An Epidemiological Investigation on the Prevalence of Hepatitis E among Blood Donors


为了解献血员戊型肝炎感染情况,对2002年7~8月向北京市血液中心义务献血的所有人员进行整群抽样并抽血,应用ELISA检测戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)IgG的感染率。结果发现:北京献血员HEVIgG总感染率为26 59%,性别、年龄、省份分布存在着差别,男性比女性感染率高,年龄越大感染率越高,来自高感染省份者感染率也高,但ALT与HEVIgG感染无关。因此,男性、年龄大、来自高感染省份具有较高的HEV感染风险,进一步研究献血员的亚临床感染对HEV的输血安全性具有重要意义。In order to investigate the prevalence of HEV infection among blood donors,a cluster sampling strategy was used to sample all blood donors from July to August in 2002 in Beijing.Their blood were tested with HEV IgG ELISA.The total prevalence of HEV IgG among blood donors in Beijing was 26.59%,with statistically significant differences among sexes,ages and provinces.The prevalence was much higher in male andincreased along with their age,also high in persons coming from prevalent provinces.There exist high risks among these blood donors. Further studies aiming at sub-clinical HEV infection among blood donors will provide more meaningful data for blood transfusion safety

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