546 research outputs found
The Seljan Brothers – Croatian Explorers in South America. Paraguay, Chile and Brazil 2022
When I assumed the management of the Non-European Collection of the Ethnographic Museum
in 2015, the first query about the material donated by researchers Mirko and Stevo Seljan
came from Paraguay. Gustavo Glavinich, an architect of Croatian descent, inquired about the
book “El Salto del Guayra” published in Spanish and French by the Seljan brothers in 1905 in
Buenos Aires. The book follows their journey from Asunción to the Guairá Falls, located on the
border between Paraguay and Brazil, that no longer exist due to the construction of a hydroelectric
plant. Glavinich heard about it in 2000s in Asunción, when Mario Saletto and Jasna Ferluga
were there to film the series “In the Footsteps of the Seljan Brothers”. The volume provided him
with valuable information about the time when the Seljan brothers visited the area, while his
colleague from the Faculty of Architecture used several photos in a monograph on the architecture
of the Guaraní people
Role of nurses in application of ethical standards in clinical drug trials
Klinička ispitivanja je nužno provoditi prije nego li se neki lijek počne primjenjivati u širokoj
populaciji. Svako kliničko ispitivanje je pomno isplanirano, kako bi dokazalo djelotvornost lijeka, ali i
ukazalo na štetne učinke.
Kako se klinička ispitivanja provode na ljudima moraju biti u skladu sa dobrom kliničkom praksom,
koja je definirana međunarodno priznatim i prihvaćenim etičkim i znanstvenim standardima za
planiranje, provođenje i praćenje kliničkih ispitivanja.
U kliničkim ispitivanjima primjenjuju se ista etička i pravna načela koja vrijede za medicinsku praksu,
ali su puno strože kontrolirana međunarodnim i nacionalnim zakonima i propisima, a sve u svrhu
najvišeg stupnja zaštite prava i sigurnosti ispitanika gdje se sigurnost ispitanika stavlja ispred
Svaki pojedinac koji sudjeluje u kliničkom ispitivanju mora biti osposobljen, educiran, uvježban i
iskusan za obavljanje zadataka koji mu je dodijeljen u ispitivanju.
Medicinska sestra je neizostavan član tima za provođenje kliničkih ispitivanja, ali do sada nedovoljno
priznat i sa malo dokaza koji to potvrđuju.
Stoga se ovim radom želi naglasiti njihova uloga, a sudjelovanjem u kliničkim ispitivanjima osigurati
područje sestrinske skrbi. Kompetentnost medicinskih sestara u kliničkim ispitivanjima je neupitna,
ali je potrebno više dokaza kroz objavljivanje radova koji će govoriti u prilog tome.Clinical studies should be performed before a drug is to be administered to a wider population. Each
clinical trial is a carefully planned, in order to prove the effectiveness of the drug, but also to point out
its harmful effects.
As the clinical trials is conducted on humans it must be in accordance with good clinical practice,
which is defined by internationally recognized and accepted ethical and scientific standards for the
planning, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials.
The same ethical and legal principles that apply to medical practice are also valid in clinical trials.
However, these principles are stringently controlled by international and national laws and
regulations, all aimed at the highest level of protection of the rights and safety of patients, where the
safety of patients is placed in front of science.
Each individual who participates in a clinical trial should be qualified, educated, trained and
experienced in performing the tasks assigned to him/her in the study.
The nurse is an indispensable member of the team which conducts clinical trials. However, their role
was not sufficiently recognized, and there is little evidence about it.
Thus, this paper aims to emphasize their role and participation in clinical trials in order to ensure this
role in this area of nursing care. The competence of nurses in clinical trials is unquestionable, but
needs more evidence through the publication of works that will speak in favour of it
Role of nurses in application of ethical standards in clinical drug trials
Klinička ispitivanja je nužno provoditi prije nego li se neki lijek počne primjenjivati u širokoj
populaciji. Svako kliničko ispitivanje je pomno isplanirano, kako bi dokazalo djelotvornost lijeka, ali i
ukazalo na štetne učinke.
Kako se klinička ispitivanja provode na ljudima moraju biti u skladu sa dobrom kliničkom praksom,
koja je definirana međunarodno priznatim i prihvaćenim etičkim i znanstvenim standardima za
planiranje, provođenje i praćenje kliničkih ispitivanja.
