237 research outputs found

    A Research on Financial Integration Management of Telecommunication Company

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    在经济高速发展的今天,市场风云变幻、商业竞争激烈,企业为应对外部环境的变化,对内部管理的要求更加高效、更加精细。作为企业内部管理重要的一环,财务管理也在经受市场的考验,传统的会计核算、事后监督管理的功能已经很难满足企业日益变化的外部环境的要求,特别是在互联网经济下,企业为快速响应市场,不仅要求财务核算准确、管理公司财经风险,更加要求财务深入到业务前端,参与企业事前、事中的管理。从重经营结果向监控过程绩效转变,从事后监管到事前提供财务专业服务转变,深入到业务的各个环节,用数字化的结果支撑业务决策和企业运作。 本文基于国内外学者有关集成财务业管理的研究成果,例如:集成财务管理、流程管理、ERP集...Today, economic in high-speed development, market is changed frequently, business competition become more and more vigorous. To cope with the changes of external environment, corporate will require more efficient more precise to internal management. As a significant part of management, financial management is endured market testing, the traditional financial management can’t meet the requirements ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115101

    Research on Institutional Investors Decision-making in Private Placement: Based on the Perspective of Information Asymmetry

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    在我国,定向增发是一种发展历史较短,但是却非常热门的股权再融资方式。在定向增发过程中,尤其是项目型融资的定向增发过程中,机构投资者是非常重要的参与主体。因此,对定向增发中机构投资者投资决策的考察,不仅可以在理论上丰富现有的关于定向增发投资者身份的研究,同时对上市公司和机构投资者而言也有具有重要的现实意义。 本文关注上市公司定向增发时由于推出募投项目带来的短期信息不对称水平增长的影响,以2006年5月8日至2013年12月31日的622个项目融资型定向增发为样本,从信息不对称观视角,实证分析定向增发过程中机构投资者的投资决策。经过对文献的梳理,本文发现定向增发过程的信息不对称可以划分为两类:公...Though the private placement has a short history in China, it is a surprisingly popular method of SEO. During the process of private placement, especially the kind of project-based financing, institutional investors play an important role. Therefore, the study of the investment decisions of institutional investors in private placement can not only enrich the existing research on the identity of th...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762012115123

    Design and Implementation of Charging System for a Cancer Hospital

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    随着我国改革发展的不断深化与社会的不断进步、医学领域的不断创新,我国各级公立医院在和谐社会建设中的职责定位也更加的清晰。为了解决医院完全的依赖人工来运转的传统管理模式,而导致的工作效率低下,出错率高,管理成本较高而且还不能及时反映医院运营情况等问题。为了更好的给病患提供的医疗服务,解决在病患在挂号、收费问题中出现的长时间排队候时等现象。为了提高医院的工作效率,医院将现代化信息技术与传统的管理手段融合为一体,达到了现代化医院管理的新标准,实现制度标准化、管理精细化、发展科学化的全新水平。医院需要采用现代化信息计算的精确管理,才能跟得上时代和社会发展的需要,所以对于医院来说现代化财务管理系统是时代...Along with the constant deepening of reform and development, the progress of our society, and continuous innovation in the medicine field in our country, the responsibilities of public hospitals at all levels are more clear, contributing to the construction of harmonious society. One of the problems is that hospitals completely rely on artificial to traditional management mode to operate, resultin...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323107

    Research on Impurities Distribution Characteristics and Its Selective Separation by Acid Leaching

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    湿法提纯可以有效的选择性去除硅中的有害杂质,是冶金法制备太阳能级多晶硅的典型技术,具有设备简单、可规模化操作,能耗低,对大多数金属杂质元素去除效果好等优点。 基于硅中杂质赋存分布特性的系统分析,研究了酸浸工艺对杂质选择性分离的影响规律,并优化酸浸工艺。主要结果如下: 1、工业硅中杂质主要以颗粒团和杂质带的形式存在,其中主要化合物相是Si-Fe相和Si-Fe-Al相,还有部分Si-Fe-Al-M(Ca/Mn/Ti/Ni)相、Fe-Si-M(Ti/Mn)相和Al-Si-V-Mn相。HF酸对化合物相的腐蚀效果较HCl酸和HNO3酸更好,Si-Fe相、Si-Fe-Mn相和Si-Fe-Al-Mn相不...As a tipical technology of metallurgical method for solar grade silicon fabrication, acid leaching can remove the harmful impurities, especially most of the metal impurity elements in silicon efficiency with simple equipment, scale operation and low energy consumption. Based on the system analysis of the impurities distribution characteristics in silicon, the influence of acid leaching process...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院材料科学与工程系_材料学学号:2072009115005

