11 research outputs found
Термінологічні номінації міжмовного зіставлення дієслівних систем
У статті проаналізовано використання термінологічних одиниць у сучасних контрастивних дослідженнях різномовних дієслівних систем. Акцентовано на перспективності та ефективності двобічного зіставлення мовних одиниць та явищ. Увагу зосереджено на змістовому наповненні таких понять, як «відповідність» та «корелятивність».
Обґрунтовано доцільність використання термінологічної номінації «відповідність» для міжмовного зіставлення дієслівної лексико-семантичної парадигматики. Подано власні міркування щодо розмежування понять «лакуна»,
«лакунарність», «лакунарний», «лакунарна одиниця», «безеквівалентна одиниця» та окреслено межі їхнього використання в контрастивному дослідженні дієслівних систем української та англійської мов.
(This paper examines the use of terminological units in modern contrastive studies of multilingual verb systems. The prospects and effectiveness of bilateral comparison of language units are outlined. The paper focuses on meaning of such concepts as «correspondence» and «correlation.» The necessity of the use of terminological nomination «correspondence» for cross-language comparison of verbs’ lexical-semantic paradigmatic is proved. The author gives her own views on the distinction between «lacuna», «lacunarity», «lacunar», «lacunar unit» and outlines the limits of their use in contrastive study
of Ukrainian and English verbs.
The effect of soil and climatic conditions on the distribution of nutrients in Actinidia arguta leaves
The patterns of the distribution of nutrients in kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq.), family Actinidiaceae (Gilg & Werderm), leaves growing under different soil and climatic conditions (Ukraine and China) were studied. Using scanning electron microscopy, significant differences were shown in the distribution of assimilates and mineral nutrients in the leaves of kiwiberry cultivated under different climate and soil conditions (Kyiv city, Ukraine and Jiamusi, China). The leaves of plants grown in China have higher concentration of all of the studied nutrients exception for silicon. The differences found in the content of macro- and microelements in plant tissues are consistent with their total content in the soil, and depend on the synthesis of low molecular weight organic compounds, namely, hydroxybenzoic, benzoic and triterpene acids. An increase in the silicon content in the leaves of kiwiberry plants grown in Ukraine indicates the moisture deficit in the soil. This conclusion is confirmed by the anatomical differences viz. the presence of additional integumentary formations and fewer stomata number per 1 mm2 of leaf surface. The specific feature of ‘Perlyna sadu’ cultivar was high concentrations of sodium and aluminum in the foliar tissues, regardless of the place of growth. The analysis of the distribution of nutrients in the leaves located along the stem showed remobilization of the former within the three layers: the lower one nourishes the roots, the upper one nourishes the leaves in the active growth phase and the middle one allocates the assimilates in both directions. A significant positive relationship was found between the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments and electrophysiological activity, especially for the leaves of the lower zone. The revealed differentiation into layers differing in polarity of bioelectric potentials and the distribution of assimilates suggests functional differentiation of the kiwiberry leaves. In particular, the leaves of the lower layer perform a storage function. The middle part is less conservative and characterized by higher sensitivity to environmental factors performs a mainly synthetic function. The upper layer performs an active growth function. The results of the comparative analysis of the indicators of the number of chloroplasts in the mesophyll cells proved that the obtained dependence can be used as a diagnostic criterion in assessing the predicted plant productivity at the early stages of their development
Physiological responses of orchids to prolonged clinorotation
Creation of plant-based bioregenerative life support systems is crucial for future long-duration space exploring missions. Microgravity is one of the major stresses affecting plant growth and development under space flight conditions. Search for higher plant genotypes resilient to microgravity as well as revealing of biological features which could be used as markers of such resilience is rather urgently needed. The objective of this study was to analyze physiological and biochemical responses of three orchid species representing different life forms (terrestrial and epiphytic), growth types (monopodial and sympodial) and pathways of CO2 fixation to long-term (24 months) clinorotation which modeled the combined effect of two stress factors: hermetic conditions and microgravity. Three years old meristematic orchids Cypripedium flavum, Angraecum eburneum, Epidendrum radicans, representing different life forms, types of branching shoot system and pathways of CO2 fixation, were used as test-plants. The microgravity was simulated using three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat equipped with two rotation axes placed at right angles (rotation frequency was 3 rpm) in controlled conditions of air temperature, illumination, air humidity