996 research outputs found

    Study on Effect of Diabetes Three-manager Mode and Social Ecological Model of Diabetes management

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    目的初步评价糖尿病“三师共管”模式干预效果,并验证社会生态学模型理论在糖尿病管理研究中的作用,为完善糖尿病“三师共管”模式干预方案提供循证依据和政策建议。 方法 用定量、定性相结合的方法综合评价干预效果,并以社会生态学模型为理论基础,应用结构方程模型分析社会生态学模型理论在糖尿病管理中的作用。 (1)定量调查:以厦门市某社区卫生服务中心2014年8月1日~2015年3月1日加入“三师共管”模式干预的2型糖尿病患者为对象,由全科医师、健康管理师和专科医师提供健康评估、定期一对一健康教育等全程精细化管理。通过实验室检查和面对面问卷调查方法收集干预前、干预6和12月后患者的代谢指标、自我管理能...Objective To evaluate the effect of 'three-manager mode' and probe whether social ecology model can guide diabetes management, in order to provide evidence-based suggestion and decision-making on refining "three-manager mode" diabetes intervention plan. Methods Combing quantitative and qualitative methods, this research evaluated the effect of 'three-manager mode'. Based on social ecology mode...学位:医学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_流行病与卫生统计学学号:3272013115054

    On the aerodynamic model and the linear motion characteristics of the airship

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    本文以飞艇为研究对象,在完成飞艇动力学建模过程中,除了考虑重力、 浮力、推力对飞艇的作用外,重点分析了俄罗斯、美国以及加拿大体系下的气 动力模型,比较了不同气动力结果的差异,进而讨论不同气动力成份对飞艇动 态特性的影响。所进行的研究工作主要包括以下几个方面: (1)飞艇动力学模型的建立。本文基于空间运动的坐标系、坐标变换矩阵 以及运动参数,推导了飞艇运动学方程和动力学方程,对飞艇受到的重力、浮 力、推力等进行了分析和建模。 (2)分析比较俄罗斯、美国、加拿大学者所采用的气动力估算方法。以 俄罗斯现代飞艇技术一书中A−01飞艇作为研究对象,分析三种不同的气动力 模型...This paper mainly introduces the existing aerodynamic parameter models of Rus- sia, the United States, and Canada, in addition to considering the effect of gravity, buoyancy, thrust to the airship. The influence of different aerodynamic components on the dynamic characteristics are emphatically analyzed. The work mainly includes the following aspects: Dynamics model is established. Based on t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_控制理论与控制工程学号:2322012115303

    Quantitative proteomic study of cell cycle of Prorocentrum donghaiense during the blooming period

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    东海原甲藻(Prorocentrumdonghaiense)是中国近海主要有害藻华种,几乎每年都会引发大规模的有害藻华,对海洋生态系统、海洋生物资源和水产养殖造成了严重威胁,并且影响公众健康。尽管目前对东海原甲藻藻华形成的海洋学和生态学机制开展了大量研究,但对现场藻华形成过程中东海原甲藻细胞生长调控的分子机制知之甚少。 本论文以现场东海原甲藻藻华为研究对象,运用基于质谱的定量蛋白质组学技术—iTRAQ(isobarictagsforrelativeandabsolutequantitation)技术,并结合相应的转录组数据,比较研究了现场藻华细胞不同细胞周期时相的蛋白质表达谱,确认、鉴定了差...Prorocentrum donghaiense is a key dinoflagellate species causing harmful algal blooms in the coastal waters of China, which results in severe threatens to marine ecosystems, marine biological resources, aquaculture industries and public health. Although much effort has been devoted to the oceanographic and ecological mechanisms of bloom formation of P. donghaiense, little is known about the molecu...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:3332013115172

    The Optimization of Trial Grade in Civil Procedure

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    审级制度是民事诉讼法的重要制度之一,涉及民事诉讼法的主要基础理论,更与各项重要制度密切关联。审级制度的重要性在于提供救济制度保障与统一法律实施,并体现了公正与效率的价值平衡。审级制度在不同的价值目标之间进行平衡,同时还承担着重要的司法功能,其功能主要体现在两个方面:维护程序正义与法律价值体系;实现司法社会控制与维护司法公信力。作为在民事诉讼制度中具有如此重要性并肩负重要功能的审级制度,出现不适应社会发展需求与法制发展变化时,应通过改革优化,以期更好的服务司法,体现价值。 本文通过对现行民事审级制度基本情况及弊端进行剖析,借鉴外国三审终审制的已有经验,侧重从明确各审级职能、小额诉讼救济机制和再...The trial level system is an important system of the civil procedure law.The trail level system is significance in providing relief system security and unified law enforcement. Justice and efficiency is the value goal of the modern judicial theory and practice,and also the litigation system including the trial system value goal.The trial level system is mainly reflected in two aspects:the maintena...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201412006

