204 research outputs found

    On Legal Issues of China’s Restrictive Measures Related to Exportation of Natural Resources under WTO—— In Perspective of "the Rare Earths Case"

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    自由贸易主义和贸易管制措施的斗争从未停止过。在中国产业结构调整与全球资源消耗日益加剧的环境中,出口限制措施的实施愈发体现其必要性,但也极易触动WTO其他成员方的利益。本文就是在这样的背景下研究中国自然资源产品在WTO框架下的出口限制措施问题。资源有限,实施资源出口限制措施是一国实现可持续发展的必经之路。资源环境保护有时是与WTO义务相悖的,中国应找到自然资源贸易限制措施的正确实施方式。 除引言和结尾部分外,本文共分为四章。第一章从法律原则和价值追求的角度分析WTO体制下的自然资源保护问题。该章从“稀土案”的基本情况入手,从个案角度引出中国实施出口限制措施的必要性,之后论及这些限制措施可能的理...The conflicts between free trade and trade restrictions have never ceased. At the atmosphere of China’s adjustment of industrial structure and the global increasing resource consumption, export restrictions become more and more necessary, which may do harm to other WTO members’ interest. It is in this circumstances that this paper does a research on China’s restrictive measures related to the expo...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302010115033

    Screening of the Fine Brewer’s Yeast Strains and Preliminary Study on the Identification of Yeast Mutants by RAPD

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    啤酒酵母是保证啤酒质量的关键,因此优良啤酒酵母菌种的选育具有重要的意义。本文在含甲磺隆(SM)的培养基上分离抗SM自发突变酵母菌株;用氩激光、甲基磺酸乙酯和亚硝酸诱变啤酒酵母(Saccharomycescerevisiae)后,在含175mg·L-1双乙酰或0.01%2-脱氧葡萄糖的培养基上分离突变株;筛选具有发酵度较高、总高级醇生成量适中、低产双乙酰、低产乙醛等特性,且遗传性稳定的优良菌株,并测定了优良菌株的转化酶和双乙酰还原酶的活性,以及运用RAPD分子标记技术对优良突变株及其亲株进行RAPD分析。 从实验室保藏的啤酒工业酵母菌种分离SM抗性自发突变株,筛选得到几株优良的突变株。其中SM...Brewer’s yeast is the key factor that guarantes the quality of beer. So the selection of the fine strains is significant. The sulfometuron methyl (SM)-resistant brewer’s yeast spontaneous mutants were isolated on the the plate agar containing SM. Saccharomyces aerevisiae strains were mutated by argon-laser, ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) and nitrous acid, respectively. The mutants were separated on ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_发育生物学学号:2005130205

    The Research on Foreign Trade of Yunnan Province by Focusing on Customs(1889-1910)

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    云南省自1889年开埠以后,其对外贸易迅速发展。洋货的大量涌入促进传统经济结构的松动,小农经济开始瓦解,商品流通范围扩大,商业资本也有了一定程度的积累,开始出现新兴的商业组织。云南省逐渐整合成一个统一的区域市场,通过香港的转口贸易,加强与国内东部沿海地区以及国外的经济联系,逐步被纳入世界市场体系。 绪论,说明选题缘起及所用资料,回顾相关学术史研究,阐述笔者的写作思路。 第一章,介绍云南省开埠以前的对外贸易状况,如传统的对外贸易路线以及贸易对象,从事贸易活动的商业组织,区域市场等等。 第二章,运用大量海关贸易报告,结合相关资料,进行整理、统计,进而说明蒙自、思茅、腾越三个海关的交通状况、对...The foreign trade of Yunnan Province expanded fast from 1889. A large number of foreign goods caused the decline of small-scale peasant economy, to expand the scope of commodity circulation. A few merchants accumulated commercial capital, and some new business organizations developed. A unified regional market formed gradually in Yunnan Province. With the help of intermediary trade in Hong Kong, Y...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032009115188

    The Research on Foreign Trade of Yunnan Province by Focusing on Customs(1889-1910)

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    云南省自1889年开埠以后,其对外贸易迅速发展。洋货的大量涌入促进传统经济结构的松动,小农经济开始瓦解,商品流通范围扩大,商业资本也有了一定程度的积累,开始出现新兴的商业组织。云南省逐渐整合成一个统一的区域市场,通过香港的转口贸易,加强与国内东部沿海地区以及国外的经济联系,逐步被纳入世界市场体系。 绪论,说明选题缘起及所用资料,回顾相关学术史研究,阐述笔者的写作思路。 第一章,介绍云南省开埠以前的对外贸易状况,如传统的对外贸易路线以及贸易对象,从事贸易活动的商业组织,区域市场等等。 第二章,运用大量海关贸易报告,结合相关资料,进行整理、统计,进而说明蒙自、思茅、腾越三个海关的交通状况、对...The foreign trade of Yunnan Province expanded fast from 1889. A large number of foreign goods caused the decline of small-scale peasant economy, to expand the scope of commodity circulation. A few merchants accumulated commercial capital, and some new business organizations developed. A unified regional market formed gradually in Yunnan Province. With the help of intermediary trade in Hong Kong, Y...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032009115188