U kliničkim ispitivanjima primjenjuju se ista etička i pravna načela koja vrijede za medicinsku praksu,
ali su puno strože kontrolirana međunarodnim i nacionalnim zakonima i propisima, a sve u svrhu
najvišeg stupnja zaštite prava i sigurnosti ispitanika gdje se sigurnost ispitanika stavlja ispred
Svaki pojedinac koji sudjeluje u kliničkom ispitivanju mora biti osposobljen, educiran, uvježban i
iskusan za obavljanje zadataka koji mu je dodijeljen u ispitivanju.
Medicinska sestra je neizostavan član tima za provođenje kliničkih ispitivanja, ali do sada nedovoljno
priznat i sa malo dokaza koji to potvrđuju.
Stoga se ovim radom želi naglasiti njihova uloga, a sudjelovanjem u kliničkim ispitivanjima osigurati
područje sestrinske skrbi. Kompetentnost medicinskih sestara u kliničkim ispitivanjima je neupitna,
ali je potrebno više dokaza kroz objavljivanje radova koji će govoriti u prilog tome.Clinical studies should be performed before a drug is to be administered to a wider population. Each
clinical trial is a carefully planned, in order to prove the effectiveness of the drug, but also to point out
its harmful effects.
As the clinical trials is conducted on humans it must be in accordance with good clinical practice,
which is defined by internationally recognized and accepted ethical and scientific standards for the
planning, implementation and monitoring of clinical trials.
The same ethical and legal principles that apply to medical practice are also valid in clinical trials.
However, these principles are stringently controlled by international and national laws and
regulations, all aimed at the highest level of protection of the rights and safety of patients, where the
safety of patients is placed in front of science.
Each individual who participates in a clinical trial should be qualified, educated, trained and
experienced in performing the tasks assigned to him/her in the study.
The nurse is an indispensable member of the team which conducts clinical trials. However, their role
was not sufficiently recognized, and there is little evidence about it.
Thus, this paper aims to emphasize their role and participation in clinical trials in order to ensure this
role in this area of nursing care. The competence of nurses in clinical trials is unquestionable, but
needs more evidence through the publication of works that will speak in favour of it
Mapping of spatial conflicts and creating scenarios of spatial development Branicevo district
Последњих година, имајући у виду да је друштво себи наметнуло високе циљеве, међу
којима је непрестана тежња ка одрживом развоју, које обухвата друштвено благостање,
висок квалитет животне средине, и економски просперитет, јавља се потреба за новим
приступима у просторном планирању, стога идентификација и картирање просторних
конфликата све више добија на значају. Браничевски округ, захваљујући својим природним
потенцијалима представља одличан пример простора (региона) где се преплићу различити
интереси. Идентификација и картирање конфликата захтевало је да се конфликти сагледају
кроз предео и однос између предеоних функција, јер су запарво оне те које иницијално
диктирају правце развоја којим ће се кренути. С обзиром да се ради о просторном развоју
у фокусу су биле предеоне функције које имају улогу носача (пољопривредна производња
и експлоатација минералних сировина) и рекреативни туризам који спада у информативне
функције. Геоеколошким вредновањем, кроз одређивање степена погодности предела,
спроведено је картирање изабраних предеоних функција (пољопривредне производње и
рекреативног туризма). Компарацијом вредности све три предеоне функције извршена је
квантификација односа међу њима, који може бити у већој или мањој мери конфликтан, те
су на основу добијених резулатата дефинисани нивои потенцијалне конфликтности.
Картиране предеоне функције посматране су као капацитет предела да пружи добра и
услуге, и као такве у потпуности се подударају са функцијама у просторном планирању.
