15 research outputs found

    Research on College Enrollment Policy for Minorities

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    新中国成立以来,国家十分重视少数民族地区的社会发展,始终坚持优先发展少数民族教育的理念,进而创造性地制定并实行一系列民族教育政策来加快少数民族教育的发展,高校少数民族招生考试政策是其中的主要内容之一。高校少数民族招生考试政策是国家增加少数民族高等教育入学机会的制度化绿色通道,是国家培养少数民族优秀人才的重要途径。在和谐视域下,从学理层面探讨高校少数民族招生考试政策这一课题,对于少数民族高等教育的发展与提升乃至于少数民族地区的政治稳定、社会发展均具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。 本文以历史——现实——未来为主线,以利益分配为切入点,在已有研究基础上,梳理和归纳明清以来人才选拔方面的民族政策与高校...Since the foundation of new China, our country has attached much importance to the social development of the minority districts, held the notion all the time that we should develop minority education firstly and creatively made and performed a series of policies for minority education to speed up it. One of the main contents concerning is policy research in enrollment tests for the minority of col...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572007015369

    the Research on History and Status Quo of the Higher Education Admisson Policy for Taiwan Minority People(From 1945--now)

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    自古以来台湾就是中国领土不可分割的一部分,与大陆一衣带水,海峡两岸人民同根同源,秉承中华民族的传统文化。长期以来,台湾与大陆虽然政治制度迥异,经济发展程度也不一样,但由于受中华传统文化的长期影响,两岸在社会习俗、教育制度,尤其是高校招生考试制度的改革与发展等方面具有极度的相似性。光复以来尤其是台湾1949年以后与大陆互为隔绝,其高校招生考试制度自然也有一些不同之处,作为高校招生考试制度的有机部分高校少数民族招生政策也不例外。 台湾高校少数民族招生政策一直是处理与缓和民族问题的重要举措。然而台湾高校少数民族招生政策的制定与实施中问题和困难是在所难免的,但它一直都是保障少数民族升学权利制度化的绿...Since ancient times, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, only separated by a river with the mainland, people on both sides having the same roots, adhering to traditional Chinese culture. For a long time, despite of different political systems, economic development level between Taiwan and mainland China, being affected by same traditional Chinese culture, the both share the same so...学位:博士后院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:201017002


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    A Study on Enrollment Policy for Ethnic Minorities in the Qing Dynasty

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    清朝是以满洲贵族为核心建立起来的多民族统一的封建中央王朝。与以往的封建王朝统治者相比较,满洲贵族中的政治家在处理民族关系及其问题,特别是少数民族招生考试政策方面,更加具有政治远见。在本文中,笔者试图分析清朝少数民族招生考试政策,并对清朝少数民族招生考试政策进行评价。The Qing dynasty was a unified multi-nationalities kingdom with a feudal central government founded by Manchu aristocrats.Compared with rulers of other feudal kingdoms,politicians of Manchu aristocrats were more politically far-sighted in handling ethnic relations especially in making policy of enrollment for ethnic minorities.In this article,the writer attempts to analyze the policy of enrollment for ethnic minorities in the Qing dynasty with some comments.厦门大学“985”工程“中国特色高等教育体系”项目“高校本、专科招生考试制度改革与机制创新”(项目编号:A2005208)成果之

    Canadian College Admissions Policies in Favor of Nationalities and Their Implications

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    从1971年起,加拿大政府开始实施多元文化政策,高校招生民族倾斜政策是其中的主要内容之一。加拿大高校招生民族倾斜政策的实施,有效地增加了少数民族高等教育入学机会,促进了教育公平的实现。在和谐视域下研究探讨加拿大高校招生少数民族倾斜政策的一些成功经验,可以为我国高考民族倾斜政策的改革与发展提供有益启示。Canada begins to carry out the multi-cultural policies since 1971,and college admissions policies in favor of nationalities are one of them,which increases the Minority's access to higher education and promotes the educational equity.From the perspective of harmony,the research into the preferential policies for the Minority in Canada can make some useful inspirations for the reform and development of the policies in favor of nationalities in Chinese college entrance examination

    A Review and Prospect on National Pre-Policy of Entrance Examination

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    新中国成立以来,国家一直重视少数民族高等教育发展,创造性地制定并实行了一系列的民族教育政策来加快少数民族高等教育的发展,高考民族预科政策就是其中的重要内容之一。高考民族预科政策是国家培养少数民族优秀人才的重要途径。本文对高考民族预科政策的历史进行梳理,认为当前高考民族预科政策在价值取向上存在一定程度的偏离,同时在保证生源和质量方面面临质疑,此外,由于预科考生身份引发的弄虚作假也屡禁不止。为此,作者提出了相应的发展和完善建议。Since the founding of PRC, the government attaches importance to the development of higher education of the minority nationality, and creatively develops and implements a series of national education policies to promote the development of minority education, the national pre-policy of entrance examination is one of the above policies.It is the institutionalized green channel to guarantee the opportunities of higher education of the minority nationality, and is a very important way to cultivate minority talent.This paper sorts out and summarizes the history of national pre-policy of entrance examination and makes some prospects.教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“海峡两岸高校少数民族招生政策的比较研究”(项目号为:11YJC850012)成果之

    Research on Policy of National Minority on the College Entrance Examination during the Time of Republic of China

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    研究民国时期高校少数民族招生考试政策,对探究中国高校少数民族现代招生考试政策的发端、制定今后高校少数民族招生考试政策有重要借鉴意义。民国时期在少数民族地区积极倡导的高校招生考试政策,对少数民族招生考试采取了倾斜政策,不同程度地改变了少数民族教育的观念,但是由于投入量有限,还不能从实质上推进各民族高等教育的全面发展,民族地区高等教育仍然滞后。The research of the education of the time of Republic of China has important meaning to the study of the inchoation of the modern Chinese minority colleges and universities entrance examination policy,and the establishment of the minority colleges and universities entrance examination policy.In the time of Republic of China,our country took the favorable policy to the minority colleges and universities entrance examination,these policies change the education concept the minority in some extent.For the limited financing input,the minority education can't develop all around,its still lag behind the other district