384 research outputs found


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    糯稲種実から胚乳を除去し, またそこに粳稲の胚乳を移植した場合に, 糯稲の性質がどのように変化するかを検討するために, 1957,\u2758及び\u2759年度にわたつて実験を行つた。出穂期, 稈長, 一穂粒数には胚乳の欠除あるいは胚移植の影響が認められる。二・三の例外を除くと, 一般に無処理個体にくらべて胚培養個体, 胚移植個体の順に出穂は晩くなり, 稈長は短かくまた一穂数数は減少する。また次代種実の胚乳内amyloseの含量は無処理区と変らず, 処理による種実の澱粉組成の変化はみられない。しかし, 比粘度は胚欠除, 胚移植の順に低下する。これらの変化は翌年度の植物体には再びあらわれない。このような事実からして, 胚乳の欠除または胚移植がこれらの諸特性の変動をもたらす機作は, かなり複雑であるように思われる。In glutinous rice grains, it is interesting that glutinous starch is found only in their endosperm, while non-glutinous one in embryo as mentioned in our previous report (WATABE & UMEKAGE 1959). This experiment, conducted in 1957,\u2758 and \u2759,was carried to make clear how the characteristics of glutinous rice plant were affected by the growth without the endosperm and with transplanted non-glutinous endosperm. The rice varieties named Heirokumochi (glutinous) and Mogamiwase (non-glutinous) were used for materials, and following results were obtained : - 1) In the cases of the growth without the ndosperm and with the different endosperm, as whole, heading date were more delayed, culm length and number of grains per ear were more decreased than in the controls, notwithstanding glutinous or non-glutinous plant (Table 2 & Fig. 1). 2) Starch in the endosperm from plants under the treatments mentioned above possessed the same ratio of amylose being peculiar to glutinous or non-glutinous grain respectively, so that the constitution of the starch seemed to be constant inspite of the treatments (Table 3). On the contrary, starch viscosity showed the highest values in the controls as compared with those of plants grown without the endosdosperm and with different one. Especially reduction of viscosity was conspicuous among the plants having glutinous embryos as shown in Table 3 and Fig. 2. 3) These changes observed in some characteristics mentioned above, disapeeared in next generation plants grown under usual culture using the seeds of financial year. Thus, from these facts, it was seemed to be complex how the mechanism of the changes affected by the existence of the endosperm

    醤油麹中の細菌の生産する抗黴性物質(第 2 報) : 抗黴性物質生産菌の分離と同物質の調製(農芸化学部門)

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    醤油麹中に生育する数種の糸状菌の発育を抑制する作用を示す細菌を前報に引続き醤油麹より分離し, 先づ15株の細菌を分離し, 更にその中から抗黴力の顕著なる1株を選択した。而してこの細菌は醤油麹中に屡々存在する事及び前報のBac. ARとは別種のものである事を確認した。その細菌をBC菌と附号したが, 形態的生理的特徴を検索の結果BERGEYの分類によるBacillus cereusに類似するが, 2,3の点で同一株と認め難い処もあり我々はその一変種と認定した。BC菌の生産する抗黴性物質はAbsidia, 及びAspergillus nigerの生育を著しく抑制し, これについでMucorに対しても顕著であるが, Rhizopusに対しては比較的弱く, 又Bac. ARと異りAspergillus oryzaeに対しても明確な抗黴性を示した。但しその濾液より抽出精製して得た粉末物質は, DHA, vitamin K_3等と比較した場合更に強力であるが, Aspergillus oryzaeに対しては, これらの既知抗黴性物質よりも選択的に劣勢であつた。BC菌の生産する抗黴性物質はその理化学的性質の検討の結果Ninhydrin反応陰性のPolypeptideの如く推察される。本研究に当り, 醗酵研究所佐藤喜吉先生及び緒方浩一博土より御援助を受け, 数株の糸状菌の分譲を賜つた。ここに厚く感謝の意を表する。We confirmed that there were some strains of bacteria which repressed the growth of injurious molds to the product in soja-koji. We isolated fifteen strains of such bacteria from soja-koji and then selected one from them, which producted remarkably antifungal substance. We studied on various properties of the bacterium and determined that it was variety of Bacillus cereus. We attempted to separate and purify the antifungal substance from the culture solution of the bacterium, and could get the powder as result which was neary purified but yet containing very small amount of light yellow impurity. Antifungal activity of this powder for various molds was stronger than each of vitamin K_3,sodium dehydroacetate and sodium propionate except for Aspergillus oryzae. We studied some physical and chemical characters of the powder and concluded that this antifungal substance was polypeptide of which ninhydrin reaction was negative


