72 research outputs found


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    Стаття присвячена вербальним і невербальним складникам сучасної англомовної реклами. У статті проаналізовано мовні функції реклами, роль реклами в модернізованому світі, описано специфіку впливу реклами за допомогою невербальних складиків, досліджено вербальну комунікацію: основні поняття й характеристики, типологізацію. (The article is devotedverbal and nonverbal components of contemporary English-language advertising. The article analyzes the linguistic features of advertising, the role of advertising in the modernized world, a description of the specific impact of advertising by means of non-verbal components, verbal communication: concept, main characteristics and typology.

    Production of neutron-rich fragments with neutron number N > Nprojectile in the reaction 48^{48}Ca (60 MeV/nucleon) + Ta

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    Expérience GANIL, Spectrometre LISEInternational audienceThe goal of the present paper is to attempt to clarify the nuclear reaction mechanism leading to the production of fragments at zero degree with neutron number larger than that in the 48Ca projectile, at about 60 MeV per nucleon. The production cross sections of the extremely neutron-rich Si and P isotopes were measured. Concerning the nuclear reaction mechanism leading to the production of these isotopes, one should probably refer to a particular type of transfer mechanism, which results in low excitation energy for the fragments, rather than to the ‘genuine' fragmentation mechanism. An upper limit of about 0.05 pb was estimated for the production cross section for the 47P isotope for which no count was observed

    Towards local electromechanical probing of cellular and biomolecular systems in a liquid environment

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    Electromechanical coupling is ubiquitous in biological systems with examples ranging from simple piezoelectricity in calcified and connective tissues to voltage-gated ion channels, energy storage in mitochondria, and electromechanical activity in cardiac myocytes and outer hair cell stereocilia. Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) has originally emerged as a technique to study electromechanical phenomena in ferroelectric materials, and in recent years, has been employed to study a broad range of non-ferroelectric polar materials, including piezoelectric biomaterials. At the same time, the technique has been extended from ambient to liquid imaging on model ferroelectric systems. Here, we present results on local electromechanical probing of several model cellular and biomolecular systems, including insulin and lysozyme amyloid fibrils, breast adenocarcinoma cells, and bacteriorhodopsin in a liquid environment. The specific features of SPM operation in liquid are delineated and bottlenecks on the route towards nanometer-resolution electromechanical imaging of biological systems are identified.Comment: 37 pages (including refs), 8 figure

    Sectoral Cooperation of the BRICS Countries: Potential and Implementation Priorities

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    The BRICS countries are increasingly expanding multilateral forms of cooperation, moving beyond political areas to economic ones. This cooperation is based on their interest in using the resources and experience of other partners to the group to develop national economies and promote the export of goods, technologies and services for the benefit of national producers. The purpose of the study is to analyse the potential and identify the most promising areas of sectoral cooperation. It was carried out using the methods of comparative and statistical analysis, historical analogies, deductive and expert assessments. Agreed at BRICS summits, national economic strategies set the priorities of sectoral cooperation. Raising the competitive capacity of the BRICS economies is considered today in the context of productivity enhancement, including increasing energy efficiency, improving logistics, innovating technologies. The most promising areas are cooperation in offshore oil and gas production, nuclear power, construction of small hydropower stations, building transport corridors, including the high-speed networks and equipment of the Northern Sea Route. The sectoral priorities also highlight cooperation in the agriculture sector to address food security problems and in the digitisation of all sectors of the economy to take advantage of the opportunities provided by information and communication technologies


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    Almost all countries in the world actively regulate both import and export of agricultural products, however this process is very conflictгфд because of acute contradictions on the market. They are associated with the changing conditions of production, increase of attention of the world community to the food securitysituation, change of the used resources efficiency level, competition enhancement. Both internal and external components of agricultural producers support are important for Russia. That means the regulation should be aimed at meeting the needs of the domestic market and at increasing competitiveness of Russian products abroad. The development of the Russian export strategy for agricultural products is currently very important. This problem is closely related to the general subject of the agricultural productiondevelopment, but it has an explicit specific character. Inthiscontextexperienceofforeigncountriesisinteresting. Almost all tools of export regulation existing in the world practice are used in the foreign practice of export regulation of agricultural raw materials and food. Stimulation measures prevail in regards to the coverage of commodity items, number of episodes involving the use of agricultural export regulationmeasures, effectiveness of impact to the national agricultural sector. Holistic strategies of agricultural export development are not a widespread phenomenon abroad at the present stage of the world economy development. Their existence is typical for countries with a high level of food self-sufficiency. Special programs where export component is a harmonically built-in element are now more widely spread. Export development programs of the developed countries include a range of measures to maintain the target income level of producers and to maintain procurement and consumer prices. Export policy of the developing countries has a subordinated importance and is considered as one of the levels to develop national agriculture through the use of advantages of international division of labor

