21 research outputs found


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    Background: It has been found that in patients suffering from unipolar depression, associated depersonalization symptomatology is more intense compared to healthy controls, and also that there is a positive correlation between depression and depersonalization. According to data that may be found in the literature, there is a relatively high prevalence of depersonalization symptomatology in unipolar depressions. Our study was aimed at finding whether the presence of depersonalization was related to a specific phenomenological expression of depressive symptomatology in unipolar depression. Subjects and methods: The study included 84 subjects suffering from unipolar depression without psychotic features. Based on the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS) score, the subjects were divided into two groups – a group with associated depersonalization (CDS≥70) (40 subjects) and a group with subsyndromal depersonalization (CDS<70) (44 subjects), the later one being treated as a control group. The groups were compared in regard to the intensity of depressive symptomatology, depressive symptoms frequency and the depressive symptoms duration. The General Socio-Demographic Questionnaire, the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale and The Patient Health Questionnaire – 9 were used. Results: The depressive patients with depersonalization had predominantly severe episodes, almost all patients had feelings of sadness, insomnia, and decrease of energetic potentials. The biggest difference between the groups, in terms of greater number of manifest symptoms in the patients with depersonalization, was for psychomotor disturbances (agitation or retardation), insomnia, decrease of energetic potentials and concentration. At the same time, 75% of the subjects with associated depersonalization had anhedonia, sadness/dysphoria, insomnia and decrease of energetic potentials continuously present. Unlike this group, the control group subjects experienced sadness, appetite problems, concentration and motor behavior changes almost half as frequently. Particularly significant were the differences regarding suicidal thoughts. It was shown that in the group with depersonalization there was a higher percentage of patients with suicidal thoughts, mostly continuously present, which represent a significant suicidal risk factor. Conclusion: Unipolar depression, associated with depersonalization is more severe in its intensity .It has a bigger number of manifest symptoms which have a tendency to continuous duration. A special focus is on the negative impact on the occurrence and lasting presence of suicidal thoughts


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    Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a very complex medical, social and economic problem. Long duration and variability of symptoms can be frustrating for patients and lead to various psychological and behavioral changes, which can be expressed as an over-powering fear of movement and lead to avoidance behavior. The aim of this study was to highlight  the importance of individually designed exercises (IDE) and cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) in the treatment of patients with CLBP who have signs of fear-avoidance behavior and kinesiophobia. One hundred and thirty patients were included in a prospective randomized study. Group 1 (G1; n = 35) had a combined IDE and CBT program. Group 2 (G2; n = 35) had IDE, without CBT. Group 3 (G3; n = 30) had standard group exercises for CLBP. Group 4 (G4; n = 30) was a control, patients did not have IDE or CBT. Waddel's Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) and Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK), were used for monitoring and evaluation. Patients completed them at the beginning, at the end of the therapy, and also after 3 months. After therapy and three months later, a statistically significant reduction in symptoms in G1 and G2 was recorded, with better results in G1: FABQph = 4.77±3.83/5.51±4.02; FABQw = 2.31±3.69/2.94±4.19; TSK = 5.63±4.56/5.69 ± 4.55. (p <0.001). The combination of IDE and CBT is an effective therapy for CLBP patients with fear avoidance behaviour and kinesiophobia

    Tritrophic associations of Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) in Serbia

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    One hundred and eighty-six tritrophic parasitoid-aphid plant associations were established between Lysiphlebus fabarum and 64 aphids with 148 different plant species from the territory of Serbia. We identified 18 aphid genera of which the genus Aphis was represented by 38 species. The most frequent interactions between the parasitoid and the hosts were the ones of Aphis fabae, A. craccivora and A. ruborum on various plants comprising one third of the total trophic interactions listed here


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    Nine aphid species (Hemiptera: Aphididae), mainly found in the southeastern part of the country, were determined as new records for Serbia. They belong to three subfamilies: Aphis passeriniana (Del Guercio, 1900); A. podagrariae Schrank, 1801; A. salviae Walker, 1852; Brachyunguis tamaricis (Lichtenstein, 1885); Smiela fusca Mordvilko, 1948; Staticobium limonii Contarini, 1847 and Uroleucon pseudobscurum (Hille Ris Lambers, 1967) from the subfamily Aphidinae; Drepanosiphum oregonensis Granovsky, 1939 from the subfamily Drepanosiphinae and Pterocomma jacksoni Theobald, 1921 from the subfamily Pterocommatinae. With the inclusion of these nine records, a total of 383 aphids have been found so far in Serbia. This represents about 70% of the species of the total aphid fauna expected to be found on plants in Serbia. All species are of Palearctic distribution and seem to be monoecious