    Research on Enterprise Risk Management of Hedging

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    自从我国加入WTO以来,运用衍生金融工具开展套期保值业务的企业愈来愈多,但是我国企业应用套期保值的整体水平还不高,导致套期保值效果很不理想,关于企业如何进行套期保值风险管理、改善套期保值效果的问题仍待解决。风险管理是企业套期保值业务的核心,关系到套期保值的成败与效果。在相关研究中可以发现,大部分对于套期保值的研究侧重于套期保值技术方面,尤其集中在最优套期保值比率上,但在套期保值实际操作中可以发现,企业通常更多地是面对大量的、频繁出现的非技术风险。多数情况下,降低实务中经常碰到的非技术风险往往会比改进套期保值技术更能使套期保值具有成效。基于此,本文对我国企业套期保值风险管理在理论探讨与实践操作中...Since China's accession to the WTO, more and more enterprises use the financial derivative instruments for hedging purposes. But the enterprises are not good at hedging, so the results of hedging are not satisfactory. The problem of how to deal with the enterprises’ hedging risks and then improve the effects of hedging is to be resolved. Risk management is the core of corporate hedging business, r...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752011115120


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    A Biblical Archetypal Study of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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    《汤姆叔叔的小屋》乃美国女作家斯陀夫人的代表作,也是文坛上引起巨大反响的废奴文学的经典之作。它描述了黑奴的苦难生活及为争取自由不懈奋斗的历程,愤怒地揭发和控诉了奴隶制的罪恶。弗莱认为,就西方文学传统而言,两大文学体系构成了原型的本源,即古希腊神话和希伯来人的《圣经》。弗莱的神话-原型批评理论立足于人类原始经验,在整体上把握西方文学类型的共性及历时态的演变规律,借助作品中抽象出来的原型,切入人类历史文化沉淀中最本质、最原始同时也最真挚、最动人的精神之根,从而帮助我们抓住文学的本质。原型批评能够将文学、神话、文化、历史等诸多因素包含在内,借助特定的文化语境,深入分析作品中的原型,有助于我们真正把握...Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the masterpiece of American authoress Harriet Beecher Stowe as well as the most influential anti-slavery literary classic in American literary world. It focuses on the poor life of black slaves and their struggle to achieve freedom, and makes a vehement attack upon the chattel slavery. According to Frye, as far as western literary tradition is concerned, two systems contribute...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院外语教学部_外国语言学及应用语言学学号:X200711400

    Higher education reform and development in Taiwan in the view of financial crisis

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    与过去历次相比,2008年爆发的世界金融危机对我国台湾地区社会经济体系尤其是高等教育的影响显得更加明显与直接,台湾高等教育发展过程中已显现及潜藏的矛盾与问题被进一步激发出来。对此,台湾当局、教育主管部门、高校及社会各界全面启动应急机制,并建立起推进高等教育新一轮改革与发展的长效机制,力图化危机为转机,以促进台湾高等教育健康、平稳地向前发展。The social and economic system,especially the higher education has been affected more severely and directly by the global financial crisis of 2008 in Taiwan compared with the past.It further exposes the potential conflicts and problems of the Taiwan's higher education.With consideration of this,the Taiwan administration,education authorities,colleges and universities have launched a comprehensive emergent mechanism as well as a long-term mechanism for a new round of higher education reform and development,in order to convert the crisis into opportunity,and ensure that the higher education in Taiwan develops in a healthy and steady way.2008年教育部人文社会科学青年项目(08JC880035