26 research outputs found

    Research on the Key Technologies of Peripheral Grinder of Indexable Inserts

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    摘要 随着先进制造技术的快速发展,被称为“工业的牙齿”的切削刀具作为关键 因素之一推动着切削加工技术的快速发展。可转位刀具/可转位刀片是切削刀具 中最具时代特征的代表。因其具有高硬度、良好的耐磨性、可快速更换以及能降 低刀具使用成本等优点在现代切削加工中被广泛使用。可转位刀片关键部位的几 何精度、表面粗糙度等质量指标都是通过周边刃磨技术保证,因此可转位刀片周 边刃磨机床是其制造的重要装备。目前高档周边磨床及高柔性智能化的磨削软件 包均被国外所垄断,其核心技术并不对外开放。针对此背景,本文在研究室之前 同学的研究基础上,主要针对可转位刀片成形工艺、机床结构、磨削软件优化及 机床...Abstract With the rapid development of advanced manufacturing technology, cutting tools, known as “teeth of industry”, have been playing a critical role in promoting the progress of machining technology. Indexable insert is a type of cutting tool which well embodies the features of modern times, and is widely applied in modern machining due to its excellent durability, reliability as well as ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械制造及其自动化学号:1992011115277

    The development of online detecting system of five-axis CNC grinding machine for indexable insert

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    五轴可转位刀片磨床具有高速、高精的特点,为了使所磨的刀片符合精度要求,需要针对刀片的尺寸开发一种在线检测系统。本文所介绍的在线检测系统主要由两方面构成:一是在磨床数控系统中将测头伸缩时发出的电压信号转换为测量值;二是建立刀片尺寸的加工模型。在线检测系统通过调用系统的测量宏程序,获取刀片测量值,将此测量值输入到加工模型中,得到所加工刀片的指导尺寸。通过实验,得到了刀片的指导尺寸和测量时间,验证了此在线检测系统是可行并且可靠的。The five-axis CNC grinder of indexable insert is characterized by high-speed and high-precision.,in order to meet the accuracy requirements of grinding blades, needed an online detection system developed for the size of the blade.The online detection system described in this article consists of two aspects: First, the voltage signal that when the probe telescopics will be converted to the measured value; Second, establishing the process model of the blade size.The online detection system will get the blade measurements by calling the measure macro, then the measured value input into the process model, obtaining the guidance blade size.Through the experiment, verifying this online detection system is feasible and reliable by the obtained guidance blade size and the measuring time.国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项资助(2010ZX04001-162

    Automatic Dressing and Compensation Method of Diamond Wheel in CNC Grinding Machine

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    金刚石砂轮在使用过程中会磨损、钝化,影响磨削性能,需要定期修整。本文介绍砂轮修整原理,并给出一种砂轮修整的全自动控制方法和补偿方法。通过长时间连续自动运行,验证了该方法的实际应用效果。After a period of using,the diamond grinding wheel will be worn and blunted,which can seriously affect the grinding performance.So,the diamond grinding wheel requires dressing regularly.The article introduces the principle and methods of dressing and gives an automatic control and compensation method.Through a long continuous running,the result of practical application of this method has been verified.国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项(2010ZX04001-162


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    单物种–面积关系(ISAR)方法可判定单个物种在不同空间尺度下对邻域生物多样性的影响作用是促进、抑制或中性。尽管已有研究尝试分析了不同径级大小个体对邻域植物多样性的影响,但这方面仍缺乏较系统的研究,对不同径级植株在维持森林群落植物多样性方面的作用差异仍不清楚。本研究以河南宝天曼国家级自然保护区1ha落叶阔叶林固定样地为例,通过对全部树(包括大树和小树)分别对全部树/大树/小树,大树分别对全部树/大树/小树,小树分别对全部树/大树/小树9种类型的ISAR进行比较分析,拟验证如下假设:(1)大树相比小树来说对邻域植物多样性的影响更大,(2)同一物种或同一径级个体对邻域小树比对邻域大树的影响要强,(3)宝天曼落叶阔叶林木本植物中中性物种占主体。结果显示不同大小的树木个体对邻域植物多样性的影响作用也因空间尺度、邻域植物个体大小而有所差别:支持同一物种或同一径级个体对邻域小树比对邻域大树的影响要强的假设,没有检测到大树比小树对邻域植物多样性更大的影响作用;中性物种在所研究森林群落中1–10 m尺度上均占绝对优势,促进种的数量在全部树对全部树,全部树对小树,小树对全部树以及小树对小树情况下随着尺度的增加呈先升高后下降的趋势,抑制种在少数小尺度下被少量检测到。本研究结果有助于我们更好地认识和理解森林群落中物种作用及群落维持机制,但该结果还需在更大尺度样地以及其他类型的森林中进行检验

    varbift: variable backup at instruction-level for fault tolerance

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    Study on Circulating Immune Complexes of IgG Specific Activing Complement in Patients with Graves' Disease

