94 research outputs found

    The usefulness of teaching prtfolio in university education

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    ティーチング・ポートフォリオの概要と 2 日半で開催される作成ワークショップについて述べた.ティー チング・ポートフォリオは,教育の責任,理念,方法,成果,目標を記載した本文とエビデンスから構成 される.簡易版として 2 時間半で作成できるティーチング・ポートフォリオ・チャートについても述べた. どちらも個人作業と他者との対話の時間が含まれている.ティーチング・ポートフォリオは,作成者の教 育実践を見直し改善し続けるための手段である.自らの教育理念・方針と教育方法との整合性,エビデン スを意識化することにより,教育者としての成長が期待できるだけでなく,作成過程において教員間の連 帯が生まれる.研究に焦点を当てて大学教員としての役割を記載するアカデミック・ポートフォリオ,職 員が作成するスタッフ・ポートフォリオを加えることで,大学全体における改善や,地域における大学の 価値を高めることができる可能性がある


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    55歳以上の三原市民を対象に,作業に焦点を当てた公開講座を3週間ごとに1回90分,計3回実施した。受講者数は延べ55名であり,うち53名(96.4%)から受講後のアンケートにおいて回答を得た。アンケートの結果,90.5%の受講者が講座に満足し,94.4%が講座内容は今後の生活に役立つだろうと回答した。また2回以上受講した28名中16名(57.1%)が,講座で得た知識を自分の生活にいかしていた。受講者は得た知識を活用し,自身の行動・認識を変化させ,取り組みの成果を挙げていた。本実践から,受講者は講座を通して生活の中の作業を健康によい作業へと変化させる技能を獲得し,より健康的な生活を送れるようになったと考えられた。このような成果が得られた要因には,受講者が経験に基づいて知識を理解できるようにしたこと,及び受講者自身が知識の活用方法を考え実施できるようにしたことであると示唆された。We held occupation-focused public lectures for citizens of fifty-five years and up in Mihara city. The lectures consisted of three lectures of 90 minutes that were held once per three weeks. The total number of participants attending three lectures was 55, and 53 participants (96.4%) responded to the questionnaire after each lecture. The results from the questionnaires showed that 90.5% of participants were satisfied about the lecture and 94.4% of participants thought that the lecture was useful for their future. 16 participants (57.1%) of 28 participants who attended the lectures twice or more applied the knowledge that they learnt in the lectures to their lives. Participants reduced their dissatisfaction by changing their understanding and action. This practice suggests that participants developed skills to make occupations in daily life good for health and led a healthier life through the lectures. To make the knowledge of occupation understood on their experiences and to make how to apply the knowledge to their lives planed by themselves contributed to the outcome.報告Report

    <原著>作業療法における倫理的課題 : 外来慢性期患者への実践から

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    Sixty-one of 100 occupational therapists were surveyed about whether they felt frustrated or not in treating outpatients with chronic hemiplegia, and, if so, why. Seventy-percent of the respondents reported some frustration. Their major frustration occured when the treatment occupational therapists thought the best was different from the treatment patients wanted to receive. This frustration would result in dilemmas if the different opinions of the therapist and patient were made apparent through the process of informed consent. The problems that rehabilitation teams face with informed consent are discussed in this paper. These problems are related to the process of decision-making as a team which includes many kinds of professionals, different needs from clients and care-givers, low competency of clients, and the patient's lack of acceptance of his/her disabilities. Ethical considerations have rarely been discussed using actual rehabilitation cases in Japan. Knowing that dilemmas actually happen in daily practice is the first step for starting a discussion of ethical issues in occupational therapy.国立情報学研究所で電子

    都市部の地域高齢者の身体機能,口腔機能および食生活に関する予備調査 -フレイルおよびサルコペニアに着目して-

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    本研究の目的は,都市部に住む専門的な栄養管理を受けていない地域高齢者の身体機能,口腔機能および食生活を評価することである.対象者は,健康づくりサークルに通う高齢者を健康群とし,介護保険制度で要支援認定を受けている高齢者施設入居者および介護予防デイサービス利用者を虚弱群とした.基本属性,フレイルチェック,食生活の項目からなる無記名自記式質問紙調査を行い,身体計測,身体機能および口腔機能を評価した.健康群と比較し,虚弱群の平均年齢は約10 歳高く(p<0.001),虚弱群はサルコペニアの指標となる握力および下肢運動機能の低下した対象者の割合が高かった(p=0.002)ことから,加齢による身体機能の低下が推察された.口腔機能は両群とも正常だったが,食生活において,卵の摂取頻度は健康群に比べて虚弱群で有意に低かった(p=0.034).将来的には,対象者を増やし,より詳細な食生活および食生活に関連した生活背景の調査が有益であると考えられた.Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical function, oralfunction and dietary habits of community-dwelling older adults living without professionalnutritional management living in City A, which is an urban area.Method: The healthy group were members of a health promotion group, and the frail groupwere those certified as needing support who lived in nursing homes as well as users of adaycare service aimed at preventing users from becoming long-term care recipients. Aquestionnaire survey consisting of items on basic attributes, frailty, dietary habits wasconducted, and anthropometric measurements and assessment of oral function wereperformed.Result: Compared with the healthy group, the mean age of the frail group was significantlyolder by about 10 years (p < 0.001), and there were significantly more individuals with weakgrip strength and lower extremity motor function, which are indicative of sarcopenia(p=0.002), suggesting an age-related decline in physical functions. Oral function was normal inboth groups, but there were differences in dietary habits. For example, the frequency of eggconsumption was significantly lower in the frail group than in the healthy group (p=0.034).Conclusion: In the future, it would be beneficial to conduct a study on a larger sample size andinvestigate more details on dietary habits and lifestyle associated with dietary habits


