282 research outputs found


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    The study conducted proves that pelvic tilt is one of the root causes of onychocryptosis. Recovering the correct position of pelvic bones via manual methods restores the symmetrical position of the nail edge in the lateral nail fold of a toe, thus preventing any damage to the soft tissues of the lateral nail fold which is what causes onychocryptosis in the first place. By correcting pelvic bone imbalance via manual methods, we can therefore eliminate onychocryptosis without even touching the affected toe.Проведене дослідження доводить, що однією з першопричин виникнення оніхокриптозу є перекіс таза. Відновлення правильного положення тазових кісток мануальними методами відновлює симетричне розташування загостреного краю нігтя в боковій пазусі латерального валика пальця, а отже запобігає порушенню цілісності м’якої тканини латерального валика, яке й веде до появи оніхокриптозу. Тому, виправляючи мануальною корекцією розбалансування кісток таза – позбавляємо нігтьовий апарат від оніхокриптозу, навіть не доторкуючись до хворого пальця


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    Prior to a surgery for diaphragmatic dome relaxation a patient sought consultation of an orthopedic traumatologist about his concomitant spinal diseases. The patient’s symptoms could describe both diaphragmatic relaxation and multiple spinal pathologies complicated by rib displacement.Thorough diagnostics and careful analysis followed by subsequent manual correction of the patient’s skeletal misalignments allowed to relieve all pain, restore the patient’s ability to work and prevent an unreasonable and traumatic surgery which was in fact unnecessary and unjustifiably harmful as it wouldn’t solve the problem of pain caused by the pathologies in the costovertebral area and could potentially lead to the patient’s disability. As for diaphragmatic relaxation, it was asymptomatic in the first place and never actually required surgery. It is therefore important to exercise a great degree of responsibility when diagnosing complex clinical cases.Prior to a surgery for diaphragmatic dome relaxation a patient sought consultation of an orthopedic traumatologist about his concomitant spinal diseases. The patient’s symptoms could describe both diaphragmatic relaxation and multiple spinal pathologies complicated by rib displacement.Thorough diagnostics and careful analysis followed by subsequent manual correction of the patient’s skeletal misalignments allowed to relieve all pain, restore the patient’s ability to work and prevent an unreasonable and traumatic surgery which was in fact unnecessary and unjustifiably harmful as it wouldn’t solve the problem of pain caused by the pathologies in the costovertebral area and could potentially lead to the patient’s disability. As for diaphragmatic relaxation, it was asymptomatic in the first place and never actually required surgery. It is therefore important to exercise a great degree of responsibility when diagnosing complex clinical cases


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    The treatment of temporomandibular joint and meniscus dislocation belongs to the field of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery and is considered to be a lengthy and complex process. In this paper, the authors attempt to link the occurrence of such dislocations with pathological conditions of the upper segments of the cervical spine and prove that manual correction of the affected segments of the spine significantly accelerates and facilitates the treatment of temporomandibular joint and meniscus dislocations.Лікування вивиху скронево-нижньощелепного суглоба і його меніска належить до компетенції стоматології та щелепно-лицьової хірургії і є тривалим та нелегким процесом. В даному ж дослідженні автори роблять спробу пов’язати виникнення таких вивихів із патологічними станами верхніх сегментів шийного відділу хребта й довести, що мануальна корекція вражених сегментів хребта значно прискорює та полегшує лікування вивихів скронево-нижньощелепного суглоба та його меніска

    A method to increase performance of the wind motor

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    Современные ветроустановки не способны функционировать максимально эффективно при любом ветре. В результате значительная часть ветровой энергии не может превращаться в полезную работу. Данную проблему предложено решать путем применения для ветродвигателя полезной нагрузки с переменной величиной. Реализовать это на практике можно, например, при помощи разработанного автором специального устройства.Modern wind turbines are not able to consistently show maximum performance in any wind. As a result a significant part of wind energy can not be turned into useful work. It is suggested that this problem can be solved by using wind motor varied useful load. This can be implemented in practice, for example, by using the special device developed by the author


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    Vertebral artery syndrome is a collective term that encompasses a number of cerebral, cardiovascular and autonomic syndromes resulting from lesions of the sympathetic plexus of the vertebral artery, deformation of its wall or lumen changes caused by cervical spine disorders. Manual therapy is one of the recognized methods of treatment for the said condition. This study discusses the possibility of applying manual therapy combined with shock wave therapy in cases of vertebral artery syndrome resistant to other methods of treatment.Vertebral artery syndrome is a collective term that encompasses a number of cerebral, cardiovascular and autonomic syndromes resulting from lesions of the sympathetic plexus of the vertebral artery, deformation of its wall or lumen changes caused by cervical spine disorders. Manual therapy is one of the recognized methods of treatment for the said condition. This study discusses the possibility of applying manual therapy combined with shock wave therapy in cases of vertebral artery syndrome resistant to other methods of treatment


