71 research outputs found


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    Determination of Carthamin in Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius L)by RP-HPLC

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    经从红花 (CarthamustinctoriusL)中分离纯化、HPLC检测、质谱鉴定得红花红色素纯品 ,并用其作为标准品 ,采用反相高效液相色谱法 ,测定了不同产地红花和商业红花产品中红花红色素的含量。该方法准确性高、重现性好 ,平均回收率为98.1%。The carthamin,extracted from the safflower(Carthamus tinctorius L),was purified and identified byMS.Itwas then used as a standard for the reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic determiˉnation of carthamin in safflower collected fromdifferentareas and in commercial safflower products.HPLC sepˉaration was carried out on an Alltima C 18 column(5μm,150×4.6mm)with a mixture of acetonitrile,methanol and water(30∶10∶60by volume)at pH=3as mobile phase.The linear range was0.05~0.2g/Lwith a correlation coefficient of0.999.The average recovery and RSD were98.1%and1.9%,respecˉtively


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    深入全面理解锂/钠离子电池材料的静态结构及演化过程是提升电池材料性能的关键因素,在材料结构的各种表征方法中,固体核磁共振波谱(SS NMR)技术是获取电池材料局域结构以及微观离子扩散动力学等定量信息的一个重要表征手段。到目前为止,人们通过SS NMR技术在获取与分析电池电极/电解质材料的离子占位,充放电过程中材料的结构演化以及微观离子扩散动力学过程如离子传输路径与离子扩散系数等信息上已取得重要的研究进展,进而为理解分析电极材料的储锂机制,电池材料的构效关系乃至电池的衰减机理等方面提供了重要实验数据。结合课题组的研究工作,综述了近三年来SS NMR技术在锂/钠离子电池电极和固体电解质材料研究以及核磁共振成像技术在电池领域的应用研究进展

    Functional groups of macrofauna in Xunpu intertidal zone,Quanzhou Bay

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    为了比较不同生境的大型底栖动物功能群,根据在泉州湾蟳埔潮间带3种生境类型获得的大型底栖动物数据进行了分析。2011年4月-至2012年1月在泉州湾蟳埔潮间带获得大型底栖动物101种,其中浮游生物食者(Pl)、植食者(PH)、肉食者(C)、杂食者(O)和碎屑食者(d)物种数分别为21种、18种、21种、26种和15种。光滩(沙滩)、互花米草和牡蛎石三种生境大型底栖动物物种数、平均栖息密度、平均生物量、多样性指数的优势功能群多样化,表明泉州湾蟳埔潮间带大型底栖动物功能群的复杂化和多样化,这种特征是潮汐、生境、底质粒径等环境因子共同作用的结果。潮汐导致潮间带的空间异质性(沉积物粒径的差异),空间异质性导致大型底栖动物功能群组成的差异。互花米草、牡蛎石构成了多种小生境,有利于众多大型底栖动物的栖息。还讨论了大型底栖动物物种鉴定水平和功能群划分标准不同对功能群研究结果的影响。To study the functional groups of macrofauna in different biotopes, we analyzed the macrofauna data in three biotopes in Xunpu intertidal zone, Quanzhou Bay.A total of 101 benthic macrofauna were got.We divided the macrofauna into five functional groups, namely planktophagous group( Pl), phytophagous group( Ph), carnivorous group( C),omnivorous group(O) and detritivorous group(D).The species number of Pl, Ph, C, O and D was 21, 18, 21, 26 and 15 respectively.Dominant functional groups of macrofauna in species, mean density, mean biomass and diversity index were various in sandy, Spartina alterniflora and oyster-stone biotopes.The distribution characteristic indicated the complication and diversity in functional groups of macrofauna in Quanzhou Bay intertidal zone, and the joint action of tide, biotope,sediment particle size and other environmental factors.Tides result in spatial heterogeneity(different in sediment particle size) on intertidal zone, and spatial heterogeneity results in different functional groups of macrofauna.S.alterniflora and oyster-stone constitute various niches, which had advantages to many macrofaunas.This paper also discussed the influences of accuracy in macrofaunal identification and functional group classification criteria on the results of functional group research.国家自然科学基金(41176089

    Research on the status of Amphioxus and other macrofauna resources in Xiamen waters

