68 research outputs found

    Study on the Effect of Financial Development on High-tech Enterprises’ Financing Constraints

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    高新技术产业作为一个国家新的经济增长点,已成为各国相互竞争的关键领域。在政府大力扶持下,我国高新技术产业有了很大发展,但仍存在很多阻碍其发展的不利因素。其中,融资约束是当前我国高新技术企业急需解决的主要问题。因此,探讨融资约束的影响因素对于促进高新技术企业发展有着重要的意义。 金融系统是企业重要的外部环境之一,那么金融发展对高新技术企业的融资约束是否有影响呢?基于这样的思考,本文从金融规模、金融中介效率和股票市场发展三个方面分别度量金融发展,以2006-2012年沪深高新技术上市公司的面板数据为样本,利用修正的现金-现金流模型研究金融发展对高新技术企业融资约束的影响。为了更深入分析金融发展对...As a new point of national economic growth, high-tech industry has become a key field of mutual competing between countries. High-tech industry in China has made significant progress with the government’s strong support, but there are still many negative factors that hinder its development. For high-tech enterprises, Financing constraints is the main problem which needs to be resolved in time. The...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济研究所_产业经济学学号:2902012115206


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    Studying Thermodynamics of the Sucrose Hydrolysis Reaction

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    本文介绍了如何用微量量热法研究蔗糖水解反应的热动力学,通过实验和计算得出了该反应的速率常数。Introduce how to use trace calorimetry study sucrose hydrolysis reaction of thermal dynamics,obtained through the experiment and calculation of the reaction rate constant.国家基础科学人才培养基金(No.J1210014);; 2014年福建省高等学校教学改革研究专项(No.JAS14634

    Application of Fuzzy Control in Intelligent Traffic Lights Monitoring System

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    为了解决拥挤的城市交通问题,针对交通灯监控系统中可变的交通状况,提出一种基于模糊算法的监控系统。应用模糊算法,通过模糊控制实现交通灯的控制,使道路通畅。对监控系统进行分析,合理选择模糊控制器的结构,根据动态的车流量,通过模糊算法分配当前车道的通行时间,并全面考虑同时通行的各种车道组合。该监控系统提高了车辆通行效率,使道路更为通畅。与传统的固定配时系统相比,它更适于当前纷繁复杂的交通状况。In order to solve the crowded transportation problem of cities,in view of the variable traffic condition in the traffic lights monitoring system,proposed to use the fuzzy algorithm and the fuzzy control to realize the control of the traffic lights.Making the analysis to the monitoring system,selected the fuzzy controller structure in reason.It assigned the pass time of each traffic lane through the fuzzy algorithm according to the dynamic volume of vehicle.In the paper it has considered all kinds of traffic lanes combination pass through in the same time.The monitoring system enhanced the efficiency of vehicles traffic,caused the path to be more unobstructed.Compared with the traditional fixed timing systems,it is more suitable to the complexity of current traffic conditions

    Graduate Students Participate in Physical Chemistry Experiment Teaching Process

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    物理化学实验是一门理论性、实践性和技术性较强的基础化学实验课程之一。研究生助教参与实验教学是高校教学改革的一个重要组成部分。本文就我校近几年研究生助教参与物理化学实验教学浅谈一点感想。Physical chemistry experiment is one of basic course of chemical experiment with theoretical,practical and highly technical qualities.Graduate students participate in experiment teaching process is an important part of teaching reform in colleges and universities.In this paper,some reflections were given on graduate students participate in physical chemistry experiment teaching process in our university in recent years.国家基础科学人才培养基金J1210014项目资

    Studying Thermodynamics of the Saponification of Ethyl Acetate

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    介绍基于量热法的热动力学原理。利用该方法测定了乙酸乙酯皂化反应的速率常数,并比较了该方法与电导法的优缺点。Micro-calorimetric method for studying thermodynamics of the saponification of ethyl acetate has been introduced.The reaction rate constant can be calculated easily from the related dates measured.Studies have also been carried out to compare the micro-calorimetric method with the electrical conductivity detection.国家基础科学人才培养基金(No.J1210014

    Introducing New Ideas in the Traditional Experiment Teaching

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    以一个经典的基础物理化学实验——“酸催化蔗糖水解反应“为例,浅谈如何通过丰富实验内容,帮助学生辩证区分在传统实验方法中,近似处理的合理性及限制条件;设计新实验方法,提高实验的效率;引入新的广谱性实验技术,使学生进一步理解化学热力学和动力学之间的联系,拓展学习思路、强化实验技术、培养创新意识,开发并引导学生了解和利用新的实验技术更好地进行科学研究。在传统实验教学中突出“新意“,激发学生追求、尝试创新的兴趣与热情,鼓舞学生自己动手设计、改进实验,引入“新“内容,从而培养其创新意识与能力。Taking a classic physical chemistry experiment "the hydrolysis of sucrose catalyzed by acid "as an example,the paper discusses how to enrich experiment contents,help students dialectical distinguish in traditional experiment method,the rationality of the approximate treatment and constraints.It designs a new experimental method to improve the efficiency of the experiment; By introducing a new broad spectrum experiment technology,the students are more interesting in experiment and can further understand the relationship between chemical thermodynamics and kinetics,expand the study thinking,strengthen experiment technology,cultivate creative consciousness,develop and guide students to understand and take advantage of new experimental technology for scientific research better.Highlighting the"new" in the traditional experimental teaching can inspire students ' interest and enthusiasm to pursuit,and to innovation,encourage students to oneself start work design,improvement of the experiment,the introduction of "new"content also cultivate students' innovation consciousness and ability.国家基础科学人才培养基金项目资助(J1210014


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    珊瑚虫与虫黄藻互利共生形成共生体,虫黄藻通过光合作用为珊瑚虫提供重要的能量来源。珊瑚共生体的光补偿点可以较好地指示珊瑚的光适应性,是重要光合特性指标,但其测定方法鲜有报道。利用溶氧微电极结合光强可调节光源,以鹿角杯形珊瑚为实验材料,依据扩散平衡理论,建立了一种造礁石珊瑚的光补偿点的测定方法。实验结果表明珊瑚的扩散边界层溶氧浓度会快速响应光强变化。珊瑚扩散边界层溶氧浓度与光合有效辐射具有较好的相关性,且光强由高降低过程测得的相关系数更高。实验测得鹿角杯形珊瑚的光补偿点较低,为1.52μE/m~2/s,与喜阴植物的光补偿点相当。相对较低的光补偿点利于珊瑚栖居于水深范围更广的区域,有助于扩展珊瑚的生态位。溶氧微电极相关技术和方法在珊瑚光合作用研究中具有广泛的应用前景。中国科学院战略性先导科技专项A(XDA13020300)国家自然科学基金(41676163; 41406191; 41276113; 41276114)国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0506301,2018YFC1406500)广州市珠江科技新星(201806010017