995 research outputs found

    Study on the effects of down-regulating Annexin A3 expression on biological behaviors of lung adenocarcinoma and its molecular mechanism

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    肺癌是我国第一大癌症,其发病率和死亡率均居恶性肿瘤之首,严重危害人类健康。肺癌按组织学类型可分为鳞癌、腺癌、小细胞癌和大细胞癌。近年来,肺腺癌(lungadenocarcinoma,AdC)的发病率呈逐步上升趋势,且患者死亡率高、预后极差。癌细胞易转移是肺腺癌患者预后差的主要原因,因此,探寻肺腺癌转移的分子机制及其新的治疗靶标,对于提高肺腺癌患者预后意义重大。我们前期研究中,采用定量蛋白质组学技术鉴定出AnnexinA3(Anxa3)为一个新的肺腺癌转移相关分子,并在大量的肺腺癌临床样本中分析发现Anxa3表达与肺腺癌转移及预后密切相关,Anxa3高表达是肺腺癌淋巴结转移的危险因子及独立的预后...Lung cancer is the most common cancer in our country, which has the highest incidence and mortality rates among all kinds of cancer, and has caused serious harm to human health. The histological types of lung cancer include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma. In recent years, the incidence of lung adenocarcinoma has been gradually rising, with hi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_微生物学学号:2452012115320

    Differential Protein Analysis of Rice Chalkiness During Grain Formation

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    随着人民生活水平的提高,对稻米品质的要求也越来越高。垩白性状是评价稻米外观品质的重要指标,对其研究有助于稻米品质的改善。本研究选用的材料为优质低垩白品系珍佳B(ZJB,即珍汕97B与佳辐占的杂交后代)和高垩白亲本珍汕97B(ZB),以及从以珍佳B做母本、珍汕97B为轮回亲本进行杂交构建的近等基因系中筛选出来的高低垩白水稻株系,运用蛋白质组学技术方法对其籽粒形成各个时期的蛋白表达情况进行研究。其主要的研究结果如下: (1)研究材料垩白检测结果:2013年早季ZJB的垩白粒率为10%、垩白度为4%,ZB的垩白粒率为80%、垩白度为30%;筛选出的3个低垩白株的垩白粒率平均值为14%、垩白度平均值...With the improvement of people’s living standard, the requirement for rice is not just for quantity, but also for quality. Chalkiness of grain is an important indicator for evaluating the appearance quality of rice. Thus, studies on chalkiness are helpful to improve the quality of rice. ZhenjiaB(ZJB) with low chalkiness and Zhenshan97B(ZB) with high chalkiness were chosen and used as the parent ma...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_微生物学学号:2162012115238

    The Study of Band Engineering and Polarization-induced Doping in AlGaN-based Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diode

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    Ⅲ族氮化物作为新一代半导体材料,具有宽直接带隙、高电子漂移率、高热导率、耐高温、抗腐蚀、抗辐射等优点,适合制作高频、高功率、耐高温和抗辐射的电子器件,比如AlGaN基紫外发光二极管。但是紫外发光二极管依然存在低量子效率、低光输出功率等问题,提高晶体质量和载流子注入效率是解决问题的两个主要思路。影响载流子注入效率的一个重要因素是内部极化场引起的能带弯曲,本文基于APSYS软件,主要围绕紫外LED的能带调控和极化诱导掺杂展开研究。 首先,本文回顾了紫外LED的发展历程,介绍了AlGaN半导体材料的结构和性质,以及紫外LED的结构、发光机理和亟待解决的研究难题。接着,介绍了紫外LED器件的模拟方法...As a new generation of semiconductor materials, III nitride owning advantages like wide direct band gap, high thermal conductivity, high electron mobility, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistant and radiation resistant. Thus it is suitable for fabricating electronic device like AlGaN-based deep UV LEDs. However, there still exist a number of problems like low quantum efficiency and low l...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982013115296

    Design and Implementation of Dissertation Selection Management System for the College

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    学位论文在当前教育体制下起到越来越重要的作用。学生不再是单纯的知识的学习,在严进严出的教育现状下,学位论文作为一个学用结合的产物,势必越来越受到重视。而近年来,学生数量呈现快速的增长,这对传统的学位论文管理方式提出了挑战。传统的以手工录入为主要的控制方法,在规模效应下呈现了较多的问题。所以,研发一套基于互联网的综合网上学位论文管理系统成为了当前较为重大的课题。 基于上述背景分析,结合高校实际需求,本文开发了一套学位论文选题信息系统。本项目是采用ASP和HTML开发前端界面,C++开发分配算法,主要包括学位论文选题,学位论文配套文档跟踪,学位论文意见建议指导等功能。 论文的主要内容包括: ...With the rapid development of modern society, economy science and technology become more important part in our daily life. New model of the society requires talent higher value of the previous recommendation on student achievements and the overall quality students. Especially, the increasing emphasis on practical and innovative ability of students may link more chances and challenges. It changes t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223029

    The Integration of Social Management in the Construction of Metropolitan Area: Based on the Empirical Analysis of Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Area

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    大都市区同城化建设是促进我国区域经济社会协调发展,提升区域整体竞争力的重要举措。提升大都市区竞争力的手段不仅包括经济一体化建设,也包括社会管理与社会发展的一体化建设。厦漳泉大都市区自2011年开始大规模的同城化建设以来,在在社会管理一体化建设上进行了多种尝试和探索。厦漳泉大都市区社会管理一体化建设有利于扩展同城化建设的核心领域、治理厦漳泉区域公共事务、促进厦漳泉大都市区经济社会协调发展、整合厦漳泉大都市区社会管理资源和实现厦漳泉大都市区社会治理的现代化。从实践进展来看,厦漳泉大都市区社会管理的一体化建立了党政联席会议制、规划方案合作制和项目制等建设机制,在公共基础设施、公共服务供给和区域社会公...In our country, the integration of metropolitan area is a significant method to promote coordinated development of regional economy and society, to promote the competitiveness of the whole region. The ways to improve the competitiveness of metropolitan area contains construction of economical integration, but the integration of social management and social development also included. Since the mass...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392013115030