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    根据2014年8月在厦门黄厝和十八线潮下带海区,以及2014年1月-6月在厦门玩月坡潮间带获得的文昌鱼及其他大型底栖动物数据,对厦门海域文昌鱼及其他大型底栖动物资源现状进行了分析。黄厝潮下带大型底栖动物物种数、栖息密度和生物量分别为25种、80.7 Ind/M2和13.46 g/M2,十八线潮下带大型底栖动物物种数、栖息密度和生物量分别为25种、76.2 Ind/M2和6.53 g/M2。黄厝潮下带大型底栖动物丰度指数(d)平均值略低于十八线潮下带,而均匀度指数(J)和物种多样性指数(H')平均值略高于十八线潮下带。黄厝潮下带、十八线潮下带的文昌鱼栖息密度分别为51.1 Ind/M2和39.8 Ind/M2文昌鱼生物量分别为4.63 g/M2和3.68 g/M2。单因素方差分析表明,除了黄厝海区和十八线海区之间的文昌鱼体长呈显著差异,其余文昌鱼种群参数和大型底栖动物群落参数均无显著差异。文昌鱼栖息密度和生物量与底质粒径分选系数呈显著负相关。玩月坡潮间带低潮区文昌鱼及其他大型底栖动物资源贫乏。厦门海域文昌鱼的资源量与文昌鱼放流、海岸工程和采砂作业有关。The status of amphioxus and other macrofauna resources in Xiamen waters were analyzed according to the am-phioxus macrofauna samples collected in the subtidal zone in October 2014 and in the intertidal zone from January 2014 toJune 2014.The species number, density and biomass of marcofauna in Huangcuo subtidal zone were, 25, 80.7 ind/m2.and13.46 g/m2 respectively, and in 18 Line subtidal zone were 25, 76.2 ind/m2 and 6.53 g/m2 respectively.The average of theabundance index (d) of macrofauna in Huangcuo subtidal zone was slightly lower than that in 18 Line subtidal zone, butthe average of the evenness index (J) and the biodiversity index (H') was opposite.The densities of amphioxus inHuangcuo and 18 Line were 51.1 ind/m2 and 3.68 g /m2 respectively, and the biomasses of amphioxus in these two areas were4.63 g/m2 and 3.68 g /m2 respectively.The result of one-way ANOVA showed that, amphioxus length in these two areas wassignificantly different.The relationships between the density, biomass of amphioxus and sediment sorting coefficient had sig-nificant negative correlation.The resources of amphioxus and other macrofauna were scarce in the low tidal zone of Wanyuepowhich located in the eastern waters of Xiamen.The resources of amphioxus related to the amphioxus artificial releasing,coastal engineering and sand mining operations.海洋公益性行业科研专项(201305030-6); 厦门大学凌锋计划资助项

    Size spectrum of benthic fauna in Zhanjiang Gaoqiao Mangrove Wetlands,China

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    在我国,红树林湿地底栖动物粒径谱研究很少。根据2010年1月、4月、7月、10月在湛江高桥红树林湿地获得的大型和小型底栖动物数据,构建了底栖动物生物量粒径谱,以期为湛江高桥红树林湿地的生态保护和持续利用提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)高桥红树林湿地生物量粒径谱基本为3峰模式。第一峰在-2粒级,主要由线虫构成;第二峰在4—12粒级,主要由寡毛类、多毛类和小个体甲壳类构成;第三峰在13—22粒级,主要由大个体腹足类、双壳类和甲壳类构成。(2)木榄、桐花树和无瓣海桑生境在0—4粒级之间出现一个明显的波谷,这个波谷介于线虫和寡毛类之间,是大型与小型底栖动物粒级交汇区。(3)高桥红树林湿地底栖动物正态化生物量粒径谱的斜率大于-1,截距为16.533—18.150。桐花树(AEgICErAS COrnICulATuM)和无瓣海桑(SOnnErATIA APETAlA)生境的截距、最小粒级的生物量(bMS)高于木榄(bruguIErA gyMnOrrHIzA)和盐地鼠尾粟(SPOrObOluS VIrgInICuS)生境,说明桐花树和无瓣海桑生境的底栖动物生产力水平较木榄和盐地鼠尾粟生境的高;秋季的截距、bMS较其他季节高,说明秋季的底栖动物生产力水平较其他季节高。The biomass size spectrum( BSS) theory was introduced by Sheldon et al.in 1972 to describe the features of marine pelagic ecosystems.Schwinghamer was the first to extend this concept to benthic assemblages.Traditionally,benthic communities are described by structural variables,such as abundance,species composition,and biodiversity indices.Analysis of the distribution of biomass by size is an ataxonomic approach to studying the structures and functions of the benthic communities.The introduction of the BSS theory provides a new method for benthic ecology research.Compared to taxonomic approaches for studying the structures and functions of benthic communities,the BSS theory is easier to operate,in which calculation errors caused by inaccurate taxonomic identification may be avoided.Because of the urgent need to understand the structures and functions of marine ecosystems,and to accurately detect the ecological systems,the fields of application for the BSS theory will become more extensive.In China,most studies on the size spectrum of zoobenthos have been conducted in the subtidal zone,with only a few studies having been conducted in the intertidal zone.In addition,no studies have been conducted in mangrove swamps.To provide a scientific basis for the ecological protection and sustainableuse of the Gaoqiao Mangrove Wetlands,the BSS of the benthic fauna in this area was constructed from macrofaunal and meiofaunal samples collected in January,April,July,and October 2010.The main results showed that the BSS of the benthic fauna in Gaoqiao Mangrove Wetlands exhibits 3 peaks.The first peak appeared at a grain size of- 2,and comprised nematodes.The second peak appeared at grain sizes of 4—12,and comprised oligochaetes,polychaetes,and small-bodied crustaceans.The third peak appeared at grain sizes of 13—22,and comprised large-bodied gastropods,bivalves,and crustaceans.For Aegiceras corniculatum,Sonneratia apetala and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza biotopes,there was a trough at grain sizes 0—4,which was the intersection grain size between macrofauna and meiofauna.The slope values of the normalized biomass size spectra( NBSS) were greater than- 1,while the intercepts ranged from 16.533 to 18.150.The intercepts and the biomass of minimum size( BMS) for A.corniculatum and S.apetala biotopes were higher than those in B.gymnorrhiza and Sporobolus virginicus biotopes.This result indicated that zoobenthic productivity in the A.corniculatum,and S.apetala biotopes were higher than that in the B.gymnorrhiza and S.virginicus biotopes.The intercept and BMS in fall were higher than those in other seasons,indicating that zoobenthic productivity was higher in fall compared to the other seasons.国家自然科学基金(41176089;41376113


