25 research outputs found

    Roboti za razminiranje ā€“ zahtjevi i ograničenja

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    One of the most urgently needed applications for mobile robots is demining. Using robots in a minefield is accomplished with severe demands for mobility in an environment covered with dense vegetation and containing various obstacles. Furthermore, it is required that robot should cover the whole area with the detector, avoiding previously detected mines. Different configurations of demining robots are analyzed regarding control and navigation, size and locomotion.Razminiranje je jedno od najvažnijih potencijalnih područja primjene mobilnih robota. KoriÅ”tenje robota u minskom polju povezano je sa strogim zahtjevima na pokretljivost u okoliÅ”u prekrivenom gustom vegetacijom koji sadrži različite prepreke. Povrh toga, robot mora omogućiti pregled cijelog područja detektorom, izbjegavajući prethodno otkrivene mine. U radu su analizirane različite strukture robota za razminiranje s obzirom na upravljanje, navigaciju, veličinu i način kretanja

    Optimizing braking energy flow through charging status surface expansion

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    Energy savings in electric railway transportation is essential due to the ever-rising energy cost and endeavour to reduce climate change impact. A valuable method to increase energy efficiency is to recuperate and consenquently utilize the regenerative braking energy of electric railway vehicles. The system that stores and reuses the braking energy is called a regenerative braking system, consisting of an energy storage system (ESS), a birdirectional power converter, and a control system, which includes an algorithm controlling the braking energy flow. A properly designed algorithm increases energy efficiency, lessens the stress on the power grid, increases the lifetime of the energy storage system, and enables a catenary-free operation of the electric railway vehicle. The algorithm is defined by combining two algorithms with opposite features ā€“ maximum energy savings and minimal number of cycles. The algorithm is then synthesized from those two criteria using an optimization process and then simulated while its effect on energy savings and grid stability is analyzed. Energy savings and a more stable grid are achieved with the use of the algorithm, which corroborates the inclusion of a regenerative braking system in electric railway vehicles

    Optimizing physical protection system using domain experienced exploration method

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    Assessing physical protection system efficiency is mostly done manually by security experts due to the complexity of the assessment process and lack of tools. Computer aided numerical vulnerability analysis has been developed to quantitatively assess physical protection systems. A variety of methods have been proposed to optimize physical protection systems, where one of the most advanced approaches entails precisely defining which security components should be selected and where they should be placed at protected facilities, taking into consideration adversary type, to maximize the probability that an adversary will be stopped at minimum system cost. The most computationally intensive part of the optimization process is the evaluation. The evaluation involves recreating search space and finding optimal adversaryā€™s attack paths from each entry point. We present the domain experienced exploration method that optimizes evaluation process during the search for optimum solutions, considering results from previous evaluations. Performed experiments show that using the presented method, in real-world domains, results in a reduction of evaluation iterations

    Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment for the Republic of Croatia

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    S ciljem dobivanja procjene ugroženosti u radu su provedene prostorne i statističke analize temeljene na sposobnostima javnih vatrogasnih postrojbi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Dobiven je prikaz procjene opasnosti od požara po županijama/ Gradu Zagrebu upotrebom podataka o broju požara u vremenskom nizu od dvadeset godina, prikaz procjene izloženosti po županijama/ Gradu Zagrebu upotrebom podataka o kritičnoj infrastrukturi te prikaz procjene otpornosti po županijama/ Gradu Zagrebu na temelju zona pokrivanja vatrogasnih postrojbi unutar standardnog vremena za intervenciju od petnaest minuta. Rezultati istraživanja, dobiveni statističkim i prostornim analizama, imaju viÅ”estruku korist te mogu poslužiti kao osnova za buduća planiranja novih javnih vatrogasnih postrojbi, kao i za razvoj sustava vatrogastva s ciljem zaÅ”tite stanovniÅ”tva, materijalnih i kulturnih dobara.Through a spatial and statistical analysis, the paper aims to assess vulnerability based on the service capabilities of public fire brigades in the Republic of Croatia. An assessment of fire hazard impacts was developed based on historical fire data over a twenty-year period for the counties and City of Zagreb, an assessment of exposure based on critical infrastructure data for the counties and City of Zagreb, and an assessment of resilience based on the coverage zones of fire brigades within the standard intervention time (15 min) for the counties and City of Zagreb. The results of the research have various potential applications and can be used as a basis for the future planning and development of the fire protection system to serve and protect people, material and cultural goods


