7 research outputs found


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    Application of Remote Sensing Technology on Precision Agriculture - A case study of cultivation distribution of rice

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    整合各類之遙測資料,以利衛星遙測技術在農作物、環境變遷及天然災害等相關應用研究之發展已成為下一世紀之趨勢。在農業上傳統的農作物面積及產量的測量方法不但耗費頗大且不具時效,尤其是台灣地區面積狹小、地形和地物複雜,傳統測量方法更是困難重重。因此,在講求精準農業的現今,遙測技術在計算農作物種植面積及產量上的應用研究,已是刻不容緩,亦為我國遙測技術應用研究發展的重要方向之一。而水稻是台灣最主要的農作物,對於種植面積及產量估算等工作,尚需人工判識,頗為耗時耗力,如能利用衛星觀測,則可輕鬆而有效率的完成。本研究之主要目的即在發展利用衛星觀測資料估算水稻種植面積之模式,以供台灣地區計算水稻種植面積及產量預估之應用。 Integration of remotely sensed data and develop for the various applications, such as agricultural management, environmental change and natural damage monitoring etc., is the main tendency of resource management in the next century. Since many traditional methods of agricultural production estimation not only need much man power but also is time-consuming, especially in the complex terrain area of Taiwan. So, how to apply remote sensing technology for the agriculture management to provide a more economical and convenient method than the traditional methods is very important with dispatch in the precision farming age. Because rice is one of the main crops in Taiwan, research of relative projects, such as acreage estimation, yield prediction and so on, become very important. The purpose of this research is to develop one efficient model of applying satellite data for paddy acreage monitoring in Taiwan area, and one real case study is demonstrated

    [[alternative]]Case Studies on Job Stress, Emotional Exhaustion and Coping Strategies: Examples of Elementary School Teachers with Administration Positions

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    [[abstract]]  近年來教育界出現「行政大逃亡」現象,造成學校面臨安排行政職務的困難;十二年國教改革下,行政教師承擔宣導、執行、報告、評鑑等工作,受到最大衝擊;疫情爆發後,學校教師需提升線上教學技能,面對意見分歧,行政教師壓力加劇,這些因素使得兼任行政職務教師工作壓力與情緒耗竭與日俱增。  本研究探討國民小學教師兼任行政職務之工作壓力、情緒耗竭來源與因應策略,透過研究協助兼任行政職務教師更清楚瞭解工作壓力及情緒耗竭的來源,並歸納相關因應策略,提供教師、學校、教育主管機關及未來研究之參考。  本研究經由相關文獻探討得知,工作壓力及情緒耗竭著重於教師的工作情境與人際關係,這是一種動態歷程,只有在自然情境中,運用多面向的描述方式,深入探討情境脈絡,以受訪者的立場與觀點出發,融入其的生活情境,才能將獨特的研究現象,充分理解與完整詮釋,因此本研究採用質性研究中的個案研究,透過深度訪談方式,了解受訪者親身經歷與實際狀況,從訪談內容中深入分析,藉以獲得更直接、更聚焦的資料,研究結果如下:一、國民小學教師兼任行政職務之工作壓力及情緒耗竭來源:(1)工作壓力來源為工作負荷、人際關係、時間管理、內在衝突、上級壓力、教育政策及職缺問題。(2)情緒耗竭來源為工作壓力的累積、承受他人的情緒、挫折感與無力感、面對上級的要求。二、國小兼任行政職務教師的工作壓力及情緒耗竭的因應策略:(1)工作壓力的因應策略為調節釋放工作壓力、建立良好支持系統及合理規劃工作進度。(2)情緒耗竭的因應策略為放鬆活動紓解情緒、提升自我覺察能力、調節自我思維方式及建立友善支持系統。[[abstract]]  In recent years, the education sector has witnessed a phenomenon known as the “administrative exodus,” causing difficulties for schools in arranging administrative duties. Under the reform of the twelve-year national education system, administrative teachers are heavily impacted, as they take on responsibilities such as promotion, execution, reporting, and evaluation. Following the outbreak of the pandemic, school teachers are required to enhance their online teaching skills and face differing opinions, intensifying the pressure on administrative teachers. These factors have led to an increasing work pressure and emotional exhaustion among teachers who juggle administrative responsibilities.  This study aims to explore the sources of job stress and emotional exhaustion among elementary school teachers who also serve in administrative roles, as well as coping strategies. Through this research, we aim to assist teachers in administrative roles to better understand the sources of their job stress and emotional exhaustion, and to summarize relevant coping strategies for the benefit of teachers, schools, educational authorities, and future research.  Through a review of relevant literature, this study found that work stress and emotional exhaustion are closely related to teachers' work situations and interpersonal relationships. This is a dynamic process that requires a multidimensional description approach and an in-depth exploration of the situational context, taking into account the interviewee's perspective and incorporating their life context, in order to fully understand and interpret the unique research phenomenon. Therefore, this study adopts a case study approach in qualitative research, using in-depth interviews to understand the interviewees' personal experiences and actual situations, and conducting in-depth analysis of the interview content to obtain more direct and focused data. The research findings are as follows:1. Work stress and emotional exhaustion sources for elementary school teachers with administrative duties:(1) The sources of work stress include workload, interpersonal relationships, time management, internal conflict, pressure from superiors, education policies, and job vacancy issues.(2) The sources of emotional exhaustion include the accumulation of work stress, bearing the emotions of others, frustration and helplessness, and facing demands from superiors.2. The Coping Strategies of Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion among Elementary School Teachers with Administrative Responsibilities: (1) The coping strategies for job stress are regulating and releasing job stress, establishing a good support system, and planning work progress reasonably.(2) The coping strategies for emotional exhaustion are relaxing activities to relieve emotions, enhancing self-awareness, adjusting thinking patterns, and establishing a friendly support system

