48 research outputs found

    Ecoambiguity and Ambiguous Ecowriting

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    生态含混指的是人类与环境复杂、矛盾的相互作用的含混和难以确定,也指人们对自然的认识、对待自然的态度、行为与结果的复杂性与矛盾性。世界各国文学对人与自然关系的书写很多都体现了这种生态含混,而东亚文学的生态书写更以生态含混为主要特征之一。生态含混这一现象的揭示,对于生态批评全面准确地理解和评价文学作品的生态思想或反生态思想具有重要意义,有助于生态批评避免简单化和片面化。Ecoambiguity not only refers to the ambiguity and uncertainty of the complex,contradictory interactions between people and environments,but also means the ambivalence and confusion in information,attitudes,behaviors and consequences.Environmental ambiguity is a hallmark of writings on the relationship between mankind and the nature world,especially in East Asia.The reveal of ecoambiguity has important significance for ecocriticism,because it can help to understand and judge the ecological or anti-ecological thoughts accurately and comprehensively,and can assist it to avoid being oversimplified and one-sided

    Fast 3-D surface information acquisition based on smart camera

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    为了大幅度提高三维信息获取速度,提出了一种基于智能相机和激光三角法的高速三维信息获取与表面重建的系统,介绍了该系统的硬件架构和信号处理。实验结果表明,采用数字信号处理器和并行处理方式,该系统获取三维表面信息速度可达5600点/s以上。Acquiring 3-D surface information by means of laser triangulation is a kind of active vision measurement.In order to improve the measurement speed,a fast 3-D information acquisition and surface reconstruction system based on smart camera and laser triangulation was presented.The hardware construction and data processing flow of the system was introduced.Because of applying of the digital signal processor(DSP) and parallel processing,the result of experiment shows that the speed of acquisition can reach 5600 dots/s.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60375011);; 安徽省自然科学优秀青年科技基金资助项目(04042044);; 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目(2005年度中德合作PPP基金资助项目60416312);; 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-04-0560

    Regional Methane Emission Estimation Based on Observed Atmospheric Concentrations (2002-2012)

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    Methane (CH4) plays important roles in atmospheric chemistry and short-term forcing of climate. A clear understanding of atmospheric CH4’s budget of emissions and losses is required to aid sustainable management of Earth’s future environment. We used an atmospheric chemistry-transport model (JAMSTEC’s ACTM) for simulating atmospheric CH4. A global inverse modeling system has been developed for estimating CH4 emissions from 53 land regions for 2002-2012 using measurements at 39 sites. An ensemble of 7 inversions is performed by varying a priori emissions. Global net CH4 emissions varied between 505-509 and 524-545 Tg yr-1 during 2002-2006 and 2008-2012, respectively (ranges based on 7 inversion cases), with a step like increase in 2007 in agreement with atmospheric measurements. The inversion system did not account for interannual variations in OH radicals reacting with CH4 in the atmosphere. Our results suggest that the recent update of the EDGAR inventory (version 4.2FT2010) overestimated the global total emissions by at least 25 Tg yr-1 in 2010. The increase in CH4 emission since 2004 originated in the tropical and southern hemisphere regions, coinciding with an increase in non-dairy cattle stocks by ~10 % from 2002 (with 1056 million heads) to 2012, leading to ~10 Tg yr-1 increase in emissions from enteric fermentation. All 7 ensemble cases robustly estimated the interannual variations in emissions, but poorly constrained the seasonal cycle amplitude or phase consistently for all regions due to the sparse observational network. Forward simulation results using both a priori and a posteriori emissions are compared with independent aircraft measurements for validation. Based on the results of the comparison, we reject the upper limit (545 Tg yr-1) of global total emissions as 14 Tg yr-1 too high during 2008-2012, which allows us to further conclude that the increase in CH4 emissions over the East Asia (mainly China) region was 7-8 Tg yr-1 between the 2002-2006 and 2008-2012 periods, contrary to 1-17 Tg yr-1 in the a priori emissions

    经济制裁对俄罗斯工业区的影响 (以斯维尔德洛夫斯克州为例)

