15 research outputs found

    The Intersectoral Balance in the System of Development of Integration Relations as a Factor for Economic Growth of the Agrarian Economy Sector

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    The article is aimed at developing a model of economic growth of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy through the development of intersectoral integration relations. It is displayed that the loss and severance of the linkages that existed in agro-industrial production prior to the reform of agrarian sector have become one of the causes of the crisis developments in this sector, and therefore a necessary prerequisite for integration is re-establishment of the system of linkages between disparate elements of integrity. By taking as basic the «costs – output» table, the main methodical approaches to assessing the level of integration were critically analyzed, a system of indicators was substantiated, and their economic content was further refined. The hypothesis about the functional link between the level of development of integration relations and the economic growth in agrarian economy sector has been proved. By taking as target criterium the maximum total value added, a dynamic model of the non-linear economic growth of the agrarian economy sector was built on the basis of the intensive development of the intersectoral integration relations

    The Theoretical and Methodological Bases of the Inclusive Development of National Economy

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    The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the theoretical and methodological bases of the inclusive development of national economy. It has been confirmed that the neo-liberal globalization is ineffective and, together with the principle of non-intervention in the economic mechanism, leads to a slowdown in economic growth, furthers a significant depletion of natural resources and contributes to poverty, especially in rural areas. It is determined that the inclusive development encompasses the processes of economic growth and development, inclusiveness as a system of inclusions, takes attention of the anthropogenic load on ecosystem, as well as the relational nature of the socio-economic transformations. It is displayed that, at the methodological level, the inclusive development is based on the principles of economic growth in the long term, perfect competition, non-discrimination, general participation of all members of society in public life, justice, sustainable development and stability. The inclusive growth is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the knowledge economy, humancentrism, neo-industrialization, «green» economy, and neo-ruralism

    Strategical development of agri-food corporations in the competitive economic space of Ukraine

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    This paper reports a study into the historical and economic preconditions for the strategical development of agri-food corporations in the competitive economic space of Ukraine. Agri-food corporations are determined by us as corporations with a developed system of integration relations that are a non-agricultural enterprise, which produces agricultural products. It has been substantiated that their emergence is not a natural phenomenon but a systematic process of changing the phases of differentiation and integration in the national economy. In this case, the development of agri-food corporations was contributed to by the lack of institutions of effective antitrust control, the diversification of industrial and financial groups, the liberalization of foreign trade, as well as a rent-oriented behavior of economic agents. It has been shown that agri-food corporations currently utilize about a third of agricultural land while the size of some of them exceeds the land-use area of entire regions. At the same time, in terms of agricultural production efficiency, agri-food corporations outperform farms and disintegrated agricultural enterprises, as well as family-owned farms; they have more resources for the innovative development of agricultural production and for investment. Strategical development of agri-food corporations needs to develop its social responsibility in rural areas, intensification of public control over the impact on the agrarian sector, institutional system of state support of export. Under the conditions of the state regulation of monopolies and excessive corporatization of agrarian sector, agri-food corporations should constitute the core of food security in Ukraine, as well as form its competitiveness in foreign agricultural markets


