129 research outputs found


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    Data-driven Health Status Prediction of the Hydraulic Turbine Governing System

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    水轮机调速系统是水轮发电机组的关键控制系统。运用故障树与专家系统相结合的方法对调速系统可能发生的故障进行诊断,并基于历史数据,挖掘与故障相关的可能因素,对专家系统无法解决的故障进行分析,构建了基于数据驱动的水轮机调速系统健康状态预测系统。The hydraulic turbine governing system is the key control system of the hydro-turbine generator unit. In this paper,the fault tree method and the expert system are combined to predict the potential faults of the governing system.Based on the historical data,a data-driven health status prediction system is developed for the hydraulic turbine governing system to detect the possible factors of the faults and analyze the unsolved faults

    ヒト ノウ ノ チュウノウ キョウダンメン ニ ヲケル シンケイ コウゾウ カシカ ノ タメ ノ カンベン センショク ホウ

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    In brain anatomy lab (dissection training) in medical schools, it is essential to learn localization and shape of neural structures, such as fiber bundles and neuronal nuclei. Students learn these from not only text books, but also from observations of real human brain dissected from cadavers. Although some textbooks recommend to carry out these observations just in the cutting surface of the brainstem, discrimination of white and gray matter is difficult, especially when the size of the neural structures is between macroscopic and microscopic levels. A staining method invented by Mulligan stains cerebral cortex of the human brain for macroscopic observations, and clearly distinguishes it from the white matter. However, reproducible results of staining were not obtained by the original protocol, when brain stem regions were examined. Here, we propose improvements in Mulligan staining method to be applicable to cross sections of the brain stem regions. Because we aim to use the method in training of macroscopic brain anatomy in medical schools, we made efforts to reduce steps and time for this staining. The images obtained by our modified Mulligan staining and Klüver-Barrera staining were compared in the midbrain and pons, and found that our method can identify some neural structures, which were difficult to identify without staining. Because our method use only three solutions and comprised by 6 steps, this method is useful for the training of macroscopic brain anatomy for undergraduate students


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    In-Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of Electro Oxidation of Ethanol in Alkaline Media at a nm-Pt/GC Electrode

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    运用电化学循环伏安和原位FTIR反射光谱研究了碱性介质中乙醇在nm Pt/GC电极上的氧化。结果表明 ,主要产物是CH3 COO-,仅存在少量乙醛 ,未检测到CO谱峰。与酸性介质中乙醇氧化的双途径机理不同 ,碱性介质中乙醇的氧化未经过解离吸附的中间步骤。The electro oxidation of ethanol on a nm Pt/GC electrode in alkaline solutions was investigated by using cyclic Voltammetry and in situ FTIR spectroscopy.The results demonstrated that the main product of ethanol oxidation was CH 3COO -,only small quantity of CH 3CHO was determined simultaneously.In contrast with the dual path reaction mechanism for the oxidation of ethanol in acid media,the oxidation of ethanol in alkaline media was revealed via the intermediate process of dissociative adsorption.国家自然科学基金项目!(2 98330 60 );; 国家教育部科学技术重点研究项目!(991 77)资

    Clinical Studies on Root Canal Medicament with Formalin Guaiacol 2nd report : At the clinic of undergraduate students

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    In 317 cases of pulpectomy and infected root canal treated by intern students, Formarin-Guaiacol "NEO" (FG) was used as disinfectant in the root canal until the root canal filling was completed. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In pulpectomy cases, all cases progressed favorably during the term of root canal treatment. 2. Spontaneous pain happend in 2 cases out of 187 asymptomatic chronic apical periodontitis cases. It was thought that these spontaneous pains were caused by overinstrumentation of root canal preparation. 3. It was recognized that the results obtained in this clinical study were almost the same as the results we previously reported