    External Economic Aspects of Food Security of Russia

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    STEAM Approach to the Development of Future Teachers’ English Language Skills

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    The article contains the results of a study aimed at experimental testing of the effectiveness of the STEAM approach in the development of English language skills in future teachers. Random selection was used for sampling, the sample was subsequently divided into the experimental group (EG — 49 students) and the control group (CG — 54 students). The groups were aligned by randomization. An experimental methodology consisted in the creation of teams in EG, which worked on the development of socially significant projects, communicating in English and developing English language skills during the semester. Classes were held online in ZOOM and BigBlueButton with video recording, which allowed analysing the achievements and pay attention to mistakes for further correction. The obtained results were confirmed by statistical calculations of Pearson’s chi-squared test. The study recorded the problems related to the need to explain students the nature, content and process of this approach, planning and coordination of the timetable and curricula related to the integration of academic subject in more detail. The conditions and opportunities for developing English language skills combined with soft skills (communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration) require further research

    External Trade: Retrospective View for Prospects

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    STEAM approach to the development of English language skills in future teachers

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    The article contains the results of a study aimed at experimental testing of the effectiveness of the STEAM approach in the development of English language skills in future teachers. Random selection was used for sampling, the sample was subsequently divided into the experimental group (EG — 49 students) and the control group (CG — 54 students). The groups were aligned by randomization. An experimental methodology consisted in the creation of teams in EG, which worked on the development of socially significant projects, communicating in English and developing English language skills during the semester. Classes were held online in ZOOM and BigBlueButton with video recording, which allowed analysing the achievements and pay attention to mistakes for further correction. The skills were diagnosed through expert assessment before and after the experiment in EG and CG in terms of four indicators: listening, reading, speaking, writing. It was found that as a result of the experiment, the share of students with a high level of English language in the experimental group exceeded the same figure in the control group by 8% and, accordingly, with an average level — by 7%. An increase of 11% and 10% in the number of students with high and medium levels of English language skills, respectively, was diagnosed in the experimental group after the experiment. At the same time, the number of students with sufficient and low levels decreased in similar proportions: by 11% and 10%. The obtained results were confirmed by statistical calculations of Pearson’s chi-squared test. The study recorded the problems related to the need to explain students the nature, content and process of this approach, planning and coordination of the timetable and curricula related to the integration of academic subject in more detail. The conditions and opportunities for developing English language skills combined with soft skills (communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration) require further research

    Порівняльна клінічна характеристика хворих із хронічною серцевою недостатністю та зниженою фракцією викиду лівого шлуночка залежно від стану когнітивної функції