    Relationship between private speech and performance in social problem solving task in preschool children

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    This study documented the developmental course of private speech and investigated the relationship between private speech and task performance in a social task. 40 Cantonese-speaking preschool children recruited were assigned into three groups (3-, 4- and 5-year-old). They were required to manipulate interaction partner’s mental state and propose solutions to cooperate or compete with the interaction partner in finding treasures. Task-irrelevant private speech was found to decrease with age while muttering and lip movement increased with age. Task-relevant private speech showed an inverted-U age pattern. Results also revealed a significant positive correlation between private speech and total solution scores (performance measurement), and insignificant correlation between private speech and total belief question scores (performance measurement). Implications and future directions were discussed.published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science

    A Research on Sales Business Operation Management improvement in the Security Industry Software Company——Company SZY for example

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    随着国家基础设施建设投资和城市化进程的推进,国内的安防产业发展速度极快,市场需求呈爆发式增长。本文主要立足于研究在移动互联网方向进行技术研发的安防企业,通过研究其企业发展和销售部门的运作管理,分析其销售运作管理中存在的问题,包括产品体系单一、客户群体有限、销售模式简单、销售发展受制于渠道商、客户管理平台功能有限、销售人员薪酬制度不合理、产品技术操作壁垒以及售后服务等存在的问题进行分析,研究其运作管理优化的必要性和可行性,并且针对其销售运作管理优化进行方案设计,并且保证方案的实施。通过对SZY公司的现存状况的分析,将有利于找到同类创业型软件公司发展的存在的类似问题,共同特点和未来轨迹,同样也将有...With the development of the investment on infrastructure construction and the evolvement of urbanization process in China, the domestic security industry has developed rapidly and the market demand has exploded recently. In this paper, the thesis is mainly based on studying the security industry which is being innovated towards the direction of mobile internet. Through the research of the enterpri...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115101

    On the use of the Japanese personal pronouns by the Taiwanese learners of Japanese focusing on the first personal pronouns

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    This study proposes a method of “functional analysis" (Text function and Sentence function) to investigate thequality of the usage of the personal pronouns of Japanese by Taiwanese learners. It compares and analyzes theusage of the personal pronouns in the Japanese textbooks and the learners' actual use in their compositions. Manyquantitative analyses have been done on the usage of the personal pronouns by learners of Japanese. Qualitativeanalyses on this area, however, are rare. The results show that the usage of the personal pronouns change with the learners' proficiency in Japanese bothquantitatively and qualitatively. The personal pronouns occurring in the textbook differ from that of the learnersactually use in their writing.As for the text function, the rate of the topic function is higher than other functions. As for the sentence function,the rate of which the personal pronouns are used as a subject is very high whether it can be omitted or not. This iscaused by the interference learners' first language. It can be seen clearly that their use of the personal pronouns isinfluenced by the sentence patterns of the textbooks

    The Social Philosophy of Guanzi

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    《管子》一书号称难读,各篇之间杂乱重复是这本书的一大特点,要真正地解读它确实是不容易。书中涉及的内容众多,可以说是一部小型的“百科全书”。《管子》对于读者来说是既陌生又熟悉的。陌生是因为它的流传不如四书、五经那么广泛,而熟悉则是因为书中有许多脍炙人口的良言。关于《管子》,从这本书成书之后,对它的研究就不曾间断过。书中内容包含了许多先秦时期的社会、经济、政治、思想等等方面的内容,对它进行研究可以对社会的发展提供一些借鉴。 至于社会哲学,这个概念说起来也是既陌生又熟悉。社会学大辞典里告诉我们社会哲学发展的一个活跃期就是春秋时期,而到了现今,这个概念却被现代学科划分给模糊化了。可以说社会哲学是一个...Guanzi is hard to read because of mess and reduplication full of chapters. This book has extensive contents so that it was called small encyclopedia. To some readers it’s strange because it hasn’t been widely circulated; to some readers it is familiar because it owns plenty of logion. After Guanzi was written, for its study has never been interrupted. The book include many pre-Qin period’s idea of...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_中国哲学学号:1042007115270