75 research outputs found

    Comparative double-blind trial of KN-7 tablet and Robaveron injection in the treatment of neurogenic bladder

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    37施設で, 神経因性膀胱233例を対象に, ロバベロン注射剤を標準薬とし, KN-7錠剤の経口投与による排尿障害に対する有用性を, 二重盲検群間比較試験で比較検討した.解析対象例はKN-7群108例, ロバベロン群107例である.KN-7群は1日6錠投与した.改善度の効果判定では改善以上K群40.7%, R群38.7%, やゝ改善以上それぞれ76.9%, 72.6%と有意差はなかった.臨床所見中改善の良かった項目は, 尿意, 残尿感, 尿失禁, 排尿までの時間, 排尿時間, 尿勢-排尿力と尿線中断の改善などで, これらの改善以上はK群35.8%, R群30.8%で, 有意差はなかった.副作用はK群0.9%, R群6.8%, K群が有意に少なかった.両剤とも主として下痢で, R群ではその他頭痛, 頻脈, 肝機能障害, 発熱感などを少数例認めた.臨床検査値ではGOT, GPTの上昇が2例あった.有用度有用以上はK群46.3%, R群45.8%で有意差はなかった.疾患別では, 末梢神経疾患, 膀胱の性状では弛緩性, 時期では12ヵ月以内の例で特に改善率が高かった.以上から, KN-7錠剤は, ロバベロン注射剤に比べ, 同等の効果が期待でき, 安全性も高く, 長期投与あるいは外来患者の治療にも適するThe clinical effectiveness, safety and usefulness of KN-7 tablet as a new oral application of the prostatic extract, on urinary dysfunction of neurogenic bladder were compared with those of Robaveron injection by the double-blind test method. In the study, 2 tablets t.i.d. and a shot of intramuscular injection 1 ml a day were given successively for 3 weeks. A total of 233 cases were reported from 37 facilities belonging to the KN-7 Clinical Research Group. Some of them were excluded or dropped out. The number of cases used for analysing the effectiveness, safety and usefulness were 214, 232 and 215, respectively. There was no bias between the two groups with a significant homogeneity in the background. In the overall clinical effectiveness, the effective rate including excellent, moderate and slightly effective was 76.9% with KN-7 and 77.4% with Robaveron. In the clinical usefulness, the rate of usefulness of slightly useful or above was 75.0% with KN-7 and 75.7% with Robaveron. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the clinical effective and useful rates at a significant level of 5%. Side effects were observed in 1 of the 114 (0.9%) patients given KN-7 and 8 of the 118 (6.8%) patients given Robaveron. The incidence of adverse reactions with KN-7 was significantly lower than that with Robaveron. Based on the results, it was concluded that KN-7 tablets, 2 tablets t.i.d., would be as effective and useful as a Robaveron injection 1 ml daily and safer than the latter in the treatment of neurogenic bladder

    Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses

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    We present data-analysis schemes and results of observations with the TAMA300 gravitational-wave detector, targeting burst signals from stellar-core collapse events. In analyses for burst gravitational waves, the detection and fake-reduction schemes are different from well-investigated ones for a chirp-wave analysis, because precise waveform templates are not available. We used an excess-power filter for the extraction of gravitational-wave candidates, and developed two methods for the reduction of fake events caused by non-stationary noises of the detector. These analysis schemes were applied to real data from the TAMA300 interferometric gravitational wave detector. As a result, fake events were reduced by a factor of about 1000 in the best cases. The resultant event candidates were interpreted from an astronomical viewpoint. We set an upper limit of 2.2x10^3 events/sec on the burst gravitational-wave event rate in our Galaxy with a confidence level of 90%. This work sets a milestone and prospects on the search for burst gravitational waves, by establishing an analysis scheme for the observation data from an interferometric gravitational wave detector


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    Ion-cyclotron heating was applied to the Large Helical Device by using single, trap loop antennas located at the outward side of the toroid. Good experimental results were obtaine with adequate plasma confining configurations and antenna conditionings.Loading resistance of the antenna was2-8Ohm and this was a sufficiently large value. Various heating characteristics were investigated by changing the heating modes, ion species and magneticfield configurations.The minoriy-ion heating mode resulted in the best heating performances,and the heatin gcharacteristics largely depended on the cyclotron resonance positions.There were some unique features due to the heliotron configuration.These results showed the effectiveness of the ICRF heating in a helical device and the appropriateness of the ICRF antenna design in the LHD

