12 research outputs found

    Upravljanje promjenama i informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije

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    Suvremeno doba karakteriziraju stalne i brze promjene. U takvom okruženju organizacijama se nameče potreba za uvođenjem nekih promjena kako ne bi bile marginalizirane. Uvođenjem promjena organizacije nastoje održati svoju konkurentnost u stalno promjenjivoj okolini. U cilju učinkovitog uvođenja promjena organizacije traže rješenje u modelima upravljanja promjenama. Upravljanje promjenama predstavlja koncept koji se veže uz samu promjenu, subjekte koji ju provode i subjekte nad kojima se ona provodi. Bitno je naglasiti kako upravljanje promjenama nema točnu definiciju već postoji veliki broj teorija i modela te metodologija i strategija koji se bave uvođenjem promjena u organizaciju. Uvođenje promjena je nužno, ali ne i dovoljno za osiguravanje uspjeha u budućnosti. Organizacije moraju biti prilagodljive i spremne na stalne promjene i učenje jer je to jedini način da se ostane konkurentan u promjenjivoj okolini. Najutjecajnija promjena suvremenog doba pojava je informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. One su promijenile oblik poslovanja organizacija i ponudile nova rješenja u svim aspektima života. Unatoč mnogim naporima i dobroj strategiji promjene se nekada ne uspiju provesti. Često se ne može predvidjeti hoće li promjene biti uspješno provedene niti hoće li one zadovoljiti postavljene ciljeve. Manje promjene će se lakše prihvatiti dok će više truda i volje zahtijevati one promjene koje bitno utječu na ustaljene navike i procese unutar organizacije ili detaljno razrađenu strategiju i plan nekog projekta. Promjene mogu biti planirani i neplanirani događaji. U oba slučaja uvođenje promjene može imati i pozitivan i negativan ishod. Uspjeh promjene u konačnici uvijek ovisi od sposobnosti prilagodbe pojedinca koji sačinjavaju organizaciju i čitave organizacija na novu okolinu.Organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s uncertain and quickly changing environment. In a fast-moving environment organizations need to manage change with precision and more predictable results, and at a pace that is faster and more effective than other institution’s. In order to introduce changes in an enterprise and manage them effectively models of change management can be useful tool. Change is needed within an organization for it to survive competitively as a business. Nearly half of change initiatives fail. Since the reality is that change is unavoidable, organizations need to resolve how to successfully adapt and sustain change. All strategic change in organizations is delivered through programs and projects, and successful organizations lead change by managing their projects and programs effectively. Success or failure of a change initiative is not just about initiating, planning, monitoring, executing and evaluating the project that will drive the change. It also involves preparing the organization for transformation during and after its implementation. The underlying principle is that change does not happen in isolation – it impacts the whole organization (system) around it, and all the people touched by it. Changes can be planned and unplanned events. In both cases, the introduction of changes can have both positive and negative outcomes. The focus of this thesis is on the wider impact of change, particularly on people and how they, as individuals and teams, move from the current situation to the new one. The change in question could range from a simple process change, to major changes in policy or strategy needed if the organizations are to achieve their potential. Although introducing changes in organization is a necessity, it does not guarantee in the future cusses. An organization’s competitiveness and future success highly depend on its diversity and adaptability to changes

