14 research outputs found

    カンコク ノ カイソン シャカイ ニオケル ロウジン シュウダン ト ムラマツリ ROBANHEA オ チュウシン ニ

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    This paper is a study of the old men\u27s groups (Robanhea, 老班会) seen in Korean fishing-village society, particularly of one old men\u27s group in Uljin county located on the Korean East Coast. As well as being a village selfgovernment organization, it also functions as a religious service organization. The old men\u27s group becomes the hierarchical structure called joni (尊位), dongsu (洞首) in zasang (座上) from the bottom to the top. These are divided into the active group and retired group. "Robanhea" is organized by active joni and dongsu, consisting of one of each, together with joni and dongsu of the retired group. Active joni and dongsu say three village officers with yusa (有司) are chosen from among general inhabitants. When yusa passes through service of one year, he enters the retired yusa group, and is registered for the first time on a "Roban" list. One is chosen as active dongsu of the next stage from among this retired yusa group. List order, seniority order and service are considered, but priority is not always given to an elder on this occasion. The main role of "Robanhea" is taking decisions about village events, the election of officers, and management of the village property. Sanctions are applied to things which disturb the order of the village. In addition, one more important role of "Robanhea" is to be in charge of village religious services. It is not permitted to never become a member of "Robanhea" in village society. A person who passes the age of sixty is honoured with a service called "Robanrei(老班礼)". "Robanhea" is an example of the role played by Orun (大人) in Korean village society, and is a keyword for understanding the fishing-village society of the Uljin area. Further elucidation of its role is required in the future

    ニッカン ニオケル ムラマツリ ノ ミンゾクテキ コウサツ

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the folk structure of regional sacrifices performed in Japan and Korea by analyzing their process and formation of the organizers.In chapter 1, the mechanism of the performance of Miyaza is analyzed.Miyaza is an organization of some qualified residents which is in charge of the performance of Shrine rites. Miyaza is worth studying regarding the structure of Japanese society as its formation and operation reflect the structure of each community where it is performed.The city of Niimi, Okayama Prefecture where field works were done is well known as midieval Niimi Manor. Accordingly, that period\u27s history is well reflected in the current Miyaza system and in the way it is performed. That is, in the formation of the sacrifice, Myo meaning land in the manorial system is transmitted, and its representative is called Myogashira. In history, Myogashira is regarded as a man of power who through the medium of land has a part in community autonomy with peasants.Accordingly, even today only a special family with the right of Myo has the right to participate in the sacrifice. This family is descended semipermanently and it only is in charge of Toya, the house where the sacrifice is performed. While limited number of Myogashiras can participate directly in the sacrifice general residents as the status of Yoriko prepare and assist Maturi. In other words, Myogashira and Yoriko form the constructive relationship of master and servant.Although this relationship of course is limited in Maturi today, it obviously reflects Niimi region\u27s inclinations and history and the position of Myogashira means the power in that region.chapter 2, a sacrifice called Tong je performed in Yeongdeok-Gun area in Korea is examined.This study analyzes and examines the organization and performance of Tong je which focuses on the belief called Kolmegi and how the folk belief is accepted in that region.Korean rural communities are getting downsized and older as in Japan and these phenomena change the folk belief.Although they are to be done separately in Korea and Japan such factors as the choice of members who perform the sacrifice, taboo, the operation of Toya and Toga, age related fact like Nobanhe are should be studied through field works by the comparative method

    チュウゴク ニオケル チシキ セイネン ノ ノウソン カホウ ニカンスル ブンセキ オニツカ ミツマサ キョウジュ ツイトウゴウ

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    In Mao\u27s China, the freedom of occupation choice and internal migration were limited strictly, but there was a large scale of population movement between areas by the government\u27s plan. It is a good instance that nearly 18 million young persons born in cities, called Zhishi Qingnian" were made to go to the countryside for about 20 years from 1960\u27s to 70. The population movement from urban to rural, which was not seen in many other countries, had many problems and contradictions. In this paper, we used some new documents to analyze the actual situation and background of Zhishi Qingnian", to clarify its influence on contemporary China

    エイギョウ ホウコクショ ブンカ ノ ニチベイカン ヒカク オニツカ ミツマサ キョウジュ ツイトウゴウ

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    Accounting is often referred to as the language of business." Just as Koreans use the Korean language to communicate, and Americans use English, businesspeople use the language of accounting to communicate. Accounting is a language in that it enables the shared meaning" of accounting terms between businesspeople. For example, the meaning of journalizing (sentences") is universally understood among businesspeople through double-entry bookkeeping (which constitutes the grammar" of the language of business).According to the theory of meaning as relation," reality does not regulate language; rather, language regulates reality. Language is not the naming of reality, nor is it the mapping of reality. In Japan, an apple" must be red." Since Japanese apple orchards cannot sell green" apples, they work hard to ensure that their apples are red". In business accounting, the practice of window-dressing" essentially amounts to an artificial operation such as this. However, window-dressing is oriented towards black ink (resulting in paper profit), rather than red.According to Professor Lee O Young, the Japanese have a tendency to shrink and the Koreans and Americans have a tendency to enlarge. For example, these are seen in the size of annual reports (or business reports). In Japan, if expressed as width and length, nearly all reports are sized at 10cm x 20cm in order to fit into the standard envelope (12cm x 23.5cm). In the cases of Korea and the US, reports are basically A4 size (20.8cm x 29.5cm). This is far larger than their Japanese counterparts.Whose is the company? This is made clear in the language exchanged between businesspeople, particularly in personal possessive pronouns relating to the company. Without language, there is no perception or cognition. Furthermore, if we allow that the meaning of language covers not only denotation but also extends as far as connotation, then in the US, the company belongs to the shareholders. In Japan, the company belongs to the company. In Korea, the company belongs to management


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    Validity and Reliability of the Chinese Version of the Early Signs Scale of Schizophrenia

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    目的:检验精神分裂症复发先兆量表(early signs scale, ESS)中文版(ESS-C)的效度和信度。方法:应用ESS-C对200例社区慢性精神分裂症患者(社区稳定组)和60例复发住院患者(复发入院组)进行评估,2周后抽取30例社区患者重测。结果:验证性因素分析表明原量表的四因子结构拟合指数为CFI=0.83,TLI=0.82,SRMR=0.056,RMSEA=0.084。各维度的因子负荷范围为焦虑0.545-0.753;抑郁/退缩0.563-0.760;失控/兴奋0.462-0.757;初始的精神病性表现0.566-0.790。ESS-C的内容效度(CVI)为0.92,所有条目的CVI值均在0.80-1.00范围内。组间比较Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验结果显示复发入院组的量表总分显著高于社区稳定组。总量表内部一致性Cronbachα系数为0.966,各因子Cronbachα系数为0.813-0.922;总量表、各因子的重测信度在0.724-0.921之间。结论:最终形成的ESS-C量表内容效度、效标效度及信度良好,结构效度可接受但不够理想


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