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    糯稲品種が, その胚乳澱粉粘度と玄米の緑化時水分含量を指標とする「糯性程度」(grade of glutinous nature)の差によつて分類されることを提案した。内・外国産26品種をこの方法によつて5つの類型に大別した。「糯性程度」の高い品種程, 一般に多蘗性で籾藁比率も高い。また「糯性程度」の最も高い品種は草丈や穂長が短く, 逆に最も低い品種は長稈, 長穂の傾向を示した。中間には, これらの形質について雑多な品種が混在している。日本及び朝鮮産品種あるいはA型品種群は, 比較的「糯性程度」の高いIII, IV, V型に属するものが多く, これに対して外国産あるいはB, C型品種は「糯性程度」と早晩性との間には明瞭な関係はないが, I型品種は例外なく晩生種である。糯稲にみられるこのような性質の相違は, 各種の生態的条件や民族の嗜好性による選抜の結果として分化したものと考えられる。(1) The authors tried to classify glutinous rice plants by their "grade of glutinous nature", using 26 varieties, 13 of Japan, 5 of China, 2 of Korea, 5 of Southeast Asia, 1 of Italy and 1 of South America (Table 1). Five grades such as I∿V were proposed by combining both starch viscosity of endosperm and water contents of grain at the time Ryokka happend, of which the most important properties in glutinous rice plant. From grade I to V, viscosity and water contents of grain became higher in each value as presented in Table 2 & Fig. 1. (2) Number of ears and ratio of grain to straw, in general, went hand in hand with the grade, showing larger values. Both culm and ear of varieties belonged the highest grade were shorter in length and vice versa in the case of varieties belonged the lowest one (Fig. 2). (3) Majority of varieties native to Japan and Korea, or A type grouped by MATSUO (1952), belonged to grade III, IV and V, while varieties distributed in Southeast Asia, or B and C types included large number of grade I and II. The correlation between the grade and date of heading was never recognizable, but it was found that varieties belonged grade I headed later with no exception (Fig. 3). (4) The differentiation of "grade of glutinous nature" in rice varieties as pointed above was thought to had been caused by selection of different environment and different taste of people

    無花果 Ficus carica L. の実腐病について(農学部門)

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    1958年10月初め筆者の一人葉は, 京都府立大学農学部果樹園で半分程黒く腐敗していたFicus carica L.の果実を発見採集し, それが未知のMacrophoma sp.に因るものであることを確めた。本病原菌は馬鈴薯煎汁寒天培地や他の使用した培地上でも柄子殻の始原体と見倣されるSclerotiaようの組織はできるが未だに分生胞子の形成を見なかつた。しかし, 樹上果実の有傷接種区では1週間位になると自然状態と同様の病徴と分生胞子を形成し, さらに白い胞子角を噴出した。本菌の菌糸生長最適温度は28℃附近で, pHの最適濃度は4.2∿4.8辺りのようであり, また, 高温に対する菌糸の致死抵抗限界は45℃附近で20分間以上の辺りにある。紫外線殺菌灯の照射処理をすると, 初めは長時間程生長を抑制するが, 次第に回復してついには30分照射区が最も良好な生長をなした。接種試験では有傷接種区においては何れも100%の罹病率を示したが, 無花果の果実, 同2年生枝, 蜜柑果実等の有傷接種区にありては強い病原性を示し, その他の苹果果実, 緑茶茶葉等の有傷接種区にありては弱い病原性を示した。標準区は有傷, 無傷共に陰性であつた。本病は現在迄の調査によると日本においては未だ報告されていないものと思われるので, 「無花果の実腐病」なる新和名を提案したが, その病原菌の詳細な同定は未だ決らないので, その学名は暫らく保留することにしてここでは仮にMacrophoma sp.とする。1. During early October in 1958,the authors observed some fruits of Ficus carica L. blackening and rotting in the field of Agricultural Faculty of Kyoto Prefectural University, and found that the rot was caused by the infection of an unknown fungus, Macrophoma sp. 2. On potato agar and other media employed in the experiment the present fungus formed sclerotia-like tissue which appeared to be incipient pycnidium, but with no pycnospore. Symptoms same as the naturally infected fruits appeared on fruits on the tree when they were artificially wounded and inoculated; and on them pycnospores and white spore horne appeared after seven days. 3. The optimum temperature and pH for the mycelial growth of the fungus in culture were around 28℃ and pH 4.8∿4.2,respectively. The thermal death point for the mycelium was at about 45℃ when the duration was 20 minutes. The hyphal growth was inhibited by the radiation of 5 to 60 minutes of ultra-violet rays at first, but afterward the fungus recovred its normal growth. A radiation of 30 minutes was found most favorable for growth. 4. By the method of incised wound inoculation with the mycelial tips of the fungus culture on the immature fig fruits, second year twig of fig tree, sweet orange fruits, apple fruits and green leaves of tea-bush, a 100 per cent infection was obtained on all sample materials. Inoculation on the uninjured identical materials, however, resulted in no infection in each case. 5. Based upon investigations the authors believe the present disease to be a new one in Japan, and propose the name of "Friut-rot of fig" a literal translation of Japanese "Migusare byo"

