Kinetics and Time Resolved FTIR Spectroscopic Characters of Dissociative Adsorption of HCOOH on Pt Electrode


运用电化学暂态(电位阶跃)方法和时间分辨fTIr反射光谱研究甲酸在PT电极上的解离吸附过程,揭示了这一表面分子过程的反应速率在-0.25至0.25VVSSCE区间呈火山形变化的规律,还测得在含10-3MOl·l-1HCOOH的溶液中最大的初始解离速率(-0.06V时)为9.33x10-11MOl·CM-2·S-1.The surFace molecular process of dissociative adsorption of Formic acid on Pt electrode has been investigated by using potential step technique and in situ time resolved FTIR spectroscopy.The results demonstrated that the rate of dissociative adsorption of HCOOH on Pt electrode depends on electrode potentials, yielding a volcanic relationship with the maximum located near -0.06V vs SCE.From the variation of the quantity of products of the dissociative adsorption, detected by electrochemical transient technique, with diFFerent adsorption time the initial rate (vi) of this surFace reaction has been evaluated, the maximum of vi was evaluated at 9.33× 10-11mol·cm-2·s-1 For a solution containing 10-3mol·L-1 HCOOH and at -0.06V.The in situ time resolved FTIR spectroscopic results conFirmed both the volcanic variation of vi with Ead and the kinetic properties of the dissociative adsorption of HCOOH on Pt electrode.国家自然科学基金;国家教委博士点基

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