    Assessment on the Implementation Effect of the Environment Regulations Taking the Policy of Limit on the Pig Farming in the Jiulongjiang River Watershed as Example

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    环境管制一直是我国环境污染治理所采取的主要政策之一,对我国的环境保护起到了一定的积极作用,同时也存在一些弊端,致使其成效不甚显著甚至背离初始目标。在此情况下,如何评价环境管制政策绩效具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文以九龙江流域“限猪令“政策为例,选取政策目标实现度、主要环保指标实现、环保投入效益、公众参与及满意度四个方面,综合评价其绩效,期望能为促进九龙江管制政策体系的构建作出贡献。Environment regulation is always one of the main policies in China for environment pollution management with the positive functions to the environment protection in China.However,it also has some shortages that result in the deviation of the original target.Since that,it is very important to assess the performance of the environment regulations.Taking the policy of limit on the pig farming in the Jiulongjiang River watershed as the example,the essay made the comprehensive assessment on the performance of this regulation on the aspects of policy target realization degree,realization of main environment protection indicators,environment protection input benefit and the public participation and satisfaction degree,in order to make the contribution on the promotion of the construction of the Jiulongjiang regulation policy system

    The raindrop impact is very important in soil erosion problems on hill slopes, while the splash characteristics (especially the jet and mixing) are crucial in raindrop impact processes. Focusing on the jet and mixing features in this process, a series of numerical experiments and discussion are conducted in this study. The meshless Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is employed and validated with the theoretical solution and experimental data. Two groups of numerical experiments, focusing on the jet around the rigid surface and the mixing between the drop and different underlain water layers respectively, are carried out. In the first group of numerical experiments, the effect of incidence angle of the drop is discussed. A high speed jet strip is found near the rigid surface and varied with incidence angle of the raindrop. In the second group of numerical experiments, it is found that full mixing between drop and water layer only happened in a very close range around the impact zone while the outer zone is just simply driven away. Two kinds of mechanism on jet occurrence and mixing are proposed and explained based on the simulated results.

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    The raindrop impact is very important in soil erosion problems on hill slopes, while the splash characteristics (especially the jet and mixing) are crucial in raindrop impact processes. Focusing on the jet and mixing features in this process, a series of numerical experiments and discussion are conducted in this study. The meshless Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is employed and validated with the theoretical solution and experimental data. Two groups of numerical experiments, focusing on the jet around the rigid surface and the mixing between the drop and different underlain water layers respectively, are carried out. In the first group of numerical experiments, the effect of incidence angle of the drop is discussed. A high speed jet strip is found near the rigid surface and varied with incidence angle of the raindrop. In the second group of numerical experiments, it is found that full mixing between drop and water layer only happened in a very close range around the impact zone while the outer zone is just simply driven away. Two kinds of mechanism on jet occurrence and mixing are proposed and explained based on the simulated results.</span

    Association of rs2781666 G/T polymorphism of arginase I gene with Arteriosclerosis obliterans in southern Fujian population

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    背景及目的动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)是外周血管动脉粥样硬化导致组织血流减少血管闭塞的一种疾病。ASO病因复杂,涉及遗传和环境诸多因素。据猜测许多基因可能与ASO发病有关,但是各种基因假说缺少证据支持。最近一些研究发现,精氨酸酶Ⅰ(ArgⅠ)可能与动脉粥样硬化的个体易感性性有关。ArgⅠ编码基因位于6号染色体短臂2区3带(6q23),长11.5kb,包含8个外显子,编码322个氨基酸生成蛋白质。当前有研究发现,位于启动子序列的Argrs2781666G/T碱基变异与法裔人群颈动脉内膜中层增厚(CCA-IMT)相关。种群背景对基因多态性及疾病都存在影响。因此,我们通过查询NationalCenter...Background & Aims Arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO) is a disease caused by the blocking of blood flow as a result of arteriosclerosis in the peripheral artery.ASO is a complex condition, resulting from genetic and environmental contributions.Many genes are suspected to be involved in its aetiology. Most, however, the genes theory lack of evidence to support. Some very recent studies support a role...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院临床医学系_外科学学号:2452009115297

    The Opportunities and Challenges of the Cold Chain Logistics Development in Fujian Under the Background of ECFA

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    随着我国民众物质生活水平的提高和我国快速消费品市场的扩大,冷链物流运作也收到越来越多的关注。2010年初海峡两岸经济合作框架协议的签署,优化了大陆对台的贸易政策,也直接对对岸的海西地区物流发展同时提供了机遇和挑战。文中将以福建地区为例,以ECfA的签署为背景,重点阐述该协议的签订带来的机遇和挑战,并在此基础上指出海西冷链管理存在的一些问题,最后结合物流管理的思想对其提出一些建议。With the improvement of material living standard and the expanding of fast moving consumer goods market,cold chain logistics operation has received increasing attention.The sign of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement not only optimized the mainland to Taiwan's trade policy,but also directly provides both opportunities and challenges on the other side of the West Coast Economic zone logistics development.This paper will take the example of Fujian,under the background of the signing of ECFA,and will focus on the problems in West Coast Economic zone cold chain management,then combine the idea of logistics management to make some suggestions


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