58 research outputs found


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    The use of expert systems in education is an urgent task, because the evaluation and achievements of students, educational technology and adaptability to the individual characteristics of students and quality assessment of test materials is a task that can not be solved within the framework of the deterministic approach

    Library communication as a component education environment of formation of modern engineer

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    Освещен опыт проведения библиотекой вуза изучения пользователей, приводится анализ результатов, отмечаются корректирующие действия библиотеки.The experience of the university library user studies, an analysis of the results are indicated corrective action library.Статья включает результаты исследования ЗНБ УрФУ в рамках темы НИР № 2770 «Изучение восприятия пользователями библиотечно-информационного сервиса»

    Реконструкция развития соляных структур Верхнекамского месторождения солей

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    The article highlights some issues of geology and genesis of structural forms of the Verkhnekamskoye Salt Deposit (Perm krai). On the example of the Popovskiy salt dome location, the results of detailed studies and analysis of data on the geological structure of sedimentary strata and their morphology are presented. The reconstruction of the evolution of salt structures, the uplifts and depressions was carried out. The main factors and mechanisms, which controlled the development of a modern tectonic structure of this territory, were determined. Significant role in formation of the modern tectonic features of the upper part of the sedimentary cover played the accumulation in the Kungurian age of the Permian the ductile salt rocks, which, at the Late Paleozoic - Early Mesozoic subsequent stages of the territory evolution, determined the increased tectonic mobility of salt and supra-salt deposits, and the formation of high-amplitude uplifts and basins. Differences in tectonogenesis of the upper part of the sedimentary cover, comprising the ductile salt-bearing strata and the underlying rigid rocks, led to the division of the sedimentary cover of the Solikamskaya depression of the Cis-Ural trough into two tectonic stages. The lower level includes uplifts representing the draping structures of the Fransian-Tournaisian reef massifs and brachianticline folds of longitudinal compression, and the upper level comptises the structures formed as a result of the halokinesis of plastic rocks.Освещаются вопросы геологии и генезиса структурных форм Верхнекамского месторождения солей (Пермский край). На примере участка месторождения, где расположен Поповский соляной купол, приведены результаты детальных исследований и анализа данных о геологическом строении осадочных толщ, их морфологии. Проведена реконструкция развития соляных структур – поднятий и впадин. Определены основные факторы и механизмы, под влиянием которых описываемая территория приобрела современное тектоническое строение. Большое значение в формировании современного тектонического облика верхней части осадочного чехла имело накопление в кунгурский век пермского периода толщи солей – податливых пород, что на последующих этапах развития территории (поздний палеозой – ранний мезозой) определило повышенную тектоническую подвижность соляных и надсоляных отложений, формирование высокоамплитудных поднятий и впадин. Различный тектогенез верхней части осадочного чехла, включающей соленосную толщу, и нижезалегающих жестких пород обусловил разделение осадочного чехла Соликамской впадины Предуральского прогиба на два тектонических этажа. Нижний этаж включает поднятия, представляющие структуры облекания франско-турнейских рифогенных массивов и брахискладки продольного сжатия, верхний – структуры, сформированные в результате галокинеза пластичных масс

    Algorithm for monitoring the operability of Peltier thermoelectric modules based on the identification of transients

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    The work is devoted to the development and research of an algorithm for identifying transients in order to monitor the performance of Peltier thermoelectric modules (TEMs). The paper presents the main expressions for the analysis of heat transfer in TEM, as well as a block diagram of the algorithm for identifying the performance of TEM based on the comparison between the time constants of the tested and the reference module according to the Student's criterio

    Formalization of system-object method of knowledge representation by calculation of systems as functional objects

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    The paper considers some elements of the calculation systems as functional objects. The formal foundations of calculus of systems proposed by the authors were preceded by research on the development of a mathematical apparatus that allows formalizing the procedures for developing system-object simulation models of processes and systems. In the work, the previously developed formal apparatus is supplemented by the context operator, and some theorems related to the structural and functional characteristics of the modeled objects are formulated and proved. In particular, using the context operator, the statement is proved that the connection of a nodal object with the external environment generates the same connections of other nodal objects whose functions are realized due to the functions of the first nodal object

