54 research outputs found

    Research on human visualization

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    人体可视化是指运用计算机图形学和图形处理技术,将抽象的人体数据转换为图形及图像在屏幕上显示出来并进行交互处理的理论、方法和技术。目前的许多应用已经显示出它在医学领域的巨大发展潜力。主要介绍人体可视化的研究背景、常用的可视化开发工具包、图像分割在医学可视化中的作用,最后对它的应用发展前景进行展望。Human visualization is a kind of theory,method and technology,which applies computer graphics and image processing technology to convert nonobjective human data to graphics and image to display on the screen and take mutual processing.The applications of human visualization reveal its great potential in medical field,In this paper,the research background of the human visualization in medical is introduced,the common use of visualization toolkits are summarized,the effect of image segmentation in the medical visualization is also concluded.Finally,the prospect of its applications in medical field is discussed

    Biological mechanism underlying the formation of greasy fur

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    腻苔是一种临床常见的病理性舌苔,主湿浊、痰饮、食积等,在中医临床诊断与治疗中有重要的临床意义与辨证价值,研究腻苔形成的现代生物学机制有重要的理论; 和实践意义。文章从舌表面脱落细胞学、微生态学、相关蛋白与基因表达及物质代谢等方面对腻苔形成的生物学机制进行了综述,并对腻苔与肠道微生态的关系,腻; 苔与现代医学疾病的关系进行了阐述,以期从现代生物医学角度对腻苔形成的物质基础、发生机制、变化规律及与相关疾病的关系作相关阐明,为疾病的中医诊断与; 治疗提供借鉴和帮助。Greasy fur is a common pathological tongue coating and is mainly seen in; the clinical practice in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as in; the dampness turbidity, the phlegm and fluid retention, the dyspepsia or; food accumulation, and so on. Greasy fur shows important clinical; significance and differentiation value in TCM diagnosis and treatment,; there is also great theoretical and practical significance in the; studying of the modern biomedical mechanism underlying the formation of; the greasy fur. Here we summarized the formation mechanism of the greasy; fur from the aspects of the shedding cytology of the tongue surface, the; microecology, the expression of the relative genes and proteins and the; metabolism. The relationship between the greasy fur and the intestinal; microecology, and between the greasy fur and the diseases were also; discussed in this paper. Through summarizing these related research; literatures, we want to elucidate the material basis, the occurrence; mechanism and the changing rules of the greasy fur from the perspective; of the modern biomedicine, and to elucidate its relationship with some; related modern medicine diseases, thus to provide references and; assistance for the disease diagnosis and treatment in TCM clinic.国家重点研发计划重点专项; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划; 国家自然科学基金项


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    目的探索宫颈癌根治性同期放化疗中部分子宫照射对减少盆腔正常脏器剂量的意义。方法选取2014年10月至2016年10月在汕头大学医学院附属肿瘤医院接受根治性放化疗的20例宫颈癌患者,为每个患者设计2套放疗计划:(1)全子宫照射:临床靶区(CTV)包括完整子宫;(2)部分子宫照射:CTV包括肿瘤靶区(GTV)以外10mm的子宫组织。比较每个患者2组放疗计划的参数和盆腔正常器官受照射剂量。结果部分子宫照射和全子宫照射适形度和均匀度差异无统计学意义;部分子宫照射的计划靶区(PTV)体积为(1 065±134)cm~3,小于全子宫照射的PTV体积(1 141±133)cm~3(P=0.00);部分子宫照射能减少部分盆腔脏器受照剂量:部分子宫照射膀胱V45=(27±9)%,全子宫照射V45=(32±11)%(P=0.01);部分子宫照射直肠V40=(84±9)%,全子宫照射直肠V40=(86±9)%(P=0.01);部分子宫照射小肠V45=(76±53)cm~3,全子宫照射小肠V45=(79±56)cm~3(P=0.03)。结论部分子宫照射能减少PTV体积,并减少部分盆腔正常器官受照射剂量,但所减少的绝对体积较小,临床意义不大。广东省科技厅科技计划项目(2016A020215188);;汕头市医疗科技计划项目(汕府科[2015]123号


