803 research outputs found

    Effects of forest fertilization on nitrate and crude protein content in some important reindeer forage species

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    When forests are fertilized with ammonia nitrate it is possible that grazing reindeer ingest ammonia nitrate by eating grains of fertilizer from the ground or by drinking contaminated water. They can also get nitrate through plants that have absorbed and disposed nitrate. This latter factor is studied in this report. In addition the effect of fertilization on crude protein content in forage plants is investigated. Fertilizing trials were done within two different areas. One was a dry scotch pine forest and the other a humid scotch pine forest. Both were situated 10 to 15 km north west of Lycksele (northern Sweden). Three different rations (75, 150 and 250 kg N/ha) of ammonianitrate and one (150 kg N/ha) of urea was used. Fertilization was done at two occations, in June and in July. To investigate the effect of fertilization on nitrate and crude protein content in reindeer forage plants, samples were taken of reindeer lichens (Cladina spp.), heather {Calluna vulgaris), crowberry (Empetrum spp.), cowberry (Vaccinium vitis ideae), blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa) at different times after fertilization. In this trial we could not find any higher degree of contamination of nitrate in lichens. The highest value was 0.013% nitrate-N in dry matter (table 1). Nitrate accumulation was low in shrubs and grass (table 2). The highest value (0.05%) was found in heather. The concentrations were definitly below the level that could be considered as injurious to the reindeer. The effect of fertilization on crude protein content in reindeer forage plants was obvious. It was most evident in hair-grass. Four weeks after fertilization with 150 kg N/ha, crude protein content was more than doubled and reached 20% in dry matter (figure 1 and 2). In withered hair-grass in the autumn the effect was very small. One year after fertilization a small rise in crude protein was registered in both grass and shrubs (table 3). Some effect still remained after three years. Fertilization caused a drastic development of hair-grass. This resulted in the formation of a carpet of dead leaves and straw in the autumn (picture 3 - 5).Skogsgödslingens inverkan på nitrat- och råproteininnehållet i några viktiga renbetesväxter.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Vid gödsling av skogsmark som betas av ren år det möjligt att renen kan få i sig ammoniumnitrat, dels genom att äta av gödselkorn som ligger på marken eller via dricksvatten. Den kan också f å i sig nitrat som upptagits och lagrats i betesväxter. Den sistnämnda faktorn belyses i denna rapport. Dessutom redovisas resultat av undersökningar gallande gödslingens inverkan på betesväxternas råproteinhalt. Undersokningen genomfordes på två forsoksområden, den ena av torr ristyp och den andra av frisk ristyp. Områdena var belägna 10 respektive 15 km nordväst om Lycksele. Tre olika gödselgivor (75, 150 och 250 kg N/ha) av ammoniumnitrat och en giva (150 kg N/ha) av urea testades. Spridningen av godsei skedde vid två tillfällen, i juni och i juli. Fôr undersokning av gödslingens påverkan på nitrat- och råproteinhalterna i några vanliga renbetesväxter togs prov av renlav, ljung, kråkris, lingonris, blåbårsris och kruståtel vid olika tidpunkter efter gödsling. Någon nämnvärd kontaminering av nitrat i lav kunde vi inte finna. Det högsta registrerade vårdet låg på 0,013 % nitrat-N i torrsubstans (tabell 1). Accumuleringen av nitrat i barris och kruståtel var också låg (tabell 2). De högsta värdena (0,05 %) erhölls i ljung. Koncentrationerna låg klart under den nivå som kan bedömas vara skadlig fôr renen. Gödslingen gav ett mycket tydligt utslag på råproteinhalten i betesvåxterna. Detta gällde i synnerhet kruståtel. Fyra veckor efter gödsling med 150 kg N/ha hade råproteinhalten mer än fördubblats och låg på ca 20 % i torrsubstans (figur 2 och 3). Effekten av gödsling på råproteinhalten i den vissnade kruståteln på hosten var mycket liten. Ett år efter gödsling registrerades en förhöjning av råproteinhalten med ett par procentenheter i ris och kruståtel (tabell 3). En viss effekt kvarstod fortfarande efter tre år. Gödslingen medförde en mycket kraftig vegetativ utveckling av kruståtel. Detta resulterade bland annat i att kruståteln bildade en matta av vissnade blad och strån på hosten (bild 3 - 5).Metsånlannoituksen vaikutusjoidenkintårkeiden poronlaidunkasvien nitraatti- ja raakavalkuaispitoisuuksiin.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Lannoitettaessa metsiå joilla laiduunetaan poroja voi sattua, ettå porot nielevåt ammoniumnitraattia joko syomalla lannoiterakeita suoraan maasta tai juomaveden kautta. Ne voivat myos saada nitraattia kasveista, jotka ovat absorboineet ja varastoineet sitå. Tima raportti kåsittelee jålkimmåistå vaihtoehtoa. Tåman lisåksi selvitellåån lannoituksen vaikutusta laidunkasvien raakavalkuaispitoisuuksiin. Tutkimus suositettiin kahdella koealueella. Toinen mantymetsåalue oli kuivaa, toinen taas tuoretta varputyyppia. Alueet sijaitsivat 10 km ja 15 km Lyckselestå luoteeseen. Kokeissa sovellettiin kolmea ammoniumnitraattilannoitus-tasoa (75, 150 ja 250 kg N/ha) ja yhtå ureatasoa (150 kg N/ha). Lannoitteita levitettiin kahtena ajankohtana, kesåkuussa ja vastaavasti heinåkuussa. Tutkimusta vanen, jonka kohteena oli metsånlannoituksen vaikutus joidenkin tarkeiden poronlaidunkasvien nitraatti- ja raakavalkuaispitoisuuksiin, otettiin naytteita poronjåkalåsta, kanervasta, variksenmarjasta, puolukan- ja mustikanvarvusta ja metsålauhasta eri ajankohtina lannoituksen jalkeen. Poronjakåla ei merkittavåsti kontaminoitunut nitraatilla. Korkein loydetty arvo oli 0,013% nitraati-N kuiva-aineessa (taulukko 1). Nitraattia keråantyi myos vahan varpuihin ja metsalauhaan (taulukko 2). Korkeimmat arvot (0,05%) havaittiin kanervassa. Mitatut konsentraatiot olivat selvåsti alle porolle vaarallisen tason. Lannoituksen vaikutus poronlaidunkasvien raakavalkuaispitoisuuksiin oli erittain selvå. Tåmå nåkyi parhaiten metsalauhassa; raakavalkuais-pitoisuus oli enemmån kuin kaksinkertaistunut neljan viikon kuluttua lannoituksesta (150 kg N/ha) ja nousi aina 20% kuiva-aineesta (kuvio 2 ja 3). Lannoituksen vaikutus metsålauhan raakavalkuaispitoisuuteen oli kuitenkin poissa sen kuihduttua syksyllå. Vuoden kuluttua lannoituksesta voitiin havaita kahden prosenttiyksikon nousu varpujen ja metsålauhan raakavalkuaispitoisuuksissa (taulukko 3). Våhåistå raakavalkuaisen nousua esiintyi kyseisissa kasveissa kolmen vuoden kuluttua. Lannoitus sai aikaan metsålauhakasvustossa hyvin voimakkaan vegetatiivisen kehittymisen. Tåmå johti muun muassa siihen, ettå metsålauha muodosti syksyllå melkein yhtenåisen maton kuihtuneista lehdistå ja korsista (kuva 3-6)