    The Distribution of HLA Alleles among Children with Atopic Asthma in Croatia

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    Allergic asthma is a multifactorial disease involving well known environmental factors and less identified genetic components. In several studies the HLA genes have been implicated in the development of asthma and atopy, but the importance of these associations remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to analyse the distribution of specificities at HLA class I loci (-A and -B) and HLA class II locus (-DRB1) in a group of 143 Croatian children with atopic asthma, regarding total serum IgE and specific IgE against common inhalant allergens, as well as their connection with different asthmatic phenotypes and to identify HLA genotype which increases the risk for atopy or asthma or which has a protective effect. As controls we used a group of 163 healthy unrelated individuals. HLA class I antigens were determined by serology, while DRB1 specificities were detected by polymerase-chain reaction amplification and hybridisation with sequence specific oligonucleotide probes method (PCR-SSOP). We found no significant correlation between any of the HLA-A antigens and asthma, atopy or associated atopic phenotypes. At HLA-B locus, HLA-B8 antigen was significantly increased among asthmatic patients (p=0.002), patients with high total serum IgE (p=0.002), as well as among patients sensitizated to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) (p=0.014) and among patients sensitizated to Der p + Dactylis glomerata (Dact g) or Ambrosia elatior (Amb a) (p=0.004). Among HLA-DRB1 specificities, HLA-DRB1*01 showed positive correlation with asthma and atopy (p=0.034), while HLA-DRB1*03 specificity was observed with significantly higher frequency among patients with total serum IgE 400 KU/L (p=0.048). HLA-DRB1*16 specificity was observed with significantly lower frequency among patients with asthma only in comparison to healthy controls (p=0.027) and to patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis (p=0.005). In conclusion, our data suggest that HLA specificities play a relevant role in predisposition to asthma, as well as in different clinical forms of atopic diseases. HLA-B8, HLA-DRB1*01 and HLA-DRB1*03 genotype increases the risk for atopic asthma and high serum IgE

    The Distribution of HLA Alleles among Children with Atopic Asthma in Croatia

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    Allergic asthma is a multifactorial disease involving well known environmental factors and less identified genetic components. In several studies the HLA genes have been implicated in the development of asthma and atopy, but the importance of these associations remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to analyse the distribution of specificities at HLA class I loci (-A and -B) and HLA class II locus (-DRB1) in a group of 143 Croatian children with atopic asthma, regarding total serum IgE and specific IgE against common inhalant allergens, as well as their connection with different asthmatic phenotypes and to identify HLA genotype which increases the risk for atopy or asthma or which has a protective effect. As controls we used a group of 163 healthy unrelated individuals. HLA class I antigens were determined by serology, while DRB1 specificities were detected by polymerase-chain reaction amplification and hybridisation with sequence specific oligonucleotide probes method (PCR-SSOP). We found no significant correlation between any of the HLA-A antigens and asthma, atopy or associated atopic phenotypes. At HLA-B locus, HLA-B8 antigen was significantly increased among asthmatic patients (p=0.002), patients with high total serum IgE (p=0.002), as well as among patients sensitizated to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) (p=0.014) and among patients sensitizated to Der p + Dactylis glomerata (Dact g) or Ambrosia elatior (Amb a) (p=0.004). Among HLA-DRB1 specificities, HLA-DRB1*01 showed positive correlation with asthma and atopy (p=0.034), while HLA-DRB1*03 specificity was observed with significantly higher frequency among patients with total serum IgE 400 KU/L (p=0.048). HLA-DRB1*16 specificity was observed with significantly lower frequency among patients with asthma only in comparison to healthy controls (p=0.027) and to patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis (p=0.005). In conclusion, our data suggest that HLA specificities play a relevant role in predisposition to asthma, as well as in different clinical forms of atopic diseases. HLA-B8, HLA-DRB1*01 and HLA-DRB1*03 genotype increases the risk for atopic asthma and high serum IgE

    Učinci istodobne primjene THC-a i irinotekana na rast tumora i biokemijske markere na singeničnom modelu raka debelog crijeva u miševa