    卵蛋白に関する研究 V : 孵卵中の卵白組成蛋白質の変化について(農芸化学部門)

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    孵卵中に起る卵白組成蛋白質の消長をC. M. C.カラムクマトグラフィーにより追跡し以下の結果を得た。卵白は孵卵中胚に吸収されてその量を減じて行き, 孵卵開始後15日目位で分離不可能となる。孵卵6日目頃から, それまで卵白中に存在しなかつたAnionic proteinが出現する。Ovomucoid fractionは6日目頃から全卵白蛋白量に対する比率が増加する。Ovalbuminは孵卵の進行と共にA_1に対するA_2+A_3の比率が増加する。Conalbuminは孵卵の進行と共に減少しlysozymeは増加する。By means of fibrous CMC-Column chromatography the relative changes in individual egg white proteins of fertilized hen\u27s egg during the course of incubation, were studied. The results summarized were as follows. 1. The egg white was absorbed by embryo and decreasing its quantity during incubation. Finally after two weeks of incubation, the most of egg white was absobed and could not separate it. 2. On the 6th day from the start of incubation, the anionic protein was appeared which has not been existed in the egg white originally. 3. Ovomucoid fraction was increased after 6th day of incubation 4. Ratio of A_2+A_3/A_1 in the ovalbumin fraction was increased along with the proceeding of incubation. 5. Conalbumin was decreased and lysozyme was increased during the incubation

    醤油麹中の細菌の生産する抗黴性物質(第 1 報) : 抗黴性物質生産菌の分離と同物質の調製

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    醤油麹中よりAbsidia, Mucor.及びRhizopus等の糸状菌を分離し, これらの糸状菌の繁殖を抑制する細菌が往々醤油麹中に存在する事を数種の麹について確めた。殊に著者等が分離選択した細菌はこれらの糸状菌の繁殖を顕著に抑制するが, Asp. oryzaeの繁殖に対しては甚しい抑制作用を示さない抗黴性物質を生産する事を確めた。該菌の分類学的特徴よりBacillus cereusの1変種であると認めた。該菌は麹汁・肉汁培地又は大豆粕・焙炒割砕小麦培地に著しく繁殖し, 且つ抗黴性物質を生産した。この際抗黴性物質の生産は糖消費量に伴つて増加する。又醤油諸味の如き高食塩濃度中では殆んど該菌の繁殖は認められなかつた。該菌の生産する抗黴性物質は前記分離糸状菌以外の各種糸状菌に対してもその繁殖を抑制したが, 酵母に対する抑制作用は2,3の特別の例外を除けば殆んど認められなかつた。該菌の生産する抗黴性物質をその培養液より分離するため, 燐酸石灰吸着沈澱, アルコール抽出, エーテル洗滌, 等電点沈澱等の過程を経て淡黄色の粗粉末を得た。本物質はVitaminK_3とDHAの中間に位する力度の抗黴性を有するが, Aspergillus oryzaeに対しては選択的に微弱である事を認めた。又本物質及び培養濾液の吸収スペクトルを測定し, 共に270∿275mμに於て強い吸収を示す事を認めた。研究に関し, 醗酵研究所佐藤喜吉, 緒方浩一両氏より御指導と御援助を受け, 数株の糸状菌の分譲を賜つた。又長西広輔博士よりも研究の御援助を頂いた。ここに合せて感謝の意を表する。We showed that there are some strains of bacteria which repressed the growth of Absidia, Mucor and so on in soja-koji being produced. We isolated several strains in it which showed markedly the similar action, and confirmed that they produced antifungal substances in various culture solutions, specially in the solution extracted from soy-bean and wheat, the materials of soja-koji making. Some natures of the antifungal substance which was produced by one of these bacteria (signed Bac. AR) were examined. We showed that the substance had no antibiotic effect to the growth of yeasts except the specific kinds of them. We studied on the characters of the bacterium and concluded that it was one species of Bacillus cereus. The supposition is possible that these bacteria would contribute somewhat to making soja-koji because these bacteria repress less the growth of Aseprgillus oryzae than those of the other molds isolated in soja-koji. We have carried out the isolation and the purification of the antifungal substance from the culture solution by the absorption with tertiary calcium phosphate gel and the eluation by ethanol, and we preparated the powder from it, containing very small amount of light yellow impurity The absorption spectrum of the solution of this powder and that of the culture solution were measured on account of supposing the maximum absorption of the antifungal substance. Antifungal activity of this powder was compared with those of vitamin K_3,sodium dehydroacetate and sodium propionate