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    The development of the agrarian sector of the economy, as well as of the entire national economy, should be based on a clear and consistent state regulatory policy. Rent is one of the most effective financial instruments for regulating the development of the agrarian sector. As a whole, rent is defined as the income of any resources (production factors) owner that is not related to business activity. Onwards, economic rent is an over-income that the owner receives from using a variety of quality resources, the supply of which is limited in the long run. From the financial point of view, rent is part of the entrepreneur’s income, his unearned income. The consequence of excessive and uncontrolled macro-level rent-seeking behavior is the so-called «Dutch disease», which causes concentration of labor and capital in the services sector, its outflow from the real economy and the simultaneous replacement with unproductive inputs. It is determined that the rent saturation of the GDP of Ukraine exceeds the world average values, that designates the national economy as a commodity one, testifies to the developmental, transitive nature of the economy, its direct dependence on the developed countries. Moreover, the dynamics of the annual indices of the physical volume of Ukraine’s GDP coincides with the dynamics of its rent withdraw, which shows the direct dependency of goods production and rent, thus defining the economic system as extensive and reindustrialized. It is proved that amid non-renewable natural resources depletion, the economy of Ukraine is losing its potential and without drastic transformations, changes in technological structure and development of vertical integration, the crisis will only deepen. The implementation of the proposed measures will contribute to the return of rental over-income to those who have a constitutional right to get it, will provide additional financial resources to fulfill local budgets, especially rural territorial communities.Розвиток аграрного сектору економіки, як і всього національного господарства, має базуватися на чіткій і послідовній державній регуляторній політиці. Одним із найефективніших фінансових інструментів регулювання розвитку аграрного сектору економіки є рента. Показано, що в цілому під рентою розуміють дохід власника будь-яких ресурсів (факторів виробництва), що не пов’язаний із підприємницькою діяльністю. Економічна рента, своєю чергою, — це наддохід, що одержує власник від використання різноякісних ресурсів, пропозиція яких обмежена у довгостроковій перспективі. З фінансового погляду рента є частиною прибутку підприємця, його нетрудового доходу. Наслідком надмірної і неконтрольованої ренторієнтованої поведінки на макрорівні є так звана «голландська хвороба», що призводить до концентрації праці й капіталу у сфері послуг, його відпливу з реального сектору економіки і одночасним заміщенням непродуктивними факторами виробництва. Установлено, що рентна насиченість ВВП України перевищує середньосвітові значення, що характеризує національну економіку як рентно-сировинну, свідчить про розвитковий, транзитивний характер економіки, її пряму залежність від розвинутих країн. До того ж динаміка річних індексів фізичного обсягу ВВП України збігається з динамікою її рентного наповнення, що показує пряму залежність виробництва економічних благ і рентовидобування, тому характеризує економічну систему як екстенсивну й деіндустріалізовану. Доведено, що на тлі вичерпності невідновлювальних природних ресурсів економіка України втрачає свій потенціал і без радикальних трансформацій, зміни технологічного укладу й розвитку вертикальної інтеграції, криза тільки поглиблюватиметься. Реалізація запропонованих заходів сприятиме поверненню рентного наддоходу тим, хто має на нього конституційне право, забезпечить додаткові фінансові ресурсу для наповнення місцевих бюджетів, особливо сільських територіальних громад


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    The article summarizes and systematizes the theoretical and methodological principles of the management and marketing transformation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The topic of the research is relevant because the risks of most types of economic activities have increased in the conditions of the coronavirus crisis. These factors caused changes in consumer behavior and led to corresponding transformations in the management and marketing activities of business entities. The theoretical and analytical basis of the article includes fundamental works of scientists, statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and leading consulting agencies. Methods of abstract-logical generalization, systematic and historical analysis and synthesis, monographic and survey-analytical, graphic methods were used in the research. It was determined that significant macroeconomic imbalances appeared in the conditions of the coronavirus crisis, the way of life changed, and society became less cohesive and mobile. Destruction of added value chains, logistics networks, decrease in total business activity of business entities led to a general deterioration of the population’s living standards and the parameters of their consumer confidence. It is shown that the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to changes in the hierarchy of consumer needs of Ukrainians, shifting the focus to physiological and safety needs. Therefore, most of the marketing trends during the coronavirus crisis in Ukraine are related to social distancing, seclusion of people and fear of disease. It has been established that the main tools of marketing management in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic have become personalized digital technologies aimed at meeting the consumers’ needs in conditions of social distancing and isolation. These technologies are managed as adaptively as possible, based on risk management, constant monitoring of feedback from focusing on social networks and services. It has been determined that the promising tools for the development of management, marketing and logistics in the post-pandemic world include the robotics of industry, trade and delivery of goods, the development of innovative technologies for air disinfection, household items and equipment, mass non-contact medical diagnostics, and home entertainment services

    Rent and Rent Seeking Behavior in the System of Integration Relations in the Agrarian Sector of Economy

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    The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological basis of rental relations and rent seeking behavior in the system of integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy. It is shown that the system of economic mechanisms of integration relations in the agrarian sector of economy includes one of the most important and at the same time the most controversial elements — rent seeking behavior. The dialectical unity of rental and integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy follows from the nature of rent itself, its interconnection with economic relations as well as the place in the system of agrarian relations as a whole. This interdependence is empirically confirmed based on the dynamics of frequency of using the terms “integration” and “rent”, as well as their derivatives in scientific works with the Latin and Cyrillic script. The taxonomic system of rent in the modern economic paradigm is developed, rental principles of development of integrated business entities in the agricultural sector of economy are generalized. It is confirmed that the strategy of rent seeking under conditions of imperfection of state and market institutions is unproductive at the micro-level and destructive at the macro-level. Its consequences are the Dutch disease, excessive misuse of funds, low rates of economic development, deindustrialization and disintegration. A productive rent seeking, on the contrary, stimulates innovations, promotes rational distribution of property and resources in economy, raising the level of people’s well-being

