nutritional quality in terms of dry mass / wet mass( DM / FM),total organic carbon( TOC),total nitrogen( TN),C / N ratio and protein level may affect the food selectivity in the amphipod.The results showed that there was negative correlation between the feeding rates and the DM / FM,or TOC / FM of the macroalgae when macroalgae was separately offered to A.valida,indicating compensatory feeding behavior in the amphipod,that is,A.valida can use quantity to compensate quality when nutritional value of macroalgae was low.A.valida preferentially fed on U.lactuca and Rhizoclonium sp.,and their feeding rates negatively correlated to the TOC concentrations or protein levels in the macroalgae.However,no relationship was found between the feeding rates and TN.These results suggest there are no predictable effects of the nutritional quality on the feeding selectivity of amphipods.However,although A.valida have strong preference to green algae,Yundang Lagoon doesn' t structure a macroalgal community dominated by red algae G.tenuistipitata var.liui.海洋公益性行业科研专项经费资助项目(201205009

    Symbiotic algae in two scleractinian corals: molecular phylogeny and their response to elevated temperatures      

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    珊瑚白化是导致全球珊瑚礁生态系统衰退的最重要原因之一,野外观察结果表明不同种属的造礁石珊瑚对于海水温度升高的耐受性有所差异.选取多孔鹿角珊瑚(Acropora millepora)和丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)为研究对象,比较其共生藻在温度升高时的光生理差异.对多孔鹿角珊瑚和丛生盔形珊瑚共生藻的分子系统学研究结果表明:多孔鹿角珊瑚和丛生盔形珊瑚的共生藻属于不同系群,丛生盔形珊瑚共生藻属于D系群,而多孔鹿角珊瑚共生藻属于C1亚系群.当温度升高到30℃时并未对两种造礁石珊瑚共生藻光合系统Ⅱ造成损害,而当温度升高到34℃时两种造礁石珊瑚共生藻的F_v/F_m值急剧下降,其光合系统Ⅱ遭受损害.多孔鹿角珊瑚和丛生盔形珊瑚分别与不同系群的共生藻共生可能是导致其对海水温度升高耐受性不同的主要原因,与C1亚系群共生藻共生的多孔鹿角珊瑚对水温升高敏感,容易白化,而与D系群共生藻共生的丛生盔形珊瑚对水温升高的耐受性强,不易白化


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    以实验室自制氢氧化铁为电子受体,醋酸钠为电子供体,从厌氧活性污泥中分离得到异化金属还原菌。将赤铁矿代替氢氧化铁作为电子受体对微生物进行驯化。通过单因素实验考察好氧、厌氧条件及pH、温度对反应过程的影响,并对反应机理进行研究。研究结果表明:赤铁矿颗粒逐渐由红色变深至棕黑色并具有磁性,分析表明异化金属还原菌可将赤铁矿中的Fe(Ⅲ)还原成Fe(Ⅱ),但反应不完全。反应生成的棕黑色颗粒物质主要成分为Fe3O4与Fe2O3的混合物;厌氧条件优于好氧条件,在温度为30℃,振荡速度为160 r/min,接种量为10%,pH为5.0,赤铁矿加入量为1.0 g/L的条件下,20 d后,Fe(Ⅱ)的浓度可达1.87 mmol/L,赤铁矿中的部分Fe(Ⅲ)还原为Fe(Ⅱ),在矿物颗粒表面沉积并与其结合反应生成磁铁矿(Fe3O4),增强了原矿的磁性


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    以实验室自制氢氧化铁为电子受体,醋酸钠为电子供体,从厌氧活性污泥中分离得到异化金属还原菌。将赤铁矿代替氢氧化铁作为电子受体对微生物进行驯化。通过单因素实验考察好氧、厌氧条件及pH、温度对反应过程的影响,并对反应机理进行研究。研究结果表明:赤铁矿颗粒逐渐由红色变深至棕黑色并具有磁性,分析表明异化金属还原菌可将赤铁矿中的Fe(Ⅲ)还原成Fe(Ⅱ),但反应不完全。反应生成的棕黑色颗粒物质主要成分为Fe3O4与Fe2O3的混合物;厌氧条件优于好氧条件,在温度为30℃,振荡速度为160 r/min,接种量为10%,pH为5.0,赤铁矿加入量为1.0 g/L的条件下,20 d后,Fe(Ⅱ)的浓度可达1.87 mmol/L,赤铁矿中的部分Fe(Ⅲ)还原为Fe(Ⅱ),在矿物颗粒表面沉积并与其结合反应生成磁铁矿(Fe3O4),增强了原矿的磁性


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