831 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Marine Scientific Data-sharing System Based on WEB

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    当今世界海洋科学相关领域各种研究活动蓬勃发展,但是海洋科学研究的基础是各类海上调查考察活动所获得的观测数据资料,因此科研数据的共享对于科研活动有着重要意义。973计划CHOICE-C项目是海洋科研领域的大型项目,涉及单位、人员都比较多。在项目的进行过程中,各个研究小组都会不断产生各类研究数据,彼此之间都希望能获得对方的数据资料以利于自己的研究,同时数据生产者又希望自己的权益得到保障。为了保证数据生产者和申请者双方的权益,项目制定了一套内部数据共享协议。协议虽然保障了各方的权益,但是也带来效率不高的问题,特别是当共享双方不在同一单位的时候,传统的、基于纸质文书申请的共享流程往往耗费数日甚至数周。...The research activities in the fields of marine science are already booming today. The data obtained from marine scientific survey activities is basic for marine scientific research. So sharing the marine scientific survey data has important significance for marine scientific researches. The CHOICE-C Program, which belongs to National 973 Programs, is a large project in marine scientific research ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023004

    Studies on Life Imprisonment—— A Perspective based on the Ninth Criminal Law Amendment

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    终身监禁起源于西方国家,最早是作为死刑的替代刑而提出来的。西方国家的立法大多将终身监禁规定为独立的刑种,具有较强的严厉性。终身监禁以报应刑论和目的刑论作为理论基础,在实现对罪犯的报应的同时也能达到预防的目的。我国《刑法修正案(九)》中首次引入终身监禁,这是我国慎用死刑和高压反腐的双重压力下的产物。终身监禁入刑,一方面能有力的打击贪污受贿犯罪,另一方面能限制、减少死刑的适用。 本文通过对终身监禁的产生及发展、各国终身监禁的立法现状、终身监禁的立法基础以及终身监禁与我国无期徒刑的比较等问题的探讨,对终身监禁进行了系统的介绍,结合我国当前《刑法修正案(九)》中终身监禁的规定提出一些完善终身监禁的建...Life imprisonment originated in the Western countries, was first put forward as a substitute for the death penalty. The legislation of most Western countries prescribes life imprisonment as an independent punishment, with a strong severity. Life imprisonment is based on the retribution punishment theory and objective punishment theory, in the realization of the retribution to the criminals, but al...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_刑法学学号:1362015115097


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    Structural Studies of Pelota and p53 Upregulated Modulator of Apoptosis

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    1生物大分子X射线晶体学 结构生物学通过对生物大分子的结构和功能进行研究,解释生命的分子机制。X射线晶体学、核磁共振技术(NMR)和冷冻电镜(cryo-EM)三维重构是当今结构生物学的主要研究手段。这三种方法各有独到之处,又各有局限和不足。作为最早发展起来的结构生物学研究手段,X射线晶体学是目前解析蛋白质结构的主要手段。目前PDB(ProteinDataBank)中收录的蛋白结构中,大约有85%是利用X射线晶体学方法获得的。 本章对本论文重点使用的技术手段——X射线晶体学进行以下几方面的介绍:X射线晶体学的基本原理、蛋白晶体的培养、衍射数据的收集处理、相位获取的方法原理、模型构建及修正等。...1 Introduction to macromolecular X-ray crystallography Structural biology is a discipline that investigates macromolecular structure to atomic resolution and the associated functions. X-ray crystallography, NMR and Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) are the three main tools employed in structural investigation. Each of them has its unique advantages as well as limitations. As the first developed ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162010015390

    Correlation of microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties of a novel hydrogen transport membrane