    The Neoindustrial Principles for the Development of Integration Relations in the Agrarian Sector of Economy

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    The article is aimed at elaborating the neoindustrial principles for the development of integration relations in the agrarian sector of economy. It has been shown that the engine of sectoral development and economic growth in the context of neoliberal globalization are the integration relations formed by the product principle and intrinsically linked to the neoindustrial transformation of the agro-industrial potential. The article explores the lack of options when choosing a national model for the sectoral development of economy: vertical integration of advanced playback, neoindustrialization, and economic security. It has been proven that the mutual relationship between the socio-economic formations and the strategies for integration interaction is organic. The replacement of the functional target setting of economic system at all levels of the hierarchy from the maximum profit to the maximum of the cumulative newly created (added) value has been substantiated. A conceptual model for the development of the agrarian sector through integration and neoindustrialization has been accomplished, as well as the principles of strategic management of the system of integration relations have been elaborated. The main forms of implementation of the integration relations with the centralized and decentralized models of neoindustrial development of the agrarian sector have been defined

    Consumer Behavior Modeling for Fitness Services Evaluation

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    The subject of the study was fitness services and interaction with consumers of its. It has been identified the main criteria for evaluating the fitness service by customers in process of decisions and selection of the fitness facilities for a visit Surveys of the youth segment of fitness consumers in Kharkiv were conducted and results were processed. The fitness clubs were studied in terms of communicative components of social media marketing to improve their interaction with customers. The research goal was the development computer model for multi-criteria evaluation of fitness centers and their work from clients point of view. As a modeling methodology, we proposed use fuzzy logic. As the instrument for implementation of the model specialized software FuzzyToolBox was chosen. Originally put forward the hypothesis about the possibility, reliability, simplicity and effectiveness of such an approach to modeling of the consumer evaluation of the fitness service, was confirmed as a result of the numerical calculations for fitness clubs in Kharkiv. The developed model can be applied to thetasks of multicriteria estimation of similar services provided to the population of different categories, such as: health-improving sports activities, outdoor activities, spa, water procedures, mass physical training, health-improving, rehabilitation gymnastics, amateur sports etc

    Ukraine’s Market of Certified Seed: Current State and Prospects for the Future

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    The production of high-quality seeds and planting material is the basis for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of crop production. The main aim of this article is to develop proposals to ensure that supply meets the demand in the seed and planting material market Ukraine. The future prospects are also discussed. The paper uses statistical and comparative analysis. The patterns of foreign trade in seeds and planting material to and from Ukraine are analyzed. The high level of import dependence of Ukraine leads to excessive exposure to instability in the world seed market. The development of seed production in Ukraine is discussed and analyzed along with the ways for improving commercial circulation of seeds and planting materials. The export volumes of grains and oilseeds in 2020 were the highest of those over the last three decades and amounted to USD 18.7 million, which is almost twice more than in 2019. Corn seeds dominate in exports (72%). The volume of imports of seeds of grains and oilseeds exceeded exports by 22 times in value and, in 2020, amounted to USD 409.4 million. In the total volume of imports, imports of sunflower seeds accounted for 53%. The upward trend of seed imports has been maintained since 2010. It was the result of increased demand for imported seeds by large- and medium-sized agricultural producers. In 2020, COVID-19 gave impetus to the development of domestic seed production and foreign breeding companies within the country. Prospective ways to accelerate the development of the organization of the Ukrainian seed and planting material market are outlined. Ukraine has prospects for increasing the export of seeds of grains and oilseeds by expanding its production by foreign companies operating in Ukraine. Solving problems of competitiveness seed production in Ukraine will make it possible to strengthen the role of domestic breeding in the seed market, as well as to use the best foreign varieties through their commercial circulation


