
the Research on History and Status Quo of the Higher Education Admisson Policy for Taiwan Minority People(From 1945--now)


自古以来台湾就是中国领土不可分割的一部分,与大陆一衣带水,海峡两岸人民同根同源,秉承中华民族的传统文化。长期以来,台湾与大陆虽然政治制度迥异,经济发展程度也不一样,但由于受中华传统文化的长期影响,两岸在社会习俗、教育制度,尤其是高校招生考试制度的改革与发展等方面具有极度的相似性。光复以来尤其是台湾1949年以后与大陆互为隔绝,其高校招生考试制度自然也有一些不同之处,作为高校招生考试制度的有机部分高校少数民族招生政策也不例外。 台湾高校少数民族招生政策一直是处理与缓和民族问题的重要举措。然而台湾高校少数民族招生政策的制定与实施中问题和困难是在所难免的,但它一直都是保障少数民族升学权利制度化的绿...Since ancient times, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, only separated by a river with the mainland, people on both sides having the same roots, adhering to traditional Chinese culture. For a long time, despite of different political systems, economic development level between Taiwan and mainland China, being affected by same traditional Chinese culture, the both share the same so...学位:博士后院系专业:人文学院历史学系_专门史学号:201017002

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