39 research outputs found

    Studies of Surface Processes of Electrochemical Ad

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    C1分子(CH3OH,HCHO,HCOOH及CO)的吸附和反应,是一个涉及基础理论研究与应 用研究并重的体系对其开展分子水平上的研究是电催化这个前沿领域的重要课题,长期以 来一直吸引着广泛的研究兴趣近十几年来,现场谱学技术(特别是红外反射光谱)的发展和 模型电催化剂(原子排列结构明确的单晶面电极)的广泛应用,推动了对C1分子吸附和反应 研究的深入,获得了大量分子水平上的信息与此同时,旨在提高电催化剂性能的各种探索 也正在不断取得突破 然而,迄今为止,离对C1分子吸附和反应机理细节的深入认识和C1分子氧化在直接燃 料电池中的成功应用仍有相当遥远的距离虽然C1分子在电催化剂表面发生解...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:B1994190


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    以玻碳为基底 ,通过电化学共沉积的方法制备纳米级厚度的表面合金电极 ,运用电化学原位红外反射光谱研究CO的吸附 .结果表明 ,所制备的PT ru和PT Pd纳米级厚度的表面合金电极均具有异常红外效应 ,即吸附在不同表面位上的CO给出的红外谱峰强度增强 ,其方向与相应金属电极表面获得的谱峰方向相反 .研究还显示PT ru和PT Pd表面合金在电催化和表面研究中的重要意义国家自然科学基金!(批准号:29833060)资助项

    Dynamics of nutrient and energy for fine roots of Casuarina equisetifolia plantations on coastal sandy soil

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    2005年1月到2005年11月对福建省惠安县赤湖林场不同林龄木麻黄人工林细根养分和能量的季节动态进行了观测,结果表明:(1)6种元素的含量在不同林龄木麻黄细根中都具有明显的季节变化。各林龄细根的N含量一般在冬夏季节较高,且死细根的N浓度高于相同林龄的活细根,除12林龄活细根P浓度在7月份有最大值外,其他各林龄活、死细根在一年中呈波动性下降,K含量在冬季较高,而在其他季节变化幅度不大,除5林龄活细根和18林龄死细根在3月份和7月份有两个峰值外,其他林龄细根Ca含量随季节变化较小,Mg含量随季节变化总体呈下降趋势,而在11月份上升;各林龄C则呈波浪形变化;(2)随着林龄的增大,细根N、P、Mg含量的变化模式相似,都呈先增加,后降低,再增加的趋势,K和Ca含量变化趋势相似,但变动幅度存在差别,C则呈波浪形变化;(3)随着季节的变化,灰分、干重热值和去灰分热值呈"V"形变动,一年中都存在两个峰值,分别在3月份和7月份或9月份;(4)灰分、干重热值和去灰分热值随林龄的增大表现为波浪形增加。由此可见,不同森林类型的细根养分和能量动态具有季节和林龄的特殊性,在进行整个地区森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动研究时,应考虑不同森林类型的特性。The seasonal dynamics of nutrient and energy of fine roots in C.equisetifolia plantations of different ages was studied at Chihu forestry farm of Hui'an county,Fujian province from January to November in 2005.We obtained the following results:(1)There was significant seasonal dynamics of six elements in the fine roots of different aged C.equisetifolia plantations.N concentration of dead fine roots was higher than that of living fine roots,and was relatively higher in summer and winter.P concentration of fine roots fluctuated with a decreasing trend except for the living fine roots of 12 year-old plantation.K concentration was higher in winter than in the other seasons.The highest Ca concentration in March and July was found in living fine roots of 5 year-old plantation and dead fine roots of 18 year-old plantation,while Ca concentration remained little change for other aged plantations.Mg concentration decreased from January to September and then increased in November.C content fluctuated with time.(2)The similar trend was found for N,P and Mg;and for K and Ca,respectively;C concentration fluctuated with plantation age.(3)The ash content,gross caloric values and ash free caloric values changed with "V" type,and were relatively high in March and July or September,respectively.(4)The ash content,gross caloric values and ash free caloric values tended to increase with the increasing plantation age.It was concluded that the nutrient and energy dynamics of fine roots varied with seasons and plantation ages.To discuss matter cycling and energy flow of forest ecosystems,we should pay attention to these characteristics of different stands.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAB03A14-01);; 福建省科技重大资助项目(2006NZ001-2);; 国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室资助项目~

    Production,decomposition and turnover of fine roots in Casuarina equisetifolia plantation

