9 research outputs found


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    組織文化對員工角色拓展自我效能與 主動行為關係之調節影響- 「世代差異」觀點之探討;The Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Role Breadth Self-efficacy and Proactive Behavior - The Persptetive of Generation Difference

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    [[abstract]]台灣隨著社會型態的改變,在產業結構上也起了變化,從早期的農業化時代轉變成工業科技時代,而在勞動人口的分佈也從46%變成58.7%,而產業型態也從技術型態轉變偏重服務產業。在服務業的型態以百貨公司的勞動人口密集度最大,百貨產業在台灣的平均產值約為2600億元。以北部地區為例,在2008年百貨公司共有14家,在2011年更發展到25家,台灣百貨商場林立,競爭也更為激烈,在如此劇烈的環境變動下,除了商品本身的競爭價值,競爭力的展現就是投入百貨業工作的勞動者了。適度的人員流動可以幫助企業組織新陳代謝,避免組織老化,但是在世代環境的影響下,投入這個市場的勞動者與組織環境的互動行為,常為研究關注的焦點。不同世代的員工對於組織文化對角色拓展自我效能與主動行為也會產生不同的結果。本研究從世代差異的觀點,探討組織文化對角色拓展自我效能和主動行為關係的調節作用,研究結果發現如下:一、角色拓展自我效能對員工主動行為有正向影響。二、角色拓展自我效能與員工主動行為之關係受組織文化之調節影響。三、在年輕世代部份「支持型組織文化」在對「角色拓展自我效能」與「主動行 為」有負向調節影響;在資深世代部份「創新型組織文化」在對「角色拓展自我效能」與「主動行為」有正向調節影響。 Taiwan has changed the industrial structure from the early agricultural-oriented to the industrial technological based. The distribution of the wrokforce changed from 46% to 58.7% during the changing period as well. Therefore, the industrial pattern shifted from technology-oriented toward service. The labor intensity of department stores is the largest among the service sector and its average output values about 260 billion dollars per year. For example, in the area of northearn Taiwan, the number of department stores increased from 14 of 2008 to 25 of 2011. Due to the intensive business, all of department stores are facing increasing competition. In order to survive in this competitive environment, customer service is much more important to creat the influence of customer relationship. No doubt, a high qulity of employees is the key factor of competing with others. To ensure skillful manpower, a reasonable labour turnover is able to rejuvenate the working force with youth labour and to prevent aging issue for the organizations. Because the obvious impact of the new generations, employers and employees relationship has become an interesting topic for researches.The porpuse of this study was to investigate the moderating effect on the relationship between role breadth self-efficacy and proactive behavior, particularly the different moderation among generations. The results of the empirical study were as follows:1.Role breadth self - efficacy positively effects on employee 's proactive behavior.2.Organizational culture moderates the relationship between role breadth self - efficacy and employee 's proactive behavior.3.In the younger generation, the supporting organizational culture negatively moderates the relationship between role breadth self - efficacy and proactive behavior. Differently, innovative organizational culture positively modeartes the relatioship between role breadth self - efficacy and proactive behavior in the senior generation


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    A Handheld Device for Plant Disease Detection Using Multispectral Imaging