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    Received August 5, 2022; accepted September 20, 2022.Дата поступления 5 августа 2022 г.; дата принятия к печати 20 сентября 2022 г.Тема выпуска № 3: Санкции в международной политике: ожидания и реальность.Relevance. The turbulence of the global economy and pressure from sanctions have become a serious challenge for the Russian economy. Industry is hit the hardest as it is involved in the international division of labor and creation of value chains, unlike other branches of material production. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct in-depth research on these processes in order to provide Russian industrial regions with effective strategies to adapt to this new geo-economic reality. Research objective is to identify trends and prospects for the development of Russian industrial regions in the context of international sanctions pressure. A particular focus is made on the case of Sverdlovsk region, which has a high concentration of mining and manufacturing enterprises. Data and methods. The study applies a systematic approach by using methods of structural, statistical and comparative analysis. Statistical materials of relevant ministries and departments of the government of Sverdlovsk region as well as the data from international databases comprise the empirical basis of the study. The results of the survey of 50 managers from 12 logistics companies of Sverdlovsk region have been analyzed as well. The survey was carried out from January, 2022 to August, 2022. Results. The study has shown the complex effects of the international economic sanctions on the trajectory and dynamics of the development of the industrial sector in Russia. The study describes the scenarios of the industrial development of Sverdlovsk region involved in the process of import substitution and transformation of logistics and value chains. Conclusions. These findings can be of interest to policy-makers on the national and regional levels as well as businesses involved in import substitution programs.Актуальность. Турбулентность мировой экономики и санкционное давление стали серьезным испытанием для российской экономики. Сильнее всего страдает промышленность, поскольку она вовлечена в международное разделение труда и создание цепочек создания стоимости, в отличие от других отраслей материального производства. Поэтому необходимо провести углубленное исследование этих процессов, чтобы обеспечить промышленные регионы России эффективными стратегиями адаптации к этой новой геоэкономической реальности. Цель исследования – выявить тенденции и перспективы развития промышленных регионов России в условиях международного санкционного давления. Особое внимание уделено Свердловской области с высокой концентрацией горнодобывающих и производственных предприятий. Данные и методы. В исследовании применяется системный подход с использованием методов структурного, статистического и сравнительного анализа. Эмпирическую базу исследования составляют статистические материалы профильных министерств и ведомств правительства Свердловской области, а также данные международных баз данных. Также проанализированы результаты опроса 50 руководителей 12 логистических компаний Свердловской области. Опрос проводился с января 2022 г. по август 2022 г. Результаты. Исследование показало комплексное влияние международных экономических санкций на траекторию и динамику развития промышленного сектора России. В исследовании описаны сценарии промышленного развития Свердловской области, связанные с процессом импортозамещения и трансформации логистических и стоимостных цепочек. Выводы. Эти выводы могут быть интересны политикам на национальном и региональном уровнях, а также бизнесу, участвующему в программах импортозамещения.现实性:全球经济动荡和制裁压力已成为俄罗斯经济的严峻考验。与其 他物质生产部门不同,工业受到的影响最大,因为它参与了国际劳动分 工和价值链的创造。因此,有必要对其进行深入研究,以便为俄罗斯工 业区提供有效战略,以适应这一新地缘经济现实。 研究目的:在国际制裁压力的背景下,确定俄罗斯工业区发展的趋势和 前景。文章特别关注采矿和制造企业高度集中的斯维尔德洛夫斯克州。 数据与方法:该研究采用结构分析法、统计分析法和比较分析法。研究 的实证基础是斯维尔德洛夫斯克州政府相关部委的统计资料,以及来自 国际数据库的数据。我们还对斯维尔德洛夫斯克州的12家物流公司的50 名经理进行了调查。该调查于 2022 年 1 月至 2022 年 8 月进行。 研究结果:该研究表明,国际经济制裁对俄罗斯工业部门的发展和活动 产生了复杂的影响。它还描述了斯维尔德洛夫斯克州工业发展的情况, 这与进口替代、物流及价值链的转变有关。 结论:这些发现可能会引起国家和地区层面的政治家以及参与进口替代 计划企业的兴趣


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