
Higher education reform and development in Taiwan in the view of financial crisis


与过去历次相比,2008年爆发的世界金融危机对我国台湾地区社会经济体系尤其是高等教育的影响显得更加明显与直接,台湾高等教育发展过程中已显现及潜藏的矛盾与问题被进一步激发出来。对此,台湾当局、教育主管部门、高校及社会各界全面启动应急机制,并建立起推进高等教育新一轮改革与发展的长效机制,力图化危机为转机,以促进台湾高等教育健康、平稳地向前发展。The social and economic system,especially the higher education has been affected more severely and directly by the global financial crisis of 2008 in Taiwan compared with the past.It further exposes the potential conflicts and problems of the Taiwan's higher education.With consideration of this,the Taiwan administration,education authorities,colleges and universities have launched a comprehensive emergent mechanism as well as a long-term mechanism for a new round of higher education reform and development,in order to convert the crisis into opportunity,and ensure that the higher education in Taiwan develops in a healthy and steady way.2008年教育部人文社会科学青年项目(08JC880035

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