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Priabonian (upper Eocene) Urtsadzor section, Armenia

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    The transition from the Bartonian to the Priabonian, as traditionally understood, has long been associated with a series of extinctions and originations in several microfossil groups. The planktonic foraminifer genus Morozovelloides and large species of Acarinina suffered a rapid global extinction, as did many radiolarians. Calcareous nannofossils show several assemblage changes including the acme beginning of Cribrocentrum erbae and the lowest and highest occurrences of Chiasmolithus oamaruensis and C. grandis respectively. In shallow water environments, larger foraminifera also show an extinction among large species of Nummulites, as well as the first occurrences of the stratigraphically important genus Spiroclypeus. However, the correlation between shallow and deep water records remains uncertain, as do the mechanisms driving these biotic events. Here we present the results of a new integrated stratigraphical study (calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, larger benthic foraminifera, and low-resolution magnetostratigraphy) of the Urtsadzor section in south-western Armenia which appears to be continuous through this interval. The Urtsadzor section consists of calcareous siltstones rich in micro- and nannofossils, with interbedded limestones containing abundant larger benthic foraminifera. Our new data enable us to correlate larger foraminiferal events with global plankton biostratigraphy, in a section outside of southwest Europe where most previous correlations have been based. At Urtsadzor, the large Nummulites species of N. millecaput-group are present throughout the whole section but decrease in abundance toward the top. The first occurrence of Spiroclypeus, also occurs in the upper part of the section, marking the SBZ 18/19 boundary. These events are associated with the phylogenetic development of the Nummulites fabianii and Heterostegina reticulata lineages. However, the calcareous plankton biostratigraphy indicates the section is well within the Priabonian; within planktonic foraminiferal Zones E14 and E15 and calcareous nannoplankton Zones CNE 18 and CNE 19. These results indicate larger foraminiferal events occur well above the planktonic foraminiferal extinction level and nannofossil assemblage changes indicating the events are not synchronous across groups, with implications for biostratigraphy and recognition of the basal Priabonian in different depositional settings and regions

    Anisotropic expansion of hepatocyte lumina enforced by apical bulkheads

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    Lumen morphogenesis results from the interplay between molecular pathways and mechanical forces. In several organs, epithelial cells share their apical surfaces to form a tubular lumen. In the liver, however, hepatocytes share the apical surface only between adjacent cells and form narrow lumina that grow anisotropically, generating a 3D network of bile canaliculi (BC). Here, by studying lumenogenesis in differentiating mouse hepatoblasts in vitro, we discovered that adjacent hepatocytes assemble a pattern of specific extensions of the apical membrane traversing the lumen and ensuring its anisotropic expansion. These previously unrecognized structures form a pattern, reminiscent of the bulkheads of boats, also present in the developing and adult liver. Silencing of Rab35 resulted in loss of apical bulkheads and lumen anisotropy, leading to cyst formation. Strikingly, we could reengineer hepatocyte polarity in embryonic liver tissue, converting BC into epithelial tubes. Our results suggest that apical bulkheads are cell-intrinsic anisotropic mechanical elements that determine the elongation of BC during liver tissue morphogenesis

    Evidence for weathering and volcanism during the PETM from Arctic Ocean and Peri-Tethys osmium isotope records

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    Sudden global warming during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 55.9 Ma) occurred because of the rapid release of several thousand gigatonnes of isotopically light carbon into the oceans and atmosphere; however, the cause of this release is not well understood. Some studies have linked carbon injection to volcanic activity associated with the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP), while others have emphasised carbon cycle feedbacks associated with orbital forcing. This study presents the osmium isotope compositions of mudrocks that were deposited during the PETM at four locations (one from the Arctic Ocean, and three from the Peri-Tethys). The Os-isotope records all exhibit a shift of similar magnitude towards relatively radiogenic values across the PETM. This observation confirms that there was a transient, global increase in the flux of radiogenic Os from the weathering of continental rocks in response to elevated temperatures at that time. The tectonic effects of NAIP volcanic emplacement near the onset of the PETM is recorded by anomalously radiogenic Os-isotope compositions of PETM-age Arctic Ocean samples, which indicate an interval of hydrographic restriction that can be linked tectonic uplift due to hotspot volcanism in the North Atlantic seaway. The Peri-Tethys data also document a transient, higher flux of unradiogenic osmium into the ocean near the beginning of the PETM, most likely from the weathering of young mafic rocks associated with the NAIP. These observations support the hypothesis that volcanism played a major role in triggering the cascade of environmental changes during the PETM, and highlight the influence of paleogeography on the Os isotope characteristics of marine water masses