    Tjernobyl och rennäringen - Lägesrapport från Sverige

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    Status report about Chernobyl and reindeer husbandry in Sweden including participants' discussion.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Den 1 juli hojdes grånsvårdet for Cs-137 i bl a renkott från 300 till 1 500 Bq/kg. Efter hojningen av grånsvårdet friklassades nåstan alla samebyar i Norrbottens lån under sarvslakten. Samtliga fjållsamebyar i Norrbottens lån utom den sydligaste år tills vidare helt friklassade. Tre samebyar i sodra delen av Jåmtlands lån var friklassade under sarvslakten. I ovrigt omfattas all renslakt i Våsterbottens och Jåmtlands lån av kontroll betråffande Cs-137. Under juli - aug i år var cesiumhalten lågre ån vid motsvarande tidpunkt i f jol (tabell 1 och figur 1). Under juli - aug slaktades drygt 1 000 renar i skogslandet i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3). Fr.o.m. andra veckan i juli godkåndes de fiesta slaktkropparna. Halveringstiden for Cs-137 i renarna, som betade i skogslandet kring inlandsbanan i sodra delen av Våsterbottenslån, har beråknats till ca en vecka. Genom tidigarelåggning av sarvslakter i Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3) och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån (tabell 5) minskades kassationen med ett par tusen slaktkroppar. Under senare delen av september steg cesiumhalten till ungefår samma nivå som i f jol. En långsiktig prognos har utarbetats betråffande halten Cs-137 i renar på naturbete. Prognosen visar att omfattande åtgårder kommer att behova vidtagas under de nårmaste 15 - 25 åren om ren-kottet från samebyarna i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån skall kunna god-kånnas som livsmedel vid ett riktvårde på 1 500 Bq Cs-137/kg kott

