159 research outputs found


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    Research and Development of a Web-based Virtual CNC Experiment System

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    基于VRML和Java技术,采用浏览器的客户端/服务器(Browser/Server)的结构模式,实现了基于W eb环境的虚拟数控仿真实验系统。介绍了基于VRML的机床模型构建,通过VRML的外部编程接口EAI,实现了Java Applet与VRML场景之间的交互,对数控加工程序的翻译技术、刀补算法以及工件消隐算法等加工过程仿真的关键技术进行研究与探讨。给出了系统的运行实例。A virtual CNC experiment system based on VRML and Java technology is realized in Browser/Server(B/S) structure in this paper.A rapid modeling method of NC machine tool base on VRML is introduced,the interaction between Java Applet and VRML scene is implemented by applying the external authoring interface(EAI) of VRML,and related key techniques of simulation in machining process are discussed,such as the translation of numerical control program,cutting tools compensation algorithm and material remove algorithm of work piece.The system is also illustrated by some related instances.厦门大学预研基金(B类)资助项目(Xdkjcx20061029);; 福建省科技重大专项(2006HZ0002-5

    Hydraulic press design for mass customization based on product layout model

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    【中文文摘】为实现液压机产品的大规模定制快速响应设计,提出了一种基于布局模型的产品设计方法。通过构建液压机的产品功能需求模型、运动功能模型和模块结构模型之间的映射,将得到的布局结构实例化,采用有限元和变量化方法进行布局结构的分析和优化,从而得到最优布局模型。分析得到的所有布局模型将作为产品平台的一部分加以存储,以支持产品的大规模定制设计。论述了液压机产品布局模型的拓扑结构和约束信息表达方法。最后给出了基于布局的大规模定制产品的配置和变型设计过程,该过程显示,布局模型的研究与应用可明显提高液压机类机械产品的设计效率。另外,对产品布局模型在大规模定制产品平台开发过程中进行了分析,完善和补充了大规模定制产品平台体系。 【英文文摘】To meet the requirements of rapid design of hydraulic press, a methodology of Mass Customization (MC) product design based on product layout model was proposed, in which hydraulic press layout model was exemplified through mapping among product requirements model, movement function model and module structure model. And then the layout model was analyzed and optimized by Finite Element Method (FEM) to obtain the most optimized layout model. All the layout models were added into product platform database to support MC product design. Sub- sequently , the topology and const raint description of layout model were discussed. Finally , the configuration and va- riant design process of MC product based on layout model was provided to illust rate that layout model could effectively improve the design efficiency of hydraulic press.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70402013); 福建省青年科技人才创新项目资金(2004J019)资助项目

    Research on Product Collaborative Development Strategy for MC

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    【中文文摘】大批量定制企业实施产品协同开发有助于提高产品质量、降低产品成本、加快产品开发速度。在分析大批量定制企业实施产品协同开发的特点基础上,根据一般企业经营战略和资源配置情况,提出了C-DPSS、时空、低成本、差异化和集中化五种面向大批量定制生产的战略模式,然后分析了影响产品协同开发战略选择和制定的重要因素,最后在综合考虑这些因素的基础上给出了产品协同开发战略制定过程的框架。 【英文文摘】Implementing product collaborative development strategy helps MC enterprise to improve product quality,reduce product cost and accelerate the development speed.Based on detailed analysis of the characteristic of product collaborative development of MC enterprise,and according to the generic company's operation strategy and resource configuration,five strategic models for MC——C-DPSS、Space-time、Low-cost、Diversity and Concentration strategy are proposed,and then this paper points out the important factors that affect the choosing and making the product collaborative development strategy.By considering these factors ,this paper gives the process frame of making the collaborative strategy.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70402013