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    在福建省惠安县赤湖林场用根钻法和分解袋法对18年生木麻黄人工林细根生物量、分解及周转进行了研究。结果表明,18年生木麻黄活细根生物量平均为6.693 t.hm-2,死细根平均为2.292 t.hm-2,细根生物量具有明显的季节动态,活细根和死细根生物量年变化均为双峰型,活细根生物量峰值出现在1月和7月,死细根出现在3月和7月。用试验期间不同时间数据拟合得到木麻黄细根分解回归方程:x/x0=1.06e-0.0014t。应用模拟方程计算出木麻黄分解1年的干重损失率理论值(35.96%)与实测值(38.19%)较为接近。木麻黄细根半分解时间为537 d,95%分解时间为2 181 d。结合木麻黄人工林在不同季节的细根生物现存量,18年林龄木麻黄细根年死亡量分别为1.825 t.hm-2,年生长量为3.173 t.hm-2,年周转0.474次。The sequential root coring and litter bag technique were used to study fine root biomass,decomposition and turnover in an 18-year-old Casuarina equisetifolia plantation,from Chihu Forestry Farm of Hui'an County.Results show that the average live fine root biomass is 6.693 t·hm-2 and that of dead fine root is 2.292 t·hm-2.Annual dynamic curves of both live and dead fine roots have double apices.Curve peaks of live fine root biomass occur in Jan.and July,while that for dead fine root occur in March and July.The regression equation,based on dry matter decomposition data gained during different experimental periods is:x/x0=1.06e-0.0014t.Theoretic annual dry-weight loss rate of 35.96% calculated from the equation is close to the metrical value of 38.19%.It takes 537 days and 2 181 days to respectively decompose 50% and 95% of the fine roots.Annual mortality of fine roots in the 18-year-old plantation is 1.825 t·hm-2 and annual productivity is 3.173 t·hm-2,with an annual turnover rate of 0.474.国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAB03A14-01);; 福建省科技重大项目(2006NZ0001-2);; 国家林业局南方山地用材林培育重点实验室项目资


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    利用fOurIEr变换红外光谱仪 ,红外显微镜和X y扫描平台 ,通过设计和研制原位红外显微池和计算机接口及控制软件 ,建立了电化学原位扫描显微红外反射光谱 .研究工作显示 ,这一新的空间分辨原位红外反射光谱技术不仅可以获得固 /液界面环境中表面微区振动光谱的信息 ,还可以用于电极表面红外成象 .获得的CO在PT多晶电极表面吸附性能的化学图象在 10 -2 CM尺度上给出电极表面微区反应性能的不均一性及其分布 .国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目!(批准号:29525307


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    海洋是地球上最大的碳库,发挥着全球气候变化缓冲器的作用.蓝色碳汇,简称蓝碳,即由海洋生态系统捕获的碳(主要是有机碳),是海洋储碳的重要机制之一.; 蓝碳最初认识的形式是可见的海岸带植物固碳.其实之前没有得到足够重视的、看不见的微型生物(浮游植物、细菌、古菌、病毒、原生动物)占海洋生物量90%; 以上,是蓝碳的主要贡献者.中国陆架边缘海占国土总面积的1/3,碳汇潜力巨大,亟待研发.本文以近海生态系统碳汇过程、调控机制及增汇模式为主线,论述; 了近海生态系统结构与碳循环功能特征、碳汇形成过程与机理,并结合近海碳汇在沉积记录中的地史过程演变探讨了自然过程和人类活动对碳汇的可能影响,展望了; 碳汇工程在增加近海海洋储碳能力方面的应用前景.国家重大科学研究计划项目; 国家重点研发计划项目; 国家自然科学基金项目; 国家海洋局全球变化与海气相互作用专项项

    Kinetics and Time Resolved FTIR Spectroscopic Characters of Dissociative Adsorption of HCOOH on Pt Electrode

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    运用电化学暂态(电位阶跃)方法和时间分辨fTIr反射光谱研究甲酸在PT电极上的解离吸附过程,揭示了这一表面分子过程的反应速率在-0.25至0.25VVSSCE区间呈火山形变化的规律,还测得在含10-3MOl·l-1HCOOH的溶液中最大的初始解离速率(-0.06V时)为9.33x10-11MOl·CM-2·S-1.The surFace molecular process of dissociative adsorption of Formic acid on Pt electrode has been investigated by using potential step technique and in situ time resolved FTIR spectroscopy.The results demonstrated that the rate of dissociative adsorption of HCOOH on Pt electrode depends on electrode potentials, yielding a volcanic relationship with the maximum located near -0.06V vs SCE.From the variation of the quantity of products of the dissociative adsorption, detected by electrochemical transient technique, with diFFerent adsorption time the initial rate (vi) of this surFace reaction has been evaluated, the maximum of vi was evaluated at 9.33× 10-11mol·cm-2·s-1 For a solution containing 10-3mol·L-1 HCOOH and at -0.06V.The in situ time resolved FTIR spectroscopic results conFirmed both the volcanic variation of vi with Ead and the kinetic properties of the dissociative adsorption of HCOOH on Pt electrode.国家自然科学基金;国家教委博士点基


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