Имајући у виду да су конфликти у основи друштвени феномен и да просторно планирање
у свом пољу деловања има за циљ усаглашавање супростављених интереса између
различитих друштвених група, зарад успостављања оптималног просторног развоја, од
изузетног значаја је познавање преференција и ставова локалног становништва. Анкетним
истраживањем изведено је вредновање девет предеоних вредности и четири доминантне
активности (пољопривреда, рекреативни туризам, експлоатација минералних сировина и
заштита природних и културних вредности), које би, према мишљењу испитаника,
допринеле развоју округа. Вредновање је спроведено за тринаест подручја на којима је
картиран висок и условно висок ниво потенцијалне конфликтности. Резултати добијени
геоеколошким вредновањем и квантификацијом односа између предеоних функција, као и
анкетним истраживањем, у коме су испитаници изнели своје ставове о правцима развоја,
представили су базу за дефинисање могућих развојних сценарија Браничевскг округа.In recent years, considering that society has set high goals for itself, including the constant pursuit
of sustainable development, which comprises social welfare, high quality of the environment and
economic prosperity, a need for new approaches in spatial planning has arisen, and, therefore, the
identification and mapping of spatial conflicts has become increasingly important. Branicevo
district, owing to its natural potentials, represents an excellent example of a space (region) where
different interests intertwine. The identification and mapping of potential land use conflicts
required those conflicts to be viewed through the landscape and the relationship between
landscape functions, because they are the ones which initially dictate the directions of further
development Considering that it is a matter of spatial development, the focus was mainly placed
on functions which has the carrier function role in the landscape (agricultural production and
exploitation of mineral resources) and the recreational tourism which which belongs to the
informative functions. The mapping of the selected landscape functions (agricultural production
and recreational tourism) was conducted by means of geoecological evaluation, i.e. by
determining the degree of the landscape suitability. By comparing the values of all three landscape
functions, the quantification of the relationship between them was performed, which can be more
or less conflicting, and based on the obtained results, the levels of potential conflicts were defined.
The mapped landscape functions have been observed as the capacity of the landscape to provide
goods and services, and, as such, they fully coincide with the functions in spatial planning. Bearing
in mind that conflicts are basically a social phenomenon and that spatial planning in its field of
action aims to harmonize conflicting interests among different social groups, in order to establish
optimal spatial development, it is extremely important to know the preferences and attitudes of
the local population. The survey evaluated nine landscape values and four dominant activities
(agriculture, recreational tourism, the exploitation of mineral resources and protection of natural
and cultural values), which, according to the respondents, would contribute to the development of
the district. The evaluation was conducted for thirteen areas in which a high and conditionally
high level of potential conflicts was mapped. The results obtained by geoecological evaluation
and quantification of the relationship between landscape functions, as well as by the survey, in
which the respondents presented their views on the directions of development, presented the basis
for defining possible development scenarios of Braničevo district
Braća Seljan – hrvatski istraživači u Južnoj Americi. Paragvaj, Čile i Brazil, 2022.
Kada sam 2015. godine preuzela vođenje Zbirke izvaneuropskih kultura Etnografskog muzeja,
prvi upit u vezi građe koju su donirali istraživači Mirko i Stevo Seljan stigao je iz Paragvaja.
Gustavo Glavinich, arhitekt hrvatskih korijena, molio je uvid u knjigu El salto del Guayra koju
su braća Seljan objavila 1905. godine u Buenos Airesu na španjolskom i francuskom jeziku.
Knjiga prati njihovo putovanje od Asunciona do slapova Guiara, koji su se nalazili na granici
Paragvaja i Brazila, ali više ne postoje zbog izgradnje hidroelektrane. Za nju je čuo 2000-ih kada
su u Asuncionu boravili Mario Saletto i Jasna Ferluga snimajući serijal Tragovima braće Seljan.