and substrate moisture. The control plants were grown in the similar plastic vessels but not hermetically sealed and without clinorotating in the same environmental conditions. The vital state of the test plants was assessed using characteristics of mineral nutrition, content of photosynthetic pigments, free amino acids, soluble proteins, DNA and RNA, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The results of this study confirmed that orchids grown under simulated microgravity and kept in hermetically-sealed vessels were subjected to oxidative stress, which could be responsible for the observed inhibition of basic physiological processes such as mineral nutrition, metabolism of aminoacids, protein biosynthesis and photosynthesis. Monopodial orchids C. flavum and A. eburneum demonstrated better adaptation to prolonged clinorotation as compared to sympodial E. radicans. In particular, the latter demonstrated some stimulation of mineral nutrition processes (i.e. K, N, Fe, Mn, Zn accumulation), content of photosynthetic pigments, proline and superoxide dismutase activity. Long-lasting clinorotation induced adaptive changes of antioxidant systems in the studied orchids (e.i. increase in carotenoids and proline content and stimulation of superoxide dismutase activity), which helped to maintain the main physiological functions at stable level in the above-mentioned stressful conditions. The following biochemical characteristics in the studied orchids could be considered as markers of resilience to simulated microgravity and hermetic conditions: 1) an increase in the accumulation of non-enzymatic (proline, carotenoids) and enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase); 2) ability to maintain stable balance of mineral nutrients; 3) increase in the content of photosynthetic pigments; 4) increase in the content of proteinogenic amino acids and soluble proteins; 5) increase in the DNA content or RNA/DNA ratio. Our studies have also demonstrated a correlation between orchid ecomorphological characteristics such as type of branching with their adaptive responses to prolonged clinorotation. We observed no correlation between the studied life form of orchids, ecotype or the pathway of CO2 fixation and their resilience to prolonged clinorotation. This research can be a starting point for studying the relationships between ecomorphological features of various orchids and their resilience to microgravity conditions in the search for biological markers of microgravity tolerance in species of higher plants
Peculiarities of the distribution of assimilates in the organs of Schisandra chinensis plants under different soil and climatic conditions
Peculiarities of accumulation of nutrients in the leaves of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. and rhizosphere soil under the conditions of its continuous monoculture have been studied. Comparative analysis of the distribution of nutrients in the leaves of plants under different soil and climatic conditions revealed significant differences. It was found that plants grown on podzolic chernozem of Kolomyia State Forest Fund (Otyniia, Ukraine) were characterized by more intensive absorption of such nutrients as Ca, Si, P, Cu, Zn and Mg. The content of P, K, S, Mn was much higher in the foliar tissues of S. chinensis plants cultivated on the territory of the M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden (Kyiv, Ukraine) in the conditions of dark grey forest soil. The high ability of plants to accumulate and release Mg into the rhizosphere soil was revealed, which is fully consistent with the selective ability of plants to release mineral elements into the soil environment in accordance with their ecomorphotypes. At the same time, the amount of Ca in the rhizosphere soil decreased significantly at the end of the vegetative period, which could be explained, on the one hand, by the intensive influx of Ca into plant tissues and, on the other hand, by participation in chemical balancing processes to reduce manganese and nitrogen mobility in the soil. Barrier-free accumulation of Fe, Ca, Mg, Al elements in S. chinensis leaves was revealed, which should be taken into account when developing plant cultivation technology. The studies of allelopathy activity of vegetative and generative organs of plants and rhizosphere soil have shown that phenolic substances accumulate in small amounts in the soil under S. chinensis, which is a prerequisite for successful cultivation of this fruit vine in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine under conditions of continuous long-term cultivation. The largest amount of phenolic substances was in the upper soil horizons, which gradually decreased with depth, which is consistent with the course of redox processes for the studied soil profiles. The pool of free amino acids of S. chinensis plants growing in different soil and climatic conditions was analyzed, the concentration of amino acids in the leaves was the most indicative. Evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative distribution of free amino acids in plant tissues serves as a diagnostic sign of plant sensitivity to soil and climatic conditions
Features of the bronchial response on the beta-two agonist inhalation in patients with chronic bronchitis in dependence on activity of comorbid peptic ulcer of the duodenum