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    Primary nocturnal enuresis is a fairly common disease among children over five years old and while it tends to go away in most of them over time without any treatment, for many, bedwetting continues to be an emotionally stressful and socially destructive state of the early years of their childhood. The presence of a vertebrogenic factor in the clinical picture of primary nocturnal enuresis justifies the use of manual therapy in treating this disease and if the said vertebrogenic factor proves to be the determining cause of the disease, manual correction will allow to quickly, non-invasively, economically, effectively, safely, side-effectlessly and completely eradicate the disease even in cases where treatment by other methods was unsuccessful.Primary nocturnal enuresis is a fairly common disease among children over five years old and while it tends to go away in most of them over time without any treatment, for many, bedwetting continues to be an emotionally stressful and socially destructive state of the early years of their childhood. The presence of a vertebrogenic factor in the clinical picture of primary nocturnal enuresis justifies the use of manual therapy in treating this disease and if the said vertebrogenic factor proves to be the determining cause of the disease, manual correction will allow to quickly, non-invasively, economically, effectively, safely, side-effectlessly and completely eradicate the disease even in cases where treatment by other methods was unsuccessful


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    Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic systemic disease of the connective tissue which affects primarily joints and ligaments of the spine, peripheral joints and internal organs, causing progressive development of limited spinal mobility due to ankylosing of epiphyseal joints, formation of syndesmosis and calcification of vertebral ligaments. There are currently no methods that can completely cure or stop the progression of ankylosing spondylitis, however, manual therapy combined with shock- wave therapy is able to quickly, non-invasively, effectively, economically, safely and without side effects support patients, improving their quality of life, prolonging the duration of the remissions, reducing the frequency of relapses, significantly delaying the development of structural damage and the progression of bone ankylosis. This study discusses the effect of manual therapy combined with shock wave therapy on ankylosing spondylitis resistant to other treatments.Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic systemic disease of the connective tissue which affects primarily joints and ligaments of the spine, peripheral joints and internal organs, causing progressive development of limited spinal mobility due to ankylosing of epiphyseal joints, formation of syndesmosis and calcification of vertebral ligaments. There are currently no methods that can completely cure or stop the progression of ankylosing spondylitis, however, manual therapy combined with shock- wave therapy is able to quickly, non-invasively, effectively, economically, safely and without side effects support patients, improving their quality of life, prolonging the duration of the remissions, reducing the frequency of relapses, significantly delaying the development of structural damage and the progression of bone ankylosis. This study discusses the effect of manual therapy combined with shock wave therapy on ankylosing spondylitis resistant to other treatments


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    The concept of scoliosis combines a heterogeneous group of conditions that consist in changes to the shape and position of the spine, chest and trunk. This disease affects the entire human body with its main manifestation being the deformation of the spine in three planes: sagittal, frontal, and horizontal, as well as lateral deflection of the spine and rotation of the vertebrae in the frontal plane. Idiopathic scoliosis has no known cause. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and is only made when anamnesis as well as clinical and radiological data does not provide clear evidence of a particular etiology. Idiopathic scoliosis can have several underlying causes and may progress depending on many factors during any rapid period of child growth. Idiopathic scoliosis can be treated both by conservative and surgical methods. One of the simple, safe, non- invasive, cost-effective and side-effectless methods for the conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis is manual therapy which can successfully reduce or stop the progression of spinal curvature, prevent and treat associated respiratory dysfunction and spinal pain syndromes, improve aesthetics through posture correction.The concept of scoliosis combines a heterogeneous group of conditions that consist in changes to the shape and position of the spine, chest and trunk. This disease affects the entire human body with its main manifestation being the deformation of the spine in three planes: sagittal, frontal, and horizontal, as well as lateral deflection of the spine and rotation of the vertebrae in the frontal plane. Idiopathic scoliosis has no known cause. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and is only made when anamnesis as well as clinical and radiological data does not provide clear evidence of a particular etiology. Idiopathic scoliosis can have several underlying causes and may progress depending on many factors during any rapid period of child growth. Idiopathic scoliosis can be treated both by conservative and surgical methods. One of the simple, safe, non- invasive, cost-effective and side-effectless methods for the conservative treatment of idiopathic scoliosis is manual therapy which can successfully reduce or stop the progression of spinal curvature, prevent and treat associated respiratory dysfunction and spinal pain syndromes, improve aesthetics through posture correction