    Virtual teaching method for ABB IRB4600 robot

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    针对当前工业机器人示教中,虚拟示教方式存在场景真实度低、灵活性差等问题,对工业机器人的虚拟示教进行了研究,应用虚拟现实技术,提出了一种面向ABB IRB4600系列机器人的虚拟示教设计方法。分析了ABB IRB4600机器人的运动学特性,进行了其正逆运动学的求解。参照真实示教器,进行了虚拟示教器的开发:利用正则表达式设计了RAPID语言解释器,对机器人的运动轨迹进行了规划,用于运动指令的解析。以真实机器人车间为例,进行了虚拟示教场景的搭建。研究结果表明:所开发的机器人虚拟示教系统在一定程度上弥补了当前工业机器人虚拟示教存在的不足,具有较高的灵活性、沉浸感强,用户可以方便地进行机器人的示教。Aiming at existing problems of virtual robot teaching,like low-reality of scene,poor flexibility and so on,virtual teaching was studied.And a design method of virtual teaching is presented for ABB IRB4600 series robot with Virtual Reality technology.And kinematics characteristics of ABB IRB4600 robot was studied and kinematics problem were solved.With reference of real teaching pendant,the development of the virtual teaching pendant was carried out.And the interpreter was designed for the RAPID language with the use of regular expression;especially for motion command,the path planning of the robot was studied.And the virtual teaching scene was built in accordance with real robot station.The results indicate that the virtual teaching system in a manner makes up the shortcomings of virtual teaching pendant.There are high-flexibility and strong immersion,and the system can be used to teach industrial robot flexibly and conveniently.福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2015HZ0002-1

    Research on Commonality Decision,Evaluation and its Application for Product Family

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    作为产品族规划或再设计的关键环节,通用性决策有效缓解产品系列繁殖的负面效应,成为企业资源整合的重要手段。通过研究产品族通用性相关文献,回顾了产品族通用性的基本概念并分析了通用性决策在产品族设计中的关键作用;基于通用性决策过程,着重从零部件层次、正反两个方面论述了通用性对产品族全生命周期各阶段成本的影响,总结了基于产品族体系结构的通用性评价指标和面向参数化产品族的通用性评价指标,分析了通用性与产品性能、通用性与市场绩效之间的权衡模型及其应用;最后讨论了目前研究中的不足之处并指出了产品族通用性的未来研究方向。As a key link in product family/platform planning or redesign,commonality decision effectively alleviates the negative effects of product line propagation,leading to an important measure in enterprise resources integration. Via analysis of pertinent literatures on product family commonality,basic concepts were reviewed and the pivotal role of commonality decision in product family design was demonstrated firstly. Then,based on the process of commonality decision,impacts of commonality on costs at each stage of the whole lifecycle were discussed from component level and both positive and negative aspects,evaluation indexes both based on the product family architecture and for parametric product family were summarized,tradeoff models between commonality and product performance and between commonality and market performance were examined in detail. Finally,deficiencies in recent researches were pointed out and future research directions were discussed.国家自然科学基金资助项目(71172055);; 科技部创新方法工作专项(2011IM020400);; 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20125017

    Product innovation and optimization process based on patent and TRIZ

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    针对如何利用专利知识信息帮助设计者对产品结构进行创新和优化的问题,提出了基于专利分析法和TrIz的产品结构创新与优化设计流程。该流程首先通过对专利库的检索,获取符合功能与性能要求的专利文献,并对这些专利进行定量分析,获取对研究有价值的专利;再提取各专利的“功能—原理—结构“关系,运用专利定性分析法,获取各功能最优解决方案,整合所有现有功能和新增功能,初步得到新方案;然后通过选择TrIz理论体系中的创新工具解决初步方案中的冲突矛盾,获得最优化的新方案;最后,给出了该流程的实例应用。In order to solve the problem of how to use patent information to help designers innovate and optimize the product structure,product innovation and optimization process based on TRIZ and patent analysis was proposed.Firstly,the patent documents that meet the functional and performance requirements was proposed by searching through the patent database,and some quantitative analysis with these documents was made in order to find valuable patents.Secondly,the function-principle-structure relationship of patents was extracted,and the most optimal solution of each function was obtained by the method of qualitative analysis,and a new program was gotten by integrating all available and new functions.Thirdly,conflicts of the program were solved using the innovate tools of TRIZ theoretical system,and the most optimal program was gotten.Finally,a case study was provided to illustrate the application of method.国家自然科学基金资助项目(70772093);福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2008HZ0002-1);厦门市科技计划资助项目(3502Z20090003