578 research outputs found

    Audit Independence: change and Institutional Arrangement

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    独立审计作为控制现代公司所有权与经营权相分离所产生代理成本的制度安排,独立审计中也存在着委托人与注册会计师之间的代理关系,注册会计师的代理成本将侵蚀独立审计制度的价值,这为独立性的治理提供了依据。独立性观念的发展经历了从实质到形式的过程,在审计职业产生的早期,职业界倡导的仅仅是实质上的独立性,随着证券市场的发展,形式上的独立性逐渐为人们所重视。然而审计职业界与监管团体及社会公众之间对独立性的看法仍然存在着重大的差异,职业界一直强调实质上的独立,而监管团体与社会公众则关注形式上的独立。观念差异的背后是职业界作为利益集团与监管团体及社会公众之间利益的差异。与独立性的观念相对应,在制定独立性准则方面...Independent audit is an institutional arrangement for controling the agency cost caused by separating corporate ownership and control. The relationship between the entrusted and the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) within independent auditing is the agent and the client. The agency cost of the CPA downplays the value of independent audit, which provides grounds for the governance of independence...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20021100

    Studies on the Secondary Metabolites Produced by Two Actinomycetes from Specific Habitats

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    天然产物是药物的重要来源。放线菌在产生抗生素方面有独特的优势,目前发现的2万多种微生物来源的生物活性物质中,约有45%是由放线菌所产生的。然而,随着陆地可培养微生物资源的大量开发和研究,从中发现新菌种、新代谢产物的可能性日趋减小。于是研究者们将目光投向了海洋和植物内生放线菌等特殊生境的新资源。独特的生存环境意味着独特的进化过程,意味着独特的代谢途径和防御机制。从特殊生境放线菌中,可以分离到许多结构新颖、生物活性多样而独特的次级代谢产物,因此特殊生境已成为发现新菌种和新活性物质的重要源头。 本论文对分离自海洋和药用植物的2株放线菌(PCR扩增AHBA合酶基因均呈阳性)的次级代谢产物进行了研究,...Natural products, or derivatives there-of, are the most important source of new medicines. The role of actinomycetes as a distinguished source of useful pharmaceuticals is highlighted by the remarkable fact that, for all of the 20 000 more antibiotics isolated from microorganisms so far, about 45% of them are produced by actinomycetes. However, with the terrestrial actinomycetes having been thorou...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_微生物学学号:2172008115253

    Mechanical properties of carbon fiber sheet strengthened prestressed concrete member subjected to cyclic torsion

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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2583号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新474

    A Study of Credit Risk Based on Copula Theory

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    信用是市场经济的基石,信用风险的危害倍受金融界关注。2008年由美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机使信用风险成为全球关注的焦点。有效地度量和防范信用风险是世界各国政府和金融机构的当务之急,而度量违约相关性是度量信用风险的关键因素之一。 传统的度量违约相关性的方法主要有两种:一是线性相关系数的相关性测度方法,二是基于正态分布假设下来测度。由于信用风险具有很强的厚尾性和非对称性,用传统方法来度量必然会出现很大的偏差。应用Copula函数研究违约相关性是一个新兴的研究领域,由于Copula函数具有灵活的形式,可以用其捕捉较为复杂的违约相关性,尤其在刻画尾部相关性方面有很好的效果。 本文系统研究了信用...Credit is the cornerstone of market economy. The damage caused by credit risk is an issue of great concern in finance. In 2008, the credit default problem attracted worldwide attention again due to the global financial crisis, which was triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. The issues on how to measure credit risk effectively and how to prevent risk efficiently have becom...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:1542006015302

    Exploitation and Management of the Borderland:Research on the Development of LingNan in the Qin and Han Dynasty

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    秦汉时期,是岭南地区发展的重要时期。这一时期,岭南地区之所以成为大一统封建国家疆域不可分割的一部分,是在顺应历史发展潮流的前提下,秦汉王朝军事开拓、政治经营的结果。本文从边疆开发史的角度来探讨秦汉时期的岭南地区,目的在于突破以往的视角看秦汉时期的岭南社会发展。过去学界治秦汉史,大多热衷于探讨北部和西部边疆开发问题,而对于岭南地区则重视不够,有限的一些论著对这一领域进行研究,也分析得不够充分。另外,秦汉时期岭南的问题与越南早期历史相关,学界认为岭南边疆问题过于敏感,不好把握;或因秦汉岭南历史资料的匮乏,因而涉及不多。本文在前人研究的基础上,充分利用文献和考古材料,宏观、微观结合,以开发为切入点,...The Qin and Han Dynasty is very important in the development of the LingNan region. In this period, LingNan region become an indispensable part of the united, feudal country. Going with the historical trends, this is the result of exploitation and management of the Qin and Han Dynasty. The author studies LingNan in the Qin and Han Dynasty from the point of exploitative history of the borderland, ...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国古代史学号:B20040201