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    The aim — to establish clinical factors associated with cognitive dysfunction (CD) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LV EF).Materials and methods. We examined 124 patients aged 18 to 75 years with CHF II — IV functional class according to the criteria of the New York Heart Association (NYHA). The cognitive function was assessed using a mini­mental state examination (MMSE), the Schulte test, the HADS scale. The number of points on the MMSE scale £ 26 indicated the presence of CD. In addition to the standard general clinical examination, the quality of life was assessed by the MLHFQ (The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire), the physical activity index was calculated using the Duke Activity Status index (DASI), a 6­minute walk test, an immunoassay study (levels of interleukin­6, N­terminal fragment of the brain natriuretic peptide and insulin were determined), ultrasound diagnosis of the vasodilating function of the endothelium of the brachial artery (flux­dependent vasodilation (FDVD)) using a sample with a reactive hyperemia.Results and discussion. CD was observed in 85 (68.6 %) patients. There was no statistically significant effect of sex, LVEF value, the influence of atrial fibrillation on the state of cognitive function. CD in patients with CHF and decreased LVEF was associated with the worst functional class by NYHA (p = 0.001), the presence of hypertension, coronary heart disease and renal dysfunction (p = 0.037, p = 0.021 and p = 0.032, respectively). Patients with CD were statistically significantly older (p = 0.002), had worse quality of life by MLHFQ (p = 0.04) and low DASI (p = 0.037), a high level of depression on the HADS scale (p = 0.032), lower glomerular filtration rate (p = 0.012), greater thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle (p = 0.011), inferior FDVD (p = 0.049) compared to patients without CD. The number of points on the MMSE scale directly correlated with the distance of a 6­minute walk (r = 0.264, p = 0.003), the DASI value (r = 0.275, p = 0.002), the glomerular filtration rate (r = 0.275, p = 0.002), FDVD (r = 0.207, p = 0.021) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (r = 0.205, p = 0.028) and inversely proportional to the degree of deterioration of the quality of life in MLHFQ (r = –0.179, p = 0.049), age (r = –0.429, p = 0.0001), the score on the HADS­D scale (r = –0.257, p = 0.004) and the level of ceruloplasmin (r = –0.308, p = 0.004).Conclusions. CD in patients with CHF and decreased LVEF was detected in 85 (68.6 %) cases. CD was associated with the severity of heart failure and the presence of hypertensive disease, coronary heart disease and renal dysfunction. Patients with CHF and CD are statistically significantly older in age, have a worse quality of life and physical activity, a high level of depressive manifestations, a higher concentration of ceruloplasmin in the blood plasma, a lower glomerular filtration rate and a worse flux­dependent vasodilator response compared to patients without CD. Цель работы — установить клинические факторы, ассоциированные с наличием когнитивной дисфункции (КД) у пациентов с хронической сердечной недостаточностью (ХСН) и сниженной фракцией выброса (ФВ) левого желудочка (ЛЖ).Материалы и методы. Обследованы 124 больных в возрасте от 18 до 75 лет с ХСН II — IV функционального класса по критериям Нью­Йоркской ассоциации сердца (NYHA). Когнитивную функцию оценивали с помощью короткой шкалы исследования психического статуса (MMSE), пробы Шульте, шкалы HADS. Количество баллов по шкале MMSE £ 26 баллов свидетельствовало о наличии КД. Кроме стандартного общеклинического обследования, оценивали качество жизни по опроснику MLHFQ (The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire), рассчитывали индекс бытовой физической активности с помощью анкеты Университета Дюка (DASI), проводили тест с 6­минутной ходьбой, иммуноферментные исследования (определение уровня интерлейкина­6, N­терминального фрагмента мозгового натрийуретического пептида и инсулина), ультразвуковую диагностику вазодилатирующей функции эндотелия плечевой артерии (потокозависимая вазодилатация (ПЗВД)) с помощью пробы с реактивной гиперемией.