    A Study on Consumer’s Preference of Shopping Website Based on Online Customer Experience

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    许多消费者同时是多个购物网站的忠实用户,购买不同产品时偏好选用不同网站。因此,探讨消费者的网站选用偏好问题具有重要的现实意义,本文基于在线客户体验对此问题进行了研究。 本文在已有研究的基础上,以广义客户体验的视角将网站各方面表现因素整理在一起,从功能体验与享乐体验两个方面搭建了多层次、多维度的客户体验框架。在此基础上,本文通过混合测量(高阶Reflective-Formative测量模型架构多层次的客户体验)的偏最小二乘结构方程模型进行了实证分析,探讨了不同层次、不同维度的体验对于网站选用偏好的影响。然后用多群组比较方法分析了产品卷入度、产品类别这两个产品因素对模型的调节作用。 实证结果显...Many consumers are loyal users of more than one shopping websites, and they prefer choosing different website according to the product category. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore consumers' preference of website. This problem is studied based on the online customer experience in this paper. On the basis of existing researches, different aspects of the shopping website ar...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542014115199

    Research on the System of Help-education of Guilty Juvenile

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    未成年人由于自身特点,在成长的过程中容易受到外部环境的影响,一些青少年由于外部不良环境的影响,而走向犯罪的道路。对于这些涉罪未成年人如果不能进行合适的帮助与引导,他们可能再次走向犯罪的道路,这显然不利于他们的正常成长。青少年犯罪预防,是青少年犯罪工作的起点和根本目标,如何对青少年犯罪进行有效矫正和预防,已经成为一项持久而又重要的社会系统工程。未成年人帮教对于降低未成年人犯罪有着十分积极的作用。涉罪未成年人帮教制度是少年司法特殊保护制度中的重要内容。 目前,我国拥有大量的未成年人。根据国家统计局披露的数据,截至2015年底,我国14岁以下未成年人数目为22715万人,相比2014年增长了0.6...Due to their own characteristics, minor under the influence of the external environment in the process of growth, some young people due to the adverse effects of external environment, and to the road of crime. For those who are guilty of minors if they can not make the appropriate help and guidance, they may once again go to the crime path, which is obviously not conducive to their normal growth. ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201412011

    A Study on the Sales Mode of the Steel Business Segment in Y Company

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    中国钢铁贸易行业的传统销售模式存在模式简单、盈利方式单一的问题,且行业内的企业同质化竞争严重,价格战导致盈利水平低下。在当今钢铁业处于增长期向成熟期过渡的阶段,正是市场对经营者进行淘汰和筛选的阶段,要想不被淘汰,继续向前发展,就必须跳出传统的销售模式,寻找适合自身企业发展的销售模式。 Y公司钢铁业务板块要实现其钢铁战略目标:提高运作效率,扩大业务规模、提升盈利能力成为国内领先、国际知名的钢铁贸易商和钢铁产业增值服务商,就必须选择有自己特色的销售模式。本文从作为国有大型贸易企业的Y公司的发展概况及业务板块内容、特点,尤其是钢铁业务板块的发展和现状以及其钢铁战略进行分析,进而从钢铁贸易行业现状及...The traditional sales mode of the Chinese steel trade industry is with simple operation wise and limited way to gain profit, the homogenization competition is serious, the price war also leads to the low level of profitability. To survive in current growth-to-maturity transitional stage, the operators, instead of following in the traditional sales model, should develop their own sales mode for bus...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792007115053


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    胃癌(gastric cancer, GC)术后放、化疗等治疗引起的毒副作用导致患者生活质量下降,出现癌症恶病质态。饮食辅助治疗能够显著地促进GC患者机体功能的恢复、缓解炎症反应、提高抗癌治疗耐受力,改善GC患者术后的生活质量、延长生存期。结合饮食在GC术后治疗的优势作用,本文分析了现代医学的元素营养饮食和传统中医食疗在GC术后的饮食辅助治疗作用,能够更好地了解中医传统食疗在缓解机体整体性功能失调的状态下的运用价值,促进中医食疗能够借鉴现代医学营养饮食的评估体系和扩大中医食疗在GC临床治疗程中的运用。国家自然科学基金资助项目,Nos.81272445、81870388;;厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金,No.17GYY001NF01~