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014A key part of the FutureGen concept is to support the production of hydrogen to fuel a 'hydrogen economy,' with the use of clean burning hydrogen in power-producing fuel cells, as well as for use as a transportation fuel. One of the key technical barriers to FutureGen deployment is reliable and efficient hydrogen separation technology. Most Hydrogen Transport Membrane (HTM) research currently focuses on separation technology and hydrogen flux characterization. No significant work has been performed on thermo-mechanical properties of HTMs. The objective of the thesis is to understand the structure-property correlation of HTM and to characterize (1) thermo mechanical properties under different reducing environments and thermal cycles (thermal shock), and (2) evaluate the stability of the novel HTM material. A novel HTM cermet bulk sample was characterized for its physical and mechanical properties at both room temperature and at elevated temperature up to 1000°C. Microstructural properties and residual stresses were evaluated in order to understand the changing mechanism of the microstructure and its effects on the mechanical properties of materials. A correlation of the microstructural and thermo mechanical properties of the HTM system was established for both HTM and the substrate material. Mechanical properties of both selected structural ceramics and the novel HTM cermet bulk sample are affected mainly by porosity and microstructural features, such as grain size and pore size-distribution. The Young's Modulus (E-value) is positively correlated to the flexural strength for materials with similar crystallographic structure. However, for different crystallographic materials, physical properties are independent of mechanical properties. Microstructural properties, particularly, grain size and crystallographic structure, and thermodynamic properties are the main factors affecting the mechanical properties at both room and high temperatures. The HTM cermet behaves more like an elastic material at room temperature and as a ductile material at temperature above 850°C. The oxidation and the plasticity of Pd phase mainly affected the mechanical properties of HTM cermet at high temperature, also as a result of thermal cycling. Residual stress induced in the HTM by thermo cycles also plays a very critical role in defining the thermo-mechanical properties

    Fibrewise Rational H-Spaces

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    We prove fibrewise versions of classical theorems of Hopf and Leray-Samelson. Our results imply the fibrewise H-triviality after rationalization of a certain class of fibrewise H-spaces. They apply, in particular, to universal adjoint bundles. From this, we may retrieve a result of Crabb and Sutherland [Proc. London Math. Soc. (2000), 747-768], which is used there as a crucial step in establishing their main finiteness result

    miR-574-5p negatively regulates tumor suppressors Qki6/7 to impact the development of colon cancer

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    Quaking(QKI)是信号转导和RNA活化蛋白家族(STAR)的一个信号蛋白,在结肠癌组织中异常显著下调甚至缺失。最新研究表明,QKI可以通过调控p27Kip1和β-catenin等,影响Wnt信号转导、结肠上皮细胞的增殖与分化以及结肠癌的发生与发展,提示Qki是结肠癌的一个肿瘤抑制基因。然而,QKI在结肠细胞中的表达的调控机制却不清楚。 我们在研究中发现,在C57BL/6J-ApcMin/J小鼠和结肠癌病人的结肠癌组织中,miR-574-5p的表达水平显著升高,而QKI的表达水平恰与之相反且呈现负相关趋势。在小鼠、人结肠癌细胞中,过表达miR-574-5p后QKI的mRNA和蛋白表达水...The RNA-binding protein quaking (QKI) belongs to the evolutionarily conserved signal transduction and activation of RNA (STAR) family, which is significantly downregulated and even absent in some colon cancers. A recent study indicated that QKI is a tumor suppressor capable of suppressing the expression of β-catenin to contribute to colon epithelial cell differentiation and colorectal tumorigenesi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_细胞生物学学号:2172008115260


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    Pricing Strategy Analysis of DSO for Overseas Marketing Channels: base on L. Company

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    渠道是企业营销活动的主要内容,定价是企业营销关键的变量。渠道与定价都是企业营销最主要的内容。定价高低决定利润,成本和需求是影响定价的基本因素,成本和需求之间的空间是定价的范围。定价范围的决定性因素在于公司目标以及外部竞争环境。利润是渠道产生存在的首要前提,促使渠道以最高效的方式将产品传输给用户。 本文旨在经过对L公司的分析,说明渠道定价在数字示波器行业中对公司不同阶段发展的重大意义;继而针对L公司现有的渠道定价问题,分析公司持续长期发展所需的渠道定价策略。 L公司主要根据成本加成法定价,参照批次进货量给渠道商不同的供货价,渠道商享有最灵活最有弹性的终端定价权。此举保证渠道商的可观利润,大大...Marketing Channels is the main activities in business, pricing is the key factor in marketing. Both marketing channels and pricing is the important sector in business operation. Cost and demand are the factors affecting pricing as price decision will be made between them. Meanwhile company target and outside competition will affect pricing decision. Pricing determine profits and Profits are the ba...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200815509