    東京大学演習林田無試験地におけるオサムシ科昆虫(Carabidae)の活動性の季節変動 : 特に繁殖季節について

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    関東地方の平地に生息するオサムシ科昆虫の成虫活動における季節変動や,繁殖季節を明らかにするため,1996年4月から12月にかけて東大演習林田無試験地内に4定点を設け,およそ7日ごとのピットフォールトラップによる捕獲調査を行った。捕獲した個体は種ごとに雌雄の個体数と雌の保有成熟卵数を数えた。充分な個体数が得られた種では,調査期間の大部分を成虫として活動しており,捕獲個体数の多かった28種について繁殖型を特定することができた(春繁殖型16種,秋繁殖型12種)。同じ亜属(場合によっては属)に属する種は同じ繁殖型をもち,繁殖季節のピークや雌の最大保有成熟卵数でも同様の傾向を示した。捕獲数から推測される成虫活動の季節変化は雌雄でよく似たパターンを示し,どちらの性が先に出現する傾向があるかについては一部の種を除いて有意差は認められなかった。Carabid beetles were collected weekly by pitfall traps during April to December 1996 to clarify adult seasonal activity changes and reproductive season in the Kanto Plain. The numbers of individuals and mature eggs held by females were counted. Two reproductive types were clearly recognized except in rare species, e. g. spring breeders (16 species) and autumn breeders (12 species). Species belonging to the same subgenus (or genus in some cases) showed the same reproductive type, and had a similar trend in the peak of reproductive season and in the maximum number of mature eggs held by a female. Seasonal activity changes inferred from capture rates showed a similar pattern between males and females, although one sex appeared significantly earlier than the other in a few species

    The Seasonal Activity Changes of Carabid Beetles at Experiment Station at Tanashi, The University of Tokyo: With Special Reference to the Reproductive Season (Coleoptera, Carabidae)

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    関東地方の平地に生息するオサムシ科昆虫の成虫活動における季節変動や,繁殖季節を明らかにするため,1996年4月から12月にかけて東大演習林田無試験地内に4定点を設け,およそ7日ごとのピットフォールトラップによる捕獲調査を行った。捕獲した個体は種ごとに雌雄の個体数と雌の保有成熟卵数を数えた。充分な個体数が得られた種では,調査期間の大部分を成虫として活動しており,捕獲個体数の多かった28種について繁殖型を特定することができた(春繁殖型16種,秋繁殖型12種)。同じ亜属(場合によっては属)に属する種は同じ繁殖型をもち,繁殖季節のピークや雌の最大保有成熟卵数でも同様の傾向を示した。捕獲数から推測される成虫活動の季節変化は雌雄でよく似たパターンを示し,どちらの性が先に出現する傾向があるかについては一部の種を除いて有意差は認められなかった。Carabid beetles were collected weekly by pitfall traps during April to December 1996 to clarify adult seasonal activity changes and reproductive season in the Kanto Plain. The numbers of individuals and mature eggs held by females were counted. Two reproductive types were clearly recognized except in rare species, e. g. spring breeders (16 species) and autumn breeders (12 species). Species belonging to the same subgenus (or genus in some cases) showed the same reproductive type, and had a similar trend in the peak of reproductive season and in the maximum number of mature eggs held by a female. Seasonal activity changes inferred from capture rates showed a similar pattern between males and females, although one sex appeared significantly earlier than the other in a few species


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    東京大学農学部附属千葉演習林内の林齢72年生スギ・ヒノキ人工林においてスギカミキリの寄生痕を調べた。樹幹表面を観察し,寄生痕(脱出孔・孔道)の地上高・方位を記録した。調査木のうち最も寄生痕が多かったスギ個体1本を輪切りにし,被寄生樹齢を確認した。本数寄生率は若齢林と同様にヒノキよりもスギの方が高かった。寄生痕は少数の木に集中分布し,ある年に少数の雌が集中して産卵したためであると思われた。スギ樹幹上の寄生痕の垂直分布は地際部と地上高約10m付近にピークを持つ二山型の分布を示した。寄生痕が最も多かったスギ個体では樹齢が高くなるに連れて寄生方位・寄生地上高ともに初期のものを中心に広がっていく傾向が見られ,過去の寄生による巻き込み部に再寄生している様子も観察されたことから,巻き込み部はスギカミキリ幼虫の寄生に適しているものと考えられた。スギカミキリは壮齢林では,少数の木に断続的に寄生することで個体群を維持し,周囲の若齢林への個体の供給源になっている可能性が示唆された。Infestation marks (adult emergence holes and larval galleries) of the sugi bark borer (Semanotus japonicus) were investigated in a 72 year old mixed plantation of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) in the Tokyo University Forest in Chiba. height and direction were recorded. The tree which had the maximum number of infestation marks was felled and its infestation ages were recorded. The infestation rate of cedar was higher than of cypress. The infestation marks were concentrated on several trees. Most of the infestation marks on trunks were found near the ground and at about 10m in height. On the tree which had the maximum number of infestation marks, cicatrices caused by the past infestation tended to be attacked. It is possible that cicatrix provides a suitable condition for larvae. Some trees in an old forest may become a source of the beetles which keep the population, and disperse and attack the trees in young plantations