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    近年來,氣候變遷對於農業生產造成重大影響,如何維持農作物的產量儼然為農業領域上的一大課題。高溫以及降雨的改變使得植物的病害更為嚴重,而提前得知植物病害的發病狀況有助於避免病害擴散。由高光譜影像技術可以提前偵測到潛伏期的病徵,進而避免草莓炭疽病的蔓延。為了改善植物病害的辨識效率,本研究致力於建立一套手持式多光譜影像裝置以檢測植物病害。此裝置使用嵌入式系統當作系統的控制器,藉由放置於微型攝影機之前的濾鏡,可以擷取到所需要的特徵波段影像。藉由這些影像的資訊,可以得到不同波段的染病資訊。手持式多光譜裝置擷取四個波段的影像後,經過白校正影像處理以降低光線不均勻的影響後,藉由觀察接種炭疽病孢子液後的草莓葉片,由多光譜以及RGB影像資訊,可以分析不同時期的發病狀況。在本研究當中,我們首先以手持式多光譜裝置辨識草莓葉片的健康期以及病徵期兩種狀態,然後再進一步進行草莓葉片的健康期、潛伏期和病徵期三種狀態的辨識。在葉片平整的狀況下,本研究利用SVM模型在兩類病害分析上可以到達90.0%以上的準確率,而在三類病害分析上則可以在健康期、潛伏期以及染病期上面得到92.2%、68.6%和97.9%的準確率。染病草莓葉片以多光譜裝置取像後可以利用假彩色的方式呈現不同時期的病害症狀,讓使用者簡單且準確的得知染病植物的狀況,以採取適當防治措施。由於不平整葉片上的陰影會嚴重影響多光譜影像裝置的病害分析辨識率,因此我們進一步提出一個透過影像組合的方法來降低陰影所造成辨識率降低的影響。經過觀察多光譜影像彼此之間的關聯後,建立了四個較具有判別陰影、病徵以及健康區域的組合影像。以新的組合影像進行SVM訓練,健康期的辨識率由71.3%提高到95.7%,而病徵期的辨識率由82.3%提高到88.9%。In recent years, the climate change has significantly affected the agricultural production. Maintaining the crop production is one of main concerns in agriculture. High temperature and changes of rainfall patterns enhance the spread of plant diseases. Hence it is desirable to seek for early detection of plant disease, and thus to control the spread of plant disease. Hyperspectral imaging has been proved to be an efficient tool for early detection of strawberry Anthracnose. To improve the efficiency of plant disease detection, this research aims to build a handheld multispectral imaging device for strawberry Anthracnose detection. This device uses an embedded system as the controller of the device. By placing filters in front of four miniature cameras, the images of four characteristic wavelengths are acquired. After capturing images using the handheld multispectral imaging device, images are processed to correct the effect of uneven lighting. Then by further processing the multispectral images and incorporating the RGB image of inoculated strawberry leaves, we are able to analyze the status of strawberry leaves at various infection stages. In this research, we first used the multispectral imaging device to classify the healthy and symptomatic areas in strawberry leaves. Then we further attempted to classify the status into three categories: healthy, incubation and symptomatic. SVM model was applied for classification of infection stages. For classification of healthy and symptomatic status, detection accuracy is above 90%. For classification between healthy, incubation, and symptomatic status, the accuracies are 92.2%, 68.6%, and 97.9%, respectively. The classification result of strawberry Anthracnose infection is further displayed on the handheld device as pseudo-color image so the user can easily observe the plant health condition, and so the disease management can be applied if necessary. Since the detection accuracy can be affected by lighting and shadow due to uneven surface of strawberry leaves. We propose a method to amend the effect of shadow on status classification. Through observations of the original four images and their association, a new set of images derived from the original four images was selected and tested to rectify the shadow effect. Using this new set of derived images and trained with SVM, classification accuracy for healthy status increased from 71.3% to 95.7% and the classification accuracy for symptomatic status also increased from 82.3% to 88.9%

    [[alternative]]An Exploration of the Relationship between Perceived Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Cynicism in the Taiwan Hotel Industry