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    Celer korjenaÅ” je u nas nedovoljno zastupljeno povrće iako mu je primjena viÅ”estruka u svježoj potroÅ”nji i za preradu, a koristi se zadebljali korijen i liŔće. Istraživanja kapaciteta rodnosti kultivara i načina sadnje dala su elemente tehnologije za uvođenje ove kulture u proizvodnju u Vranskom bazenu. U dvogodiÅ”njem dvofaktorijalnom pokusu na lokaciji Jankolovica P.D. "Vrana" ispitivana su 3 kultivara: Nemona, Volltreffer i udomaćeni stari kultivar PraÅ”ki orijaÅ”. Presadnice proizvedene u zaÅ”tićenom prostoru u preÅ”anim blokovima (5x5x5 cm) posađene su uz dva razmaka redova: 60 x 20 i 50 x 20 cm i tri razmaka u trakama: 60 + 30 x 20, 60 + 30 + 30 x 20 i 60 + 30 + 30 + 30 x 20 cm, Å”to je iznosilo 8.3, 10.0, 11.1, 12.5, i 13.3 biljaka/m2. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u 5 ponavljanja, a rezultati obrađeni analizom varijance. Prinos tržnog korijena (promjera većeg od 6 cm) u dvogodiÅ”njem prosjeku bio je najveći u kultivara Volltreffer 35.67, zatim Nemona 31.57, a najmanji u PraÅ”kog orijaÅ”a 25.62 t/ha. Prinos liŔća, naprotiv, bio je najveći u PraÅ”kog orijaÅ”a 23.90 zatim Volltreffera 15.45 i Nemona 9.17 t/ha. Pri sadnji u redove povećanjem broja biljaka od 8.3 na 10 biljaka/m2 odnosno smanjenjem razmaka redova od 60 na 50 cm, Å”to ne predstavlja problem u kasnijoj obradi, u sva tri kultivara prinos se tržnog korijena povećao u dvogodiÅ”njem prosjeku 28 %. Daljnjim povećanjem broja biljaka sadnjom u dvoredne, troredne i četveroredne trake povećanje prinosa nije bilo tako veliko, niti ujednačeno po kultivarima i godinama. Prinos liŔća u sva tri kultivara celera povećanjem broja biljaka viÅ”e se povećava od prinosa tržnog korijena, a u dvogodiÅ”njem prosjeku svih kultivara povećanje je bilo najviÅ”e 63 % pri sadnji u četveroredne trake. Rezultati pokusa pokazuju da kultivar Volltreffer za uzgoj u Vranskom bazenu ima prednost s obzirom na prinos tržnog korijena i zadovoljavajući prinos liŔća uz sadnju od 10 biljaka/m2.Celeriac, its globe shaped root and leaves. Is widely used as a fresh vegetable and for processing In order to introduce this crop into the Vrana area the growing methods and cultivars were investigated for two years. Young plants of the cultivars Nemona, Volltreffer and PraÅ”ki orijaÅ” were produced in a glasshouse in blocks of 5x5x5 cm. They werw planted in bands of two rows spacing of 60 x20 and 50x20 cm a 20 cm besides three band plantings 60+30, 60+30+30 and 60+30+30+30 cm and 20 cm between plants with 5 replication. That means 8.3, 10.0, 11.1, 12.5, and 13.3, plants/m2. Two years average yield of marketable root (more than 6 cm diameter) was 35.67 with cultivar Volltreffer, 31.57 Nemona and 25.62 t/ha with PraÅ”ki orijaÅ”. On the contrary, leaves yield was greatest with PraÅ”ki orijaÅ” 23.90, besides Volltreffer 15.45 and Nemona 9.17 t/ha. Increasing plant number from 8.3 to 10 per m2 with planting in 50 cm versus 60 cm rows, root yield was greater for 28 % in average for two years and 3 cultivars. Further increase of plant number/m2 in band planting was not justified in respect of root yield. With all three celeriac cultivars leaves yield is increasing with increasing plant number and in planting in 4 row band was the greatest. As a results of this experiment for Vrana area might be recomanded the cultivar Volltreffer with 10 plants/m2

    LARES ā€“ Laboratorij za sustave obnovljivih izvora energije

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    Prikazan je povijesni tijek razvoja i sadaŔnji trenutak Laboratorija za sustave obnovljivih izvora energije (LARES) na FERu. Laboratorij je nastao adresiranjem tehničkih izazova povezanih s upravljanjem pojedinačnih sustava obnovljivih izvora energije, sustava pohrane ili potroŔača, s ciljevima njihove ekonomičnosti i dugovječnosti, a danas se mahom bavi upravljanjem njihovih složeno povezanih kombinacija, na razini zgrada i infrastrukture. Glavna metodoloŔka odrednica LARESa su matematička optimizacija i prediktivno upravljanje

    Savjetovanja i priredbe

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    Savjetovanja i priredbe

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    Rak dojke najčeŔći je zloćudni tumor u žena koji se može probirom, redovitim kontrolama i zdravstvenim odgojem otkriti u ranim stadijima bolesti i uspjeÅ”no liječiti. Metode liječenja uključuju kirurgiju, kemoterapiju, radioterapiju, hormonsku terapiju i ciljanu bioloÅ”ku terapiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti, bioloÅ”kim obilježjima tumora i općem stanju bolesnice. Odluku o liječenju donosi multidisciplinarni tim. S obzirom na važnost ove bolesti, potrebno je definirati i provoditi standardizirani pristup u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju ovih bolesnica. U tekstu koji slijedi iznesene su kliničke smjernice s ciljem implementacije standardiziranih postupaka u radu s bolesnicama s rakom dojke u Republici Hrvatskoj.Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It can be diagnosed in early stage through screening, early detection and educational programs, and when diagnosed early it can be efficiently treated. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted biologic therapy, according to the stage of the disease and patient condition. Treatment decisions should be made after multidisciplinary team discussion. Due to the significance of this disease it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostic, treatment and monitoring algorithm as well. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize the procedures and criteria for diagnosis, management, treatment and monitoring of patients with breast cancer in the Republic of Croatia