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    Clinical treatment with the antineoplastic drug irinotecan (IRI) is often hindered by side effects that significantly reduce the quality of life of treated patients. Due to the growing public support for products with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), even though relevant scientific literature does not provide clear evidence of their high antitumour potential, some cancer patients take unregistered preparations containing up to 80 % THC. This study was conducted on a syngeneic colorectal cancer mouse model to test the efficiency and safety of concomitant treatment with IRI and THC. Male BALB/c mice subcutaneously injected with CT26 cells were receiving 60 mg/kg of IRI intraperitoneally on day 1 and 5 of treatment and/or 7 mg/kg of THC by gavage a day for 7 days. Treatment responses were evaluated based on changes in body, brain, and liver weight, tumour growth, blood cholinesterase activity, and oxidative stress parameters. Irinotecan’s systemic toxicity was evidenced by weight loss and high oxidative stress. The important finding of this study is that combining THC with IRI diminishes IRI efficiency in inhibiting tumour growth. However, further studies, focused on more subtle molecular methods in tumour tissue and analytical analysis of IRI and THC distribution in tumour-bearing mice, are needed to prove our observations.Kliničko liječenje antineoplastičnim lijekom irinotekanom (IRI) često je otežano nuspojavama koje značajno smanjuju kvalitetu života liječenih bolesnika. Zbog sve veće javne potpore proizvodima s Δ9-tetrahidrokanabinolom (THC), iako relevantna znanstvena literatura ne daje jasne dokaze o njihovu visokom antitumorskom potencijalu, oboljeli od raka uzimaju neregistrirane pripravke koji sadržavaju i do 80 % THC-a. Ova studija provedena je na modelu singeničnoga tumora debelog crijeva u miševa kako bi se testirala učinkovitost i sigurnost istodobnog tretmana irinotekanom i THC-om. Mužjaci BALB/c miševa kojima su supkutano injicirane CT26 stanice primili su 60 mg/kg IRI-ja intraperitonealno prvi i peti dan i/ili 7 mg/kg THC-a oralno svaki dan tijekom sedam dana. Učinkovitost tretmana procijenjena je na temelju promjena u težini tijela, mozga i jetre, rasta tumora, aktivnosti kolinesteraza u krvi i parametara oksidacijskoga stresa. Sistemska toksičnost irinotekana potvrđena je smanjenjem težine miševa i povećanjem parametara oksidacijskoga stresa. Značaj je rezultata ove studije u smanjenoj učinkovitosti IRI-ja u inhibiciji rasta tumora tijekom istodobnog uzimanja s THC-om. Međutim, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja usmjerena na suptilnije molekularne metode u tumorskom tkivu i analitička analiza distribucije IRI-ja i THC-a u miševa s tumorom kako bi se dokazala naša opažanja

    Upravljanje promjenama i informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije

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    Suvremeno doba karakteriziraju stalne i brze promjene. U takvom okruženju organizacijama se nameče potreba za uvođenjem nekih promjena kako ne bi bile marginalizirane. Uvođenjem promjena organizacije nastoje održati svoju konkurentnost u stalno promjenjivoj okolini. U cilju učinkovitog uvođenja promjena organizacije traže rješenje u modelima upravljanja promjenama. Upravljanje promjenama predstavlja koncept koji se veže uz samu promjenu, subjekte koji ju provode i subjekte nad kojima se ona provodi. Bitno je naglasiti kako upravljanje promjenama nema točnu definiciju već postoji veliki broj teorija i modela te metodologija i strategija koji se bave uvođenjem promjena u organizaciju. Uvođenje promjena je nužno, ali ne i dovoljno za osiguravanje uspjeha u budućnosti. Organizacije moraju biti prilagodljive i spremne na stalne promjene i učenje jer je to jedini način da se ostane konkurentan u promjenjivoj okolini. Najutjecajnija promjena suvremenog doba pojava je informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. One su promijenile oblik poslovanja organizacija i ponudile nova rješenja u svim aspektima života. Unatoč mnogim naporima i dobroj strategiji promjene se nekada ne uspiju provesti. Često se ne može predvidjeti hoće li promjene biti uspješno provedene niti hoće li one zadovoljiti postavljene ciljeve. Manje promjene će se lakše prihvatiti dok će više truda i volje zahtijevati one promjene koje bitno utječu na ustaljene navike i procese unutar organizacije ili detaljno razrađenu strategiju i plan nekog projekta. Promjene mogu biti planirani i neplanirani događaji. U oba slučaja uvođenje promjene može imati i pozitivan i negativan ishod. Uspjeh promjene u konačnici uvijek ovisi od sposobnosti prilagodbe pojedinca koji sačinjavaju organizaciju i čitave organizacija na novu okolinu.Organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in today’s uncertain and quickly changing environment. In a fast-moving environment organizations need to manage change with precision and more predictable results, and at a pace that is faster and more effective than other institution’s. In order to introduce changes in an enterprise and manage them effectively models of change management can be useful tool. Change is needed within an organization for it to survive competitively as a business. Nearly half of change initiatives fail. Since the reality is that change is unavoidable, organizations need to resolve how to successfully adapt and sustain change. All strategic change in organizations is delivered through programs and projects, and successful organizations lead change by managing their projects and programs effectively. Success or failure of a change initiative is not just about initiating, planning, monitoring, executing and evaluating the project that will drive the change. It also involves preparing the organization for transformation during and after its implementation. The underlying principle is that change does not happen in isolation – it impacts the whole organization (system) around it, and all the people touched by it. Changes can be planned and unplanned events. In both cases, the introduction of changes can have both positive and negative outcomes. The focus of this thesis is on the wider impact of change, particularly on people and how they, as individuals and teams, move from the current situation to the new one. The change in question could range from a simple process change, to major changes in policy or strategy needed if the organizations are to achieve their potential. Although introducing changes in organization is a necessity, it does not guarantee in the future cusses. An organization’s competitiveness and future success highly depend on its diversity and adaptability to changes