    The Cultur Improvement of Yam (Dioscorea spp.) at Ever Spring Farm

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    本研究以根莖類之恆春薯蕷及四種塊莖類山藥品種(系)為試驗材料,利用逢機完全區集設計,統計分析適合推廣栽培於恆春地區之恆春薯蕷栽培法及塊莖類山藥品種,使山藥成為恆春生態農場獨具特色之農產品。茲將試驗結果敘述如次: 恆春薯蕷之種薯沾上草木灰經催芽後種植於人工高畦生長良好,栽培八個月後平均一株根莖重482g,最大根莖重613g,估計每公頃產量10公噸;在人工高畦上實施半遮蔭栽培,對於恆春薯蕷之生長及產量無顯著之影響,但能栽培出較重之最大根莖之趨勢。栽培七個月後平均一株根莖重343g,最大根莖重452g,因株距縮短為25cm,故產量估計增加為15t/ha。 塊莖類山藥以台東地方種、農試品保4號及台農1號表現較佳,但因該農場屬於黏質壤土至黏土,土壤黏重堅硬,產量銳減,平均一株塊莖重僅334g,如能在較輕鬆之砂質壤土種植,產量將可提升。 The purposes of this study were to determine the optimum culture method of Herng-chuen yam, Dioscorea doryophora Hance, and to select the adapted cultivars/lines of D. alata L. at Ever Spring Farm, the south of Taiwan. The results showed that the seedling og Herng-Chuen Yam Derived from the rhizome treated with grass ash, adapted well to hill culture mathod reach 10t/ha. Seedling grown under half shelter showed no significant effect on plant grown under half shelter showed no significant, the yield could reach 15t/ha, with the plant spacing lOOcm×25cm. Cultivating cultivars/lines og tuberous yam, e.g., Taitung local yam, TARI 70W- 04, and Yainung No.1, resulted in slightly higher tuber yield in the field of clay loan to clay, however mean tuber weight only 334g/pl. Higher tuber weight can be obtained when cultibated in sandy loam

    Construction and Application of Airborne Multi-spectral Remote Sensing System

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    本文之主要目標為建置具高機動性、高地面解析之機載多頻譜觀測系統,以及機載觀測資料大氣校正之常規程序,期能在地形地物複雜區域的觀測中,有效地降低混合像元的形成,提供正確的地表訊息。並利用所建構之機載多頻譜觀測系統在台中農試所試驗田區之一期稻作進行不同生長期之觀測,獲得高地面解析資料二筆,期能即時、準確地提供有關田間水稻產量和生育狀態空間變異資訊,供相關研究之應用,如水稻病蟲害之鑑別及田問稻株氮營養狀態之遙測等應用研究。此外,藉由水稻產量的預估模式測試試驗田區水稻產量之預估及空間變異分布狀況,初步結果顯示可行性頗高,將進一步深入研究。未來如能應用於大範圍的區域,則可節省相當的人力物力,除在經濟效益與時效性上有相當程度的助益,並可有效地增加農作物之產量外,亦可將此高機動之機載觀測系統應用於臨時性災害狀況之調查與受災區域之估算,相信對於救災之決策與災害之因應處理,都有極大的幫助。 This paper has currently completed installment of an airborne multi-spectral observation system that is highly mobile and capable of providing high- resolution images. We have also carried out the regular procedures required for atmospheric corrections of the data, which in effect reduces the appearance of mixed ratio pixels, and allows us to correctly retrieve the spectral information from the rice fields. This project utilizes the airborne multi-spectral observation system to observe the test areas to analyze the different growth periods of the rice fields. We hope to provide a swift and accurate assessment of relevant information regarding the rice yield, growth stages, and provide data to pertinent sub projects such as the effects caused by insects or variations in the nitrogen amount that can be detected through the tools of remote sensing. With the data already acquired, initial analysis indicates that the possibility seems rather high. In the future, if we can apply this technique to a much larger area, we can save tremendous amount of resources. In addition, we could also overall increase the agricultural output. All of this could be of great help to the economical benefits and efficiency of a country’s agriculture. We may even be able to apply the system on performing real-time observations in the afiermath of disasters, which could help the authorities be better informed on how to react or conduct rescue efforts