    Raznovrsnost biljnih vaši (Homoptera: Aphididae) u jugoistočnoj Srbiji

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    Aphids represent one of the most significant pest species in agroecosystems. In this study we investigated aphid diversity in Southeastern Serbia. We recorded 132 species, mostly infesting host plants from the families Asteraceae and Rosaceae. The most diverse genus was Aphis Linnaeus with 34 species. Within this genus, the most frequently sampled species was A. fabae Scopoli. Genera Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachycaudus van der Goot and Dysaphis Börner were also represented by a large number of species.Biljne vaši predstavljaju jednu od najznačajnijih grupa štetočina u agroekosistemima. U ovoj studiji istraživali smo raznovrsnost biljnih vaši u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Zabeležili smo 132 vrste, koje uglavnom zaražavaju biljke domaćine iz porodice Asteraceae i Rosaceae. Najraznovrsniji rod je Aphis Linnaeus sa 34 vrste. U ovom rodu, najčešće uzorkovana vrsta je A. fabae Scopoli. Rodovi Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachicaudus van der Goot i Disaphis Borner takođe su predstavljeni velikim brojem vrsta

    Lysiphlebus orientalis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new invasive aphid parasitoid in Europe - evidence from molecular markers

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    We report the occurrence of Lysiphlebus orientalis in Serbia, an aphid parasitoid from the Far East that is new to Europe and has the potential to become invasive. Our finding based on morphological characters is confirmed by analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequences. An increase in number and an expansion of the host range were observed during field studies over the past two years, and it is determined that the current host range encompasses nine aphid hosts on 12 different host plants, forming 13 tri-trophic associations. A host range determined for European populations of L. orientalis appears wider compared with that in its Far Eastern native habitats where Aphis glycines Mats. is the sole known host. Moreover, it overlaps considerably with the host ranges of European parasitoids that play an important role in the natural control of pest aphid


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    The water lily aphid is a cosmopolitan species that feeds on various plants. Its primary hosts are Prunus species from which they migrate to their secondary hosts – aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. So far, in Serbia, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae is recorded to attack only three plant species as secondary hosts. In our study, conducted in September 2020, we have researched the association of water lily aphid with secondary hosts in wetland habitats. A total of 44 samples were collected from 16 localities. In addition to the plant species previously reported, in this study 11 secondary hosts are documented for the first time in Serbia. The most common trophic association of R. nymphaeae was with Salvinia natans which was registered in 13 localities. There is a high possibility of finding new records of secondary hosts, therefore, more research is needed to complete the information about the water lily aphid and its hosts in Serbia

    Vrste roda Aphidius nees (hymenoptera, braconidae, aphidiinae) u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori - tritrofičke zajednice i ključ

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    In the present paper we review 26 Aphidius species from 162 tritrophic associations in Serbia and Montenegro. Aphidius species were reared from over 64 aphid hosts. A key for the identification of species is provided.U radu je dat pregled 26 vrsta roda Aphidius sa 162 različite trofičke zajednice u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori dobijene gajenjem preko 64 afidna domaćina. Dat je i originalni ključ za identifikaciju vrsta roda Aphidius

    Hypermethylation of p15 Gene in Diffuse - Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Association with Less Aggressiveness of the Disease

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    In this study, methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction was used to investigate the potential prognostic significance of the methylation status of p15, p16, MGMT, and DAPK genes in 51 specimens of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Hypermethylation of p15 gene was significantly more prevalent in patients without relapse (p = 0.001) and there was a trend toward more frequent presence of p15 methylation in patients without death outcome within 5-year follow-up period (p = 0.086) Also, there was a trend toward accumulation of p15 methylation with favorable clinicopathological parameters including: age 60 years (p = 0.091), normal levels of lactate dehydrogenase (p = 0.090), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status LT 2 (p = 0.095), and low/intermediate low International Prognostic Index (p = 0.076). In the female group and group of the patients without bulky tumor mass, treated with chemotherapeutic regimens including rituximab, methylation of p15 was significantly related to longer overall survival (p = 0.036 and 0.027, respectively). Our results suggest that promoter methylation of p15 gene could have prognostic value in DLBCL patients treated with rituximab when used in combination with gender and tumor size