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    植物合成調整剤を用い, 馬鈴薯の生育に及ぼす効果を調査した結果を報告する。[table]実用度に関しては育種上採種する場合はGB 25∿200ppmおよびTG 200∿400ppm水溶液3回葉面撒布することにより, 2週間開花を促進した。収量に関してはGB 25ppm以下およびTG 50ppm以下の水溶液3回撒布が効果があると考えられる。カイネチン2.0∿4.0ppmおよびアリナミン50∿200ppm水溶液3回葉面撒布は10∿20%の増収になり, 小薯の数が少ないのは興味ある問題である。The present paper deals with the experiment to investigate the effect of the growth regulating substances on the growth of potato (Irish-Cobber). From the foregoing experiment, it is effective to spray GB 25-200ppm or TG 200-400ppm at a few times on the leaves in the early period of potato growth, the blooming of which seemed to come two weeks earlier. By three times\u27 foliar spray of GB 25ppm, TG (GB+Alinamin) 50ppm, Kinetin 2.0-4.0ppm and Alinamin 50-200ppm solution, there observed effect in the yield of poato tubers


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    この報告は花粉膜における各膜層の表面微細構造についての電子顕微鏡による研究結果の一端である。供試料は5種であり, 実験結果の大要はつぎのとおりである。1.トガサワラ花粉において, perine, ectosexine及びendosexineの3層の表面構造を明らかにした。すなわち, perineは粒状物, ectosexineは平かつ, endosexineは刺状物或いはイボ状物である。2.ツガ花粉において, ectosexine, endosexine及びnectosexineの3層の表面構造を明らかにした。すなわち, ectosexineは指状物, endosexineは刺状物或いはイボ状物, nectosexineはイボ状物である。3.Cupressus goveniana花粉においては, 5層の表面構造を知りえた。すなわち, perineはコンペイトウ型粒状物, ectosexineは刺状物, endosexineはほとんど平かつ, ectonexine及びmesonexineもendosexineと同様である。4.ヒノキ及びカリトリス花粉においては, うえに述べたCupressus goveniana花粉と同様の結果が認められた。5.これまでの実験結果から, この処理法の適用範囲をつぎのように分類した。A)容易なもの;Cunninghamia, Callitris, Thujopsis, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus及びJuniperus. B)普通;Taxus, Torreya, Cephalotaxus, Larix, Tsuga及びCryptomeria. C)困難なもの;Picca, Abies及びPinus.The present paper deals with the fine surface structure of the stratified membrane in some pollen grains-Gymnosperm. The materials used in this study are the pollen of 5 species (Pseudotsuga japonica, Tsuga sieboldii, Cupressus goveniana, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Callitris robusta). The summary of the results is as follows : 1. In the pollen of Pseudotsuga japonica, the writer were able to clarify the fine surface structure of 3 layers (perine, ectosexine and endosexine). Namely, perine granular, ectosexine smooth and endosexine spinols or verrucoid. 2. In the pollen of Tsuga sieboldii, we were able to recognise the fine surface structure of 3 layers (ectosexine, endosexine and nectosexine). Namely, ectosexine finger-like projection, endosexine spinolsoor verrucoid, nectosexine verruciod. 3. In the pollen of Cupressus goveniana, we were able to know the fine surface structure of 5 layers. 1st layer (perine orbiculus), 2nd layer (ectosexine spinols), 3rd layer (endosexine almost smooth), 4th and 5th layers (ectonexine and mesonexine are similar to that of endosexine). 4. In the pollen of Chamaecyparis obtusa and Callitris robusta, we have realised the results as like as that of Cupressus goveniana, as the above mentioned. 5. From the experimental results until now, we classify the range of application of this method as follows : A) Good; Cunninghamia, Callitris, Thujopsis, Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, and Juniperus. B) Passage; Taxus, Torreya, Cephalotaxus, Larix, Tsuga and Cryptomeria. C) Difficult; Picea, Abies and Pinus

