143 research outputs found

    Some heat features of local climate zones in the city of Zagreb

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    Urbana klimatologija brzo je rastuće polje znanosti, a analize klima gradova daju najkvalitetnije dokaze o ljudskim aktivnostima koji utječu na klimu. Bitno je poznavati klime gradova kao mjesta okupljanja velikog broja stanovnika na maloj površini. Na primjeru Zagreba proučavana su toplinska i morfološka obilježja devet odabranih mjernih postaja DHMZ-a i mreže Pljuska. Analizirane su temperature u 7, 14 i 21 sat u petogodišnjem razdoblju od 2013. do 2017. Temeljem analize mjerne postaje su pridružene odgovarajućim tipovima lokalnih klimatskih zona.Urban climatology is a growing field of science, and cities climate analysis are giving the best proofs about human activities which impact the climate. It is important to research climates of the cities as an areas with a large number of people on a small surface. On example of Zagreb, heat and morfological features were observed on nine selected measurment sites of CMHS and Pljusak network. Temperatures at 7, 14 and 21 o`clock were analysed in a five year time from 2013. until 2017. According to the analysis, measurment sites were joined to corresponding types of local climate zones

    Aspects of EFL Learners' Self-Concept Related to Language Aptitude

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    The aim of this research was to investigate secondary school students‟ self-concepts in the foreign languages context, with the main focus on FL aptitude. Specifically, the aim of the research was to analyse to what extent students believe that they possess an innate „talent‟ for acquiring languages, and how they perceive themselves as language learners. Furthermore, the goal was to investigate the relationship between the beliefs of teachers and students about FL aptitude. In other words, the goal was to find out if there would be any differences between the way students perceive their FL aptitude and the way their teachers do. The study was conducted on nine secondary school students and two teachers. The data was collected using a questionnaire administered to the students. It consisted of three sections. The first focused on students‟ early childhood and personal information. The second section was conceived to investigate student‟s self-concept of primary and secondary school success, while the third concentrated on extra-curricular activities. Furthermore, the teachers‟ questionnaire served as an instrument for obtaining data about students‟ success in the particular subject and their attitude in the classroom. The results showed that there were differences between self-concepts of high-level-, intermediate-level- and low-level-proficiency students, as well as their beliefs about FL aptitude. In fact, high-level- and intermediate-level-proficiency students had more positive language learner self-concepts than low-level-proficiency students did. Also, high-level- and intermediate-level-proficiency students believed that they possessed FL aptitude when it comes to acquiring English language, whereas low-level-proficiency students did not share such belief about themselves. As for teachers, their answers overlapped with those obtained from students: high-level- and intermediate-level-proficiency students believed they were talented in acquiring foreign languages, while low-level-proficiency students claimed they did not possess FL aptitude

    Software evolution and maintenance

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    Softver je širok pojam za jedinstveno shvaćanje njegova korištenja, funkcija i ostalih povezanih činjenica. Kod održavanja softvera, mora se voditi računa o pravovremenom ažuriranju, odnosno držanju koraka s korisničkim zahtjevima, promjenama poslovnog okruženja, napretka hardvera i slično. To se naziva održavanje ili evolucija softvera. Kada se malo bolje pogleda, softver je zaista složena komponenta kojoj se mora „posvetiti“ pažnje, jer ukoliko ne funkcionira, određeni posao se ne može obaviti. Zato se mora na vrijeme uočiti mogući problemi kako rad ne bi stao, odnosno, bitno je voditi računa o arhitekturi sustava, izdanju softvera kao i njegovom razvoju, također o propadanju softvera kao i procesima koje prate zahtjeve i planiranje te razumijevanje softvera koje vodi do održavanja njegove vrijednosti tokom njegovog životnog procesa.Software is a broad term for a unique understanding of it is use, function, and other related facts. When we speak of software maintenance, account needs to be taken of timely updating, in essence, maintaining user-friendliest steps, business environment changes, hardware progress, etc. That is called software maintenance or evolution. When you look a bit better, software is really a complex component that needs to be „devoted to “, because if it does not work, a certain job cannot be done. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the possible problems in the time to come, that is important to keep in the mind the system architecture, the software release and it is development, as well as software degradation as well as processes that follow the requirements, planning and understanding of the software that leads to maintaining it is value for his life process

    Automatizirano upravljanje elektrohidrauličkim robotskim manipulatorom

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    Elektrohidraulički robotski manipulator (EHROM) predstavlja složen, multivarijabilni sustav s tri stupnja slobode gibanja i hidraulički aktuiranom prihvatnicom, namijenjen manipulaciji predmeta velikih masa do 200 kg. Tri stupnja slobode gibanja čine rotacija postolja, rotacija dijela ruke s translacijskim članom te sama translacija ruke manipulatora, koji su također hidraulički aktuirani. Cilj ovog rada je izraditi upravljački sustav koji će omogućiti pamćenje željenih točaka manipulatora te provođenje automatiziranog gibanja prema njima. Provedena je analiza mjernih komponenti stupnjeva slobode gibanja kojima je manipulator opremljen te je predložen i realiziran način akvizicije vrijednosti senzora. Izrađena je aplikacija za tablet uređaj koja omogućuje bežično upravljanje manipulatorom, memoriranje željenih točaka i njihovih postavki te provođenje automatskog gibanja i praćenje dijagrama stanja senzora. Nadalje, osmišljen je nelinearni regulator primjenjiv za sva tri stupnja slobode gibanja te su provedene simulacije odziva sustava. Na kraju su predstavljeni eksperimentalni rezultati automatiziranog upravljanja sustavom s predloženim regulatorom

    The role of the smart meters in the smart grids

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je objasniti ulogu pametnih brojila u naprednim elektroenergetskim mreţama i objasniti prednosti pametnog brojila nad tradicionalnim brojilom. Prikazati koje mogućnosti nudi pametno brojilo i na koji način funkcionira. U završnom radu sam objasnio vaţnost razvoja elektroenergetske mreţe, istraţio načelo rada i mogućnosti pametnog brojila. Cilj mi je bio dočarati kako bi trebala izgledati elektroenergetska mreţa u budućnosti, ukazati na mane tradicionalne mreţe i potaknuti svijest o zaštiti okoliša. TakoĎer i istraţiti i dokazati vaţnost pametnog brojila u mreţi budućnosti – naprednoj mreţiThe aim of this final paper is to explain the role of smart meters in advanced power grids and to explain the benefits of a smart meter over the traditional meters. And to show what features a smart meter offers and how it works. In the final paper I explained the importance of the development of the power grid, explored the principle of operation and the ability of a smart meter. My aim was to show how the power grid would look like in the future, to point to the drawbacks of the traditional grid and to encourage environmental awareness. Also to explore and demonstrate the importance of smart meters in the future grid - the smart grid