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    The development of the agrarian sector of the economy, as well as of the entire national economy, should be based on a clear and consistent state regulatory policy. Rent is one of the most effective financial instruments for regulating the development of the agrarian sector.As a whole, rent is defined as the income of any resources (production factors) owner that is not related to business activity. Onwards, economic rent is an over-income that the owner receives from using a variety of quality resources, the supply of which is limited in the long run. From the financial point of view, rent is part of the entrepreneur’s income, his unearned income. The consequence of excessive and uncontrolled macro-level rent-seeking behavior is the so-called «Dutch disease», which causes concentration of labor and capital in the services sector, its outflow from the real economy and the simultaneous replacement with unproductive inputs.It is determined that the rent saturation of the GDP of Ukraine exceeds the world average values, that designates the national economy as a commodity one, testifies to the developmental, transitive nature of the economy, its direct dependence on the developed countries. Moreover, the dynamics of the annual indices of the physical volume of Ukraine’s GDP coincides with the dynamics of its rent withdraw, which shows the direct dependency of goods production and rent, thus defining the economic system as extensive and reindustrialized.It is proved that amid non-renewable natural resources depletion, the economy of Ukraine is losing its potential and without drastic transformations, changes in technological structure and development of vertical integration, the crisis will only deepen. The implementation of the proposed measures will contribute to the return of rental over-income to those who have a constitutional right to get it, will provide additional financial resources to fulfill local budgets, especially rural territorial communities.Развитие аграрного сектора экономики, как и всего национального хозяйства, должно базироваться на чёткой и последовательной государственной регуляторной политике. Одним из наиболее эффективных финансовых инструментов регулирования развития аграрного сектора экономики является рента.Показано, что в целом под рентой понимают доход собственника любых ресурсов (факторов производства), который не связан с предпринимательской деятельностью. Экономическая рента — суть сверхдоход, получаемый собственником от использования разнокачественных ресурсов, предложение которых ограничено в долгосрочной перспективе. С финансовой точки зрения рента является частью прибыли предпринимателя, его нетрудового дохода. Следствием чрезмерного и неконтролируемого рентоориентированного поведения на макроуровне является так называемая «голландская болезнь», которая приводит к концентрации труда и капитала в сфере услуг, его оттока из реального сектора экономики с одновременным замещением непроизводительными факторами производства.Установлено, что рентная насыщенность ВВП Украины превышает мировые значения, характеризуя национальную экономику как рентно-сырьевую, свидетельствуя о развивающемся, транзитивном характере экономики, её прямой зависимости от более развитых стран. К тому же динамика годовых индексов физического объёма ВВП Украины совпадает с динамикой её рентного наполнения, что указывает на прямую зависимость производства экономических благ и рентодобычи, следовательно характеризует экономическую систему как экстенсивную и деиндустриализованную.Доказано, что на фоне исчерпаемости невозобновляемых природных ресурсов экономика Украины теряет свой потенциал и без радикальных трансформаций, изменения технологического уклада и развития вертикальной интеграции, — кризис будет только углубляться. Реализация предложенных мероприятий будет содействовать возвращению рентного сверхдохода тем, кто имеет на него конституционное право, обеспечит дополнительные финансовые ресурсы для наполнения местных бюджетов, особенно сельских территориальных общин.Розвиток аграрного сектору економіки, як і всього національного господарства, має базуватися на чіткій і послідовній державній регуляторній політиці. Одним із найефективніших фінансових інструментів регулювання розвитку аграрного сектору економіки є рента.Показано, що в цілому під рентою розуміють дохід власника будь-яких ресурсів (факторів виробництва), що не пов’язаний із підприємницькою діяльністю. Економічна рента, своєю чергою, — це наддохід, що одержує власник від використання різноякісних ресурсів, пропозиція яких обмежена у довгостроковій перспективі. З фінансового погляду рента є частиною прибутку підприємця, його нетрудового доходу. Наслідком надмірної і неконтрольованої ренторієнтованої поведінки на макрорівні є так звана «голландська хвороба», що призводить до концентрації праці й капіталу у сфері послуг, його відпливу з реального сектору економіки і одночасним заміщенням непродуктивними факторами виробництва.Установлено, що рентна насиченість ВВП України перевищує середньосвітові значення, що характеризує національну економіку як рентно-сировинну, свідчить про розвитковий, транзитивний характер економіки, її пряму залежність від розвинутих країн. До того ж динаміка річних індексів фізичного обсягу ВВП України збігається з динамікою її рентного наповнення, що показує пряму залежність виробництва економічних благ і рентовидобування, тому характеризує економічну систему як екстенсивну й деіндустріалізовану.Доведено, що на тлі вичерпності невідновлювальних природних ресурсів економіка України втрачає свій потенціал і без радикальних трансформацій, зміни технологічного укладу й розвитку вертикальної інтеграції, криза тільки поглиблюватиметься. Реалізація запропонованих заходів сприятиме поверненню рентного наддоходу тим, хто має на нього конституційне право, забезпечить додаткові фінансові ресурсу для наповнення місцевих бюджетів, особливо сільських територіальних громад