    Monitoring System for Rice Growth and Environmental Conditions

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    「精準農業」經由合理的肥培、施藥等栽培管理手段, 可進行高效率的農業經營與管理, 並減少由農業所產生之非點源污染, 進而達到提高生產利潤, 保護生態環境的目標, 使農業得以永續發展.但首先必須能精確掌握氣候和土壤之時間與空間的變異, 以及其對農作物生育的影響.在精準農業體系中監測系統相當於”眼睛”的角色, 依管理需要進行觀測與監視農作物及環境的變異, 提供類同大腦之決策系統判別與辨識後做出決策, 再由擔任四肢的農機具系統實施處理達到精準管理目標.本計畫為水稻精準農業( 耕 )體系中之監測系統部分, 負責利用遙測技術, 快速且有效的提供共同試驗田區中有關水稻生育情形、病蟲害、產量、土壤特性與肥力之空間分佈圖.重要工作包括水稻生長、逆境( 病蟲害、雜草、旱害等 )及產量之監測與估測技術研究, 稻株氮營養狀態檢測技術研究, 近地面水稻光譜資料庫建置, 土壤性質及肥力狀態偵測技術研究等四大部分.計畫規劃期程共計五年, 於計畫結束時預期可以提供有關田間水稻生長、產量、氮營養狀態空間分佈之遙感監測與估測技術, 完成近地面水稻光譜資料庫, 以及有關田間土壤性質及肥力狀態空間分佈之偵測技術, 以供決策系統和農機具系統進行適時、適地、適量的精準管理.Precision agriculture, through proper fertilizer and pesticide managements, can make agricultural sustainable by not only raising the net profits due to efficient agricultural management practices, but also protecting the ecological environment due to reduced non-point pollution by agricultural activities.However, abilities to detect the influence of temporal and spatial variability of climate and soil to crop growth are requested.In precision agriculture, a monitoring system behaves just like eyes for a human.Obtained information regarding temporal and spatial variation of field crop growth will be sent to an expert system, like brains of a human, for identification and judgment.The decision will then be sent to machinery, like hands and feet of a human, for field operation.This project, the monitoring part of a rice precision agriculture system, is responsible for providing spatial maps of growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, and yields of rice and soil properties and fertility in the joint experimental farm.The work includes following four topics, ( 1 )studies on remote sensing techniques to estimate and monitor growth and yield of rice and its responses to stress conditions, ( 2 )detecting techniques for nitrogen content in rice plants, ( 3 )construction of near surface spectral reflectance database of rice, and ( 4 )detection techniques on soil properties and fertility situations.The project is designed to be completed in five years.When the project completes, it is expected to provide techniques for delineating growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, nitrogen status, and yields of rice by remote sensing, a reflectance database of rice, and express detection techniques for soil properties and fertility in the fields.Those monitoring techniques will enable timely and accurately decision making for the expert system and operation for farm machinery

    A study on the use of satellite image to estimate evapotranspiration over crop fields

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    本研究嘗試以Roerink等人(2000)建立的衛星遙測估算旱作蒸發散量SEBI(Simplified Surface Energy Balance Index)模式,應用於估計美國SGP’97試區的熱通量和蒸發散量,應用時加上大氣校正模式,以及由衛星影像作土地利用分類。並對台中霧峰農試所2000 年一期作水稻田利用SPOT衛星多光譜資料測試估計效果。在SGP’97試區方面,利用地面實測資料和衛星觀測建立回歸關係推估的結果較良好;各項能量通量估計值與觀測值間的誤差,大部分源自地表參數的反演誤差,而後者又與大氣校正模式或回歸關係的誤差有關。在農試所水稻田試區方面,由於SPOT衛星影像缺乏熱紅外光波段,因此利用SPOT 觀測資料反演的NDVI,透過Landsat衛星影像資料建立的回歸關係推估地表溫度,進而推估能量通量。但因此反演的地表參數間具有某種相關性,且水田的所有反射率一溫度資料均落於蒸發散控制區,不能建立模式所需熱通量分配的圖形。本研究也利用DMSV-1空載多光譜資料分析模式對水稻田的可行性,熱通量分配圖沒有某種程度相關,初估結果合理,大氣影響較小,待未來有測量資料時作進一步的比對分析。 This work intends to implement the Simplified Surface Energy Balance Index (5-SEBI) model by Roerink et al.(2000) to estimate the heat fluxes during The Southern Great Plain (SGP’97 in short) Hydrological Experiment in 1997. Two additional features are added to the 5-SEBI model in the work, performing atmospheric correction by radiative transfer model and land-use classification. Results show that partitioning of heat fluxes is in accordance with the measurement. Main cause of discrepancy is due to inaccurate surface parameter estimates. To estimate evapo-transpiration in rice paddy, surface temperature retrieval is compulsory. Since SPOT image is lack of thermal channel, this work uses the Landsat data to construct the regression function between NDVI and surface temperature. However, it is found that the derived surface temperature is collinear with the SPOT retrieved reflectivity. Also, it is realized that all reflectivity-temperature data of rice paddy should fall in the evaporation-controlled region. Application of satellite data for evaporation estimation in rice paddy requires further research