    Cloning, expression and functional research of immune-relevant genes of shrimp

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    对虾是海产品中产值最高的品种之一,但自从90年代以来,一直受到病害(微生物和病毒)的严重威胁。为了更好的了解对虾的非特异性免疫系统,探索对虾防治的新途径,我们采用了抑制性差减杂交(Suppressionsubtractivehybridization,SSH)的方法,分别从注射了微生物的和对病毒有抗性的日本对虾的血细胞当中克隆到了许多与之相关的基因,并进行了初步的功能研究。利用SSH,用注射了微生物悬液的对虾和正常的日本对虾(Penaeusjaponicus)来对比,获得了25个可能与免疫相关的基因,其中的8个基因是首次在对虾体内发现的,如Ras相关的核蛋白Ran(Ras-relatednuc...Shrimp is one of the most economic species in aquaculture, but it has been seriously threatened by diseases (microbial and viral diseases) sine 1990’s. In order to further understand the innate immunity of shrimp and explore new approaches against the diseases, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was employed to isolate immune-relevant genes which differentially express in the microbial-ch...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20022606


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    本文对民间的审计风险进行了探讨.这个问题在国外,无论是理论界还是实务 界,都已经高度重视,似乎不谈“审计风险”就没有了审计,而讲到审计就必讲“审计 风险”。在我国,随着民间审计的进一步发展,风险问题已日益突出.中诚、原野事件 即是明证,为了降低这种审计商业风险,对审计风险进行研究的重要性已日益突 出.本文共分四个部分. 第一部分民间审计一开始产生就存在着风险,但是什么叫审计风险呢?本文 首先阐述了审计风险的定义.其次,从两个方面对影响审计风险的因素进行了探 讨.既然审计风险是伴随着民间审计的产生而产生的,那么审计工作本身必然存在 着导致风险的国有因素,这就是审计风险产生的必然性...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1993121

    Expropriation of rural land the legal protection of rights and interests of farmers

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    在城市扩张和快速工业化的历史性进程中,大量农民集体所有的土地被用作非农建设用地,农地征收与工业化、城市化相伴而生。与土地征收相对应,产生了失地农民,对失地农民合法权益的保护问题日益突出。由于我国现行征地法律制度的不完善及征地实践中的弊端,导致征地过程中农民权益受损的现象频频发生,影响了社会的稳定和发展,需要我们从法律制度的深层背景来探寻问题的根源,以完善我国现行的农地征收制度。本文从法律的视角,针对我国农地征收中存在的问题,进行较为详细的探讨,阐述了我国农地征收法律制度存在的弊端,并对如何完善提出了一些具体的建议。 文章首先分析了农地征收的本质、特征及正当性基础。接着结合在福建光泽实地调研的...Urban expansion and rapid industrialization in the historic process, a large number of farmers collectively owned land is used for non-agricultural construction land requisition and industrialization, urbanization, hand in hand. Correspond with the land acquisition, resulting in farmers, landless peasants on the protection of legitimate rights and interests have become increasingly prominent. Beca...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200712002

    From uncivilized State to civilized Society:The Transportation and Yue Nationality of Lingnan in the Qin and Han Dynasties

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    交通对秦汉时期岭南越族社会的发展起着重要的推动作用,秦汉时期岭南水陆交通的拓展强化了岭南的政治地位,加强了中央与岭南的联系,促使大一统政治格局的出现;引发了岭南农业生产方式的变革,推动了岭南商业贸易的起步和早期海外贸易中心的形成。Transportation plays an important part to the development of Yue nationality of Lingnan in the Qin and Han Dynasties.The expandable transportation by land and water in the Qin and Han Dynasties consolidates the political status of Lingnan,strengthen connection between central government and local government,spend up united political situation,innovated agricultural productive model,promote nascent trade and business and the centre of early foreign trade come into being

    Study On Optimization Of Group Control System Of A Group LTD.

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    A集团是厦门市属的国有企业集团之一,自成立以来,为主承担厦门大中型基础设施建设工程及城市片区开发的投资建设任务。经过历届领导班子和全体员工多年来的辛勤付出和艰苦创造,A集团自成立至今在交通基础设施投资建设领域取得了辉煌的成就,并在此基础上延伸出了相关与非相关产业的数家企业。但是A集团目前存在着集团规划目标与组织行为存在偏差、集团总部职能定位不清晰、对权属企业的管控模式模糊、集团内控体系不完善等严峻问题,这些问题若不得到有效的解决,将严重影响A集团的整体发展。 企业集团管控课题纷繁复杂、体系庞大。本文从A集团现状和问题入手,采取理论与实践相结合的办法。在分析国内外集团管控体系理论研究成果的基础...How to build an effective group control system to guarantee uniformity and maximized benefits between parent and subsidiary company, is an important topic and a long-term focus of management theories, and also a management weapon in urgent need by many enterprise group to cope with the sharp market competition. In 23 years’ accumulation and development, A group has 7 wholly-owned and holding s...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792011115070