Результаты и обсуждение. У 85 (68,6 %) пациентов зарегистрирована КД. Не выявлено статистически значимого влияния пола, величины ФВ ЛЖ, наличия фибрилляции предсердий на состояние когнитивной функции. КД у пациентов с ХСН и сниженной ФВ ЛЖ ассоциировалась с худшим функциональным классом по NYHA (р = 0,001), наличием гипертонической болезни, ишемической болезни сердца и почечной дисфункции (р = 0,037, р = 0,021 и р = 0,032 соответственно). Пациенты с КД были статистически значимо старше по возрасту (р = 0,002), имели худшее качество жизни по MLHFQ (р = 0,04) и низкий DASI (р = 0,037), высокий уровень депрессии по шкале HADS (р = 0,032), более низкую скорость клубочковой фильтрации (р = 0,012), бо¢льшую толщину задней стенки левого желудочка (р = 0,011), худшую ПЗВД (р = 0,049) по сравнению с пациентами без КД. Количество баллов по шкале MMSE прямо пропорционально коррелировало с дистанцией 6­минутной ходьбы (r = 0,264, p = 0,003), величиной DASI (r = 0,275, p = 0,002), скоростью клубочковой фильтрации (r = 0,275, p = 0,002), ПЗВД (r = 0,207, p = 0,021) и активностью супероксиддисмутазы (r = 0,205, p = 0,028) и обратно пропорционально — со степенью ухудшения качества жизни по MLHFQ (r = –0,179, p = 0,049), возрастом (r = –0,429, p = 0,0001), количеством баллов по шкале HADS­D (r = –0,257, p = 0,004) и уровнем церулоплазмина (r = –0,308, р = 0,004).Выводы. КД у пациентов с ХСН и cниженной ФВ ЛЖ выявлена в 85 (68,6 %) случаев. КД ассоциировалась с тяжестью СН и наличием гипертонической болезни, ишемической болезни сердца и почечной дисфункции. Пациенты с ХСН и КД статистически значимо старше по возрасту, имеют худшие качество жизни и уровень физической активности, высокий уровень депрессивных проявлений, бо¢льшую концентрацию церулоплазмина в плазме крови, более низкую скорость клубочковой фильтрации и худший потокозависимый вазодилататорный ответ по сравнению с пациентами без КД. Мета роботи — з’ясувати клінічні чинники, асоційовані з наявністю когнітивної дисфункції (КД) у пацієнтів з хронічною серцевою недостатністю (ХСН) та зниженою фракцією викиду (ФВ) лівого шлуночка (ЛШ).Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 124 хворих віком від 18 до 75 років з ХСН II — IV функціонального класу за критеріями Нью­Йоркської асоціації серця (NYHA). Когнітивну функцію оцінювали за допомогою короткої шкали дослідження психічного статусу (MMSE), проби Шульте, шкали HADS. Кількість балів за шкалою MMSE £ 26 свідчила про наявність КД. Окрім стандартного загальноклінічного обстеження, оцінювали якість життя за опитувальником MLHFQ (The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire), розраховували індекс побутової фізичної активності за допомогою анкети Університету Дюка (DASI), проводили тест із 6­хвилинною ходьбою, імуноферментні дослідження (визначення рівня інтерлейкіну­6, N­термінального фрагмента мозкового натрійуретичного пептиду та інсуліну), ультразвукову діаг­ностику вазодилатаційної функції ендотелію (потокозалежна вазодилатація (ПЗВД)) плечової артерії за допомогою проби з реактивною гіперемією.Результати та обговорення. У 85 (68,6 %) пацієнтів зареєстровано КД. Не виявлено статистично значущого впливу статі, величини ФВ ЛШ, наявності фібриляції передсердь на стан когнітивної функції. КД у пацієнтів із ХСН та зниженою ФВ ЛШ асоціювалася з тяжчим функціональним класом за NYHA (р = 0,001), наявністю гіпертонічної хвороби, ішемічної хвороби серця та ниркової дисфункції (р = 0,037, р = 0,021 та р = 0,032 відповідно). Пацієнти з КД були статистично значущо (р = 0,002) старші за віком, мали гіршу якість життя за MLHFQ (р = 0,04) та нижчий DASI (р = 0,037), вищий рівень депресії за шкалою HADS (р = 0,032), нижчу швидкість клубочкової фільтрації (р = 0,012), більшу товщину задньої стінки ЛШ (р = 0,011), гіршу ПЗВД (р = 0,049) порівняно з пацієнтами без КД. Кількість балів за шкалою MMSE прямо пропорційно корелювала з дистанцією 6­хвилинної ходьби (r = 0,264, p = 0,003), величиною DASI (r = 0,275, р = 0,002), швидкістю клубочкової фільтрації (r = 0,275, p = 0,002), ПЗВД (r = 0,207, p = 0,021), активністю супероксиддисмутази (r = 0,205, р = 0,028) і обернено пропорційно — зі ступенем погіршення якості життя за MLHFQ (r = –0,179, p = 0,049), віком (r = –0,429, p = 0,0001), кількістю балів за шкалою HADS­D (r = –0,257, p = 0,004) та рівнем церулоплазміну (r = –0,308, р = 0,004).Висновки. У пацієнтів з ХСН та зниженою ФВ ЛШ виявлено КД у 85 (68,6 %) випадків. КД асоціювалася з тяжкістю СН і наявністю гіпертонічної хвороби, ішемічної хвороби серця та ниркової дисфункції. Пацієнти з ХСН та КД статистично значущо старші за віком, мають гіршу якість життя, нижчу фізичну активність, вищий рівень депресивних виявів, більшу концентрацію церулоплазміну в плазмі крові, нижчу швидкість клубочкової фільтрації та гіршу потокозалежну вазодилатаційну відповідь порівняно з пацієнтами без КД.