Знайдені особливості не виключають вплив запального процесу ДПК на функціональний стан бронхіального дерева у хворих на ХБ, що потребує проведення подальших досліджень
Історичні віхи становлення та напрямки розвитку науково-педагогічної діяльності кафедри хірургічної стоматології та щелепно-лицевої хірургії з пластичною та реконструктивною хірургією голови та шиї (до 50-річчя полтавського періоду кафедри)
Перший історичний період кафедри хірургічної стоматології та щелепно-лицевої хірургії з пластичною та реконструктивною хірургією голови та шиї Української медичної стоматологічної академії розпочався у місті Харкові, де з 1921 року хірургічна стоматологія викладалась на кафедрах оперативної одонтології (зав. каф. проф. Гейзенберг І.С.) та приватної хірургії голови та обличчя (зав. каф. проф. Фабрикант М.Б.) Харківського медичного інституту, з 1931 року Харківського стоматологічного інституту. У 1929 році після об’єднання двох кафедр, вона отримала назву «Кафедра хірургічної стоматології». Першим завідувачем кафедри став професор Мойсей Борисович Фабрикант (1929- 1951 р.р.); Первый исторический период кафедры хирургической стоматологии и челюстно-лицевой хирургии с пластической и реконструктивной хирургией головы и шеи Украинской медицинской стоматологической академии начался в городе Харькове, где 1921 хирургическая стоматология выкладывалась на кафедрах оперативной одонтологии (зав. каф. проф. Гейзенберг И.С.) и частной хирургии головы и лица (зав. Каф. Проф. Фабрикант М.Б.) Харьковского медицинского института, с 1931 года Харьковского стоматологического института. В 1929 году после объединения двух кафедр, она получила название «Кафедра хирургической стоматологии». Первым заведующим кафедрой стал профессор Моисей Борисович Фабрикант (192-1951 г.г.); The first historical period of the department of surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery with plastic and reconstructive surgery head and neck of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy began in Kharkiv, where with In 1921, surgical dentistry was taught at the departments of operative odontology (head of the department. prof. Heisenberg IS) and private head and face surgery (Head: Prof. Fabricant, PhD) MB) Kharkov Medical Institute, since 1931 year of Kharkov Dental Institute. IN In 1929, after the two departments were merged, she was named "Department of Surgical Dentistry". The first head of the department was Professor Moses Fabrikant (1929-1951)
Спосіб діагностики гіпертрофічних рубців шкіри голови та шиї
Спосіб діагностики гіпертрофічних рубців шкіри голови та шиї, що включає проведення макроскопічного дослідження рубцевозмінених тканин на доопераційному етапі, який відрізняється тим, що проводять кількісний та якісний цифровий кольоровий аналіз рубців, що реалізується з використанням фотоапарату фірми Sony Alpha А6500 body, за допомогою системи RGB, при цьому відбувається запис зображень на цифрову матрицю світлових багатокольорових поліхромних хвиль, які складаються з зображень пластичних хвиль з паралельним розташуванням світлових променів.; Способ диагностики гипертрофических рубцов кожи головы и шеи, включая проведение макроскопического исследования рубцевозминених тканей на дооперационном этапе, который отличается тем, что проводят количественный и качественный цифровой цветной анализ рубцов, реализуется с использованием фотоаппарата фирмы Sony Alpha А6500 body, с помощью системы RGB, при этом происходит запись изображений на цифровую матрицу световых разноцветных полихромных волн, состоящих из изображений пластических волн с параллельным расположением световых лучей.; A method of diagnosis of hypertrophic scars of the head and neck, which includes the macroscopic examination of scar tissue in the preoperative stage, which distinguishes itself by carrying out quantitative and qualitative digital color scans analysis, realized using a Sony Alpha A6500 body camera, using the RGB system, In this case, the recording of images on a digital matrix of light multi-colored polychromatic waves, which consist of images of plastic waves with a parallel arrangement of light beams
Peculiarities of Development of Physical Education in Ukraine From 1945 to 1967
У статті представлена порівняльна характеристика традиційних та інноваційних напрямів навчання, запропонованих освітянами в цілому та фізиками-методистами зокрема. Визначені для обраного історичного періоду спільні для навчання фізики та для загальної освіти напрямки навчання: традиційні (розвивальне навчання, зв’язок навчання із життям), відносно інноваційні (політехнічна спрямованість навчання). Встановлено, що напрями навчання, які є інноваційними для освіти в цілому (використання міжпредметних зв’язків, закріплення вивченого матеріалу), для методики навчання фізики є традиційними на цьому етапі.This article demonstrates comparative characteristics of traditional and innovative directions of teaching that were proposed in education and in methodology of physics. We determined for this historical period general directions of teaching education and in methodology of physics as a whole: traditional (the teaching for development, the connection of teaching with life), relative innovation (polytechnics in teaching). We found out, that directions of teaching, that were defined as innovation in education (use of cross-disciplinary links, strengthening studied material) were determined as traditional for methodology of physics for this period.
