5,008 research outputs found

    The Simulation of Human Intelligence

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    Nowadays, we are extensively feed up with technology of information all around us. Everything we have seen around us is purely a product of high end advancement. The arrival of computers made the importance of information technology rapidly spreading around where everyone has observed its unveiling growth. It’s an industry which gathers the procedure of computer hardware, software and networking. Information technology turns as an aide. A standard process that allows great bulks of data to be kept and processed or transmitted at lightning speed. Now, there is more information at hand to make choices, sustain and preserve relations, monitor business activities or track movements. By this, information can be received and acquired at any moment

    Impact of Strategic Planning on Organizational Performance and Survival

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    The study examined the impact of strategic planning on organizational performance and survival. The effectiveness of strategic planning can be measured in terms of the extent to which it influences organizational performance, which affects its survival rate. The main objective of this study is to re-evaluate the planning-performance relationship in organization and determine the extent to which strategic planning affects performance in an organization, of which First Bank of Nigeria, Plc (FEN) will be used as case study. Based on the above objective, relevant literatures were thoroughly reviewed and three hypotheses were formulated and tested in this study. A survey technique was used with the administration of questionnaires to 100 respondents (of which 80 was retrieved) comprising of both the senior and junior staff in various First bank branches in Lagos metropolis. The data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Also,T -Test and Chi-square statistical methods were used in testing the hypotheses using the SPSS. The three hypotheses were confirmed. For the purpose of testing for reliability of the instnnnent, 'The Split-HalfTechnique' from SPSS was used. The implication of this study is that Strategic planning enhances better organizational performance, which in the long nm has impact on its survival and that strategic planning intensity is determined by managerial, environmental and organizational factors

    Element test experiments and simulations: from dry towards cohesive powders

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    Findings from experiments and particle simulations for dry and cohesive granular materials are presented with the goal to reach quantitative agreement between simulations and experiments. Results for the compressibility, tested with the FT4 Powder Rheometer are presented. The first simulation results involve the strain controlled uniaxial compression of frictionless polydisperse spheres in a biaxial box using a linear visco-elastic contact model.\ud \ud As main result, the evolution of pressure as a function of volume fraction is reported. Our anisotropic, uniaxial findings compare astonishingly well with results for purely isotropic compression. Concerning the second stress response, namely anisotropy, we present the evolution of the deviatoric stress as a function of the volume fraction, which cannot be measured with the FT4 experiment, but requires a bi-axial experiment

    Shareholder Activism and the Role of Marketing: A Framework for Analyzing and Managing Investor Relations

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    This paper proposes a conceptual framework that shows the role of (the) marketing (function) in managing investor relations. The framework complements existing literature on the marketing-finance interface and explicitly includes investor relationships as market-based assets. The framework provides (the) marketing (function) with tools to analyze and manage investor relations in order to improve companies’ market performance and increase shareholder value by lowering the costs of shareholder activism. Three real-life scenarios of shareholder activism demonstrate the implications of the framework for marketing practice.Strategy;

    Relationship between English and Latin language in medicine

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    Latin (Lingua Latina) is an ancient language. The Latin language still has popularity and importance in the creation of new words in modern languages such as English and biological taxonomy. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3504

    Аналіз основних тенденцій розвитку ринку банківських послуг для фізичних осіб

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    У статті розглядаються особливості розвитку ринку банківських послуг у 2001-2005 роках та аналізуються основні зміни, що відбулися на цьому ринку. Значну увагу автор приділяє вивченню векторів розвитку ринку банківських послуг для фізичних осіб в Україні через призму споживацьких бачень і очікувань. В результаті проведеного аналізу автором запропоновано шляхи подальшого ефективного функціонування ринку.В статье рассматриваются особенности работы рынка банковских услуг в 2001 - 2005 годах и анализируются основные изменения, что произошли на рынке в этот период. Особое внимание автор уделяет изучению векторов развития рынка банковских услуг в Украине сквозь призму пользовательских представлений и ожиданий. В результате осуществленного анализа автор предлагает пути дальнейшего эффективного функционирования рынка.Main features of market of banking services for private customers in 2001 - 2005 in the current article are considered. Changes that had place on the market in the current period are analyzed. Author place high emphasis on study of courses of development of market of services for private customer's in the light of customers' expectations and notions. As a result of the analyses author offers few approaches to effective market functioning

    Transfinite thin plate spline interpolation

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    Duchon's method of thin plate splines defines a polyharmonic interpolant to scattered data values as the minimizer of a certain integral functional. For transfinite interpolation, i.e. interpolation of continuous data prescribed on curves or hypersurfaces, Kounchev has developed the method of polysplines, which are piecewise polyharmonic functions of fixed smoothness across the given hypersurfaces and satisfy some boundary conditions. Recently, Bejancu has introduced boundary conditions of Beppo Levi type to construct a semi-cardinal model for polyspline interpolation to data on an infinite set of parallel hyperplanes. The present paper proves that, for periodic data on a finite set of parallel hyperplanes, the polyspline interpolant satisfying Beppo Levi boundary conditions is in fact a thin plate spline, i.e. it minimizes a Duchon type functional