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    本研究の目的は,身体障害者施設入所者が意味のある作業に取り組むことにより,作業に対する遂行度,満足度,達成度,健康感が向上するかを明らかにすることである。身体障害者施設入所者38名を初級と中級に分け,彼らが興味を持つパソコン教室を週1回90分,4ヶ月間実施した。その結果,両グループにおいてCOPMの遂行度と満足度で有意差が認められ,GASでも予想以上の成果が得られた。SF-8TMでは,全体的健康感と日常役割機能(精神)において有意差が認められた。その要因は,参加者の興味に合ったプログラムを実施してパソコン使用における問題に個別に対応し,プログラムによる成果を明確にしたことであると考える。Against the background of the general role of therapists in improving physical function in individuals with physical disabilities, the special contribution of occupational therapy needs to be demonstrated by empirical research. The purpose of this study is to explore the improvement of performance, satisfaction, attainment of occupation and health-related quality of life (QOL) through a program engaging in meaningful occupation for residents of facilities for persons with physical disabilities. Thirty-eight participants were recruited from residents of such facilities. Participants attended a computer education program for 4 months, 90 minutes per week. The program was designed using results from the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), and was divided into a beginners' course (n=20) and an intermediate course (n=18) on the basis of the residents' previous experience using computers. COPM, Goal Attainment Scaling(GAS) and SF-8 were used to measure performance and satisfaction with using the computer, attainment of computer skills and health-related QOL. These measurement tools were used before and after the program. There were significant pre- and post-program differences in performance and satisfaction in the COPM in both courses. Improvements were shown in the GAS in both courses. There was a significant pre- and post-program difference in the General Health Perception and Role of Emotion in the SF-8. Using computers as a meaningful occupation for residents of facilities for persons with physical disabilities improved their occupational performance and feelings of health. Individualization of the program and a focus on the interests of participants and visible outcomes contributed to the positive effects.出典元:作業療法(日本作業療法士協会,ISSN=0289-4920)27巻5号P.522-532(2008年


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    看護, 理学療法, 作業療法, 言語聴覚療法の教育課程における医療倫理教育について郵送調査を行った。看護44,理学療法12,作業療法12,言語聴覚療法6課程からの回答を分析した。調査内容は, 医療倫理関連科目, 教育方法, 教育内容, チーム医療従事者のための倫理教育への意見とした。調査の結果, 教育課程における医療倫理関連科目は増加しているものの, 体系的な医療倫理教育の欠如が明らかになった。本研究により, 将来の医療・保健・福祉のチームメンバーとなる専門職教育における医療倫理教育の重要性が確認できた。A mail survey was conducted early this year on ethics education given for future allied-health professionals in Japan. Forty-six nursing programs, 12 physical therapy programs, 12 occupational therapy programs, 6 speech therapy programs out of 163 programs responded to our survey on how ethics education was perceived and administered for those who would most likely work in a multi-disciplinary collaborative arrangement. The analysis of the survey results suggests that, despite an increasing number of courses in ethics, there still lacks a felt need for a comprehensive and systematic course design for teamwork ethics in health care education.国立情報学研究所で電子


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    医療専門職の職業実践活動における倫理綱領の意義と限界を探る。モデルとなったアメリカ医師会をはじめとする医療専門職団体の倫理綱領の変遷をたどることによって, 倫理綱領が時代の文化的・社会的変化を反映するものであると同時に, 専門職団体の結束の精神を普遍的な倫理に基礎付けようとする努力の表現であることが判明する。This paper presents the significance and limitations of codes of ethics published by specific organizations of health care professionals. Professional codes of ethics are meant to provide guidelines for the ethical conducts of the members of the respective organizations. The codes are usually based on ethical principles that reflect the common morality of the time they are written in and center around the patient's rights for unbiased treatment. They also are manifestos to the society stating the purposes and duties of each specific professional organization. They may not be legally binding, but the members are held morally accountable for their violations. When we look into the birth and the revisions of the code of ethics of the American Medical Association, we realize that the ethics code can and should reflect the changing aspects of contemporary culture, and some efforts to resolve serious dilemmas arising in medical encounters should be made. This paper includes some suggestions to help improve the on-going changes in codes of ethics of Japanese health-related professional organizations.国立情報学研究所で電子