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    Feedback Control Scheduling of Real-time

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    多处理器实时系统是一种为了满足大规模实时应用而设计的系统。由于其广泛的应用,近年多处理器实时系统来得到了广泛的研究。实时调度问题是实时系统的核心理论,但传统的实时调度理论着重于解决任务特性明确的应用,如航空电子系统,雷达系统。而多处理器实时调度系统应用范围宽广,各类应用的任务负载情况各不相同,并且有些应用的任务特性是无法预知的。在这种情况下,传统的实时调度理论作用大大降低。反馈控制实时调度是一种新出现的实时调度理论。它结合了传统调度理论和经典的反馈控制理论,产生了一种创新的实时调度体系。反馈控制实时调度理论侧重于解决在系统任务特性未知的情况下,如何高效的满足实时和性能的要求,并具有广泛的应用前景。反馈控制实时调度具有理论基础坚实、系统分析能力较强及利于实际应用等特点。本文深入研究了反馈控制实时调度的理论、方法以及实现,在反馈控制多处理器实时调度理论和实现中取得了一定的创新性成果。本文提出了一种新的反馈控制实时调度算法。其结合了实时调度算法和分布式反馈控制算法,可以在满足同构和异构的多处理器实时系统的性能要求下同时保证系统的实时特性。同时本文还提出了温度感知的反馈控制实时调度算法,在系统工作负载变化是使系统的温度保持一定水平。同时本文建立了相应的仿真平台,对所提出的方法而且进行了大量的仿真实验。通过仿真实验的分析表明,这些算法满足各自的性能指标要求。Modern multiprocessor real-time systems are designed to support large scale real-time applications. For the important role that it plays in our information technology, it is not surprised that research interests of real-time multiprocessor systems gradually increases in recent years. Real-time scheduling theory, the corner of the real-time systems is critical for real-time systems in which the correctness of system output does not only depend on the results but also the time generating the results. Traditional real-time scheduling theory can only analyze and ensure the temporal properties of a small class of applications, for examples, aviation electronics, radar system and so on. Nevertheless, it is not validated when employing in modern multiprocessor or distributed real-time systems in which the workloads are often fluctuated and unpredictable. Feedback Control Real-time Scheduling(FCRS) is a promising method which concentrates to deal with dynamic and unpredictable workloads. FCRS combines traditional real-time scheduling theory and classic feedback control theory to generate a novel paradigm for real-time scheduling. FCRS can ensure the system performance even the fluctuate workload. And a lot of applications can be benefitted from it. FCRS is developed on a solid theory by combining both real-time scheduling and control theory. Moreover, FCRS can predict the whole systems performance, especially dynamic performance, even before it is completed. Another important property of FCRS is that it can produce efficient algorithm for the controller is essentially a numerical analysis algorithm for which it is easy to find the very efficient implementation. In this thesis, several new FCRS method on multiprocessor systems are proposed. First, we develop Distributed Utilization Control with Load Balancing(DUCLB) for homogeneous multiprocessor real-time systems with load balancing. Second, based on DUCLB, we propose HDUCLB(Heterogenous Distributed Utilization Control with Load Balancing) which can apply on heterogenous multiprocessor systems in which the capability and connection pattern is different from one processor to another. We also develop a temperature aware feedback control real-time scheduling algorithm which can maintain the temperature of real-time multiprocessor systems. Finally we develop a simulation framework for FCRS on real-time multiprocessor systems. Based on this simulation framework, we perform the simulations of the feedback control real-time scheduling methods proposed in this thesis and validate the effectiveness of them