    遮光が桃樹の生育, 光合成及び葉の内部構造に及ぼす影響(農学部門)

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    5年生高陽白桃を供試して地上部を葭簀で遮光処理を行い, 枝葉の伸長量, 同化量, 葉の内部構造等を生長に伴つて季節的に比較調査し, 生長末期に円陣法によつて根群の分布を観察し, 併せて地上部, 地下部の生体重を比較測定した。新梢伸長は遮光によつて抑制され, 遮光程度が進むと枯死した。葉の生長では横径よりも縦径に及ぼす影響が大きく, 遮光程度が少ない場合には徒長して葉面積が大きく, 葉肉組織の厚さは薄くなり柵状, 海綿状組織は粗であつた。遮光によつて同化作用は抑制され, 無処理区に対して2/5∿1/10程度に低下し, 曇雨天日には晴天日に比して減少程度が顕著であつた。遮光の処理は根の生長にも悪影響を及ぼし, 伸長分布は水平的にも垂直的にも抑制され, 特に細根量が著しく減少した。1. Experiments were carried out in 1959 in order to study the effects of covering 5 years old peach trees with bamboo blind through the growing season, from the view point of the shoot elongation, photosynthesis, and the internal structure of leaves and roots system. 2. As the results, the shoot elongation and leaf thickness were decreased by shading, and the internal structure of leaves are non compacted to compared with the natural leaves. The natural range of roots were observed in radius of 3m and at a depth of 120cm, while the roots of covering plot were not observed more than radius of 2m and at a depth of 90cm, especially the fibrous roots were decreased. The photosynthesis were decreasad by shading, and the influence of covering became powerful in cloudy more than fine days

    卵蛋白に関する研究 IV : 卵白新フラビン蛋白について(農芸化学部門)

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    卵白から新しいFlavoproteinを約0.8%の収量で得, そのflavin部分はfree riboflavinであることを認めた。卵白flavoproteinはovomucoid fraction中に集中して存在することを確認した。ovomucoid fractionはpulp状CMC column chromatography及びelectrophoresisによつてI∿Vの5成分から成ることを確認した。M. B. Rhodesらのplate testを改良した筆者らの独特の方法でovomucoidのantitryptic activityを測定して, ovomucoid 5成分のうちantitryptic activityはcomponent I, II, III, の3成分蛋白中にあり, component IIIがその主要部分であることがわかると同時にIV, V componentにはantitryptic activityが全然なかつた。ovomucoidのantitryptic activityは熱に対して可成り安定で90°20分の熱処理は活性に全然影響を与えず, 100°5分の熱処理によつてその活性は3/4に低下した。ovomucoid 5成分のうちIV, V, componentとfree riboflavinとが結合したものが卵白中の新しいFlavoproteinであることがわかり, これに対して筆者らはFlavomucoid K_1及びK_2と命名した。1 The new flavoproteins have been obtained from egg white and yield of this protein was 0.8% of whole egg white protein and it recognized that flavin moiety of this flavoprotein is free riboflavin. 2 It is confirmed by its physico-chemical properties, that the new flavorotein is concentrated in the ovomucoid fraction. 3 By means of fibrous C. M. C. column chromatography, and electrophoresis, it has been confirmed that the ovomucoid fraction is consist of five components. 4 Antitryptic activities of ovomucoid fraction have been determined by the authors method which modified the spot plate test of M. B. Rhodes et al, it is found that antitryptic activities have been existed in the component I, II and III, and component III protein is main component of antitryptic activity of ovomucoid while component IV and V have no activity. 5 The antitryptic activity of ovomucoid is not effected by heat treatment at 90℃ for 20 minutes but by the treatment at 100℃ for 5 minutes, its activity has been reduced to 3/4 of original activity. 6 The authors recognized that the newly found flavoprotein of egg white is composed of IV and V component of ovomucoid and free riboflavin. The authors named these two kinds of new flavoproteins as flavomucoid K_1 and K_2 respectively