    Эффективность специфической профилактики клещевого энцефалита

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    Vaccination remains the only way to prevent tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). All TBE vaccines are based on strains of the Far Eastern and European subtypes of TBE virus. Currently, the Siberian subtype of the virus, which differs from the vaccine strains, accounts for 80–100% of the genetic population of TBE virus in most of Russia. The proportion of TBE vaccinated patients among those infected was different from year to year in Russia, e.g. 3.9% in 2012 and 1.5% in 2018, there were also some fatal cases registered among vaccinated patients. In this regard, evaluation of the effectiveness of vaccination against various genetic subtypes of TBE is a promising area of research. The purpose of this study was to summarise the results of studies investigating effectiveness of specific prevention of TBE as regards various genetic subtypes of the virus. The paper analyses data on the effectiveness of TBE vaccination in experimental settings and in real life. It was demonstrated that the use of vaccines for prevention of TBE is effective, provided the vaccination coverage is not less than 80%. The paper cites the data from a long-term study of the stability and protective activity of vaccine immunity against TBE virus strains isolated in highly endemic territories. It was established that TBE vaccines have high immunogenic activity and contribute to the production of stable protective antibodies against the strains of the three genetic subtypes of the virus. Protective efficacy of vaccination depends on the number of vaccinations received, the vaccination scheme, gender and age of those vaccinated. The paper concludes by saying that further studies are needed to assess TBE vaccine efficacy in order to improve vaccination tactics, to better understand causes of morbidity and mortality among vaccinated individuals.Вакцинация по-прежнему остается единственной мерой профилактики клещевого энцефалита. Все вакцины для профилактики данного заболевания разработаны на основе штаммов дальневосточного и европейского подтипов вируса клещевого энцефалита. В настоящее время на большей территории России генетическая популяция вируса клещевого энцефалита представлена на 80–100% сибирским подтипом вируса, который отличается от штаммов, используемых для приготовления вакцин. В разные годы в стране показатель вакцинированных среди заболевших клещевым энцефалитом составлял 3,9% в 2012 г., 1,5% в 2018 г., в том числе регистрировались летальные случаи. В связи с этим перспективным направлением исследований является оценка эффективности вакцинации против различных генетических типов вируса клещевого энцефалита. Цель работы — анализ исследований эффективности специфической профилактики клещевого энцефалита против различных генетических типов вируса. В обзоре представлен анализ данных эффективности вакцинопрофилактики клещевого энцефалита в экспериментальных и реальных условиях. Показано, что вакцинопрофилактика клещевого энцефалита в условиях охвата прививками не менее 80% населения является эффективным способом защиты от клещевого энцефалита. Представлены данные многолетнего изучения устойчивости, протективной активности вакцинального иммунитета против штаммов вируса клещевого энцефалита, выделенных на высокоэндемичных территориях. Установлено, что все вакцины для профилактики клещевого энцефалита обладают высокой иммуногенной активностью и способствуют выработке устойчивых протективных антител против штаммов трех генетических подтипов вируса. Показано, что защитная эффективность вакцинации зависит от числа полученных прививок, схем вакцинации, пола и возраста привитых. Сделан вывод о необходимости дальнейшего изучения эффективности вакцин против клещевого энцефалита для совершенствования тактики вакцинопрофилактики, понимания причин заболеваемости и летальности среди вакцинированных лиц

    Risk factors and comorbidities in patients with 2d -4 th grade of pelvic organ prolapse

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    The aim of the study - identification of risk factors and comorbidities in patients with 2-4 grade of pelvic organ prolapse.Цель исследования - выявление факторов риска и сопутствующей патологии у пациенток с ПТО 2-4 степени