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    光纤传像束是利用一定数量且规则排列的光纤实现传输图像的无源器件。为保证其成像质量,文章基于机器视觉技术研究了一种对光纤数量的优化检测系统。针对光纤传像束端面图像采集不完整或边缘有缺陷的情况,文章提出了一种基于欧拉数计算的边缘优化处理算法,可以识别、标记并分类图像中所有的边缘轮廓,不仅实现了对光纤数量的精确检测,而且通过图形处理器(GPU)处理提高了算法性能。文章算法均在Visual Studio 2013、Opencv 3.1和CUDA 10.1的环境下调试运行。实验结果表明,该系统对图像中光纤总数的检测误差率约为0.27%,优化检测的误差率约为0.03%,基本满足设计要求。不仅如此,与常规的检测方法相比,文章所提优化算法可大幅度降低对阈值的选取要求,并有更高的检测效率。在统一计算设备架构(CUDA)的支持下,双边滤波提速约20倍,优化算法及整体运行减少近1/2时间


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    Upgrading Expectation,Decision-making Preferences and Industrial Vertical Upgrading——Empirical Analysis Based on Data of Listed Companies in China's Manufacturing Industries

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    产业升级作为企业战略性选择,与决策者的决策偏好与升级预期密切相关。升级预期是决策者全面权衡成功与失败概率后的预期收益,不是价值链各环节输出值“u“型曲线(即所谓“微笑曲线“),而是价值链期望值倒“u“型曲线(即所谓“哭泣曲线“)。面临“哭泣曲线“,对多数理性的风险中性者而言,进入产业升级风险系数最小、期望值最大的生产加工环节,无疑是理性选择,由此使得发展中国家产业垂直升级出现低端锁定效应。因此培育企业家冒险精神,改变其决策偏好;提升升级能力,改变企业升级预期,是我国企业突破产业垂直升级低端锁定的主要路径。对中国沪深制造业上市公司数据的计量检验表明,上述结论基本准确,并且冒险精神、技术能力和营销能力对品牌升级影响贡献率达到90%以上,但不同类型产业企业品牌升级对核心能力的要求有所差异。As a strategical choice of an enterprise,upgrading is closely related to entrepreneur's decision-making preference and upgrading expectation.Upgrading expectation is the expected revenue after weighing probability of success.It is not the value-added output of a "U" shape value chain "smiling curve",but the expected value-added of a inverse "U" shape value chain "crying curve".Faced with the "crying curve",for most risk rational deciders,it is a rational choice to enter product links of minimum risk and maximum expected value,which leads to lock-in effect of vertical upgrading for developing countries.Therefore,cultivating entrepreneurs' spirit of adventure to change their decision-making preferences,promoting upgrading capacity to change upgrading expectations are main ways to breakthrough lock-in effect of vertical upgrading in China.In this paper,empirical analysis based on data from Shanghai and Shenzhen listed manufacturing companies proves that spirit of adventure,technical ability and marketing skills contribute more than 90% to brand upgrading,but different industry regression analyses also show that enterprise's brand upgrading requests different core competence in different industries.国家社会科学基金项目“我国产业转移的结构传导效应与区域互动机制”(批准号06BJL070


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    针对400Gbit/s传输性能及应用问题,仿真分析了400Gbit/s不同技术方案的传输距离与频谱效率、入纤功率限制与非线性效应,结果表明,4×100Gbit/s技术可以满足骨干网1 000km以上的传输需求,而2×200Gbit/s技术则必须结合低损耗或超低损耗光纤以及新型低噪声光放大器等才可能实现。城域网、数据中心等的大带宽互联可能率先采用400Gbit/s技术,而2×200或4×100Gbit/s可以满足传输容量和传输距离的一般需求