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    [[abstract]]  旅館業泛屬服務業之一環,當員工對顧客進行服務傳遞時,勢必因身處第一線直接面對顧客而產生更大的壓力。過去的文獻指出,賦能應被視為可提供更優質服務與幫助員工迅速解決顧客要求的要點之一。相較於賦能此種激勵作法,文獻亦認為組織中的領導者更應審慎面對員工在職場上的負面反應。對員工而言,自我防衛態度的展現,即是對組織不滿的反射,而犬儒主義就是員工的防衛心態之ㄧ,亦最普遍存在於組織中。綜觀目前國內外相關研究,鮮有以心理賦能下之四個認知構面來驗證對組織犬儒主義的影響。雖然從事心理賦能之相關研究不少,但探討何種人口統計特性的員工對心理賦能認知程度的相關研究卻相對罕見。此外,本研究也發現以人口統計變項為自變數,探討其對組織犬儒主義是否有所差異的議題亦被忽略。   為填補上述之文獻缺口,本研究以問卷進行調查,樣本來源為全國二十家國際觀光旅館全職的從業人員,總計發出500份問卷,有效問卷為180份,有效問卷回收率為36%。統計分析採敘述性統計、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析與多元迴歸分析來驗證各研究構面的影響關係。本研究發現:1.國際觀光旅館從業人員的個人變項對意義、自我效能、自我決策、影響力及心理賦能有顯著差異,但對於組織犬儒主義沒有顯著差異;2.意義對組織犬儒主義有顯著的負向影響關係。[[abstract]]  The front-line employees in the service industry are referred to as boundary spanners because they operate at the organization’s boundary. The boundary-spanning role may create stress and conflict while individuals are undertaking their job. Thus, organizations may delegate or grant authority to boundary-spanning personnel in order to respond to customers’ requirements. However, empowerment is likely to be the best strategy for front-line employees to respond immediately and to satisfy unpredicted customer requirements. In addition, it builds up front-line employee’s self-confidence and greater trust and commitment with organisation and thus, leads to reduce individuals’ cynical toward the organisation. A growing number of studies have recently lamented that cynicism is growing phenomenon in organisational settings. The outcome of such negative attitude will have tendencies towards disparaging the organisation and its members and will have critical behavior. Although much attention has been devoted to understanding forms of cynicism develop in workplace and to relate them to affective outcomes. Relatively, little research has attempted to understand the relationship between demographics of employees and empowerment and relate them to organizational cynicism. This is focused on the use of four psychological empowerment dimensions (meaning, competence, self-determination and impact).    To fill this gap, 500 questionnaires were sent out to 20 international and national hotels positioned in the upper market in Taiwan. A total of 180 questionnaires were valid. Means, descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and mutiple regression analysis, are administered on the sample. The results indicated that different demographic variables have significant impact on meaning, competence, self-determination, impact, and psychological empowerment, but not organizational cynicism. Moreover, meaning was related negatively to organizational cynicism


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    [[abstract]]隨著女性進入職場的比例日漸提高及上班族平均工作時間增長,因此發生辦公室戀情機率也更為提高。除了影響組織裡的工作士氣與工作壓力外,更嚴重還影響了組織成員離職的意圖,連帶組織整體績效都將全部受到影響。 本研究目的是想了解現在的上班族,在組織成員發生辦公室戀情後,組織成員對工作士氣、壓力及離職意圖的影響,藉由問卷的方式來蒐集受測者個人背景資料和出現辦公室戀情之經驗、類型進行其離職意圖、工作壓力、工作士氣的分析和探討;問卷發放過程中,總共發放300份,回收269份,回收率為89.7%。本研究結果為:1.發生辦公室戀情後,戀情不會因為工作壓力和工作士氣的介入影響離職意圖;2.發生辦公室戀情後,組織工作壓力對離職意圖有顯著正相關;3.發生辦公室戀情後,工作士氣和戀情對離職意圖有顯著負相關;4.辦公室戀情中,組織成員的離職意圖會因為性別及職稱的不同而有顯著的差異


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    [[abstract]]一種飲料瓶訊息彈出裝置,包含有:一容器,具有一開口,該容器內盛裝有液體; 一蓋子,與該容器連結,並封閉該開口; 一吸管,設有至少一浮體以及一訊息;該吸管插入該容器中,使該浮體沒入該容器內的液體中; 藉此,當打開蓋子,該吸管會因該浮體而由該開口向上彈起,使該訊息顯露