    Consequences of the Chernobyl accident for reindeer husbandry in Sweden

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    Large parts of the reindeer hearding area in Sweden were contaminated with radioactive caesium from the Chernobyl fallout. During the first year after the accident no food with activity concentrations exceeding 300 Bq/kg was allowed to be sold in Sweden. This meant that about 75% of all reindeer meat produced in Sweden during the autumn and winter 1986/87 were rejected because of too high caesium activités. In May 1987 the maximum level for Cs-137 in reindeer, game and fresh-water fish was raised to 1500 Bq/kg. During the last two year, 1987/88 and 1988/89, about 25% of the slaughtered reindeer has had activities exceeding this limit. The effective long-time halflife or radiocaesium in reindeer after the nuclear weapon tests in the sixties was about 7 years. If this halflife is correct also for the Chernobyl fallout it will take about 35 years before most of the reinder in Sweden are below the current limit 1500 Bq/kg in the winter. However, by feeding the animals uncontaminated food for about two months, many reindeer can be saved for human consumption

    Zeolite and bentonite as caesium binders in reindeer feed

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    The effects of zeolite and bentonite on the accumulation and excretion of radiocaesium (Cs-137) in reindeer were studied in two feeding experiments. Six animals in each experiment were given lichens contaminated with radiocaesium from fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. In addition, they were fed pellets containing bentonite (Experiment I) or zeolite (Experiment II). Two animals, controls, in each experiment received no caesium-binder. The activity concentration of radiocaesium in blood was used to evalute the radiocaesium level in the body. Faeces and urine were collected to measue the excration of radiocaesium. The animals in Experiment I were depleted of radiocaesium before the start of the experiment. After three weeks, with an intake of 17 - 18 kBq Cs-137/day, the controls had reached activity concentrations of radiocaesium in blood corresponding to 4 - 4.5 kBq Cs-137/kg in muscle. Reindeer fed 23 or 46 g of bentonite per day stabilized at values below 0.8 kfiq/kg in muscle. In Experiment II, the reindeer started with radiocaesium activity concentrations in blood corresponding to 2 - 4.5 kBq Cs-137/kg in muscle. After four weeks of feeding, with an intake at about 8.5 kBq Cs-137/day, controls had increased their radiocaesium values by an average of 40%. Reindeer receiving 25 or 50 g zeolite per day decreased with 18 and 45%, respectively. Net absorption of radiocaesium from the gastro-intestinal tract was calculated at 50 -70% in animals receiving no caesium-binder. Reindeer fed bentonite had an absorption below 10% while those fed zeolite absorbed around 35%

    Renens energiomsättning och energivärdering av betesväxter

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    Litteraturöversikt över ämnet

    Analysis of interdependencies within the fire fighting function on an offshore platform

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    Recent accidents such as the Macondo blowout actualize the issue of offshore safety. Accidents do occur in spite of actions taken to prevent them from happening. The energy-barrier philosophy is the governing principle within the Norwegian offshore industry. The paradox with that philosophy is that the construction of additional barriers may increase complexity within the system. Risk may be seen as an emerging property of complex systems, yet little attention is paid to complex interactions in barrier systems. The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has therefore raised the matter of dependencies within barrier systems during 2013 to increase awareness of their implications. The governing energy-barrier philosophy relies on linear reasoning and does therefore not provide tools for the interpretation of complex and non-linear interactions. Hence the purpose of this thesis is to apply a different method to interpret interdependencies in a barrier system on an offshore platform and then evaluate the application of that method. The purpose is also to see if the PSA prioritizes an essential issue

    The aesthetic turn: exploring the religious dimensions of digital technology

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    The arena for developing digital technology has undergone an aesthetic turn, broadening the focus from a functionalist approach producing centralized systems in the 1970s and 1980s to an increased awareness of the aesthetic aspects of the individual user’s interaction with technology in the 1990s and 2000s. Within the academic research fields studying digital technology (e.g. Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design) the aesthetic turn has resulted in a shift from a strong emphasis on user behaviour to an increased interest in aesthetic perspectives on the role of the designer, the design process, and the design material. Within these fields, aesthetics has often been interpreted as belonging to the realm of the individual; personal experiences such as pleasure, engagement, and emotions have been emphasized in both technology development and technology research. Aesthetics is not, however, only an individual phenomenon but also has relational and structural components that need to be acknowledged. Structural aspects of aesthetics condition the possibilities for individuals interacting with digital technology. Thus, the tension between individual and relational aspects of aesthetics in digital technology also reflects a tension between freedom and limitation; between change and permanence; between destabilizing and stabilizing forces.Such a broadened understanding of aesthetics offers a model of digital technology that roughly corresponds to Mark C. Taylor’s definition of religion. Taylor argues that religion is constituted by, on the one hand, a figuring moment characterized by structural stability and universality, and, on the other hand, a disfiguring moment characterized by disruption, particularity, and change. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the aesthetic turn and Taylor’s definition of religion to illustrate similarities between the two, suggesting possible religious dimensions of digital technology and how that can inform our understanding of people’s interaction with digital technology.
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