    Protective role of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey against cyto/genotoxic effects induced by ultraviolet B radiation in vitro

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    Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey (STH) is widely used as part of traditional medicine in the Mediterranean area, especially in the treatment of wounds, burns and infections. In this study, we investigated the cyto-/genoprotective properties of STH at cell level following short-term exposure to UVB radiation at 2 kJ/m2. Isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were selected as model cells. Phenolics in STH were determined using an ultrahigh- performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) coupled to a linear ion trap-Orbitrap hybrid mass spectrometer (LTQ Orbitrap MS), while homogentisic acid (HGA) was quantified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Primary DNA damage in PBLs treated with STH before and after irradiation was assessed by alkaline comet assay, while their viability was determined using the apoptosis/necrosis assay. The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) were determined in plasma samples. STH applied as pre-treatment at a concentration equivalent to its average daily portion efficiently counteracted the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects and diminished UVB-induced oxidative stress. Post-radiation treatment with STH was not as beneficial. Protective effects could be associated to the complex phytochemical profile of STH and the high content of HGA (306.8mg/ kg). It was confirmed that an intake of a complex mixture of bioactive constituents as STH prior to potential cyto/genotoxic insults stimulated a broad-spectrum of protective mechanisms, including intracellular antioxidative defence and DNA repair systems that helped pretreated cells to counteract harmful exposures more efficiently

    DNA Damaging Effects, Oxidative Stress Responses and Cholinesterase Activity in Blood and Brain of Wistar Rats Exposed to Δ<sup>9</sup>-Tetrahydrocannabinol

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    Currently we are faced with an ever-growing use of &#916;9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) preparations, often used as supportive therapies for various malignancies and neurological disorders. As some of illegally distributed forms of such preparations, like cannabis oils and butane hash oil, might contain over 80% of THC, their consumers can become intoxicated or experience various detrimental effects. This fact motivated us for the assessments of THC toxicity in vivo on a Wistar rat model, at a daily oral dose of 7 mg/kg which is comparable to those found in illicit preparations. The main objective of the present study was to establish the magnitude and dynamics of DNA breakage associated with THC exposure in white blood and brain cells of treated rats using the alkaline comet assay. The extent of oxidative stress after acute 24 h exposure to THC was also determined as well as changes in activities of plasma and brain cholinesterases (ChE) in THC-treated and control rats. The DNA of brain cells was more prone to breakage after THC treatment compared to DNA in white blood cells. Even though DNA damage quantified by the alkaline comet assay is subject to repair, its elevated level detected in the brain cells of THC-treated rats was reason for concern. Since neurons do not proliferate, increased levels of DNA damage present threats to these cells in terms of both viability and genome stability, while inefficient DNA repair might lead to their progressive loss. The present study contributes to existing knowledge with evidence that acute exposure to a high THC dose led to low-level DNA damage in white blood cells and brain cells of rats and induced oxidative stress in brain, but did not disturb ChE activities

