10 research outputs found

    Survey of location-centric target tracking with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks

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    介绍目标跟踪的过程以及移动跟踪的特点;通过区分目标定位为主的方法和目标探测为主的方法,介绍定位为主的移动式目标跟踪方法(称为目标的移动式定位跟踪; )的研究现状;分析和比较不同方法的特点和应用领域,发现现有方法虽然可以提高跟踪质量、降低网络整体能耗,但是还存在一些问题。基于此,总结目标的移动; 式定位跟踪方法在方法类型、网络结构和节点模型等方面可能存在的研究热点,指出其研究和发展趋势。The basic process of target tracking and the properties of tracking; solutions with mobile elements were introduced. By distinguishing; location-centric methods and detection-centric methods, the current; research status of the location-centric target tracking methods were; reviewed. The properties and application fields of different solutions; were analyzed and compared. Although the existing solutions can; significantly improve tracking quality and reduce energy consumption of; the whole network, there are also some problems. Based on these; discoveries, some possible research hotspots of mobile solutions were; summarized in many aspects, such as method types, network architecture,; node model, and so on, indicating the future direction of research and; development.国家自然科学基金资助项目; 国家科技支撑计划项

    Research Advance of Target Tracking with Mobile Elements in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    传统固定无线传感器网络在进行目标跟踪过程中面临跟踪质量较低、网络能耗较高等问题.引入移动节点后所组成的异构无线传感器网络提供了新的解决方法,即移; 动式目标跟踪.目前的研究大多对被跟踪目标的探测和定位混为一谈,本文区分了以探测为主和以定位为主的两类方法,着重介绍以探测为主的移动式目标跟踪方法; 的研究现状.通过对比现有方法在跟踪质量和网络能耗等方面的优缺点,揭示了现有研究存在的问题.总结了移动式目标跟踪领域存在的研究热点和趋势.Traditional stationary wireless sensor networks usually encounter some; problems during the process of target tracking,such as low tracking; quality, high energy consumption and so on. More and more mobile; elements, i. e., mobile sensors, are used to build up heterogeneous; wireless sensor networks and thus bring new solutionsfor target; tracking. Existing researches usually misidentify detecting the target; with locating the target. After distinguishing between detection-centric; and localization-centric methods,we review specifically the current; research status of the detection-centric target tracking methods. By; comparing existing methods'merit and demeritin aspects like tracking; quality, energy consumption, etc.,their problems are revealed.; Therefore, we summarize some possible research hotspotsand tendency of; mobile solutions in many aspects.国家自然科学基金重点项目; 国家科技支撑计划项目; 国家自然科学基金项目; 福建省自然科学基金计划项


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    In order to investigate the metabolism of Candidatus Accumulibacter Phosphates (a well-known phosphate accumulating organism) and its affecting factors, anaerobic-aerobic SBR reactor was performed to incubate polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO) using synthetical sewage, and the content of PAOs reached more than 80%. Based on the enriched culture, several batch experiments were taken. The results indicated that when acetate and nitrite were both in the reactor(in 60min), with the increasing of the initial nitrite, Accumulibacter released much more PO-P, whereas the acetate uptake rate and the amount of accumulated PHA decreased. After 60min, the concentration of phosphate, nitrate and PHA were all degressive, suggesting that denitrifying phosphorus removal were occurred. The results suggested that there were denitrifying phosphorus organisms. Besides, there were a part of PAOs which could be poisoned by nitrite in this system