Knjiga mu je pružila vrijedne informacije o vremenu kada su ondje boravila braća Seljan, a
njegovom je kolegi s Arhitektonskog fakulteta nekoliko fotografija poslužilo za monografiju o
graditeljstvu naroda Guaraní
Political and Ideological Focus of Croatian Feature Films in the 1990s
the country itself. During Croatia’s struggle for survival and against aggressors attacking its borders, the film industry also had to undergo its own rebirth. The Homeland War as an artistic theme, of course, could not be avoided. Therefore, it was exploited beyond measure by filmmakers for whom the themes of patriotism ––no matter how vain, uninspired, or manipulative––brought a certain social and/or financial satisfaction. Film and politics have always been connected in Croatian cinematography and used for direct manipulation. The frequent division of directors into suitable and unsuitable was also maintained by the newly enthroned regime, only according to other criteria. The paper provides an overview of glaring examples of the political and ideological focus of Croatian feature films from the beginning to the end of the 1990s, especially regarding their contextual, thematic, and stylistic features. It is shown that the response of Croatian film art from that period to the active aggression that suppressed fundamental human rights––the right to life, freedom, and security ––was also (passive) aggressive, in the form of discrimination, intolerance, and exclusivity, which resulted mainly in the low qualitative range of Croatian filmography in that period
This paper presents the results of attempt to perform modeling of SO2concentration in urban area in vicinity of copper smelter in Bor (Serbia), using ANFIS methodological approach. The aim of obtained model was to develop a prediction tool that will be used to calculate potential SO2 concentration, above prescribed limitation, based on input parameters. As predictors, both technogenic and meteorological input parameters were considered. Accordingly, the dependence of SO2concentration was modeled as the function of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity and amount sulfur emitted from the pyrometallurgical process of sulfidic copper concentration treatment
Prozaično kao poetično: stilske karakteristike putopisa Matka Peića
Matko Peić presented his travels through Egypt, Israel, China, India, Japan, the Philippines, most of Europe and the whole of Croatia in several travelogues– Skitnje (Strolls, 1965), Jesen u Poljskoj (Autumn in Poland, 1969), Crno zlato (Black Gold, 1974), Ljubav na putu. Od Drave do Jadrana (Love on the Road. From Drava to the Adriatic, 1984) and Evropske skitnje (European Strolls, 1985) – which earned him the status of one of the best Croatian stylists. Peić’s travelogue style is characterised by a refined synthesis of empiricism, emotion and expression, with which he layers the seemingly prosaic reality of life. In the poetic approach to the latter, three dominant stylistic features can be identified: a) the so-called masculine style of writing, presented by the use of augmentatives, the recording of brutal actions, the vigour and eroticism of style, sexualised metaphors, the parallelism of instinctive impulses of the animal world and intense erotic human pleasures, and a blend of aggressiveness, irony, directness of expression and undisputed tone; b) poetics of the descriptive, which is expressed through concise picturesqueness and picturesque lapidary of expression, synesthetic evocations, musical and painterly weft of texts and baroque-rococo characteristics of writing; c) perceptive focus, i.e., the ability to present in a naturalistically faithful manner a certain reality of life revealed in characteristic details and at the same time to perceive it in its totality, as well as to discover in everything observed a possible deeper, potentially symbolic meaning of objects, beings, animals and phenomena.Matko Peić svoja je proputovanja Egiptom, Izraelom, Kinom, Indijom, Japanom, Filipinima, većim dijelom Europe i cijelom Hrvatskom izložio u nekoliko putopisnih knjiga – Skitnje (1965), Jesen u Poljskoj (1969), Crno zlato (1974), Ljubav na putu. Od Drave do Jadrana (1984) i Evropske skitnje (1985) – kojima je stekao status jednog od najvrsnijih hrvatskih stilista. Za Peićev je putopisni stil karakteristična rafinirana sinteza empirije, emocije i ekspresije, kojom uslojava naoko prozaičnu životnu zbilju. U poetičkom se pristupu potonjoj izdvajaju tri dominantna stilska obilježja: a) takozvani muški stil pisanja, kojeg prezentira uporaba augmentativa, evidentiranje brutalnih postupaka, krepkost i erotičnost stila, seksualizirane metafore, paralelizam instinktivnih nagona životinjskog svijeta i intenzivnih erotskih ljudskih užitaka te spoj agresivnosti, ironije, izravnosti izričaja i neprikosnovenog tona; b) poetika deskriptivnog, izražena kroz sažetu slikovitost i slikovitu lapidarnost izraza, sinestezijske evokacije, glazbenu i slikarsku potku tekstova te barokno-rokokoevske karakteristike pisanja; c) perceptivna izoštrenost, odnosno sposobnost da se naturalistički vjerno predoči određena životna zbilja otkrivena u karakterističnom detalju te da ju se istodobno sagleda u njezinom totalitetu, kao i da se u svemu zapaženom otkrije moguće dublje, potencijalno simboličko značenje predmeta, bića, životinja i pojava
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