75 research outputs found

    Preceding Vehicle Detection Based on Multiple Scale Edge and Local Entropy

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    摘 要:提出一种基于多尺度边缘和局部熵原理的前方车辆的检测算法。该算法利用车辆图像的边缘和纹理等视觉特征,根据摄像机参数得到远、 中、 近距离的三个尺度的图像,用一种改进的边缘检测算法分析每幅图像的边缘,得到车辆的感兴趣区域 ROI ,最后通过应用局部熵原理来排除错误的结果。对同一帧序列用文中算法和传统算法进行测试,文中算法提高了检测的正确率,并减少了误检的数量,该算法同时适用于静止和运动的车辆,并且对中远距离车辆有较好的检测效果。 Abstract :Presents a preceding vehicle detection algorithm based on multiple scale edge and local ent ropy. Use a combination of edge and texture features of vehicle images. Firstly , three kinds of range images are obtained according to the camera parameters , then these images are analyzed by an improved edge detection method and ROI are calculated. Those ROI are filtered by local ent ropy method and vehicles are located in original images. By same sequence , test this algorithm and other classic algorithms , these experiments illust rate the vehicle detection rate of this algorithm is higher and the error rate of this algorithm is lower than other algorithms. The algorithm can detect both resting and moving cars , and it illust rates good performance for mid - range and distant cars.基金项目:厦门大学 985 二期信息创新平台资助项目;国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项(2006AA01Z129

    Object tracking based on online multiple instance learning with feature weighted fusion

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    为了能更加准确鲁棒地跟踪目标,提出了特征加权融合的在线多示例学习跟踪算法(WfMIl)。WfMIl在多示例学习框架下分别训练两种特征(HOg和HAAr)分类器。在跟踪过程中,通过线性运算融合成一个强分类器,同时在学习过程中对正包中的示例引入权重。实验结果统计表明WfMIl能很好地解决目标漂移问题,并且对目标遮挡、运动突变、光照变化以及运动模糊等具有较好的鲁棒性。For the object tracking problems in computer vision, feature Weighted Fusion online Multiple Instance Learning tracking algorithm(WFMIL)is proposed.WFMIL trains two features(Hog and Haar)classifier separately by multiple instance learning method.In the tracking process, they are integrated into a strong classifier by the linear operation.While in the learning process, weight is introduced into instances of positive package.Experimental results show that WFMIL can solve the object drift and has a certain robustness in handling occlusion, target abrupt motion, illumination change, and motion blur.国家自然科学基金(No.61373077); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20110121110020); 国家部委基础科研计划项目; 国家部委科技重点实验室基金资

    Ships Tracking Based on Active Contour Model

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    将主动轮廓线模型用于海面运动船只的跟踪,提出了一种自动选择主动轮廓线初始控制点的方法,增强了主动轮廓线模型的实用性,并将基于主动轮廓线模型的跟踪方法用于多个海面运动目标的跟踪。实验结果表明,提出的初始主动轮廓线自动选取方法可以准确地选择目标的轮廓线的特征点;基于主动轮廓线模型的跟踪方法可以比较准确地跟踪运动船只的主要轮廓特征。This paper proposes a method based on active contour model to track the moving object on the sea surface,and a method for selecting the initial control points of the active contour automatically.And it uses the tracking method to track multi-ships moving on the sea surface.Experimental results show that the tracking method based on active contour model can track the ships’ contour effectively,and the method for selecting the initial points is excellent.国家创新研究群体基金资助项目(60024301);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60175008

    Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Ranking Support Vector Machine Fused with Multiple Features

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    针对计算机视觉领域的目标跟踪问题,提出一种基于排序支持向量机的多特征融合目标跟踪算法。利用排序支持向量机学习得到排序函数,提取2种不同的图像特征分别构造分类器,使2个排序支持向量机并行预测,分别计算2个分类器的错误率,从而得到分类器权重完成融合。实验结果表明,与目前主流的跟踪算法相比,该算法的跟踪结果更准确,在复杂视频环境下也能对目标进行稳定跟踪,具有较强的鲁棒性。For the object tracking problems in computer vision,this paper proposes a tracking algorithm based on Ranking Support Vector Machine(RSVM)fused with multiple features.Firstly,RSVM is used to get rank function.Secondly,the RSVMs combined with the two different image features are learnt respectively,then the two RSVMs predict parallel.Finally,the two RSVMs are fused with the weights which are calculated by the error rates of two classifiers,then it constructs a more adaptive RSVM framework fused with multiple features.This algorithm fuses image features effectively,and gets accurate predictions using RSVM.Experimental results demonstrate that it outperforms several stateof-the-arts algorithms.国家部委基金资助项目; 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20110121110020