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    目的 探讨甲状腺机能亢进 (Gravesdisease,GD)患者IgG特异性激活补体类循环免疫复合物 (IgG/C3 -TCIC)的存在状况及其病理生理意义。方法 采用捕捉法ELISA以羊IgG抗人C3 为包被抗体 ,HRP -羊抗人IgG为检测抗体 ,检测了 2 19例GD患者和 10 5例健康人血清中IgG/C3 -TCIC ;按不同年龄、性别、血清Ig、C3 、T3 、T4、FT3 、FT4、TG和TM水平正常与否 ,比较其阳性率 ;并分析其与血清总、游离、复合Ig与C3 的相关性。结果 GD患者血清中IgG/C3 -TCIC含量和阳性率显著高于正常对照组 (P <0 0 1,0 0 0 1) ;其阳性率与年龄、性别及血清甲状腺激素水平无关 ,仅在血清IgA水平升高组显著高于IgA正常组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;患者IgG/C3 -TCIC仅与复合IgM呈正相关 (r=0 1732 ,P <0 0 5 ) ,而正常对照IgG/C3 -TCIC与总游离IgM及复合C3 呈正相关 (r =0 4 96 8,0 4 731,0 2 113;P<0 0 0 1,0 0 0 1,0 0 5 )。结论 GD患者存在特异性免疫功能紊乱。Ig类型转换于该类TCIC的形成具有重要的调节作用。并提出深入研究其机理 ,将可能为探索Graves病发病机理和治疗找到一条新路Objective To explore existing state and its pathology meanings of the two component circulating immune complexes of IgG specific activing complement(IgG/C\-3-TCIC) in patients with Graves' disease(GD).Methods By a capture ELISA,used coat IgG anti human C\-3 for coated antibody,HRP coat anti human IgG for second antibody,taking 219 cases of GD as a test group and 105 healthy individuals as a control one,IgG/C\-3-TCIC were characterized in this paper to compare its positive rate between the normal and abnormal levels of serum Ig,C\-3,T\-3,T\-4,FT\-3,FT\-4,TG,TM and different age,sex,and to analyse the correlation between IgG/C\-3-TCIC and serum total,free,composed Ig and C\-3.Results Both the levels and positive rates of IgG/C\-3-TCIC in GD patients were remarkably higher than those in the controls( P<0 01,0 001), its positive rates were no relations with age,sex and the levels of serum thyroxine,only notablely higher in the levels of serum IgA than those of the normal groups ( P<0 05) .IgG/C\-3-TCIC in GD patients only correlated with the complexed IgM( r=0 173 2,P<0 05) .In contrast,IgG/C\-3-TCIC correlated with total,free IgM and complexed C\-3( r=0 496 8,0 473 1,0 211 3,P<0 001,0 001,0 05) .Conclusion There were specific immune disorder in patients with Graves' disease.Ig switch had an important effect on regulating the formation of IgG/C\-3-TCIC.It cut a new approach to further illustrate the mechanism of the relational autoimmune diseases

    An Epidemiological Investigation on the Prevalence of Hepatitis E among Blood Donors

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    为了解献血员戊型肝炎感染情况,对2002年7~8月向北京市血液中心义务献血的所有人员进行整群抽样并抽血,应用ELISA检测戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)IgG的感染率。结果发现:北京献血员HEVIgG总感染率为26 59%,性别、年龄、省份分布存在着差别,男性比女性感染率高,年龄越大感染率越高,来自高感染省份者感染率也高,但ALT与HEVIgG感染无关。因此,男性、年龄大、来自高感染省份具有较高的HEV感染风险,进一步研究献血员的亚临床感染对HEV的输血安全性具有重要意义。In order to investigate the prevalence of HEV infection among blood donors,a cluster sampling strategy was used to sample all blood donors from July to August in 2002 in Beijing.Their blood were tested with HEV IgG ELISA.The total prevalence of HEV IgG among blood donors in Beijing was 26.59%,with statistically significant differences among sexes,ages and provinces.The prevalence was much higher in male andincreased along with their age,also high in persons coming from prevalent provinces.There exist high risks among these blood donors. Further studies aiming at sub-clinical HEV infection among blood donors will provide more meaningful data for blood transfusion safety