According to the research on methodology of physics selected historical period is defined as a period of development of the theory and practice of teaching physics during the recovery of the national economy. We analyzed this period within the range of influence on the formation of social, political and economic changes, which were reflected in the choice of methods of teaching physics.
In 1945 – 1967 took place developing students’ fragmented scientific picture of the world in the conditions of transition of the school to new terms of training. In this period the changes in education directly related to post-war restoration of national economy. It was defined that in this period in the organization of education process the attention of teachers-scientists was directed at interconnection and unity of the general, labour and polytechnic education and training at school; took place the systematic students mastering the skills of use of theories to explain new facts; mastering of the methods of scientific cognition.
According to the results of our studies presented in the article, for the selected historical period the traditional methods teaching of physics comprised such training directions as: managed self-development of pupils (developing teaching); connection of education with life; forming of research skills of students, strengthening studied material, the use of cross-disciplinary links. Some areas of learning, which in 1945 – 1967 were considered traditional, were respectively new in previous historical periods: the consolidation of educational material; problem solving skills; cooperation of students and teachers, development of creative abilities of students
Sympathetic uveitis in children: a case report and literature review
Background: Sympathetic ophthalmia is a rare autoimmune disease that presents as a
bilateral granulomatous uveitis following a traumatic event or, less commonly, uniocular
Purpose: To describe immunohistological and histomorphological data of a child
who developed sympathetical ophthalmia in a healthy eye after a severe penetrating
corneoscleral injury with contusion component.
Material and Methods: We present clinical observation data of a boy of 6.5 years who
developed sympathetic ophthalmia in the left eye 1.5 months after a penetrating ocular
injury caused by a tree branch resulted in a severe corneoscleral laceration in the right
Types of treatment and data of clinical, imaging (ultrasound scanning and spectraldomain
optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT)), pathohistological and immunological
studies were described and reviewed.
Conclusion: A high index of clinical suspicion and careful monitoring of the state of
not only a traumatized eye, but also the fellow eye both in the early and late period
after traumatic event are vital to ensure identification of initial signs of sympathetic
inflammation (photophobia and tearing) and taking prompt adequate measures for
the prevention of further development of sympathetic inflammation. The use of current
imaging modalities (including ultrasound scanning and especially SD-OCT of the
retina and optic nerve) enables early documentation of the initial signs of sympathetic
inflammation. Further research is warranted to develop the targeted treatment methods
that would take into account the components of the immunopathogenesi
Peculiarities in applying adhesive bridge constructions in direct replacement of small dentition defects
У статті вказується, що адгезивні мостоподібні конструкції для терапевтичного усунення малих дефектів зубних рядів мають значні переваги перед традиційними методами непрямого відновлення зубів. Автори пропонують ефективну технологію побудови адгезивного моста. Удосконалена методика побудови мостовидного протеза є простою у виконанні, крім того дозволяє отримати конструкцію, що відповідає високим естетичним і функціональним вимогам;
В статье указывается, что адгезивные мостовидные конструкции для терапевтического устранения малых дефектов зубных рядов имеют значительные преимущества перед традиционными методами непрямого восстановления зубов. Авторы предлагают эффективную технологию построения адгезивного моста. Усовершенствованная методика построения мостовидного протеза является простой в исполнении, кроме того позволяет получить конструкцию, отвечающую высоким эстетическим и функциональным требованиям;
The article has stresses that the adhesive bridge constructions used for therapeutic replacement of small dentition defects have marked advantages over traditional methods of indirect dental restorations. The authors suggest an efficient technology for constructing adhesive bridges. The improved method for constructing the bridges is an easy-to-do, and, moreover, enables to obtain a dental appliance that meets the highest aesthetic and functional demands