エイギョウ ホウコクショ ブンカ ノ ニチベイカン ヒカク オニツカ ミツマサ キョウジュ ツイトウゴウ


Accounting is often referred to as the language of business." Just as Koreans use the Korean language to communicate, and Americans use English, businesspeople use the language of accounting to communicate. Accounting is a language in that it enables the shared meaning" of accounting terms between businesspeople. For example, the meaning of journalizing (sentences") is universally understood among businesspeople through double-entry bookkeeping (which constitutes the grammar" of the language of business).According to the theory of meaning as relation," reality does not regulate language; rather, language regulates reality. Language is not the naming of reality, nor is it the mapping of reality. In Japan, an apple" must be red." Since Japanese apple orchards cannot sell green" apples, they work hard to ensure that their apples are red". In business accounting, the practice of window-dressing" essentially amounts to an artificial operation such as this. However, window-dressing is oriented towards black ink (resulting in paper profit), rather than red.According to Professor Lee O Young, the Japanese have a tendency to shrink and the Koreans and Americans have a tendency to enlarge. For example, these are seen in the size of annual reports (or business reports). In Japan, if expressed as width and length, nearly all reports are sized at 10cm x 20cm in order to fit into the standard envelope (12cm x 23.5cm). In the cases of Korea and the US, reports are basically A4 size (20.8cm x 29.5cm). This is far larger than their Japanese counterparts.Whose is the company? This is made clear in the language exchanged between businesspeople, particularly in personal possessive pronouns relating to the company. Without language, there is no perception or cognition. Furthermore, if we allow that the meaning of language covers not only denotation but also extends as far as connotation, then in the US, the company belongs to the shareholders. In Japan, the company belongs to the company. In Korea, the company belongs to management

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