    Effects of concomitant use of THC and irinotecan on tumour growth and biochemical markers in a syngeneic mouse model of colon cancer

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    Clinical treatment with the antineoplastic drug irinotecan (IRI) is often hindered by side effects that significantly reduce the quality of life of treated patients. Due to the growing public support for products with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), even though relevant scientific literature does not provide clear evidence of their high antitumour potential, some cancer patients take unregistered preparations containing up to 80 % THC. This study was conducted on a syngeneic colorectal cancer mouse model to test the efficiency and safety of concomitant treatment with IRI and THC. Male BALB/c mice subcutaneously injected with CT26 cells were receiving 60 mg/kg of IRI intraperitoneally on day 1 and 5 of treatment and/or 7 mg/kg of THC by gavage a day for 7 days. Treatment responses were evaluated based on changes in body, brain, and liver weight, tumour growth, blood cholinesterase activity, and oxidative stress parameters. Irinotecan’s systemic toxicity was evidenced by weight loss and high oxidative stress. The important finding of this study is that combining THC with IRI diminishes IRI efficiency in inhibiting tumour growth. However, further studies, focused on more subtle molecular methods in tumour tissue and analytical analysis of IRI and THC distribution in tumour-bearing mice, are needed to prove our observations

    Application of HLA Class II Polymorphism Analysis to the Study of the Population Structure of the Island of Krk, Croatia

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    The population structure of the northern Adriatic island of Krk, Croatia, was studied using PCR methodology and nonradioactive oligonucleotide hybridization for the analysis of HLA-DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5, DQA1, and DQB1 polymorphisms. Allele frequencies, genetic kinship (R), and genetic distances (E2) were computed, and correlations between distance (genetic, linguistic, geographic) and kinship (migration) matrices were examined. The results, reflecting past (micro-) evolutionary processes, indicate that ethnohistorical and sociocultural events rather than geographic distances are the primary determinants of today’s population structure of the island

    Irinotecan and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Interactions in Rat Liver: A Preliminary Evaluation Using Biochemical and Genotoxicity Markers

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    There is growing interest regarding the use of herbal preparations based on Cannabis sativa for medicinal purposes, despite the poorly understood interactions of their main constituent &Delta;9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) with conventional drugs, especially cytostatics. The objective of this pilot study was to prove whether the concomitant intake of THC impaired liver function in male Wistar rats treated with the anticancer drug irinotecan (IRI), and evaluate the toxic effects associated with this exposure. IRI was administered once intraperitoneally (at 100 mg/kg of the body weight (b.w.)), while THC was administered per os repeatedly for 1, 3, and 7 days (at 7 mg/kg b.w.). Functional liver impairments were studied using biochemical markers of liver function (aspartate aminotransferase&mdash;AST, alanine aminotransferase&mdash;ALP, alkaline phosphatase&mdash;AP, and bilirubin) in rats given a combined treatment, single IRI, single THC, and control groups. Using common oxidative stress biomarkers, along with measurement of primary DNA damage in hepatocytes, the degree of impairments caused at the cellular level was also evaluated. THC caused a time-dependent enhancement of acute toxicity in IRI-treated rats, which was confirmed by body and liver weight reduction. Although single THC affected ALP and AP levels more than single IRI, the levels of liver function markers measured after the administration of a combined treatment mostly did not significantly differ from control. Combined exposure led to increased oxidative stress responses in 3- and 7-day treatments, compared to single IRI. Single IRI caused the highest DNA damage at all timepoints. Continuous 7-day oral exposure to single THC caused an increased mean value of comet tail length compared to its shorter treatments. Concomitant intake of THC slightly affected the levels of IRI genotoxicity at all timepoints, but not in a consistent manner. Further studies are needed to prove our preliminary observations, clarify the underlying mechanisms behind IRI and THC interactions, and unambiguously confirm or reject the assumptions made herein