    Influencing factors of recurrence after surgery among Chinese female breast cancer patients:a meta-analysis

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    目的探讨中国女性乳腺癌患者术后复发的影响因素,为改善乳腺癌患者预后提供参考依据。方法检索中国学术文献总库(CNKI); 、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM) 、Web Of Science数据库、Pubmed数据库、Science; Direct数据库和BIOSIS数据库,并辅以手工检索和文献追溯法收集2000年1月1日-2013年12月31日公开发表的关于中国女性乳腺癌患者; 术后复发影响因素的相关文献;应用RevMan 5.2和SAS; 9.2软件对纳入的文献进行meta分析。结果最终纳入25篇中文文献,共累计女性乳腺癌患者16 471例,其中术后复发患者1; 048例,复发率为6.36%; meta分析结果显示,肿瘤直径> 2 cm(OR = 2.89, 95%CI = 1.76 ~ 4.74); 、肿瘤分期> Ⅱ期(OR = 3.79, 95%CI = 3.08 ~ 4.66) 、原发灶T分期> T2期(OR = 3.78, 95% CI; = 2.47 ~ 5.78) 、有淋巴结转移(OR = 2.68, 95%CI = 1.67 ~ 4.31) 、淋巴结转移数目> 3个(OR =; 3.17, 95%CI = 2.49 ~ 4.03)和人表皮生长因子2阳性(OR = 2.85, 95%CI = 2.21 ~; 3.67)为中国女性乳腺癌患者术后复发的危险因素,雌激素受体/孕激素受体阳性(OR = 0.47, 95%CI = 0.38 ~; 0.59)和术后放疗(OR = 0.21, 95%CI = 0.12 ~; 0.36)为中国女性乳腺癌患者术后复发的保护因素;敏感性分析和发表偏倚评估结果显示,纳入的文献不存在发表偏倚,结果较为可靠。结论肿瘤直径、肿瘤分; 期、淋巴结转移状态、淋巴结转移数目、原发灶T分期、人表皮生长因子2状态、雌激素受体/孕激素受体状态和术后放疗情况是中国女性乳腺癌患者术后复发的主; 要影响因素。Objective To explore influencing factors of recurrence of breast cancer; after surgery among Chinese female patients and to provide evidences for; decision-making for improving prognosis of the patients. Methods; Literatures published between January 1st, 2000 and December 31st, 2013; relevant to influencing factors of recurrence of breast cancer after; surgery among Chinese female patients were searched online through China; National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI),Wanfang Database,Chinese; Biological and Medical Database (CBM),Web of Science,Pubmed,Science; Direct, and BIOSIS and supplemented with manual searching. Meta-analysis; on the data collected was performed with RevMan 5.2 and SAS 9.2. Results; Totally 25 studies conducted among 16 471 Chinese female breast cancer; patients were included; of all the patients,1 048 had recurrence after; surgery of breast cancer,with a recurrence rate of 6.36%. The results of; meta-analysis showed that tumor size > 2 cm in diameter (odds ratio; [OR]= 2.89,95% confidence interval [95%CI]= 1.76-4.74), neoplasm staging; of greater than stageⅡ(OR = 3.79, 95% CI = 3.08-4.66),primary tumor; T-stage of higher than T2 (OR = 3.78,95% CI = 2.47-5.78), lymph node; metastasis (OR = 2.68,95% CI = 1.67-4.31), total number of lymph node; metastasis of more than 3 (OR = 3.17, 95% CI = 2.49-4.03),and human; epidermal receptor-2 (Her-2) positive (OR = 2.85,95% CI = 2.21-3.67); were risk factors of recurrence; whereas estrogen receptors to; progesterone receptors (ER/PR) positive (OR = 0.47,95% CI = 0.38-0.59); and postoperative radiotherapy (OR = 0.21, 95%CI = 0.12-0.36) were; protective factors. Sensitivity analysis and publication bias assessment; indicated that the results were stable and there was no publication; bias. Conclusion The recurrence of breast cancer after surgery is; related to tumor size, tumor staging,T-stage of primary tumor, lymph; node metastasis, lymph node metastasis number,Her-2 status,ER/PR status,; and postoperative radiotherapy among Chinese female breast cancer; patients.厦门市科技计划项


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