    Multiple Background Model-Based Moving Target Detection on Sea Surface

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    提出一种在反射光较强的条件下基于多背景模型的海面运动目标检测方法.使用基于统计模型的变化检测方法将被监控场景区分为海浪波动显著的背景区域和海浪波动不显著的背景区域;对这两种区域中的像素点分别以Weibull分布模型和Gauss分布模型建立背景模型;使用建立的背景模型检测海面的运动目标.实验结果表明,在海面反射光较强且波浪波动较大的情况下,用该方法可以比较准确地检测到海面的运动目标. A new method based on multiple background model for moving target detection on the sea surface is proposed. It can detect the moving target on the sea surface when there is heavy sea clutter and the reflected light is strong. The monitored area is first partitioned into two regions using the statistical model-based change detection method, where the sea clutter in one region is heavier than the other. Then Weibull distribution is used to create the background model for pixels in the region having heavier sea clutter and Gaussian distribution is used for the other region. Finally the background model is used to detect moving target on the sea surface. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect moving target effectively even when the sea clutter is heavy and the reflected light is strong.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60175008);; 国家创新研究群体项目(60024301

    Approach to Building Recognition in Complex Scenes

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    提出了一种基于建筑目标的竖直线特征寻找图像中存在建筑目标区域的方法;考虑了目标特征的相互关系,给出了一种新的模板匹配算法。实验表明:利用该文提出的算法建立的识别系统与其它识别系统相比,大大减少了运算时间,有较好的抗噪声干扰和处理目标被遮挡问题的能力。A new approach to building extraction based on grouping the feature of the vertical lines of building object is proposed. Using it, the regions where building may exist are marked. A new template matching algorithm, which accounts for the dependencies between features of object, is presented. Tests show that the recognition system can save a lot of runtime, and yield substantial improvement over others for cluttered scenes and processing the partially occluded objects.国家创新研究群体资助项目(60024301);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60175008);; 厦门大学“985”二期信息创新平台资助项

    Novel Antifouling Technology Research: Progress and Prospects

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    Research on Preparation and Vitrifying Mechanism of Fe-Zr-B Amorphous Alloy by Mechanical Alloying

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    [中文文摘]在高纯氩气保护下使用高能球磨法对原子组成为Fe60Zr40-xBx(x=10、20、30、40)的混合粉末进行机械合金化实验,成功地制取了非晶合金粉末。通过X射线衍射研究了混合粉体的非晶化过程,并用DSC分析了热动力学行为,讨论了该体系的非晶化机制。[英文文摘]The microstructure development and thermal dynamic character of Fe_(60)Zr_(40-x)B_x(x=10、20、30、40) amorphous alloys prepared by mechanical alloying were studied by X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry.Compared with previous research conclusion,the mechanism of amorphization were discussed in this article.福建省科技计划项目(2002I018); 福建省自然科学基金项目(E0310021)


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    四态存储器是一种能够在一个存储单元内记录四种信息状态的新型存储器.采用磁电复合材料Co/PZT制作了一个四态存储器的存储单元原型,该存储单元的磁电输出信号随外磁场变化存在明显的滞回现象.根据磁电滞回现象,提出了施加偏置磁场的读取原理,实际测试结果给出了区别明显的15.8μV,?4.4μV,5.5μV,?11.3μV四种信号,初步演示了磁电复合材料用作四态存储器的可行性.国家自然科学基金(批准号:50571084); 国家高技术研究发展计划(编号:2006AA03Z101)资助项目

    Research Development of Mechanical Alloying and Amorphous Alloy

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    [中文文摘]机械合金化是一种通过高能研磨实现的固相粉体加工技术。现已证明可以通过对纯组元混合粉或预合金粉进行机械合金化处理,合成包括非晶合金在内的多种平衡与非平衡合金相。主要评述了机械合金化法在非晶态合金材料研究领域的优势和特点,重点介绍了当前有关机械合金化致非晶化机理的研究成果以及未来这一领域的发展方向。[英文文摘]Mechanical alloying (MA) is a solid-state powder processing technique involving repeated welding and fracturing of particles in a high-energy ball mill. It has been shown to be capable of synthesizing a variety of equilibrium and non-equilibrium alloy phases including the amorphous alloy from blended elemental or prealloyed powders. Mechanical alloying is one of the most potential method in the preparation and science research of amorphous alloy. The characteristics and superiority of mechanical alloying on amorphous alloy research are discussed in this article. Additionally , it int roduces the present research status of the mechanism of amorphization and the development direction.福建省自然科学基金项目(E0310021); 福建省科技计划项目(2002I018)